by the injunctions of Henry the Eighth, and refers, as his authority, to Foxe's Acts and Monuments, ed. 1562, p. 574. Herbert, in a note, questions the fact, and raises a doubt as to the existence of the passage in Foxe, since it is not in the edition of 1641. I have, however, the first edition now before me of 1563 (not 1562), and at p. 574., among "the names of certen bokes whiche after this injunction [namely, of 1539], or some other in the said kinges dayes were prohybited," occurs, "Item, the doore of holy scripture, made by Jhon. Gowghe." 2. This work was again printed by Crowley in 1550, 12mo., under a different title, namely, The Pathway to Perfect Knowledge; and, in a preface, he falsely ascribes it to John Wycliffe, and adds, "the original whereof is in an olde English Bible, betwixt the Olde Testament and the Newe, which Bible remaineth now in the Kyng his Maiesties chamber." This Bible appears to be the identical manuscript copy of the later Wycliffite version of the Scriptures, now preserved in the University Library, Cambridge, and marked Mm2. 15. A copy of Crowley's edition is in the British Museum, but the orthography and language of the tract are modernised. B. M., Dec. 19. TURNER'S MS. HISTORY OF WESTMINSTER CIFIX OF EDWARD THE CONFESSOR. F. M. CRU On April 6. 1708, Mr. Henry Turner was elected, by the vestry, organist of St. Margaret's, Westminster, in the room of the famous "Father Smith" (Bernard Schmidt). As regards his musical capabilities, Hawkins does not assign him a niche in his Temple of Worthies, although he names some of his predecessors and successors in that office. One merit we must accord him, that of true antiquarian love and zeal in all matters regarding "this renowned city." "Great materials are said to have been collected for a full description (of Westminster), by a parish-clerk of St. Margaret's. I presume this is Henry Turner, mentioned in Widmore's Account of the Writers of the History of Westminster Abbey..... His book was only a survey of the city of Westminster, purposely omitting the history of the (collegiate) church." - Gough, Brit. Top. vol. i. p. 761. Lond. 1780. "The man's natural parts were very good; he was also very diligent in making inquiries relating to his subject, and he had collected a great deal." Widmore's Acc. of Writers of the Hist. of Westm. Abbey, pp. 6, 7. Lond. 1751. As regards his personal history, I alighted on some curious notes on a fly-leaf of a transcript of a register: "Henry Turner, borne at Yearely, Derbyshire, 12. July, 1679: married Eliz. Sabin, of S. Clement Danes, in St. Margrts. Westm. Feb. 26. 1701. by Dr. Onley." In 1679 it was discovered that some valuable MS. records belonging to the parish, and taken out of the Tower of London, had been lost by their keeper. This history in its time appears to have suffered the same fate. However, there is this entry in the Harleian MSS. 7045. fol. 361. "From the learned Dr. Kennet, Dean of Peterborough's Collection. MSS. MS. H. On Aug. 2. 1708, at Windsor, I read over the History of the Parish of St. Margaret's, Westminster, drawn up in MS. by one of the parish clerks." Some inte resting extracts follow. Compare Aysc. Add. MSS Brit. Mus. 4163. fol. 5. Bishop Kennet resided in St. James's Street, in this parish, and died there on Dec. 19. 1728. I have applied in vain for any account of this MS. to the librarians of Windsor Castle and Eton College. Can any of your readers give a clue to its re covery? Are any aware that this survey, which would be valuable now, still exists? There is instance, as early as the fifteenth century, of union of the offices of lay-clerk and organist St. Margaret's, in the person of one Metyng and H. Turner also held them at the same ta since, on July 28th, 1713, he was elected para clerk by the vestry, in "consideration of the perience they had of his fitness and diligence executing the office of deputy-clerk of this parist for several years last past;" and he did not resign the place of organist until 2nd October, 1718. May I make another Query? - The gold chain and crucifix, laid in the grave of K. Edward the Confessor, were removed by Charles Taylor, and given into the hands of King James II. On the reverse of