drawings in the possession of William Twopeny, Esq., while the literary illustrations will be derived entirely from original sources, and from the results of careful observation and inquiry. and contains an unrivalled series of Jest Books, and also of Song Books. BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED TO PURCHASE. (In continuation of Lists in former Nos.) M'CULLUM'S OBSERVATIONS ON H.R.H. THE DUKE OF KENT'S SHAMEFUL PERSECUTION SINCE HIS RECAL FROM GIBRALTAR, &c. London, 1309. [Ten shillings will be given for a clean and perfect copy.] DALTON'S (EDWARD) DOUBTING'S DOWNFALL. [Ten shillings, if a pamphlet, twenty shillings, if a book, will Northampton. 1818. It is said to have been a rule with Charles Fox to have every work bound in one volume if possible, although published in two or three. The public have long felt the convenience of such an arrangement; and the great booksellers have very wisely gratified their wishes in that respect. The handsome "monotome" edition of The Doctor is doubtless well known to our readers. The success of that experiment has, we presume, induced Messrs. Longman to announce the Complete Works of the Rev. Sydney Smith, and Mr.Macaulay's Critical Essays, in the same cheap and convenient form. We believe, too, that another (the sixth) edition of that gentleman's History of England from the Accession of James II., is on the eve of publication. PRIESTS UNMASKED. 6 vols. 1767. Those of our readers who take an interest in that widely spread and popular subject, The Dance of Death, will remember that one of the most ,exquisite works of art in which expression is given to the idea on which this pictorial morality is founded, is the Alphabet Dance of Death delicately engraved on wood, (it is sometimes said by Holbein, who designed it,) but really by H. Lutzelburger, that the late Mr. Douce did not believe it could ever be copied so as to afford any adequate impression of the beauty of the original. A German artist, Heinrich Loedel, has, however, disproved the accuracy of this opinion; and the amateur may now, for a few shillings, put himself in possession of most admirable copies of a work which is a masterpiece of design, and a gem in point of execution, and of which the original is of the extremest rarity. There are two editions of this Alphabet; one published at Gottingen, with an accompanying dissertation by Dr. Adolf Ellissen; and the other at Cologne, with corresponding borders by Georg Osterwald. Letters stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. BELL, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. A. B. will not be surprised at our omitting his quotations from Eugene Aram's curious account of the Melsupper and Shouting the Churn, when he learns that they are already to be found in Brand's Popular Antiquities (vol. ii. ed. 1849), and in Hampson's Medii Evi Kalendarium (vol. i.). We have no doubt some of our correspondents will furnish A. B. with a list of Eugene Aram's published writings. S T. P. There would be no objection to the course proposed, if a sufficient number of subscribers should desire it, except that it could not take a retrospective effect. Will MELANDRA enable us to communicate with him by letter? R.V.. COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED.-J. U. G. G. -G. H.B. The revised and much enlarged edition of Dr. Lingard's History of England, handsomely printed Arthur Griffinhoof, jun. Clericus. in ten large octavo volumes is, we understand, nearly ready for publication. Mr. M. A. Lower, whose Curiosities of Heraldry and English Surnames are no doubt well known to many of our readers, is preparing for publication a Translation, from a MS. in the British Museum, of The Chronicle of Battel Abbey from the Vow of its Foundation by William the Conqueror, to the Year 1176, originally compiled in Latin, by a Monk of Etoniensis. E. V. G. H. B. S. W. S. 66 J. R. P.C. F. F. E. A We have again to explain to correspondents who inquire as to the mode of procuring " NOTES AND QUERIES," that every bookseller and newsman will supply it, if ordered, and that gentlemen residing in the country may be supplied regularly with the Stamped Edition, by giving their orders Street, accompanied by a Post Office order for a Quarter direct to the publisher, MR. George Bell, 186. Fleet the Establishment. Mr. Thorpe, 13. Henrietta Street, has just issued "A Catalogue of most choice, curious, and excessively rare Books, particularly rich in Early Poetry, Mysteries, Pageants, and Plays, and Romances of Chivalry." This Catalogue is also extremely rich in Madrigals set to Music, by eminent Composers of Queen Elizabeth's reign (4s. 4d.). A neat Case for holding the Numbers of "NOTES AND QUERIES" until the completion of each volume, is now ready, price 1s. 6d., and may be had, by Order, of all Book sellers and Newsmen. We are again compelled to omit many Notes, Queries, and Answers to Queries, as well as Answers to Correspondents. Mr. MACAULAY'S CRITICAL and HISTORICAL ESSAYS. Complete in One Volume; with Portrait and Vignette. Square crown 8vo. 21s.; calf, by Hayday, 30s. XIV. The BOOK of RUTH. Illuminated, in Missal Style, by H. N. HUMPHREYS. Square scap. 8vo. Σ deeply embossed covers. XV. FRUITS from the GARDEN and the FIEL With Illustrations designed and printed in colours, by JONES. Imperial 8vo. 318. 