Imagens das páginas

were nailed to their chairs. The women, now-a-days, take great liberties; we must do something to prevent them.' The company then began to talk upon two subjects, when the presence of the ladies might have been useful to them-they were gallantry and fashions; and, on both these, it is well known that the fair sex usually talk much better than


Asrasrafel becomes very tired of England, when his secretary comes to bring him news that a subject of contention has arisen, which has thrown the whole country into confusion. This is no other than the question of Catholic emancipation, which is treated by the satirist with great impartiality, and both sides blamed, as both sides deserve to be blamed. It will be seen that it was written before the recent decision had put a temporary suspension to the hopes which had been entertained that this question would be set at rest for ever. Still the views which are taken of the subject are correct in the main; and it may, perhaps, not be unprofitable to us to learn the opinions of a by-stander on a question which we are too near, and too much interested in, to see all the bearings of. Asrasrafel thinks that the intelligence of his secretary is too good to be true.

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bellion to blind the government, and to urge it to sanguinary measures. Their adversaries unite, they display their forces, and they have at their head some persons to whom moderation is a part so new, that they play it rather badly. The crowd follows them blindly, as crowds always do. Justice is, however, on their side, and they claim only what they are fully entitled to; they are right, and that is reason enough why we should oppose them. Listen to me, my friend: since we are by ourselves, I will point out to you the course which a wise and good government would pursue under such circumstances; it will serve as a contrast to that which will really be taken; and so much the better for us. Without permitting itself to be influenced by the one or by the other, it ought to respect both; this conduct is obvious, but it is difficult to follow. To do justice to a sect composed of a great part of the force of the state is not less politic than it is just and necessary. It is not surprising that men who are oppressed will unite, to shield themselves from that oppression. But it is not the government that oppresses them-it is not against the government that they have to defend themselves-but against that infamous sect of political pedlars who embroil and disturb every state for their own mercenary ends, and who have long been our only support in this fine country. Let the government weigh well this important truth. The wise and rational members of both sects are convinced of it. Let the adverse party be neutralized, but by gentle means; let them be induced to break up their confederacy; but, at the same time, let the insolence of the other party be checked. This concession obtained, let the odious yoke

'It is impossible,' he says, that, in a country so free and civilized as this of the Centaurs, there should exist factions so dreadful and so ferocious. Besides, does the government not see that the prosperity of this country is looked at with a jealous eye by all others? that they will hasten, by all the means in their .power, its dissensions and its ruin? and this they can do without disbursing a sous.' He had been meditating for some time when Dur-aux-be removed from their necks; let the Hommes returned. Well!' he said, rubbing his claws together with glee, it is as I told you, and even worse. We have nothing to do but begin. The most violent faction insults the most numerous one, and is willing to push things to the greatest extremities, that they may share the spoils. I never in my life met with more zealous friends; they are absolutely our own. They raise the cry of reVOL. I.-No. 5,

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political pedlars, who are the origin of all the evils, and who are always hunting out blood and misery, be driven from the country. The people will then enjoy, in peace, all the blessings of, a just and enlightened government.'

And is it you whom I hear talking thus?' cried the ambassador.

Yes, it is I,' replied the other devil: but I speak ironically; men

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You are right-you are right! am rejoiced! A horrible war is about to break out; we shall swim in blood, and glut ourselves with it! You are right! There are no men to be found generous enough to cry out "Stop! unhappy people! What is it you would do? Behold us, ready to save you from the abyss in which you are about to fall-to restore to you peace and happiness-to heal the deep and bleeding wounds of your ill-fated country!" No! there are none such. The executive power will be influenced by interested views. I already hear the frantic cries: the work is begun! No such noble men are to be found!'

