For we intend so to dispose you, as Our care and pity is so much upon you, That we remain your friend; And so adieu. Cleo. My master, and my lord! Cas. Not so: Adieu. [Exeunt CÆSAR, and his Train. Cleo. He words me, girls, he words me, that I should not Be noble to myself: but hark thee, Charmian. [Whispers CHARMIAN. Iras. Finish, good lady; the bright day is done, And we are for the dark. Hie thee again: I have spoke already, and it is provided; Char. Cleo. Behold, sir. [Exit CHARMIAN. Dol. Madam, as thereto sworn by your command, Which my love makes religion to obey, Intends his journey; and, within three days, Cleo. Dolabella, 112 I shall remain your debtor. 1 Dol. I your servant. Adieu, good queen; I must attend on Cæsar. Cleo. Farewell, and thanks. [Exit DOL.] Now, Iras, what think'st thou ? Thou, an Egyptian puppet, shall be shown And forc'd to drink their vapour. Iras. The gods forbid ! Cleo. Nay, 'tis most certain, Iras: Saucy lictors Will catch at us, like strumpets; and scald rhymers Ballad us out o'tune: the quick comedians Extemporally will stage us, and present Our Alexandrian revels; Antony Shall be brought drunken forth, and I shall see Some squeaking Cleopatra boy' my greatness I' the posture of a whore. Iras. Cleo. Nay, that is certain. O the good gods! Iras. I'll never see it; for, I am sure, my nails Are stronger than mine eyes. Cleo. Why that's the way To fool their preparation, and to conquer Their most absurd intents. Now, Charmian? Enter CHARMIAN. Show me, my women, like a queen;-Go fetch 5 Beadles. Lively, 7 Female characters were played by boys. 4 Now, noble Charmian, we'll despatch indeed : leave To play till dooms-day. Bring our crown and 'all. Wherefore's this noise ? [Exit IRAS. A Noise within. Guard. Enter one of the Guard. Here is a rural fellow, That will not be denied your highness' presence ; He brings you figs. Cleo. Let him come in. How poor an instrument [Exit Guard. May do a noble deed! he brings me liberty. Re-enter Guard, with a Clown bringing a Basket. Guard. This is the man. Cleo. Avoid, and leave him. [Erit Guard.. Hast thou the pretty worm of Nilus there, That kills and pains not ? Clown. Truly I have him: but I would not be the party that should desire you to touch him, for his biting is immortal; those, that do die of it, do seldom or never recover. Cleo. Remembers't thou any that have died on't? Clown. Very many, men and women too. I heard of one of them no longer than yesterday: a very ho 8 Job of work. 9 Inconstant. ■ Serpent. nest woman, but something given to lie; as a woman should not do, but in the way of honesty: how she died of the biting of it, what pain she felt,-Truly, she makes a very good report o'the worm: But he that will believe all that they say, shall never be saved by half that they do: But this is most fallible, the worm's an odd worm. Cleo. Get thee hence; farewell. Clown. I wish you all joy of the worm. Cleo. Farewell. [Clown sets down the Basket. Clown. You must think this, look you, that the worm will do his kind.2 Cleo. Ay, ay; farewell. Clown. Look you, the worm is not to be trusted, but in the keeping of wise people; for, indeed, there is no goodness in the worm. Cleo. Take thou no care; it shall be heeded. Clown. Very good: give it nothing, I pray you, for it is not worth the feeding. Cleo. Will it eat me? Clown. You must not think I am so simple, but I know the devil himself will not eat a woman: I know, that a woman is a dish for the gods, if the devil dress her not. But, truly, these same whoreson devils do the gods great harm in their women; for in every ten that they make, the devils mar five. Cleo. Well, get thee gone; farewell. Clown. Yes, forsooth; I wish you joy of the worm. [Exit, Act according to his nature. ) Re-enter IRAS, with a Robe, Crown, &c. Cleo. Give me my robe, put on my crown; I have Immortal longings in me: Now no more The juice of Egypt's grape shall moist this lip:Yare, yare, good Iras; quick.-Methinks, I hear Antony call; I see him rouse himself To praise my noble act; I hear him mock The luck of Cæsar, which the gods give men To excuse their after wrath: Husband, I come : Now to that name my courage prove my title ! I am fire, and air; my other elements So, -have you done? I give to baser life. Come then, and take the last warmth of my lips. [Kisses them. IRAS falls and dies. Have I the aspick in my lips? Dost fall? The stroke of death is as a lover's pinch, Which hurts, and is desir'd, Dost thou lie still? It is not worth leave-taking. Char. Dissolve, thick cloud, and rain; that I may say, The gods themselves do weep! Cleo. This proves me base : If she first meet the curled Antony, [To the Asp, which she applies to her Breast. With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate & Make haste. |