6d. XVI. SOUTHEY'S COMMON-PLACE BO Edited by the Rev. J. W. WARTER. SECOND SERIES-SPL COLLECTIONS. Square crown 8vo. 188. XVII. MOORE'S POETICAL WORKS. C in One Volume; with Portrait and Vignette. Medium morocco, 428. XVIII. Mr. MCULLOCH'S GEOGRAPH DICTIONARY. New Edition (1849); with Six larg 2 vols. 8vo. 41. XIX. The ARTISAN CLUB'S TREATISE of STEAM ENGINE. Edited by J. BOURNE, C.E. N with Plates and Woodcuts. 4to. 278. xx. Miss ACTON'S MODERN COO BOOK. New Edition; with numerous Additions, Pa Woodcuts. Fcap. 8vo. 78. 6d. London: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, and LONGMASS OLD LONDON ILLUSTRATED. Now ready, Part I. containing 6 Plates, imp. 4to. VESTIGES of OLD LONDON: a Ser finished Etchings from Original Drawings, with tions, Historical Associations, and other References, by J HAM ARCHER. Price 65.; India Proofs, 10s. 6d.; color the Original Drawings, 12s. DAVID BOGUE, Fleet Street. On Saturday, the 29th ult., was published, fcap. 8vo, pr The Rev. SYDNEY SMITH'S WORKS. THE SEVEN EYESIGHTS Complete in One Volume; with Portrait, and View of Combe ΧΙ. SOUTHEY'S LIFE and CORRESPONDENCE. Edited by the Rev. C. C. SOUTHEY, M.A. Vol. II. with Portrait and Plate. Post 8vo. 10s. 6d. XII. Mr. MACAULAY'S HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the Accession of James II. New Edition. Vols. I. and II. 8vo. 325. X111. The Rev. W. J. CONYBEARE and the Rev. J. S. HOWSONS LIFE and EPISTLES of ST. PAUL. Part I. with 3 Plates, and Woodcuts. 4to 2s. *** To be continued Monthly, and completed in 2 vols. Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St.C in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Duns the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid. - Saturday, January 12. 1850. 1 A MEDIUM OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, ANTIQUARIES, GENEALOGISTS, ETC. 1 OTES: "When found, make a note of." - CAPTAIN CUTTLE. SATURDAY, JANUARY 19. 1850. CONTENTS. Passage in Hudibras, by E. F. Rimbault Field of the Brothers' Footsteps Notes on Books and Authors, by Bolton Corney Notes on Cunningham's London, by E. F. Rimbault • Sewerage in Etruria Andrew Frusius Opinious respecting Burnet ERIES: : St. Thomas of Laneaster, by R. Monckton Milnes Shield of the Black Prince, &c., by J. R. Planché Fraternitye of Vagabondes, &c. The name of Shylock, by M. A. Lower Transposition of Letters, by B. Williams Pictures in Churehes Flaying in Punishment of Sacrilege Page Price Threepence. Kynges, Capitaines, Philosophiers, and Oratours, as 177 well Grekes as Romaines, bothe veraye pleassunt and 178 profitable to reade, partely for all maner of persones, 178 178 180 180 180 181 181 1-3 and especially Gentlemen. First gathered and compiled in Latine by the right famous clerke, Maister Erasmus, of Roteradame. And now translated into Englyshe by Nicolas Udall. Excusam typis Ricardi Grafton, 1542. 8vo." A second edition was printed by John King183 ston, in 1564, with no other variation, I believe, than in the orthography. Haslewood, in a note on the fly-leaf of my copy, says: 184 184 184 185 "Notwithstanding the fame of Erasmus, and the reputation of his translator, this volume has not ob tained that notice which, either from its date or value, 185 might be justly expected. Were its claim only founded on the colloquial notes of Udall, it is entitled to consideration, as therein may be traced several of the familiar phrases and common-place idioms, which have occasioned many conjectural speculations among the annotators upon our early drama." SCELLANIES - including ANSWERS TO MINOR QUERIES: Darkness at the Crucifixion - High Doctrine - Wife of King Robert Bruce - The Talisman of Charlemagne - Sayers the Caricaturist-May-Day-Dr. Dee's Peti tion-Lines quoted by Goethe - Queen Mary's Expectations-Ken's Hymns-Etymology of Daysman,&c. 186 BIGIN OF A WELL-KNOWN PASSAGE IN HUDIBRAS. The often-quoted lines "For he that fights and runs away nerally supposed to form a part of Hudibras, are be found (as Mr. Cunningham