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all species of sectarian bigotry. Such a man, at a time of national agitation, was likely to attract, and be attracted; and, accordingly, we find him, soon after the formation of the volunteers, a decided favourite with the people.

If Catholicity, as we are told, be favourable to despotism, how comes it that in Ireland-a land where despotism had grown plethoric-it has uniformly produced a spirit of resistance to bad laws and arbitrary power? Protestantism had there, at least, preached the doctrine of passive obedience; and, what's more, practised what it taught. The nation slept beneath an iron code, imposed by foreign domination, until the Catholic helots of the soil aroused her from her prostrate attitude, by the clanking of their chains. To their early efforts, and not, as has been generally supposed, to the volunteers, we are indebted for the growth of those liberal principles which, during the latter part of the last century, sprung up in such luxuriance throughout Ireland. O'Connor and Curry had vindicated Catholicity long before the American Revolt or the French Revolution; and, though much must be ascribed to these great events, let it never be forgotten that the principles of freedom had been previously promulgated in Catholic statements of grievances, remonstrances, and petitions. These were the instruments which first conveyed liberal opinions into Ireland. The bigots became alarmed; but more enlightened Protestants started, on discovering that they had for a century been acces sary to injustice and tyranny. This must have been the case. How else can we account for the sudden appearance of liberality in a kingdom then groaning under the penal laws? In less than ten years after the Catholics had made their first appeal, their cause became almost universally popular. The volunteers were nearly unanimous in reprobation of the Popery Laws; and all those who contemplated a national independence commenced their career by advocating Emancipation.

Among those who proved themselves at this period sincerely attached to the cause of Ireland, the subject

of our memoir stood conspicuous. His character, his fortune, and his undoubted courage, placed him above suspicion; and, whatever might have been ascribed to enthusiasm, nothing could possibly be attributed to unworthy motives. In 1792, we find Mr. Rowan a member of the club of United Irishmen--a society which then sought only a reform of parliament.

'I must do the society,' says the unfortunate Theobald Wolfe Tone, the justice to say, that I believe there never existed a political body which included for its members a greater portion of sincere uncorrupted patriotism, as well as a very respectable portion of talents. Their publications, mostly written by Dr. Drennan, and many of them admirably well done, began to draw the public attention, especially as they were evidently the production of a society utterly disclaiming all party views or motives, and acting on a broad original scale, not sparing those who called themselves patriots more than those who were the habitual slaves of the government→→→ a system in which I heartily concurred, having long entertained a more sincere contempt for what is called the Opposition, than for the common prostitutes of the treasury bench, who want, at least, the vice of hypocrisy. At length the Solicitor-general, in speaking of the Society, having made use of expressions in the House of Commons extremely offensive, an explanation was demanded of him by Simon Butler, chairman, and Tandy, secretary. Butler was satisfied; Tandy was not; and after several messages, which it is not my affair to detail, the Solicitor-general at length complained to the House of a breach of privilege, and Tandy was ordered in the first instance into custody. He was, in consequence, arrested by a messenger, from whom he found means to escape; and immediately a proclamation was issued, offering a reward for retaking him. The Society now was in difficult situation, and I thought myself called upon to make an effort, at all hazards to myself, to prevent its falling, by improper timidity, in the public opinion. We were, in fact, committed

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with the House of Commons on the question of privilege; and, having fairly engaged in the contest, it was impossible to recede without a total forfeiture of character. Under these circumstances, I cast my eyes on Archibald Hamilton Rowan, a distinguished member of the Society, whose many virtues, public and private, had set his name above the reach of even the malevolence of party; whose situation in life was of the most respectable rank (if rank be indeed respectable); and, above all, whose personal courage was not to be shaken-a circumstance, in the actual situation of affairs, of the last importance. To Rowan, therefore, I applied. I showed him that the current of public opinion was rather setting against us in the business, and that it was necessary that some of us should step forward and expose themselves at all risks, to show the House of Commons, and the nation at large, that we were not to be intimidated or put down so easily; and I offered, if he would take the chair, that I would, with the Society's permission, act as secretary, and that we would give our signatures to such publications as circumstances might render necessary. Rowan instantly agreed; and accordingly, on the next night of meeting, he was chosen chairman and I secretary in the absence of Tandy; and the Society having agreed to the resolutions proposed, which were worded in a manner very offensive to the dignity of the House of Commons, and, in fact, amounted to a challenge of their authority, we inserted them in all the newspapers, and printed 5,000 copies with our names affixed. The least that Rowan and I expected in consequence of this step, (which under the circumstances was, I must say, rather a bold one,) was to be committed to Newgate for a breach of privilege; and, perhaps, exposed to personal discussion with some of the members of the House of Commons; for he proposed, and I agreed, that if any disrespectful language was applied to either of us in any debate which might arise on the business, we would attack the person, whoever he might be, immediately,

