"Lord Kyng Henry the VII, Kyng of Englond "and of France, in his Palais of Westmestre, "the 23 day of Janyuere, the III of his regne, "and desired and wylsed me to translate this "said boke and reduce it into our enlish natural "tonge and to put it in enprynte, &c." 522 ENGLAND:- Copy of a Letter written by a Spanish Gentleman to his Friend in England in refutation of sundry Calumnies there falsely bruited among the People, 1589 An Advertisement written to a Secretarie of my Lord Treasurer of Ingland by an Inglish Intelligencer as he passed through Germanie towards Italie; also a Letter written by the Lord Treasurer, 1592 * Two very rare and curious historical pieces, written by a zealous Catholic in defence of Philip II. 944 Neumayr van Ramszla (J. W.) Johann fursten des Jungern Hertzogen zu Sachsen, Reise in Franckreich Engelland und Nederland, port. and plates russia extra, gilt leaves Lips. 1620 This volume contains accounts of many of the pictures and curiosities in the royal palaecs of Westminster, St. James, &c. On the following Monday will commence the sale of the theological portion of his collection, which will occupy eight days, and conclude on the 4th of December. The sales are entrusted to the management of Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. of Wellington Street. We have also received from Mr. Asher, of Berlin, a copy of the Bibliotheca Tieckiana the sale catalogue of the library of Ludwig Tieck, the distinguished German poet, novelist, and critic. The sale will commence at Berlin on the 10th December, with the English portion of the library, which, besides the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th folios, is particularly rich in works illustrative of Shakspeare, and of translations of various portions of our great dramatist's writings. The following lot, comprising an edition, we believe, not very generally known, and containing the manuscript notes and comments of so profound a critic as Ludwig Tieck, ought to find an English purchaser. 2152 THE PLAYS OF W. SHAKSPEARE, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, to which are added Notes by Johnson and Steevens. 23 vols. gr. in 8vo. Basil 1800-1802 " Exemplaire unique et de la plus grande importance, "contenant des notes sans nombre de la main "de M. Tieck. Ces notes renferment les fruits "d'une étude de plus de 40 ans sur le grand "poète, par son plus grand traducteur et "commentateur, et forment le texte du grand " ouvrage sur Shakspeare, promis depuis si "longtemps." One of the most curious articles in this catalogue, copies of which may be obtained from the London Agent for the sale, Mr. Nutt, of the Strand, is No. 1965, a copy of Lilly's Sixe Court Comedies, which had belonged to Oliver Cromwell, and appears to contain his autograph. There are few literary men who have not, in the course of some one or other of their inquiries, experienced the difficulty there is in procuring copies of pamphlets which, being for the most part originally published for purposes of temporary interest, are rarely preserved by binding, and consequently when afterwards wanted become extremely difficult of attainment. We well remember the valuable Catalogue published many years since by Mr. Rodd, of Newport Street, the father of Mr. Thomas Rodd, and have often regretted the loss of our copy of that extensive collection; and we record now for the information of our readers the publication by Mr. Russell Smith, of 4, Old Compton Street, of Part I. of a Catalogue of a singular and unique collection of 25,000 ancient and modern Tracts and Pamphlets: containing I. Biography, Literary History, and Criticism; II. Trials, Civil and Criminal; III. Bibliography and Typography; IV. Heraldry and Family History; V Archæology; VI. Architecture, Painting, and Sculpture; VII. Music; VIII. Metaphysics. BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED TO PURCHASE. there really is one which would quite satisfy the writer, for the delay or non-insertion of JONES' (EDMUND) GEOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, his communication. Correspondents in such AND RELIGIOUS ACCOUNT OF ABERYSTWITH. 8vo. Trevecka, 1779. CARTARI. LA ROSA D'ORO PONTIFICIA, ETC. 4to. Rome. 1681. SHAKSPEARE'S DRAMATIC WORKS.-The Fourth Volume of WHITTINGHAM'S Edition, in 7 vols. 24mo. Chiswick. 