the same cross was pictured a Bene dictine monk, in his habit, and on each side of him these capital Roman letters, On the right limb thus: (A) Z. A. X A and on the left thus Antiq. of St. Peter's, vol. ii. App. n. iij, Ed. 1722 What does this inscription mean? Is the for mer portion to be understood "A. Ω. Ζωή ἁγίων Χριστός?" What is the import of the latter? MACKENZIE WALCOTT, M.A. THE TALISMAN OF CHARLEMAGNE. Many years back, "Prince" Louis Napoleon was stated to be in possession of the talisman of Charlemagne; - " a small nut, in a gold filigree envelopment, found round the neck of that mo narch on the opening of his tomb, and given by the town of Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) to Buonaparte, and by him to his favourite Hortense, cide vant Queen of Holland, at whose death it descended to her son," the present President of the French Republic. er. The Germans have a curious legend connected with this talisman. It was framed by some of the magi in the train of the ambassadors of Aaroun-alRaschid to the mighty Emperor of the West, at the instance of his spouse Fastrada, with the virtue that her husband should be always fascinated towards the person or thing on which it was. The constant love of Charles to this his spouse was the consequence; but, as it was not taken from her finger after death, the affection of the emperor was continued unchanging to the corpse, which he would on no account allow to be interred, even when it became offensive. His confessor, having some knowledge of the occult sciences, at last drew off the amulet from the inanimate body, which was then permitted to be buried; but he retained possession of it himself, and thence became Charles's chief favourite and prime minister, till he had been promoted to the highest ecclesiastical dignity, as Archbishop of Mainz and Chancellor of the I. Empire. At this pitch of power, whether he thought he could rise no higher, or scruples of conscience were awakened by the hierarchical vows, he would hold the heathen charm no longer, ecl E es and he threw it into a lake not far from his metropolitan seat, where the town of Ingethüm now stands. The regard and affection of the monarch were immediately diverted from the monk, and all men, to the country surrounding the lake; and he determined on building there a magnificent palace for his constant residence, and robbed all the ancient royal and imperial residences, even to the distance of Ravenna, in Italy, to adorn it. Here he subsequently resided and died: but it seems the charm had a passive as well as an active power; his throes of death were long and violent; and though dissolution seemed every moment impending, still he lingered in ceaseless agony, till the Archbishop, who was called to his bed-side to administer the last sacred rites, perceiving the cause, caused the lake to be dragged, and, silently restoring the talisman to the person of the dying monarch, his struggling soul parted quietly away. The grave was opened by the third Otto in 997, and possibly the town of Aachen may have been thought the proper depository of the powerful drug, to be by them surrendered to one who was believed by many, as he believed himself to be, a second Charlemagne. E : ピン So much for the introduction to the following Queries:-1. Can any of your readers say whether this amulet is still in possession of the President of the French Republic? 2. If so, might not the believers in the doctrines of Sympathy attribute the votes of the six millions who, in Dec. 1848, voted in favour of his election, to the sympathetic influence of his "nut in gold filigree," and be justified in looking upon those who voted for his rivals as no true Franks? It was originally concocted for a Frankish monarch of pure blood, and may be supposed to exercise its potency only on those of genuine descent and untainted lineage. WILLIAM BELL, Phil. Dr. DICK SHORE - ISLE OF DOGS - KATHERINE PEGG. I entirely concur in the opinion of your able correspondent, Mr. P. Cunningham, that Pepys's Diary is well deserving all the illustrative light which may be reflected upon it from your useful pages. In submitting the following Query, however, my object is to glean a scrap of information