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By an act of parliament, passed in the 28th year of Henry VIII. cap. 15, and subsequently confirmed by other statutes, every incumbent, on his induction, is obliged to take an oath to the following effect :-' I do solemnly swear that I will teach, or cause to be taught, an English school within the vicarage or rectory of as the law in that case requires.'

Notwithstanding this solemn obligation, there are few or no such schools as the statutes contemplate; and the clergyman, adroitly enough, avoids the legal consequences, by pay ing forty shillings per annum to his clerk, or any person that may happen to keep a school in his parish. But, in most instances, even this precaution is not taken; and we can see no cause for attaching blame to the clergy; for, what would be the use of opening a school where there existed no Protestant scholars? and all others they are prohibited from teaching. The law, and not the church, is deserving of censure.

Old Watson, the bookseller, of Capel Street, Dublin, seeing, in 1792, that there had not been quite as many proselytes from Popery as a Protestant bigot wished, originated a society for discountenancing vice, and promoting the knowledge and practice of the Christian religion,' which was incorporated by act of parliament in 1800; since which time it received annual grants, and went on doing much mischief, and enriching one, at least, of its founders.

The education of poor Paddy was next taken into consideration by some religious fanatics, who associated in London, in 1806, under the cognomination of "The London Hibernian Society; and the commissioners have candidly stated, that, after examining a pair of witnesses, Messrs. Gordon and Pringle, they are convinced proselytism is the object of this society, The Baptist Society is stated to have the same object in contemplation; and their origin and labours are unworthy of particular observation.


Society,' established in 1816; since which time it may be said to have kept the public mind in a state of unusual ferment; and, like all its predecessors, to have failed of its object. It has frequently been imputed to this society,' says the Report, that their real object is to make converts from the Roman Catholic to the Protestant religion. No fact has come to our knowledge that leads us to doubt their own repeated disclaimers of having any such intention.'t Yet, at page 56, we are told, by the same Report, that 427 of their schools were in conjunction with other societies, whose object, the commissioners say, is proselytism!!!The whole number of schools which owe the society any obligation was, in 1824, according to a very doubtful statement, 1,124; nearly one-half of which were proselyting nurseries. Now, either the society intended to make converts from the Catholic to the Protestant religion, or their conduct has been grossly negligent. We are astonished at the conclusion of the commissioners; for, even from the evidence they have given, we should have drawn a very different inference. Throughout that part of the Report devoted to this Society, there are many tacit proofs of conflict between the commissioners.

Statements of interested parties, highly injurious to the Catholic clergy, are given as facts; while, in the very next paragraph, we are told the whole was a mere hearsay. The writer, it would appear, laboured to criminate the priests, while some superintending authority cautioned him to be just. Such a supposition is necessary to explain the singular mixture of accusation and acquittal which we meet with; and, although there was not a shadow of direct evidence against a single Catholic priest, we meet in the Report, p. 57, the following observations:

We have stated instances, which we have heard, of clergymen proceeding to imprecate curses on the parents who should send their children to forbidden schools; such a practice, we hope, has been very rare. We have already stated that it is condemned, in the strongest terms, by the Roman

The next education mart is that usually called The Kildare Street Whoever wishes to see a fine specimen of absurdity need only turn to the examination of this precious pair, given in the Report. † Page 48.

Catholic prelates whom we examined on the subject.'

Why condemn by implication, when there was no proof? Why hope such a practice is very rare, when there was no evidence of such a practice at all, particularly when theCatholic prelates disclaimed it? Alas! men cannot forget their prejudices, even in the discharge of a solemn duty: and Mr. Blake had neither the talents nor the firmness to control his colleagues.

The last education project was, that of empowering the lord-lieutenant to issue sums of money from the consolidated fund, in aid of various kinds of schools. Abuse soon crept in here; and the commissioners recommend a different application of the funds.

Thus we find that some millions of public money have been grossly misapplied; and Ireland affords another instance of the folly of legislators attempting to do for individuals what individuals would have done for themselves.

National schools must be supported either by the state, or the charitable donations of private persons. If by the first, corruption and inattention are sureto make a part of the system and, if by the second, we may expect to find the pupils-such as a virtuous man would never wish to see -juvenile slaves; for, how can that natural and necessary independence that seed of every virtuous action-be more effectually subdued, than by making the school-boy a pauper? Slaves may have exalted minds, but all mendicants are the same-degraded in their own estimation, and despicable in the eyes of mankind.

Unhappily there are occasions when both individuals and the state are called upon to protect and educate the friendless; but, fortunately, instances of this nature, though individually numerous, are comparatively small, when considered with reference to the bulk of society; and the great error lies in confounding poverty with pauperism-the children of living parents with the orphan. A wholesome discrimination should be made between those who are and are not able to pay while parents, in no instance, should be compelled, by the influence of their superiors, to send their children to charity schools.