1814. M. C. H. BREMEL, FEST-TANZEN DER ERSTEN CHRISTEN. Jena. 1705. BUDDEN'S DISCOURSE FOR PARENTS' HONOUR AND AUTHORITIE. Svo. 1616. THE TWO WOLVES IN LAMB'S SKINS, OR OLD ELI'S LAMENTATION OVER HIS TWO SONS. 8vo. 1716. AVERELL'S FOUR NOTABLE HISTORIES, ETC. 4to. NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. The matter is so generally understood with regard to the management of periodical works, that it is hardly necessary for the Editor to say that HE CANNOT UNDERTAKE TO RETURN MANUSCRIPTS; but on one point he wishes to offer a few words of explanation to his correspondents in general, and particularly to those who do not enable him to communicate with them except in print. They will see, on a very little reflection, that it is plainly his interest to take all he can get, and make the most, and the best, of everything; and therefore he begs them to take for granted that their communications are received, and appreciated, even if the succeeding Number bears no proof of it. He is convinced that the want of specific acknowledgment will only be felt by those who have no idea of the labour and difficulty attendant on the hurried manage. ment of such a work, and of the impossibility of sometimes giving an explanation, when cases have no reason, and if they understood an editor's position they would feel that they have no right, to consider themselves undervalued; but nothing short of personal experience in editorship would explain to them the perplexities and evil consequences arising from an opposite course. CONTENTS AND INDEX. Our Correspondents will see that their wish for a Table of Contents to each number has been complied with. We are fully aware how much the value of a work like "NOTES AND QUERIES" is enhanced by a good INDEX. It is intended to give a very copious one at the end of each volume, so as to make the work one not merely of temporary interest, but of permanent utility. BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED. We believe that this will prove one of the most useful divisions of our weekly Sheet. Gentlemen who may be unable to meet with any book or volume of which they are in want may, upon furnishing name, date, size, &c., | have it inserted in this List free of cost. Persons having such volumes to dispose of are requested to send reports of price, &c. to Mr. Bell, our Publisher. We have received many complaints of a difficulty in procuring our Paper. Every Bookseller and Newsvender will supply it, if ordered, and gentlemen residing in the country may be supplied regularly with the Stamped Edition by giving their orders direct to the Publisher, Mr. GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street, accompanied by a Post Office order for a quarter (4s. 4d.). All communications should be addressed To the Editor of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street. 1 SIX DAYS SALE of the First Portion of the Extensive and Valuable STOCK OF BOOKS of the late eminent Bookseller, Mr. THOS. RODD, of Great Newport Street. Co., Auctioneers of Literary Property and UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD. Books recently Published. MESSRS. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY and AUCTION, at their House, 3. Wellington Street, Strand, on MONDAY, Nov. 19, and Five following Days, the First Portion of the extensive and valuable STOCK of BOOKS of the late eminent Bookseller Mr. THOMAS RODD, of Great Newport Street, London, comprising, among other important works, Anselme (P.) Histoire Généalogique et Chronologique de la Maison Royale de France, 9 vols., a fine copy of the best edition, on large paper; Clutterbuck's (R.) History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford, S vols., large paper, uncut; Christine of Pisa, the Fayt of Armes and of Chyvalrye, by Caxton, in Russia extra, by Lewis; Esop's Fables, a very rare edition, by R. Pynson, unknown and undescribed; Critici Sacri, a fine copy, in 13 vols.; Dumont et Rousset, Corps Universel Diplomatique du Droit des Gens, a fine copy of this truly important work, on large paper, in 30 vols.; Edmondson (J.) Baronagium Genealogicum, 6 vols. large paper; Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, a fine illustrated copy, in Russia extra; Grævii et Gronovii Thesaurus Antiquitatum, 34 vols.; Holinshed's (R.) Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, black letter, a choice copy of the best edition; Grafton's Chronicle at large, fine copy, by C. Lewis, from the Grenville Collection: Monstrelet Chroniques, large paper, very scarce; Pellerin Œuvres sur les Médailles; Somers' (Lord) Collection of Tracts, by Sir Walter Scott, 13 vols., Russia extra; Surtees' History of Durham, 4 vols.; a large Collection of the Works of Tempesta, in 2 vols.; Bryan's Biographical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, extensively illustrated with an assemblage of 2500 plates; Versions of the Scriptures; various Works relating to America, Private Acts of Parliament, rare and curious Historical Pieces and Tracts, Pageants, &c. EIGHT DAYS SALE of highly-interesting British Historical PORTRAITS, forming the Second Portion of the very important and valuable Stock of Prints, the Property of Messrs. W. and G. SMITH, the long-established, well-known, and eminent Printsellers, of Lisle Street, having retired from Business. on the German work of F. Passow, by HENRY GEORGE LIDDELL, M. A., and ROBERT Scorт, М. А. Third Edition, crown 4to. 21. 48. in boards; 21. 