on a point connected with the neglected topography of the east end of London, taking Pepys for my text. In the Diary, the entry for January 15th, 1660-61, contains this passage: "We took barge and went to Blackwall, and viewed the Dock and the new west Dock which is newly made there, and a brave new merchantman which is to be launched shortly, and they say to be called the Royal Oake. Hence we walked to Dick Shoare, and thence to the Towre, and so home." - Vol. i p. 178. new Ed. I shall be glad to learn from any of your readers what part of the northern bank of the river, between Blackwall and the Tower, was called Dick Shore. It is not marked on any of the old maps of London I have been able to consult; but it was probably beyond the most easterly point generally shown within their limits. The modern maps present no trace of the locality in question. The dock-yard visited by Pepys was long one of the most considerable private ship-building establishments in England. For many years it was conducted by Mr. Perry, and subsequently, under the firm of Wigrams and Green, the property having been purchased by the late Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. The extensive premises are still applied to the same use; but they have been divided to form two distinct yards, conducted by separate firms. The origin of the name (Isle of Dogs), given to the marshy tract of land lying within the bold curve of the Thames between Blackwall and Lime house, is still undetermined. The common story is, that it received its name from the king's hounds having been kept there during the residence of the royal family at Greenwich. This tradition is wholly unsupported; nor is it very probable that the king's hounds would be kennelled in this ungenial and inconvenient place, while they could be kept on the Kentish side of the river, in the vicinity of Greenwich Castle, then occupying the site of the present Observatory. The denominations "isle" and "island" appear to have been bestowed on many places not geographically entitled to them. The Isle of Dogs, before the construction of the canal which now crosses its isthmus, was in fact a peninsula. Pepys 1 spent a night in the "Isle of Doggs," as appears by his entry for July 24th, 1665, and again, on the 31st of the same month, he was compelled to wait in the "unlucky Isle of Doggs, in a chill place, the morning cool and wind fresh, above two if not three hours, to his great discontent." To the account of Katherine Pegg, given by your correspondents, pp. 90, 91, may be added, that, besides Charles Fitz-Charles, Earl of Plymouth, she had, by Charles II., a daughter, who died in her infancy. Mrs. Pegg was one of the three wives of Sir Edward Greene, of Sampford (not Samford), near Thaxted, Essex, created a baronet 26th July, 1660 (within two months of the Restoration), to whom she seems to have been not unfitly matched; for it is recorded of him that, "by his extravagancy and love of gambling, he entirely ruined his estate, and his large inheritance passed from his family." He had issue two daughters, who married. See Burke's Extinct Baronetage. I do not think that Katherine Pegg, whose son by the King was born in 1657, was "the pretty woman newly come called Pegg," saluted by Pepys, 7th May, 1668, as Mr. Cunningham surmises. J. T. HAMMACK. December. MINOR QUERIES. The Strand Maypole." E. F. R." inquires what was the ultimate fate of the "tall Maypole" which "once o'erlooked the Strand"? It was taken down about the year 1717, when it was found to measure a hundred feet. It was obtained by Sir Isaac Newton, and borne on a carriage, for timber, to Wanstead, in Essex, the seat of the Earl of Tylney, where, under the direction of the Reverend Mr. Pound Breton, it was placed in the Park, for the erection of a telescope, the largest then in the world, presented by a French gentleman to the Royal Society. To Fettle.