'Yes! they are to be found!' cried a loud voice. The thunder rolled over the apartment in which the demons were, and the Genius of the Empire stood before them, holding by one hand the king of the threatened nation, and by the other the minister whose philanthropy, talents, and eloquence, have made him universally

renowned. 'Behold,' cried the Genius, such men! Avaunt, wretches! back to the darkness whence you sprung, and learn that the empire I protect is beyond the reach of your machinations. The fame of this country, and its power, shall increase by the union of its people! They shall deserve the title of Just, as they have already won that of Victorious! His two supporters raised their hands, and swore that it should be so. this moment a terrible voice, proceeding from the lowest depths of the earth, recalled, by their names, the two infernal emissaries, and said,


Your mission is ended.'-' Let us curse our destiny, then,' they shouted, for the country is saved!

The prediction has not been fulfilled; and, without adopting any more of the satirist's tone than may be necessary, we may be permitted to say that the devil himself must be in a government which could renounce the obvious course of justice and conciliation for that which is in itself unjust; and which, in its effect, carries disappointment and discontent into the bosoms of a large and valuable portion of the community.


Ir has been remarked that Ireland can claim but few profound thinkers; that, while her literary children stand conspicuous in all the departments of wit, humour, and eloquence, she has produced but few philosophers; that she can boast neither a Newton nor a Locke; and that, in fact, the vivacity and superficial nature of Irish mind is averse to laborious and abstract inquiries; the consequence of which is, inistaken notions in politics, and the other inconsiderate failings for which Paddy is remarkable. Into the truth of this last assertion I am not going to inquire; but, were those who make it called upon for proofs, I think they might reasonably adduce the fact that, while the Catholics complain of grievances, they have totally neglected to remove the cause which perpetuates their slavery; and that they seek justice from those they should arraign at the tribunal of the public. In this

conduct there is an evident want of comprehension; an impolicy bordering on fatuity, and a silliness only equalled by that of the peasant, who, instead of killing the viper, warmed it in his bosom until it stung him to death.

I remember the time when a member of the Catholic Committee was threatened with expulsion for a remote allusion to tithes, so apprehensive were that body of offending the Church; and, later still, they passed a vote of censure on Dr. Dromgoe, for delivering sentiments which were in perfect accordance with the doctrines of Catholicity. Conciliation pursued at the expense of patriotism and candour can serve no purpose but that of exposing the duplicity and folly of those who are alike deficient in courage and policy; and the result of Catholic forbearance has been such as any man of common sense might have foreseen-a retrogression

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of a measure neither openly nor fearlessly pursued.

It would appear as if the Catholic leaders of the period I allude to were guided by a kind of left-handed poficy, by which they hoped to smuggle themselves, as it were, into their birthrights, without a detection of their real principles, and hoodwink their opponents by an appearance of concession they did not intend to make. It was impossible they could have been sincere, unless we suppose them blind to the immediate interests of their country; for emancipation it self would be only useful as a means of procuring the people justice, and a relief from local and national institutions, whose existence are incompatible with the happiness and welfare of Ireland. In seeking emancipation, however, before they had exposed the nature of church monopoly, lay their great error, for nothing but extreme inexperience, and a total absence of reflection, could have induced them to believe that their claims would be granted while it was in the power of those who lived by tithes to withhold them. The Church, like the sensitive leaf, feels at every point the first contact of assailants, however gently they approach her and, while she stands the strong hold of intolerance, she has abroad her thousand bigoted conductors, who wait, in sable solemnity, to quench every flash of liberality that may chance to irradiate the

darkness that surrounds her. Her influence extends to every corner of the British empire, and while she has power she will exert it to perpetuate exclusion. Viewed apart from temporalities, I don't mean to assert that she is malum in se. God forbid! But while her ministers are supported, as they are at present, by laws which unjustly tax the Catholics, it is not in the nature of things that she could be otherwise than intolerant and persecuting; for men always feel least for those they have oppressed. Emancipation is therefore an useless pursuit until the Church is modified in a manner that will completely leave her without an apprehension in case of Catholic freedom, and which ap

prehension she never can be freed from while an iota of her income is derived from the Irish farmer.