and oblige him either to recant his words or give battle. All our determinations, however, came to nothing. The House of Commons, either content with their victory over Tandy, who was obliged to conceal himself for some time, or not thinking Rowan and myself objects sufficiently important to attract their notice; or, perhaps, (which I rather believe,) not wishing just then to em. broil themselves with a man of Rowan's firmness and courage, not to speak of his great and justly merited popularity, took no notice whatsoever of our resolutions; and in this manner he and I had the good fortune, or, if I may say, the merit, to rescue the Society from a situation of considerable difficulty, without any actual suffering, though certainly with some personal hazard, on our parts. We had, likewise, the satisfaction to see the Society, instead of losing ground, rise rapidly in the public opinion by their firmness on the occasion. Shortly after, on the last day of the session, Tandy appeared in public, and was taken into custody, the whole Society attending in a body to the House of Commons. He was ordered by the Speaker to be committed to Newgate, whither he was conveyed, the Society attending him as before; and the Parliament being prorogued in half an hour after, he was liberated immediately, and escorted in triumph to his own house. On this occasion Rowan and I attended, of course, and were in the gallery of the House of Commons. As we were not sure but we might be attacked ourselves, we took pains to place ourselves in a conspicuous situation, and to wear our Whig-club uniforms, which were rather gaudy, in order to signify to all whom it might concern, that there we were. A good many of the members, we observed, remarked us, but no farther notice was taken; our names were never mentioned; the whole business passed over quietly, and I resigned my pro-secretaryship, being the only office I ever held in the Society, into the hands of Tandy, who resumed his functions.'

On Tandy's quitting Ireland, Mr. Rowan became secretary to the so

the window into the back yard, and in the stable found a horse ready saddled. Disguising himself in a peasant's great coat he proceeded to the residence of his attorney, Mr. Dowling, who was in the secret of his design; unfortunately, that gentleman's house was filled with guests, and by his advice Mr. Rowan proceeded to the top of Sackville-street, opposite the Rotunda, where he continued to walk up and down, in the most anxious state of suspense, for an hour and a half. At length his friend appeared, and after a short conference Mr. Rowan proceeded to the house of Mr. Sweetman, near Baldoyle, where he continued for a few days. Desirous of being further from danger, he embarked in the pleasure-boat of his friend; and, after having been obliged to put back the next day to Howtht, he at length succeeded in reaching the coast of France; a thick fog having enabled him to pass unobserved through the British Channel fleet.

ciety; and, having affixed his name to various addresses, he had an exofficio filed against him for a libel. His trial came on in the Court of King's Bench, Dublin, on the 29th of January, 1794, before the Judges Clonmell, Boyd, and Downs. The result is well known*; Mr. Rowan was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, and fined 5001. While in Newgate a government spy found his way into his presence; and, having insinuated himself into his confidence, of course betrayed him. On the 28th of April he discovered the extent of his danger; and instantly decided on evading it. Three days afterwards, he had the address to prevail on the gaoler to accompany him, at night, to his house; and, under pretence of having a few words to say in private to Mrs. Rowan, he obtained permission to retire into the back drawing-room. At the gaoler's request the folding-door was left open, and Mr. Rowan lost no time in availing himself of the advantage so opportunely afforded. His excellent lady had contrived the means of escape by a rope he descended from * Curran was Mr. Rowan's counsel; his speech on this occasion is supposed to have surpassed his former efforts. The following passage is certainly without a paralle! in either ancient or modern oratory :