-What is the derivation of the verb "to fettle?" In the North it means to amend to repair to put a thing, which is out of order, into such a state as to effectuate, or to be effectual for, its original, or a given purpose; e. g. a cart out of order is sent to the wheelwright's to be fettled. It has been suggested that the word is a verbalised corruption of the word "effectual." Bailey, in his Dictionary, has designated it as a north country word: but it is evident that he misunderstood its entire meaning; for he has C. Dr. Dee's Petition to James I. "E. F. R." states that he has lately discovered, in the lining of an ancient trunk, two or three curious broadsides, one of which purports to be Dr. Dee's petition to James J., 1604, against the report raised against him, namely, "That he is or hath bin a Conjurer and Caller, or Invocator of Divels." He would be glad to know whether this curious broadside has been printed in any memoir of Dr. Dee. Vondel's Lucifer.-"F." desires to be informed whether the tragedy or dramatic poem Lucifer, of the Dutch poet Vondel, which has been said to bear some analogy to Paradise Lost, has ever been translated? and if not, why not? The French writer, Alfred de Vigny, in Stella, calls Vondel (Wundel in his spelling) "ce vieux Shakspeare | de la Hollande." ed. 4to. Discurs Modest. — In Bishop Andrewes' Reply to the Apology of Bellarmine, chap. i. p. 7, London, 1610, certain Jesuits in prison are reported to have confessed, Rem transubstantiationis patres ne attigisse quidem; as authority for which is quoted Discurs Modest, p. 13. From this work apparently the passage is copied by Jeremy Taylor, Real Presence, sect. 12. § 16; Dissuasive, part i chap. 1. § 5. and part 2. book 2. sect. 3. § 3; also by Cosin on Transubstantiation, chap. 6. § 17. Can any of your readers favour me with a clue to the Modest Discourse?" A. T. Ptolemy of Alexandria. - "QUERY" wishes to be informed what works of Ptolemy of Alexandria are to be met with in an English translation. In the Vanbrugh's London Improvements. London Journal of March 16th, 1722-3, there is the following paragraph: "We are informed that Sir John Vanbrugh, in his scheme for new paving the cities of London and Westminster, among other things, proposes a tax on all gentlemen's coaches, to stop all channels in the streets, and to carry all the water off by drains and common sewers under ground." Sir John Vanbrugh was chiefly known as an architect of noblemen's and gentlemen's mansions. Can any of your readers supply me with a reference to any detailed plan, from Sir John, for the B. M. general improvement of the metropolis? merely to fettle to," and seems to have been Becket's Grace Cup. The inscription round ignorant of the use of the word "fettle" as a verb the neck of this so-called cup, of which a reactive. To revert to my former example of its presentation is given in No. I. of Mr. Scott's -An injured cart is fettled by the wheel Antiquarian Gleanings, is thus printed by him wright; the wheelwright fettles the injured cart.-GOD FERARE - to which he adds, in expla nation, "probably the name of the goldsmith." use L. C. R. At the foot of an earlier print of this relic, the inscription is given thus - FERARE GOD and till the appearance of Mr. Scott's version, I had considered the former word as an accidental error of the engraver, instead of FEARE; which would present a moral motto, suiting the SOBRII ESTOTE round the lid. - As Mr. Nichols, in his recent interesting work on Pilgrimages to Walsingham and Canterbury, noticing the misnomer of the cup (p. 229, n.), indicates its date to be of "the early part of the sixteenth century," perhaps some one of your well-informed readers could state if any artist-goldsmith of that era, and of that name, be known. ALICUI. Sir Henry Herbert's Office-Book. -I should be glad to know if any of your readers can tell me the "whereabouts" of Sir Henry Herbert's OfficeBook, a MS. frequently referred to by Malone, -Chalmers, and Collier. Sir Henry Herbert was Master of the Revels to King James the First, and he two succeeding kings, and the said MS.conains an account of almost every piece exhibited t any of the theatres from August, 1623, to the ommencement of the rebellion in 1641. Malone, n his Historical Account of the English Stage edit. Boswell, iii. 57.), says, in a note "For the use of this very curious and valuable manuscript I am indebted to Francis Ingram, of Ribbisford, near Bewdley, in Worcestershire, Esq., Deputy Remembrancer in the Court of Exchequer. It