points out, at 602. of his Handbook for London), in the Murum Deticiæ, 12mo. 1656; a clever collection of vitty trifles," by Sir John Mennis and Dr. James hith. The passage, as it really stands in Hudibras pok iii. canto iii. verse 243.), is as follows : "For those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that's slain." it there is a much earlier authority for these es than the Musarum Deliciæ; a fact which I arn from a volume now open before me, the great rity of which will excuse my transcribing the le-page in full : "Apophthegmes, that is to saie, prompte, quicke, ittie, and sentencious saiynges, of certain Emperours, On folio 239. occurs the following apophthegm, which is the one relating to the subject before us: "That same man, that renneth awaie, "Judgeyng that it is more for the benefite of one's countree to ronne awaie in battaile, then to lese his life. For a ded man can fight no more; but who hath saved hymself alive, by rennyng awaie, may, in many battailles mo, doe good service to his countree. "§ At lest wise, if it be a poinct of good service, to renne awaie at all times, when the countree hath most neede of his helpe to sticke to it." Thus we are enabled to throw back more than a century these famous Hudibrastic lines, which have occasioned so many inquiries for their origin. I take this opportunity of noticing a mistake which has frequently been made concerning the French translation of Butler's Hudibras. Tytler, in his Essay on Translation; Nichols, in his Biographical Anecdotes of Hogarth; and Ray, in his 1 i FIELD OF THE BROTHERS' FOOTSTEPS. I do not think that Mr. Cunningham, in his valuable work, has given any account of a piece of ground of which a strange story is recorded by Southey, in his Common-Place Book (Second Series, p. 21.). After quoting a letter received from a friend, recommending him to "take a view of those wonderful marks of the Lord's hatred to duelling, called The Brothers' Steps," and giving him the description of the locality, Mr. Southey gives an account of his own visit to the spot (a field supposed to bear ineffaceable marks of the footsteps of two brothers, who fought a fatal duel about a love for near half an hour in vain. We could find no steps at all, within a quarter of a mile, no nor half a mile, of Montague House. We were almost out of hope, when an honest man who was at work directed us to the next ground adjoining to a pond. There we found what we sought, about three quarters of a mile north of Montague House, and about 500 yards east of Tottenham Court Road. The steps answer Mr. Walsh's description. They are of the size of a large human foot, about three inches deep, and lie nearly from north-east to south-west. We counted only seventy-six, but we were not exact in counting. The place where one or both the brothers are supposed to have fallen, is still bare of grass. The labourer also showed us the bank where (the tradition is) the wretched woman sat to see the combat." Mr. Southey then goes on to speak of his full confidence in the tradition of their indestructibility, even after ploughing up, and of the conclusions to be drawn from the circumstance. To this long note, I beg to append a query, as to the latest account of these footsteps, previous to the ground being built over, as it evidently now must be. ON AUTHORS AND BOOKS, NO. 4. G. H. B. Verse may picture the feelings of the author, or it may only picture his fancy. To assume the former position, is not always safe; and in two memorable instances a series of sonnets has been used to construct a baseless fabric of biography. In the accompanying sonnet, there is no such uncertainty. It was communicated to John Adamson, Esq., M.R.S.L., &c., honourably known by a translation of the tragedy of Dona Ignez de Castro, from the Portuguese of Nicola Luiz, and by a Memoir of the life and writings "O Portugal! whene'er I see thy name What proud emotions rise within my breas To thee I owe from thee derive that fame Which here may linger when I lie at rest. When as a youth I landed on thy shore, How little did I think I e'er could be Worthy the honours thou hast giv'n to me And when the coming storm I did deplore, Drove me far from thee by its hostile threatWith feelings which can never be effaced, I learn'd to commune with those writers Who had the deeds of thy great chieftains Departed bards in converse sweet I met, I'd seen where they had liv'd - the land grac'd." I venture to add the titles of two ite volumes which have been printed subseque the publications of Lowndes and Martin. t a 5 al th S ( be a useful hint to students and collectors:"BIBLIOTHECA LUSITANA, or catalogue of box tracts, relating to the history, literature, and po Portugal: forming part of the library of Joha son, M. R. S. L. etc. Newcastle on Tyne, 1856.81( "LUSITANIA ILLUSTRATA; notices on the antiquities, literature, etc. of Portugal. Liten partment. Part I. Selection of sonnets, with phical Sketches of the authors, by John A M. R. S. L. etc. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1842, 800 BOLTON C ( RECEIPTS TO THE BEGGAR'S OPERA ON Every body is aware of the prodigious expected success of Gay's Beggar's Opers first production; it was offered to Coller at Drury Lane, and refused, and the autt it to Rich, at the Lincoln's-Inn-Fields by whom it was accepted, but not with sitation. It ran for 62 nights (not 63 as has been stated in some authorities) season of 1727-1728: of these, 32 nigh in succession; and, from the original A book of the manager, C. M. Rich, I am to give an exact statement of the money the doors on each night, distinguishing su formances as were for the benefit of the viz. the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 15th nights, whi exactly 6931 13s. 6d. into Gay's pocket. a new circumstance in the biography of one or verse. most fascinating English writers, whether in Wa Rich records that the king, quee at 13 6t re ncesses were present on the 21st repetition, but was by no means one of the fullest houses. e very bill sold at the doors on the occasion been preserved, and hereafter may be furned for the amusement of your readers. It ears, that when the run of the Beggar's ra was somewhat abruptly terminated by advance of the season and the benefits of the rs, the "takings," as they were and still are ed, were larger than ever. The performances menced on 29th January, 1728, and that e striking novelty was required at the Lin's-Inn-Fields theatre, to improve the prospects ne manager, may be judged from the fact that new tragedy of Sesostris, brought out on the - January, was played for the benefit of its or (John Sturmy) on its 6th night to only 19s., while the house was capable of holding Fast 2007. 32 successive performances was 5351l. 15s., of which, as we have already shown, Gay obtained 693l. 13s. 6d. To him it was all clear profit; but from the sum obtained by Rich are, of course, to be deducted the expenses of the company, lights, house-rent, &c. The successful career of the piece was checked, as I have said, by the intervention of benefits, and the manager would not allow it to be repeated even for Walker's and Miss Fenton's nights, the Macheath and Polly of the opera; but, in order to connect the latter with it, when Miss Fenton issued her bill for The Beaur's Stratagem, on 29th April, it was headed that it was "for the benefit of Polly." An exception was, however, made in favour of John Rich, the brother of the manager, for whose benefit the Beggar's Opera was played on 26th February, when the receipt was 1847, 15s. Miss Fenton was allowed a second benefit, on 4th May, in consequence, we may suppose, of her great claims in connection with the Beggar's Opera, and then it was performed to a house containing 155/. 48. The greatest recorded receipt, in its first season, was on 13th April, when, for some unexplained cause, the audience was so numerous that 1981. 17s. were taken at the doors. After this date there appears to have been considerable fluctuation in the profits derived from repetitions of the Beggar's Opera, On the 5th May, the day after Polly Fenton's (her real name was Lavinia) second benefit, the proceeds fell to 781. 14s., the 50th night produced 691. 12s., and the 51st only 26l. 1s. 6d. The next night the receipt suddenly rose again to 134l. 13s. 6d., and it continued to range between 531. and 1051. until the 62nd and last night (19th June), when the sum taken was 98l. 17s. 6d. Miss Fenton left the stage at the end of the season, to be made Duchess of Bolton, and in the next season her place, as regards the Beggar's Opera, was taken by Miss Warren, and on 20th September it attracted 751. 78.; at the end of November it drew only 23l., yet, on the 11th December, for some reason not stated by the manager, the takings amounted to 1121. 9s. 6d. On January 1st a new experiment was tried with the opera, for it was represented by children, and the Prince of Wales commanded it on one or more of the eight successive performances it thus underwent. On 5th May we find Miss Cantrell taking Miss Warren's character, and, in the whole, the Beggar's Opera was acted more than forty times in its second year, 1728-9, including the performances by "Lilliputians" as well as comedians. This is, perhaps, as much of its early history your readers will care about. as DRAMATICUS. |