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Mr. Rowan for some time took up his abode in Paris; but, in one of the political convulsions which were then

'Do you think it wise or humane, at this moment, to insult them (the Catholics) by sticking up in the pillory the man who dared to stand forth as their advocate? I put it to your oaths; do you think that a blessing of that kind, that a victory obtained by justice over bigotry and oppression, should have a stigma cast upon it by an igno minious sentence upon men bold and honest enough to propose that measure?-to propose the redeeming of religion from the abuses of the church, the reclaiming of three millions of men from bondage, and giving liberty to all who had a right to demand it?-Giving, I say, in the so-much censured words of this paper-giving Universal Emancipation?'

“I speak in the spirit of the British law, which makes liberty commensurate with, and inseparable from, British soil; which proclaims even to the stranger and the sojourner, the moment he sets his foot upon British earth, that the ground on which he treads is holy, and consecrated by the genius of universal emancipation. No matter in what language his doom may have been pronounced-no matter what complexion, incompatible with freedom, an Indian or an African sun may have burnt upon him-no matter in what disastrous battle his liberty may have been cloven down-no matter with what solemnities he may have been devoted upon the altar of slavery-the first moment he touches the sacred soil of Britain, the altar and the god sink together in the dust; his soul walks abroad in her own majesty; his body swells beyond the measure of his chains that burst from around him; and he stands redeemed, regenerated, and disenthralled, by the irresistible genius of Universal Emancipation."

Mr. Sheil has related the following anecdote :- They put to sea at night; but, a gale of wind coming on, they were compelled to put back, and take shelter under the lee of the Hill of Howth. While at anchor there, on the following morning, a small revenue-cruiser, sailing by, threw into the boat copies of the proclamations that had issued, offering 2,0001. for the apprehension of Hamilton Rowan. The weather having moderated, the boat pushed out to sea again. They had reached the mid-channel, when a situation occurred almost equalling in dramatic interest the celebrated "Cæsarem vehis" of antiquity. It would certainly make a fine subject for a picture.

rapidly taking place, he was obliged to fly. At this time he escaped by rowing himself down the Seine, in a wherry, and answered the challenges of the military placed on each side with so much address, that he was allowed to pass unmolested. From France he went to America, and resided on the banks of the Delaware. By the advice of some friends, in the hope of lessening the anxieties of exile, he was induced to embark in a cotton concern; but,knowing nothing of commerce, he soon abandoned all manufacturing pursuits. At length, political convulsions having subsided in Ireland, Mr. Rowan, after an absence of several years, was restored by an act of royal clemency to his home, where he has since lived sur rounded by domestic love. The Amor Patria, however, is not yet dead within him; when the late Catholic Association erected an altar to Liberty, Hamilton Rowan approached it with his offering, and, though his character was assailed for doing so, like gold in the furnace, it has shone brighter and purer from the ordeal it has recently gone through.

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'It is not now,' says the subject of our memoir, in a letter addressed to his children, my intention to vindicate the express act which caused my then exiled situation. I was sensible that I had been concerned in a transaction, for which the law of my country would have separated me from the world; and though I found a strong self-justification in my being conscious, that if I had erred, it had been in concert with some of the most virtuous and patriotic characters in Ireland; yet I felt a degree of gratitude to the existing powers of the country from which I had fled, for the protection which my family experienced, after my escape from prison.

your mother's prudent conduct during my absence, not only enabled her to pay the fine of 5001. which had been laid on me, but also facilitated my return to Ireland.

I am convinced that no modification of my civil existence would have taken place, if Lord Castlereagh had opposed it. But I am bound in gratitude to the memory of Lord Clare to say, that I am equally certain that my family retained my property, after my outlawry; and that I owe my pardon, after his decease, to his previous interference in my behalf.

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However, although he did not afford me any previous assistance, Lord Castlereagh was very attentive to my different applications to him during two years nearly that I remained in London, while the scruples of the Lord Chancellor delayed the ratification of my pardon.

In that interval he offered to place one of my sons in the College of Marlow, and give him a commission in the East India Company's service. These were attentions, which, though not accepted, ought not to be forgotten."

