report of proceedings in compliance with order... condemnation by commissioner.... Indian reservations, located on, supervision of commission.. 157 139 temporary, when highway closed for repair or construction.. Bridges - Continued: SEC. PAGE built and maintained by the county in certain counties.... 189 permit for temporary obstruction of highways during...... 53a 30 Cancellation (termination) of contracts under ch. 459, L. 1919. construction of state and county highways in certain, of the highways within, not to be included in preliminary resolu- Commissioner: neglecting to serve, appointment of another.. Commissioner of Highways. (See Department of highways.) annual report appointment chief auditor, appointment.. duties oath of office removal salary undertaking construction of railroad on state or county highway, expenditures, reports of supervisors.. patented material, when allowed to be specified. plans, specifications and estimates.. supervision and duties of commissioner of highways. 138 111 98 55 77 42 77 42 130 95 16, 17 9, 10 Construction - Continued: damages to owners of lands..... SEC. PAGE 77 42 22223 62 town highways, additional expenditures, how authorized... 111 Contracts. (See Construction, improvement and maintenance termination of, under ch. 459, L. 1919. County engineers: retention in office.. (Knight bill) . . . . . construction at joint expense of state and county.... additional width or different type of construction in additional width or different type of construction in construction or improvement, acceptance when completed.. 134 106 130 95 Indian reservations, located on, state to pay entire |