The Catholic leaders have, from time to time, acted very absurdly in disclaiming all idea of hostility towards this church. For my part, I never thought them sincere in so doing, because I consider it impossible for the Irish Catholic to view the establishment otherwise than as a deadly blight upon the energies of his country-as a religious innovation-as a strange creed,-as a black pool, which sends forth periodical focusts to devour the tenth of his harvest. He regards it, and justly too, as the source of past evils, and present sufferings-as the harlot of the state, whom he is obliged to dress and support, notwithstanding his moral and religious antipathy. For her aggrandizement he sees that his own Church has been despoiled of her fair possessions, stripped of her honours, and pursued with hatred and contumely. He finds the legislature, for the last three hundred years, prodigal of its bounty to institutions established for the avowed purpose of kidnapping and proselyting his children to the faith of this church; whose abuses and exactions are defended by the government, and protected by the civil power.

'On either side, with ready hearts and hands,

Her chosen guard of bold believers stands, Young fire-eyed disputants, who deem their swords,

On points of faith, more eloquent than words.*

His feelings must be hostile, and the history of Ireland proves that they are so. But what gives them poignancy and force is a sense of oppression, too apparent to be doubted; and thus every thing that can act on the human mind impels him to hostility, which, if not always openly avowed, is continually evinced by discontent, complaint, or open conflict. On these occasions he frequently overlooks his own interest; and charges the Church with even more injustice than she is really guilty of.

I differ with nearly all those who *Lalla Rookh.

have given us their opinions on the income of the Irish Church; and consider it a proof of bad policy in the Catholics to make any complaint whatever respecting the affluence or non-residence of the Protestant clergy. Their misconduct could only increase the growing disrespect; and, the richer they are, the more certain they would be to prove inattentive; for where have a wealthy clergy been efficient ministers of religion?

The opponents of the tithe system have acted very inconsistently in supporting laws to compel the residence of beneficed clergy; and few measures of parliament, during the last twenty years, have proved more oppressive to the Irish peasantry.

Previous to the introduction of discussions on this subject by Sir John Newport, Mr. Hume, and others in the House of Commons, the existence of the Protestant religion was only known, in several parts of Ireland, by the demands of the tithe proctor; but within a comparatively short period a new and heavy tax has been levied. The building of churches, and erection of glebe houses, have been carried to an unnecessary extent; and though the

spires, in the estimation of the Bishop of Limerick, give the country a civi lized appearance,* in several parishes they produced any thing but civil treatment for those who collected the tax which was to pay for such rustic ornaments. Thousands and tens of thousands of pounds have been levied on the Catholic peasantry, for building churches where there was no congregation, and glebe houses where ministers had no occasion to reside, unless to give an additional proof of civilization by appearing in the proper season accoutred as sportsmen; for it must be admited that they are

• Oftener seen
With belted waist, and pointers at their

Than in the bounds of duty.'
And where is the use in telling them


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❤ Some men have taken singular appearances as indications of civilization. I once read of a traveller, who, seeing a gallows in a desert, exclaimed,‘Thank God, I'm now in a civilized country!

↑ It would appear that Iconoclasts no longer exist in the church, for the Protestants are now as partial to ornaments as ever the Papists were, as the following extract from the evidence of the Rev. Mr. Collins, P. P. of Skibbereen, will show: The island of Innisherkin is a small island, forming part of the parish of Tullah, and being off the harbour of Baltimore. The island is not in my district, but the main part of the parish is; it is separated from the main land by a distance of about a mile. The inhabitants are about a thousand, having about 200 houses. They are very poor; so much so, that when the attempt was made by the priest residing there, not long since, to levy an assessment of threepence halfpenny per house for the repair of the old chapel, which was in utter ruin (it was a mere hovel, partly covered with ragged straw, and without door or window), he failed in raising that sum, from their inability to pay it; and shortly after the churchwarden, residing on the main land, came in with his assistants, to levy a tax of 4s. 6d. in the gneeve, imposed by the church vestry, for the repayment of a sum of money, advanced by the Board of First Fruits for the building of a church on the main land, to which they were liable. The common people thought it hard and unnatural, that whereas they could not contribute any thing to shelter themselves from the wind and rain in their chapel, they should be obliged to pay a heavy tax for a church not in the island, but far from them; and particularly when they recollected that that church was built more for ornament than for use; inasmuch as a good church had previously existed in another part of the parish, which might have been kept in good repair at a moderate expense. But it was deemed more ornamental and more picturesque to transfer the site of the church to a prominent point at the opening of the harbour, where it would have a pretty effect of landscape. The church was built there, and a tax has been these five years annually levied upon the small and poor population for the building of that church, unnecessary both in the minds of Catholics and Protestants.'