Mr. Hamilton Rowan is now in his seventy-fifth year. Age has not yet impaired any of his faculties; and his noble countenance indicates what he has been-a man of a truly energetic mind, firm and decided. Lavater, would have doated on his portrait; for it is a correct index of an open, sincere, and manly, disposition. The accompanying engraving is a most correct likeness.

If Mr. Hamilton Rowan's political life has been without reproach, his private life defies calumny, His manners are of the most amiable and fascinating kind; and the best proof that can be adduced of the respect in which he is held by all classes is to be found in the burst of indignation which followed the attack lately made on him by some members of the House of Commons.

As to the ex-officio prosecution under which I had been previously sentenced to two years' imprisonment in Newgate, the being in custody already eventually saved my life; and As the boat careered along before a favourable wind, the exiled Irishman perceived the boatmen grouped apart, perusing one of the proclamations, and, by their significant looks and gestures, discovering that they had recognised the identity of their passenger with the printed description, "Your conjectures are right, my lads," said Rowan; "my life is in your hands-but you are Irishmen." They flung the proclamation overboard, and the boat continued her course.'





MY DEAR SIR,I am sorry to find that you have not followed the advice I so kindly gave you, when I last dined with you in Dublin. In spite of my remonstrance-of my entreaty -you have once more taken flight on the wings. Not satisfied with vindicating your own motives and conduct, you became an advocate of two abominable measures, long since condemned by the unanimous voice of the Irish people. You might have collected this from various and cautious resolutions passed at county meetings; and you ought to have inferred that your popularity was suspected, from the votes of confidence which have been passed. In your letter to the Catholics of Louth, I traced the lawyer through every sentence. You were supporting a cause which your conscience condemned; and hence the disingenuity which peeps through your artful web of sophistry. Neither your premises nor. your conclusions were logical; and, on examining parliamentary documents, I find that most of your facts are erroneous. But it is idle to talk now of these wings. Every mansave aristocratic mercenaries-is convinced that they were fraught with mischief. Dr. England's admirable letters have settled the question respecting the forty shilling freeholders; and your own motion in the Association, relative to the suffering Catholics in the Netherlands, is a pretty good comment on the plan for pensioning our venerable clergy. On this question you have stated some queer things, under the solemn obligation of an oath; but, as it was undoubtedly a rash one, I hereby absolve you from the consequences. Should any thing in future occur respecting the golden wing, pray keep the Catholics of the Netherlands in recollection. Like us, they are the subjects of a Protestant government; and, though John Black, and other intellectual newspaper editors, tell us wonderful things about the toleration of reformed creeds, the history of Europe, unfortunately, contains very

different information. They must, therefore, undergo another reformation before sincere Catholics can permit their clergy to receive annual bribes from their hands.

You know my manner of speaking my mind freely; and, therefore, will excuse this open disapproval of part of your conduct. You can do this the more readily, because you do me great injustice if you suppose that, on the earth, you have a more sincere friend than Rory O'Rourke. I am, also, your admirer. Many things about you I am far-very far-from liking; but still there is a something in Daniel O'Connell which an Irishman, in spite of himself, must love. Our poor country and her cause are your debtors and never more so than at the present moment. Assailed on all sides by dubious friends and open enemies, you have disdained to flinch from your station. Attacked by Cobbett and Lawless, you stand forward the friend of the SIX MILLIONS; and will, I have no doubt, continue firm until their just claims are granted. This deserves something more than mere praise-it merits gratitude; and I, for one, own myself your debtor.


'Tis true you are not the most profound of philosophers. On many points you may, with advantage, acquire additional knowledge; and, perhaps, on the whole, you might be more useful if you had been better informed. But at present you are decidedly the fittest man in the world to support the cause of Ireland. Indeed you seem to have been providentially sent into the world at a time when such talents as yours were peculiarly wanted. Of modesty you have quite enough; had you more, you never could withstand the artillery of a base press; had you less, it is agreed on all hands that you would be insufferable. As it is, a happy medium is embraced; and you look like one of those beautiful statues, where the drapery, without concealing the beauties, hides what should never be revealed.

We have heard much respecting the qualification of many of our countrymen for leading in popular assem

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