by Abraham Fleming. - Herevnto is annexed the pleasant tale of Hemetes the Heremite, pronounced before the Queenes Maiestie. Newly recognised both in Latine and Englishe, by the said A. F.-ἡ τῆς σοφίας 5. Φαλάκρα σημεῖον. - The badge of wisedome is baldnesse. -Printed by H. Denham, 1579." 8vo. B. L. If I am not greatly mistaken, your readers will look in vain for a notice of the book in any collected list of the many productions of Abraham Fleming; if I am not greatly mistaken, also, some of them will be disappointed if I do not subjoin a few sentences describing more particularly the contents of the small volume, which (speaking as a bibliographer) extends to sign. F. iiij in eights. At the back of the title-page is "The life of Synesius drawen out of Suydas Suvdas his gatherings," in Greek and in English. Then comes "The Epistle Apologeticall to the lettered Reader," signed - "Thine for thy pleasure and profite-Abraham - Fleming," which, in excuse for taking up so slight a subject, contains a very singular notice of the celebrated John Heywood, the dramatist of the Treign of Henry VIII., and of his remarkable poem The Spider and the Fly. The Pretie Paradoxe, - by Synesius, next commences, and extends as far as sign. D v. b. This portion of the tract is, of course, merely a translation, but it includes a passage or two from Homer, cleverly rendered into English verse. Here we come to the word Finis, and here, I take it, it was originally intended that the tract should end; but as it was thought that it would hardly be of sufficient bulk for the money (4d., or 6d. at the utmost), a sort of appendix was added, which, on some accounts, is the most interesting part of the work. It is headed "The tale of Hemetes the Heremite, pronounced before the Queenes Maiestie," which Warton, who clearly never saw the book, calls the "Fable of Hermes." In fact, it is, with a few verbal changes, the tale of Hemetes, which George Gascoigne presented, in Latin, Italian, French, and English, to Queen Elizabeth, and of which the MS., with the portraits of the Queen and the author, is among the Royal MSS. in the British Museum. Fleming tells us that he had "newly recognised" (whatever may be meant by the words) this tale in Latin and English, but he does not say ✓ a syllable whence he procured it. Gascoigne died two years before the date of the publication of this Paradoxe, &c. so that Fleming was quite sure the property could never be challenged by the true owner of it. Before I conclude, allow me to mention two other pieces by A. Fleming (who became rector of St. Pancras, Soper-lane, in 1593), regarding which I am anxious to obtain information, and seek it through the medium of "NOTES AND QUERIES." A marginal note in Fleming's Translation of Virgil's Georgics, 1589, 4to., is the following: "The poet alludeth to the historie of Leander and Hero, written by Museus, and Englished by me a dozen yeares ago, and in print." My question is, whether such a production is in existence? Fleming's tract, printed in 1580 in 8vo. (miscalled 16mo.), "A Memorial, &c. of Mr. William Lambe, Esquier," is well known; but many years ago I saw, and copied the heading of a broadside, which ran thus: - "An Epitaph, or funerall inscription vpon the godlie life and death of the Right worshipfull Maister William Lambe Esquire, Founder of the new Conduit in Holborne," &c. "Deceased the 21st April Anno. 1580. Deuised by Abraham Fleming." At the bottom was "Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham for Thomas Turner," &c. In whose hands, or in what library, I saw this production, has entirely escaped my memory; and I am now very anxious to learn what has become of that copy, or whether any other copy of it has been preserved. Kensington, Dec. 3. 1849. J. PAYNE COLLIER. ROYAL HOUSEHOLD ALLOWANCES. The following warrant for the allowance of the "diet" of a lady of the bedchamber, will be found to be a good and curious illustration of the Note of ANTIQUARIUS upon the domestic establishment of Queen Elizabeth, although more than half a century earlier than the period referred to, as it relates to the time of Elizabeth's majestic sire: "HENRY R. - By the King. "We wol and commaunde you to allowe dailly from hensforth unto our right dere and welbilovede the Lady Lucy into hir chambre the dyat and fare herafter ensuying; Furst every mornyng at brekefast oon chyne of beyf at our kechyn, oon chete loff and oon maunchet at our panatry barre, and a Galon of beyfe, a stroke of roste, and a rewarde at our said Ale at our Buttrye barre; Item at dyner a pese of kechyn, a cast of chete bred at our Panatrye barre, and a Galon of Ale at our Buttry barre; Item at afternone a manchet at our Panatry bar and half a Galon of Ale at our Buttrye barre; Item at supper a messe of Porage, a pese of mutton and a Rewarde at our said kechyn, a cast of chete brede at our Panatrye, and a Galon of Ale at our Buttrye; Item at after supper a chete loff and a maunchet at our Panatry barre, a Galon of Ale at our Buttrye barre, and half a Galon of Wyne at our Seller barre; Item every mornyng at our Wood yarde foure tall shyds and twoo ffagottes; Item at our Chaundrye barre in winter every night oon pryket and foure syses of Waxe with eight candelles white lights and oon torche; Item at our Picherhouse wekely LIX white cuppes; Item at cariage of her stuff. And these our lettres shal be every tyme of our remoeving oon hoole carre for the all tymes herafter. Yeven under our Signet at our your sufficient Warrant and discharge in this behalf at Manour of Esthampstede the xvjth. day of July the xiiijth, yere of our Reigne. "To the Lord Steward of our Household, the Treasurer, Comptroller, Cofferer, Clerke of our Grene Clothe, Clerke of our kechyn, and to all other our hed Officers of our seid Houshold and to every of theym.", As to Sir Christopher Hatton, I would refer ANTIQUARIUS, and all others whom it may concern, to Sir Harris Nicolas's ably written Memoirs of the "Dancing