12s. 6d. in Russia. A LEXICON, chiefly for the use of Schools, abridged from the Greek-English Lexicon of H. G. LIDDELL, M. A., and R. Scorr, M. A. Third Edition, square 12mo. 7s. 6d. in boards; 9s. bound. GRÆCE GRAMMATICE Rudimenta in usum Scholarum. Seventh Edition, 12mo. 3s. 6d. in boards; 48. bound. APSINIS ET LONGINI RHETORICA e Codicibus MSS., adhibita Supellectili Ruhnkeniana, recensuit JoH. BAKIUS. 8vo. 6s. 6d, in boards. DEMOSTHENES ex recensione G. DINDORFII. Vols, I. - IV. 8vo. Textus. 21. 28. in boards, Vols. V. VI. VII. Annotationes Interpretum. 11.168.6d. in boards. ETYMOLOGICON MAGNUM seu verius Lexicon sæpissime vocabulorum origines indagans ex pluribus Lexicis Scholiastis et Grammaticis anonymi cujusdam Opera concinnatum. Ad Codd. MSS. recensuit et notis variorum instruxit T. GAISFORD, S. T. P. Folio. Sl. Ss. in boards; 4l. bound. RELIQUIÆ SACRE, secundi tertiique sæculi. Ad codices MSS. recensuit notisque illustravit MARTINUS JOSEPHUS ROUTH, S. T. P. collegii S. Magdalenæ Oxon. Præses, Second Edition. Vol. V. 8vo. 98. in boards. SOPHOCLIS Tragœdiæ et Fragmenta, ex recensione et cum notis G. DINDORFII. Third Edition, 2 vols. 8vo. 13s. in boards. VETUS TESTAMENTUM ex Versione MESSRS. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY and Septuaginta Interpretum, secundum Exemplar Vati Co., Auctioneers of Literary Property and Works illustrative of the Fine Arts, will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 3. Wellington Street, Strand, on MONDAY, Dec. 3, and Seven following Days (Sunday excepted), at One precisely each day, the Second Portion of the important and valuable STOCK of PRINTS, the property of Messrs. W. and G. SMITH; comprising one of the most numerous and interesting collections of British historical portraits ever offered for sale, and containing a vast number of extremely rare prints by the most eminent English | engravers, generally in the finest condition, and a large number of fine proofs and prints after the works of Sir Joshua Reynolds. May be viewed four days prior to the sale, canum Romæ editum. Accedit potior varietas codicis Alexandrini, 3 vols. 12mo. 13s. 6d. in boards. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRÆCUM. Accedunt parallela S. Scripturæ loca, necnon vetus capitulorum notatio et canones Eusebii. 18mo. 4s. 6d. in boards. The above 4 vols. neatly bound uniform, in old A HISTORY OF CONFERENCES, and other proceedings connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer, from 1558 to 1690. By EDWARD CARDWELL, D. D., Principal of St. Alban's Hall. Third Edition, 8vo. 7s. CLARENDON'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION AND CIVIL WARS IN ENGLAND, together with an Historical View of the Affairs in Ireland, now for the first time carefully printed from the original MS. preserved in the Bodleian Library. To which are subjoined the Notes of Bishop Warburton. 7 vols. 8vo. 21. 10s. in boards. BISHOP JEWEL'S WORKS. By Rev. R. W. JELF, D. D. A New Edition. 8 vols. 8νο. 3l. 12s. in boards. Now ready, royal 4to., price 21. 2s. EXAMPLES OF ANCIENT PULPITS EXISTING IN ENGLAND. Selected and drawn from Sketches and Measurements taken on the Spot, with Descriptive Letter-press. By FRANCIS T. DOLLMAN, Architect. This Work contains 30 Quarto Plates, three of which are highly finished in colours, restored accurately from the existing indications. The Pulpits delineated are: St. Westburga, Chester; SS. Peter and Paul, Shrewsbury; St. Michael, Coventry; St. Mary, Wendon; St. PEARSON'S EXPOSITION OF THE Mary and All Saints, Fotheringay; All Saints, North Cerney; Holy Trinity, Nailsea; St. Peter, Winchcombe; St. John Baptist, Cirencester; St. Mary, Totness; St. Mary, Frampton; Holy Trinity, Old Aston; St. Benedict, Glastonbury; St. Peter, Wolverhampton; St. Andrew, Cheddar (coloured); St. Andrew, Banwell; St. George, Brokworth; Holy Trinity, Long Sutton (coloured); St. Saviour, Dartmouth (coloured); All Saints, Sudbury; All Saints, Hawstead; St. Mary SHUCKFORD'S SACRED AND PRO- de Lode, Gloucester; St. Mary, North Petherton. CREED. Revised and corrected by the Rev. E. BURTON, D. D. A New Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 10s. in boards. THREE PRIMERS put forth in the reign of King Henry the Eighth. A New Edition. 8vo. 98. in boards. FANE HISTORY OF THE WORLD CONNECTED. A New Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 16s. in boards. Sold by JOHN HENRY PARKER, Oxford, and 377. Strand, London; T. PAYNE and H. Foss, Pall Mall; and E. GARDNER, 7. Paternoster Row. Folio, price 30s. THE CHORAL RESPONSES and LITANIES of the UNITED CHURCH of ENGLAND and IRELAND. Collected from Authentic Sources, by the Rev. JOHN JEBB, A. M., Rector of Peterstow. The present Work contains a full collection of the harmonized compositions of ancient date, including nine sets of pieces and responses, and fifteen litanies, with a few of the more ancient Psalm Chants. They are given in full score, and in their proper cliffs. In the upper part, however, the treble is substituted for the "cantus" or "medius" cliff: and the whole work is so arranged as to suit the library of the musical student, and to be fit for use in the Choir. Post 8vo. Cloth. 