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It is, in these times, nearly as necessary to learn to read as to learn to walk; and that which is so easily acquired, and so ruinous to want, will be procured by all without any assistance from the state or associations. Wherever these needlessly step in between the parent and his duty, they commit an outrage on human nature; and, while they degrade the child, they deprive his natural protector of future love and gratitude. Besides, the parent, being released from a pleasing charge and a wholesome responsibility, is indirectly encouraged to become thoughtless and imprudent; and those who know any thing of the poor must be aware that their earnings and expenditure are generally suited to each other; so that, if excused from the payment of a few pence weekly for the education of their children, they would uniformly spend it in the gin or whisky shop.

Still we are aware that in large towns, such is the profligacy and misfortune of many, thousands of children would remain untaught, unless there existed places for giving gratuitous instruction. Under such circumstances, we are far from depreciating their utility. On the contrary, we are persuaded that their existence should not be allowed to depend on the caprice of individual bounty, but derive support at once from the legislature; and, that they might be rendered efficient, every place of public worship should have an institution attached for the education of poor children, who profess the religion taught there. Such unhappy beings peculiarly require religious superintendence; and who so likely to bestow it as their respective clergy? The benefit to be derived from educating children of different religious creeds in one school is very problematical; and, most of all, where the scholars are poor. Respecting the country parts, these schools are seldom needed. The Hedge Schools, as they are erroneously called, are open to all; and those who are unable to pay are never excluded. Perhaps the method of instruction may not be the very best in the world; yet it must be admitted that the pupils are more healthy and active; are sooner taught the rudiments of knowledge, and always make more useful members of

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society than those who are brought up in the best-regulated charity schools in Ireland. The books* read there are certainly not by Mrs. Trimmer; neither are they like those used in English academies. They do not inculcate hatred or contempt of those who profess a different religion, like many school-books, published by Sir Richard Phillips, and others, in London. We are no advocates for immoral publications; and we speak with out the fear of contradiction when we say no place in the world is freer from such books than Ireland. The advocates for Bible-reading in school should show that its absence has been attended with bad consequence; that the Irish peasantry are more immoral than the English; and that crime has diminished since the establishment of scripture-reading schools. This they cannot show; for the records of the last fifty years declare to the contrary.

The commissioners admit that these schools exist in profuse abundance; that they are literally crowded with scholars; and that the utmost harmony prevails in them between Catholics and Protestants. Why then, we may ask, seek to destroy them? or, rather, why not adopt some method of making them more efficient? Erect school-houses for qualified teachers, and authorize the Catholic clergy to have a complete control over them. Let there be an annual bonus proportionate to the number of scholars, and the poor will obtain admission gratis, while the pay of the wealthier would be sufficient to secure the master's attention to the whole.

The commissioners seem to have been aware of the principles we have laid down; for they recommend that pupils, unless when particularly exempted, should PAY for their education. The principle is a good one;

but the other parts of their project are too complicated. They propose employing two teachers, a Protestant and a Catholic; and devoting a portion of two days in each week to religious instruction, under certain regulations, which they detail. We will not say that they have any but the best of motives; but, when we recollect that the government must desire to see Catholics Protestants, that local patrons will be over-zealous, and bigots obtrusive, we are not presumptive in giving it as our opinion that the plan is defective. In fact, the Report bears ample testimony to the discordant materials which compose the Irish community; and we need only refer to what has already happened to the Kildare Street Society, as a proof of what is likely to happen to any future society, even more liberally constituted. We are aware of the difficulty of the task imposed upon the commissioners; and we are quite sure that no plan of education will ever prove efficient until the people are put in possession of their rights. Expedients will never do; and the Catholics might justly say, 'Give us emancipation, and leave us to educate ourselves.' Until the people are put upon an equality, harmony can subsist neither in schools nor public institutions; and the designs of the government, however well intended, will be frustrated. It is a wretched expedient, therefore, to assume the care of the child, while you refuse justice to the father.

The Report, though partial in some instances, and defective in others, is, notwithstanding, calculated to disabuse the English mind of many impressions unfavourable to Catholicity. It bears testimony to the universality of education in Ireland; and very distinctly declares that the education afforded in Roman Catholic free schools is the best. It disapproves

*The commissioners adopt a catalogue of Burton books, published in a former Report; among which we find Rousseau's Eloisa, Tristram Shandy, Chevalier de Faubles, and several others, which a Dublin bookseller assures us he never met, although he is in the trade these thirty years.

