706 707 708 Special deposits--- Net balance receivable from agents and conductors_ Miscellaneous accounts receivable_ Interest and dividends receivable_. 709 Accrued accounts receivable_ 710 Working fund advances_. 735 Total, transportation property Accrued depreciation-Road and equipment---. 736 Amortization of defense projects-Road and equipment_ Total transporation property less depreciation and 737 Miscellaneous physical property $4, 223, 827 1, 990, 681 427, 904 3, 125, 738 2,913, 158 847, 609 2, 167, 161 526, 578 370, 952 4, 590, 862 29, 138 21, 213, 608 6, 671, 692 74, 840 6, 746, 532 19, 577, 559 6, 945, 803 (6,633, 284) 19, 890, 078 456, 874, 774 6, 584, 741 463, 459, 515 (142, 473, 511) (7,394, 217) 313, 591, 787 28, 039, 472 341, 631, 259 3,012, 855 291, 213 1, 266, 525 4,570, 593 394, 052, 070 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, DEC. 31, 1964 Total current liabilities (exclusive of long-term debt Long-term debt due within 1 year: 764 Equipment obligations $4,995, 549 2, 957, 852 1, 971, 376 284, 878 18, 060 200, 088 14,577, 122 196, 897 1,028, 912 2,817,257 29, 047, 991 3,711, 422 20, 933, 625 8, 000, 000 160, 286, 428 189, 220, 053 6, 258, 084 18, 096, 392 55, 273, 099 806, 649 5, 630, 796 Capital surplus: 795 Paid-in surplus__ Retained income: 798 Retained income-Unappro- Total shareholders' equity-- Total liabilities and shareholders' equity. NOTE.-Figures in parenthesis indicate debit. 53, 418, 200 51,600 156, 462, 141 1,500 (70, 456, 057) 86, 007, 584 394, 052, 070 Senator LAUSCHE. What do you mean that it has had one of the least passenger operating ratios in the country? Mr. KIRK. If you will relate operating expenses attributable to passenger revenues, in other words, divide up passenger operating expenses by passenger revenues, you get a ratio. That is the ratio I have reference to. It is one of the least in the country, which I believe belies any statement that the passenger service on the New Haven Railroad is operating inefficiently. Senator PASTORE. Mr. Kirk, you said that you reached an agreement with the Massachusetts authorities, which is of course, a very encouraging and refreshing thing. As a matter of practicality and as a matter of record, how were you able to segregate the costs that were involved with reference to that segment from the entire system? Mr. KIRK. Mr. Chairman, I would like to address myself to that problem because it is important to the trustees in their reorganization efforts. I think I would like to go back a little bit in saying that in any segregation of costs, there is room for differences of opinion. And one group will espouse one procedure and one another, and no one can say that either or both are wrong. This is a matter, I believe, of negotiation. Well, the problem is a little bit more simple in the case of the commuter service in Boston, by virtue of the fact that service is largely carried out on branch lines where the costs can be more readily determined. You do have a much more complicated problem which, in my own thinking, leads to all sorts of delays, arguments, disagreements, and so forth with respect to the balance of service. For instance, take our long-line service, a passenger leaves Boston for New York. A passenger boards that train in Providence for New York. How can that cost of each one of those passengers be properly segregated? Isn't this a problem for Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut together, rather than separately? For instance, does the cost involved in the operation of the South Station, properly apply to the passenger who boards the train at Providence by the vir tue of the fact that train had to start from Boston? Let's look at a little more complicated situation. Let's look at West End commuter service, by that I mean the commuter service in and out of Grand Central Station in New York. There we have four tracks operating. Now for the through service, with properly controlled traffic and signaling, I believe that the through service could be handled by one track but we have four. Why? Because in the rush hours in the morning we need three tracks for the commuter service and in the rush hours in the evening we need three tracks for the commuter service. Senator PASTORE. Do you have a separate engine on those others, I mean that just runs that route? Mr. KIRK. Yes, sir. What I am asking is, How is it possible to technically have everyone agree as to the proper allocation of those costs as between the through service and the commuter service? It can be done by negotiation. Senator PASTORE. That is right. In other words, it is feasible. It won't ever be precise, it won't ever be accurate to the opinion of all, but you can reach a common ground of understanding. Mr. KIRK. Right. What I am getting at here is, while you can talk about the various types and kinds of passenger service we operate, we |