10s. 6d. THE HISTORY OF JUNIUS AND HIS WORKS, and a Review of the Controversy respecting Junius, with an Appendix, containing Portraits and Sketches, by Junius, selected from the Letters. By JOHN JAQUES. "This is a very able book; well arranged in its plan, and complete in its matter. To those who are interested in the controversy, or even to any readers of Junius who wish for further information than the common editions furnish, we strongly recommend this volume. They will find it full, without being overcharged; and it possesses an advantage even over Woodfall's edition, in only containing what is essential to the point, besides exhibiting much which does not appear in that elaborate publication. The History of Junius and his Works' is an essential companion to the 'Letters of Junius." Spectator, March 4. 1843. Royal 4to., cloth, Vol. I. price 31. 13s. 6d. GOTHIC ORNAMENTS: being A Series of Examples of Enriched Details and Accessories of the Architecture of Great Britain, Drawn from existing Authorities. By JAMES K. COLLING, Architect. The particular object of this work is "to exhibit such a number of examples of foliage and other ornamental details of the different styles as clearly to elu cidate the characteristic features peculiar to each period; and drawn sufficiently large in scale to be practically useful in facilitating the labours of the Architect and Artist." The first volume consists of 104 plates, 19 of which are highly finished in colours. The second volume, which will complete the work, is now in progress, and will be finished during 1850. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, with 240 Figures, price 9s. ON THE HISTORY AND ART OF WARMING AND VENTILATING Rooms and Buildings by Open Fires, Hypocausts, German, Dutch, Russia, and Swedish Stoves, Steam, Hot Water, Heated Air, Heat of Animals, and other methods; with Notices of the progress of Personal and Fireside Comfort, and of the management of Fuel. By WALTER BERNAN, Civil Engineer. "Since Stuart's 'Anecdotes of the Steam Engine,' there has been no such bit of delicious mechanical gossip as this little book of Mr. Bernan. For six months or more every year, we must depend much more on the resources of science and the practical arts for our health and comfort, than on the natural climate; in short, we must create our own climate. To help us to the means of doing this appears to be one of the objects of these little volumes, in which, as we have shown, are collected a multitude of expedients of all times and nations, collected with research, selected with judgment, and skilfully arranged and described. The interest with which one reads is sustained and continuous. and you devour a two-volume inventory of stoves, grates, and ovens, with the voracity of a parish school-boy, and then - ask for more." The Athenæum. London: GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street. Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid. - Saturday, November 17th, 1849. A MEDIUM OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, ANTIQUARIES, GENEALOGISTS, ETC. OUR PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS. WHEN we consulted our literary friends as to the form and manner in which it would be most expedient to put forth our "NOTES AND | QUERIES," more than one suggested to us that our paper should appear only once a month, or at all events not more frequently than once a fortnight, on the ground that a difficulty would be experienced in procuring materials for more frequent publication. We felt, however, that if such a Medium of Inter-communication, as we proposed to establish was, as we believed, really wanted, frequency of publication was indispensable. Nothing but a weekly publication would meet what we believed to be the requirements of literary men. We determined, therefore, to One other word. It has been suggested to us that in inviting Notes, Comments, and Emendations upon the works of Macaulay, Hallam, and other living authors, we may possibly run a risk of offending those emi nent men. We hope not. We are sure that this ought not to be the case. Had we not recognised the merits of such works, and the influence they were destined to exercise over men's minds, we should not have opened our pages for the purpose of receiving, much less have invited, corrections of the mistakes into which the most honest and the most able of literary inquirers must sometimes fall. Only those who have meddled in historical research can be aware of the extreme difficulty, the all but impossibility, of ascertaining the exact or the whole truth, amidst the numerous minute and often apparently contradictory facts which present themselves to the notice of all inquirers. In this very number a correspondent comments upon an inference drawn by Mr. Hallam from a passage in Mabillon. In inserting such a communication we show |