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ceffion of Chrift; there being no name, whereby we can be faved from fin and wrath, but the name of Jesus only, Ezek. ii. 10. Acts iv. 12.

20. QUEST. Did God leave all mankind to perifh in the fate of fin and mifery?

ANSW. God having, out of his mere good pleasure, from all eternity, elected fome to everlafting life, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the eftate of fin and mifery, and to bring them into an eftate of falvation by a Redeemer.

Quest. 1. What became of the angels that fell by finning against God?

Anfw. God left them without remedy, in that ftate of fin and mifery into which they plunged themselves; and hath delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment, 2 Pet ii. 4. Queft. 2. When man joined with the devil in a confpiracy against God, did God treat him the fame way?

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Anfw. No: he had a purpose of grace and love towards fome of Adam's race; and therefore immediately after the fall, declares his fixed intention of affuming the human nature, in the perfon of the Son, that therein he might redeem lost man and bruise the head of the old ferpent that had ruined him, Gen. iii. 15.

Queft 3. When did God's purpose of grace and Love towards any of Adam's family, commence or begin?

Anfw. It never had a beginning; for he loved them from everlafting, Jer. xxxi. 3. Eph. i. 4. Quest. 4. Can any reason be given why God made


'choice of fallen man, rather than fallen angels, and why he chufed Some of Adam's race and not others of them?

Anfw. It is dangerous to dive into the reasons of holy and adorable fovereignty; it becomes us to acquiefce in this, that God did it out of his mere good pleasure, Eph. i. 5. Matth. xi. 25.

Queft. 5. To what happiness did God ordain his elect from among men ?

Anf. He ordained them to eternal life, Acts xiii. 48.-----As many as were ordained to eternal life, believed.

Queft. 6. Did God make choice of any to eternal life, because of their fore-feen faith and holiness? Anfw. No: becaufe faith and holiness are the fruits and effects of election, and therefore can never be the cause thereof, Eph. i. 4, 5, 6.

Queft. 7. Is Chrift the caufe of election?

Anfw. No: the free love of God fent Chrift to redeem the elect, and therefore he could not be the caufe of electing love, John iii. 16.

Queft. 8. Did not Chrift procure God's love to an elect world?

Anfw. No: the Father himself loved them, John xvi. 26, 27.

Queft. 9. If Christ is not the cause of election, why are the elect faid to be chofen in him?

Anfw. Becaufe in one and the fame decree of election, the love of God lighted both upon the head, and upon the members, confidered as in him, Eph. i. 4.

Queft. 10. By whom is it that God brings any of Adam's race unto eternal life?

Anfw. By a Redeemer, Rom. xi. 26.

Queft. 11. How are finners of mankind to be viewed in relation to a Redeemer ?

Anfw. As lawful captives, Ifa. xlix. 24.

Queft. 12. What is it to redeem the lawful cap


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Anfw. Is

Anfw. It is to pay down a fufficient ransom to offended juftice for their deliverance, and to ref cue them by mere force and power out of the hands of Satan, Ifa. xlix. 25.

Queft. 13. What ransom is laid down to offended juftice for their deliverance?

Anfw. Nothing lefs than the precious blood of Christ, or his obedience unto the Death. 1 Pet.

i. 19.

Queft. 14. What title has the Redeemer to take the captives by force out of the hands of Satan?

Anfw. The demands of law and justice being fatisfied, he has a lawful right, both by donation and purchase, to rescue his captives out of the hands of Satan by his divine power, John xvii. 2.

Queft. 15. Why did the Redeemer, in dealing with juftice, lay down a price, but in dealing with Satan, act by way of power?

Anfw. Because God being the creditor had a right to demand a price, but Satan being only the jailor, has no law-right to detain the prifoner, after the creditor is fatisfied; and yet, refufing to quit hold of his captives, the Redeemer's power must be put forth for their deliverance, Luke xi 22.

Queft. 16. Was there a covenant transaction entered into for this deliverance by price and power? Anfw. Yes, Pfalin lxxxix. 3.

Queft. 17. How is that covenant called?
Anfw. A covenant of


Queft. 18. Why called a covenant of grace

Anfw. Because it is a covenant of eternal life and falvation to finners, to be given them in a way of free grace and mercy, Jer. xxxi. 33, 34.

Queft. 19. Are not heaven and earth both concerned in this covenant?

Anf. Yes because it is a covenant of peace betwixt them, Ifa. liv. 9, 10.

Quest. 20. Who is the party contracter on heaven's fide? Anjw. It

Anfw. It is God himself, the proposer of the covenant, and the offended party, Psalm lxxxix. 3.

Queft. 21. Whether is it God effentially confidered, or as in the perfon of the Father, that is the party contracter on heaven's fide?

Anfw. God effentially confidered is the party contracter on heaven's fide, in the perfon of the Father.

Quest. 22. Who is the party contracter on man's fide?

Anfw. It is Chrift, the chofen of God, as he is called, Luke xxiii. 35.

Queft. 23. Wherein confifts the making of this


Anfw In the mutual agreement betwixt God and his chosen one.

Quest. 24. When was this covenant made? Anfw. From all eternity, or before the world began Tit. i. 2.

Queft. 25. With whom was the covenant of grace


Anfw. With Jefus Chrift the laft Adam, as he is called, Cor. xv. 45.

Queft. 26. Why is Chrift called the last Adam? Anfw. Becaufe as the first Adam was the fede ral head of all his natural offspring, in the covenant of works, fo Chrift is the last Adam, because he was the federal head of his spiritual feed in the covenant of grace: the laft covenant that ever will be made about man's eternal happiness.

Quest. 27. How was the covenant of grace made with Chrift as the fecond or laft Adam?

Anfw. The Father purpofed that a remnant of loft mankind fhould be the members of Christ's body, and gave them to him for that end; and Chrift, ftanding as fecond Adam, accepted the gift, John xvii. 6.: as alfo the Father propofed to him as the last Adam, the covenant of grace in the full

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tenor, condition, and promifes thereof, to which he confented: and thus the covenant of rich grace was concluded between them, Zech. vi. 13.

Quest. 28. How are we to conceive of the covenant of grace, in respect of order and being?

Anfw. Although the covenant of grace was the Second covenant, in refpect of order and manifeftation to the world, yet it was first in respect of being, because it was actually made with Chrift from eternity, Tit. i. 2.

Queft. 29. How do you prove, from scripture, that there was fuch a covenant made with Chrift?

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Anfw. From Ifa. xlii. 6. I will give thee for a covenant of the people and Heb. viii. 6. where Christ is called the Mediator of the better covenant and from Heb. xiii. 20. where we read of the blood of the everlasting covenant.

Queft. 30. What was the antient ufage in making of covenants?

Anfw. It was to cut a beast in twain, and to pafs between the parts of it, Jer. xxxiv. 18.

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Queft. 31. What doth this usage import, as applied to God's making a covenant with his chofen?

Anfw. It imports, that it was a covenant by facri fice, Pfalm 1. 5.

Quest. 32. What was the facrifice in this covenant ? Anfw. It was Chrift himself, the party contracter on man's fide, Heb. ix. 26.

Queft. 33. What was the fword that cut this facrifice afunder?

Anfw. It was divine juftice, Zech. xiii. 7.

Queft. 34. How is Chrift, the party contracter on man's fide, to be confidered in this covenant?

Anfw. He is to be confidered as the head and reprefentative of his fpiritual feed.

Queft. 35. How doth it appear that Chrift is the head and reprefentative of his fpiritual feed in this covenant ?

Anfw. From

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