assistance? Inactive, however, they no longer are. The bench of magistrates have found many of them zealous supporters of the civil power; while not a few are employed in disseminating the new light, which in time, it is apprehended, will swallow up the old one; as Aaron's rod did that of the magiConverted themselves, they have endeavoured to convert others, by the distribution of Bibles, and the opening of proselyting schools. Some wealthy patron lends his aid, and a war commences between the parish priest and the landlord: religious hatred has been thus engendered to an extent unknown even in the times when the penal laws were in full force; and Ireland, in consequence, presents at the present moment a conflict of opinion more intense and determined than any other nation in Europe. The cause I have pointed out; for I have watched its progress, and I am satisfied it originated in the laws and discussions relative to the residence of Protestant incumbents; for such is the situation of the church of Ireland, that any attempt, as the law now stands, to give every parish entitled a place of worship, must create extensive local distress, great injustice, and consequent complaint.

It is necessary, however, to bear in mind that the Protestants of Ireland, be they few or many, obviously require religious instruction and places of public worship; but it is equally obvious that the Catholics should not be compelled to pay for either.

Fortunately there exists, if the legislature and the church are not foolish or infatuated, no occasion to oppress the one, or deny the other spiritual superintendence, as a fund is already provided, fully adequate to the purpose, without encroaching on the industry or property of any sect or individual in the community.

Great misconception prevails respecting the nature of church property, and those who assert that it is taken out of the pockets of the people labour under a strange mistake. At the present day it matters little whether the original grant of tithes and church lands was wise or mischievous; enough for us to know

that such grants have been made, and that the Protestant church of Ireland is now in possession of them, having wrested them from the Catholic clergy, to whom they of right belonged. Opinions and times, however, have so changed, that, if now offered to be restored, they would not be accepted, experience having convinced the people of their mischievous tendency. With the Protes-' tant church, therefore, they are likely to remain, and it is only necessary to see whether it can hold them without injury to the community.

Church or glebe lands are let (with some slight difference) and cultivated like other lands; and surely it matters little to the farmer whether he pays his rent to a gouty bishop or a bloated lord; the one is as likely to spend his money as the other, so that it is quite immaterial whether the landlord be lay or clerical; and, if titles are examined, no doubt one of them could show equally as good a claim as the other. Respecting, therefore, that portion of the income of the church which is derived from glebe lands, the public have nothing at all to do with it; and, though the legislature could undoubtedly dispose of it, I don't see any benefit that could accrue from such a measure. Mr. Hume's proposal to limit the bishops to four would prove of no benefit to Ireland, though it might be of some service to religion. One thing, however, is wanted,- -a law to restrain members of the church from taking or enacting fines.

Tithes are the next source of income to the church: less it appears than the former, but still much more obnoxious. Were one-tenth of the earth's produce collected, certainly tithes would be a monstrous impost on industry and capital; but the truth is, this never was, nor ever could be, generally the case. By a return lately laid before parliament, it appears 417 parishes have entered into a composition for their tithes at a rate which would give something like 600,000l. for all Ireland; from which we may infer, that on an average, the church only receives onethirtieth in the place of one-tenth. Mr. Wakefield estimates the rental of Ireland at 17,228,540l.—a sum

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