In one of the schools, under the exclusive charge of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, the commissioners found between five and six hundred orderly pupils. On the desk, however, lay the History of Ireland, by Miss Young, a religious lady at Cork; and, as it was an accurate statement of facts, the commissioners severely censured it. We protest against any system that goes to the concealment of truth; and, if the annals of Ireland are calculated to arouse angry feelings, who are to blame? Certainly not the impartial historian.

of the Bible being made a schoolbook, yet places a proper value on a religious education; but too much, we are convinced, on a system which would blend Catholic with Protestant. We had,' say the commissioners, in the course of our inspection, paid particular attention to three classes of Roman Catholic schools; we mean the schools of the Brothers of Christian Doctrine, the schools of the Nunst for the instruction of females, and the Roman Catholic free Lancasterian schools, generally attached to chapels. These three classes appeared to be severally capable of extension, and to admit of the possibility of forming the basis of a system of education, which might readily be made to comprehend a great majority of the Roman Catholic children.'

The obvious course pointed out here, is, however, abandoned, in con

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sequence of what they call the evils of separate education.' For our own parts, we can see no more evil in children of different persuasions going to different schools, than in their parents going to different places of worship; nor are we sure but that separate education is the best; particularly where the pupils are of the lower class. Much of the prejudice existing in Ireland,' says the author of Tales of Irish Life,' in the tale of 'Protestant Bill,' between Protestant and Catholic, is engendered in schools, because they are all unequally attended, from local circumstances and other causes; and the predominant party will always give occasion to the minor one to feel rancour and dissatisfaction.'

When the Appendix is published, we shall return to this important subject.

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Let ERIN remember the days of old,

Ere her faithless sons betrayed her.'-MOORE.

BRIGHT flourishing through many an age
Of tempest's shock and battle's rage,
Gem of the West, alone you stood,
Bound by the desert and the flood!
Clasped by Atlantic's giant water,
Peerless you stood, his loveliest daughter;
Brightest-though faded is that lustre-
Of all the sparkling gems that cluster
In the world's diadem-alone,

First brilliant of that glittering zone.
Green sea-girt isle of war and glory-
Land of love, and song, and story-
Whither do all thy glories fade,
Like phantoms, in the twilight shade?
For now, alas! what lives of thee?
Gone is thy soul-thy liberty!
Thy glory, race, thy language, lost-

All these but phantoms, and thyself a ghost!

[blocks in formation]

In thirty schools attached to thirty nunneries in different parts of Ireland, the com missioners found 6,310 female scholars. The nuns are the teachers,' say the commissioners, and devote themselves to the duty of instruction with the most unwearied assiduity and attention. We were much impressed with the appearance of affection and respect, on the part of the pupils towards their teachers, which characterizes these institutions in a remarkable degree.' Yet these are the schools which they say are unworthy of extension, for fear of the evils of separate education!

A patriot tribe from Sidon's* shore
Three gallant vessels westward bore.
Long had they fought for liberty
Against abhorred slavery.

Cold lay their kinsmen on the plain;
These, sad survivors of the slain,
Trusting the seas, desert their land,
Expectant of some happier strand.
A hundred years they wandered round
The western world's remotest bound,
'Till Baal's brightest ray from high
Played o'er the isle of destiny:'

And brightly it beamed from the glittering throne,
For the land that it lighted was Liberty's own!

And long they grew, and flourished fair,
For Justice mild sojourned there;
We mourn alone the bended knee
Bowed at thy shrine, Idolatry!

Yet was their faith most pure and bright;
They worshipped fire-the eternal light;
They bowed before the rolling Sun,
With whom the universe begun :
Author of life-the glorious sire
Of each young plant, whose tendrils spire
Up to their parent in the sky-
Whose burning kisses downward fly,
Borne on a sunbeam's golden wing,
Herald of life-bright usher of the Spring!
But say, oh! say, what mortal hand,
When discord rends the hapless land,
Can stem the tide or bar the flood
Of hatred, treachery, and blood?
When rival rulers fierce disdain

To right their feuds at Justice' fane,
But, swept by jealous rage afar,

Beyond the hate of common war,

Tear up their country, rend its inmost core,

And foemen fight where kinsmen dwelt before!
Thus didst thou fall, thou land of woe,

Thus was thy freedom stricken low;
Prostrate thou art, as first thou fell-
That black day heard thy funeral knell,
When curses rose o'er Dermot's head,
Thick as the treach'rous bands he led;
And, did not dark avengeful ire,
And thwarted villany, conspire
Against the green sod, whose wayward fate
Nursed such a royal reprobate,

Nor Henry's force, nor Pembroke's wile,
Had e'er set foot on the Emerald Isle !'


So says O'Connor, in his Chronicles of Eri; the incredulous reader must at least

allow the tradition to be not unpoetical.

+ Dermot M Murrah, King of Leinster.

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