has lately been found in the same old chest which contained the manuscript Memoirs of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, from which Mr. Walpole, about twenty years ago, printed the life of that nobleman, who was elder brother to Sir Henry Herbert." - In another place, Malone adds: "This valuable manuscript, having lain for a coniderable time in a damp place, is unfortunately amaged, and in a very mouldering condition: how ver, no material part of it appears to have perished." -Such being the case, it becomes more than ever lesirable that this interesting volume should be sought after, and the whole of its contents put on record before its total decay. Surely, if its depositary is known, and accessible, it is well worth the attention of the Shakspeare Society, or some other learned body instituted for the preservation of documents of this nature. A biographical account of the various persons that have held the appointment of "Master of the Revels," with such particulars of the stage as would necessarily fall in, would forın a valuable Prolegomena to the publication of Sir Henry's Office-Book. We have, it is true, much information upon this subject, but in a very scattered form. - I have now before me a list of the "Masters of the Revells," with the dates of their patents, which I beg to transcribe. It is of more than Our correspondent who inquired respecting the Life and Diary of Haydon the Painter, is informed that its publication is suspended for the present. We have to explain to correspondents who inquire as to the mode of procuring "NOTES AND QUERIES," that every bookseller and newsmen will supply it, if ordered, and that gentlemen residing in the country may be supplied regularly with the Stamped Edition, by giving their orders direct to the publisher, MR. GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street, accompanied by a Post Office order for a Quarter (4s. 4d.). A neat Case for holding the Numbers of " NOTES AND QUERIES" until the completion of each volume, is now ready, price 1s. 6d., and may be had, by Order, of all Book sellers and Newsmen. We are again compelled to omit many Notes, Queries, and Answers to Queries, as well as Answers to Correspondents. This day is published, price 68., THE PILGRIMAGES of WAL SINGHAM and CANTERBURY: by DESIDERIUS ERASMUS. Being his Colloquy on Pilgrimage, translated and illustrated with Notes, by JOHN GOUGH NICHOLS, F. S. A.; together with the Colloquy on Rash Vows, and the Characters of Archbishop Warbam and Dean Colet, by the same Author. "This entertaining little volume will afford to many a reader not only much information on the subject of Pilgrimages, but also numerous illustrations of the feelings and habits of the times."Athenæum. "We can conceive no more perfect translation than Mr. Nichols has given; most delicately does he express the quiet eloquence and quieter irony of the original; while his Notes which occupy about three-fourths of the handsome volume are full of the most curious, learned, and interesting matter.". Weekly News. "In the Appendix, Mr. Nichols gives a very interesting dissertation on pilgrimages in general, and furnishes us with much curious information relative to Walsingham, and a judicious summary of facts and circumstances connected with the murder of Archbishop Becket." -Salisbury Journal. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. THE THE OBITUARY of the Gentleman's Magazine is generally allowed to be one of its most valuable features, and unremitting attention is devoted to the task of making it as complete and comprehensive as possible. It records the decease of all persons of station in society or of individual merit, and biographical memoirs are given (amounting every year to more than three hundred) of emineut characters, whether statesmen, senators, officers in the public service, members of the learned professions, men of science, authors, artists, &c. &c. The Magazine for January will contain, among others, Memoirs of Her Majesty the Queen Dowager; Sir John Dashwood King, Bart.; Sir Thomas Lethbridge, Bart.; Rear-Adm. Sir S. J. B. Pechell, Bart.; Admiral Sir J. Hawkins Whitshed; General Sir George Anson; General Sir John Vandeleur; Lieut. Col. John Browne: Charles Lyell, Fsq.; John Musters, Esq.; Louis Hayes Petit, Esq.; Wm. Cooke Taylor, LL. D.; Mr. Kenney, the dramatist; Charles Edw. Horn, the composer, &c. &c. The Number for January will be embellished with two Plates of the Roman Pavements recently found at Cirencester. NICHOLS AND SON, 25. Parliament Street. Vols. I. and II. 8vo., price 28s. cloth. THE JUDGES OF ENGLAND; from the TIME of the CONQUEST. By EDWARD Foss, F.S.A. "A work in which a subject of great historical importance is treated with the care, diligence, and learning it deserves; in which Mr. Foss has brought to light many points previously unknown, corrected many errors, and shown such ample knowledge of his subject as to conduct it successfully through all the intrica cies of a difficult investigation, and such taste and judgment as will enable him to quit, when occasion requires, the dry details of a professional inquiry, and to impart to his work, as he proceeds, the grace and dignity of a philosophical history." - Gent. Mag. LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN AND LONGMANS. Illustrated with numerous woodcuts, 8vo. 10s. 6d. THE PRIMEVALNMANTIQUITIES OF By J. J. A. WORSAAE, M.R.S.A., of Copenhagen. Translated and applied to the Illustration of similar remains in England; by WILLIAM J. THOMS, Esq., F. S. A., Secretary of the Camden Society. JOHN HENRY PARKER, Oxford, and 377. Strand, London. THE CLERICAL LIBRARY OF THEO LOGICAL AND GENERAL LITERATURE, for Tow and Country, Clergy and Laity, and Reading Rooms, conducte by JAMES DARLING, 22. Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fiela London. Annual Subscription, one guinea or upwards, accord to the number of books taken out at one time. No entrance Preparing for publication, by subscription, A New Catalogue the Library; Vol. I. to contain Authors, with Biographies, and complete Analysis of their Works; Vol. II., A Scientific Arrare ment of Subjects. To be published in 24 Monthly Parts, royal 8vo., at 2s. 6d. each. A Prospectus of the Library, and C talogue, sent free on receipt of two postage stamps. "Such a Catalogue as Mr. Darling projects would be, if sei tifically formed, of European value.". Christian Remembran Oct. 1849. See also Notes and Queries, No. 8. Nearly ready, 8vo., with etched Frontispiece, by Wehnert, & Eight Engravings, SABRINAE COROLLA: a Volume of Classic Translations with original Compositions contributed Gentlemen educated at Shrewsbury School. Among the Contributors are the Head Masters of Shrewsbur Stamford, Repton and Birmingham Schools; Andrew Lan Esq., late M.P.; the Rev. R. Shilleto, Cambridge; the Rev.1 Evans, Rugby; J. Riddell, Esq., Fellow of Baliol College, C ford; the Rev. E. M. Cope, H. J. Hodgson, Esq., H. A. J. Esq., W. G. Clark, Esq., Fellows of Trinity College, Camb and many other distinguished Scholars from both Univen This Work is edited by three of the principal Contrib At WASHBOURNE'S, 18. New Bridge Street. ! MOORE'S PICTORIAL BOOK OF BAL LADS, including some of the BORDER MINSTRELSY many very curious and rare, with Appendix, Glossary, Notes, à 8vo. 10s. 6d. cloth; and 12s. half-bound morocco. PERCY'S RELIQUES OF ANCIENT EN GLISH POETRY. 3 vols. small 8vo., with richly-illumi Title-pages, 15s. cloth gilt; 18s. half-bound morocco; a morocco, 11. 11s 6d. Also, to match in size, price, &c., ELLIS'S SPECIMENS OF THE EAR EAR ENGLISH POETS. 3 vols. "Washbourne's Edition of Percy and Ellis are tempting bas Gentleman's Mage THE BOOK OF FAMILY CRESTS AN MOTTOES, with 4000 Engravings of Crests. The Fifth Ei 2 vols. small 8vo. 21s. It is used for reference at the Herz College. "No wonder this book sells." - Spectator. BUTLER'S HUDIBRAS. Illustrated by Engraved Portraits, and 35 Woodcuts. Edited by Dr. No. and including such of Dr. Gray's Annotations as are worthy record. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 21s.; or without the Portraits, 10%. WALTON'S LIVES OF DONNE, WOTTON HOOKER, HERBERT, AND SANDERSON. With MAJ, Illustrations, and edited by MAJOR and NICHOL. Small svo. cloth; or 12s. morocco. Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bri in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid. Saturday, December 29. 1849. |