Chancellor," published in 1846. Hatton had ample means for the building of Holdenby, as he was appointed one of the Gentlemen Pensioners in 1564, and between that time and his appointment as Vice-Chamberlain in 1577 (five years prior to the period referred to by ANTIQUARIUS), he received numerous other gifts JOSEPH BURTT. and offices. ADVERSARIA. Printers' Couplets. "It is surprising," he says, "that almost all our modern historians, whose profound researches have been so highly vaunted, have repeated the little tale of the Chronicle of St. Denis, which affirms that the surname of Martel was conferred on Charles for having hammered (martelé) the Saracens. Certain writers of the present day style him, in this sense, Karle-le-Marteau. The word martel, in the ancient Frank language, never bore such signification, but was, on the contrary, merely an abbreviation of Martellus, Martin." From a legend on this subject given by M. de Plancy, it would appear that Charles received the second name, Martel, in honour of his patron saint St. Martin. Not having at present an opportunity of consulting the works of our own modern writers on early French history, I am ignorant if they also have adopted the version given in the Chronicle of St. Denis. Mr. Ince, in his little work, Outlines of French History, states, that "he received the surname of Martel, or the Hammerer, from the force with which he hammered down the Saracens It may not perhaps be generally known that the - martel being the name of a weapon which the early printers were accustomed to place devices or ancient Franks used, much resembling a hammer,— verses along with their names at the end of the and from his strokes falling numberless and effecbooks which they gave to the public. Vigneul-tual on the heads of his enemies." Query.Marville, in his Mélangesd Histoire et de Littérature, relates that he found the two following lines at the end of the "Decrees of Basle and Bourges," published under the title of "Pragmatic Sanction," with a Commentary by Côme Guymier, — Andre Brocard's Paris edition, 1507 : Which of the two is the more probable version? Perhaps some one of your numerous correspondents may be enabled to throw additional light on this disputed point. G. J. K. "Stet liber hic, donec fluctus formica marinos Ebibat et totum testudo perambulet orbem." At tu quisque emis, lector studiose, libellum Charles Martel. Mr. Editor, Perhaps the subjoined note, extracted from M. Collin de Plancy's Bibliothèque des Légendes, may not be without its value, as tending to correct an error into which, according to his account, modern historians have fallen respecting the origin of the surname "Martel," borne by the celebrated Charles Martel, son of Peppin of Herstal, Duke of Austrasia, by his Duchess Alphéide: This same Alphéide, or Alpaïde, as she was frequently called, though but scurvily treated by posterior historians, is honoured by contemporary chroni BODENHAM AND LING. Referring to BOOKWORM's note at p. 29, I beg to observe that the dedication negativing Bodenham's authorship of Politeuphuia is not peculiar to the edition of 1597. I have the edition of 1650, "printed by Ja. Flesher, and are to be sold by Richard Royston, at the Angell in Ivye Lane," in which the dedication is addressed as follows: "To his very good friend Mr. Bodenham, N. L. wisheth increase of happinesse." The first sentence of this dedication seems to admit that Bodenham was something more than patron of the work:-"What you seriously begun long since, and have always been very careful for the full perfection of, at length thus finished, although perhaps not so well to your expectation, I present you with; as one before all most worthy of the same: both in respect of your earnest travaile therein, and the great desire you have continually had for the generall profit." In Brydges' Censura Literaria, Bodenham is spoken of as the compiler of The Garden of the Muses, and editor of the Wit's Commonwealth, the clers as the second wife of Peppin, uxor altera. See Frédégaire. Légendes de l'Histoire de France, par J. Collin de Plancy, p. 149. (notes.) Paris. Mellier Frères. 1 Wit's Theatre of the Little World, and England's Helicon. He seems to have less claim to be considered the author of the Wit's Theatre than of the Wit's Commonwealth, for in the original edition of the former, "printed by J. R. for N. L., and are to be sold at the VVest doore of Paules, 1599," the dedication is likewise addressed "To my most esteemed and approved loving friend, Maister J. B. I vvish all happines." After acknowledging his obligations to his patron, the author proceeds: "Besides this History or Theatre of the Little World, suo jure, first challengeth your friendly patronage, by whose motion I vndertooke it, and for whose love I am willing to vndergoe the -- heavy burden of censure. I must confesse that it might have been written with more maturitie, and deliberation, but in respect of my promise, I have made this hast, how happy I know not, yet good enough I hope, if you vouchsafe your kind approbation: which with your iudgement I hold ominous, and as vnder which Politeuphuia was so gracious." I. F. M. Tusser's words must, I think, be obtained by comparison with the following lines from his Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, quoted in Ellis's Brand, iii. 207.: "Blesse Cisley (good mistress) that bishop doth ban For burning the milk of her cheese to the pan." The reference here, as well as in the words quoted by Major Moor, is evidently to the proverb relating to burnt milk, broth, &c. - " the bishop has put his foot in it;" which is considered by Ellis to have had its origin in those times when bishops were much in the habit of burning heretics. He confirms this interpretation by the following curious passage from Tyndale's Obedyence of a Crysten Man: "If the podech be burned to, or the meate ouer rosted, we save the Byshope hath put his fote in the potte, or the Byshope hath playd the coke, because the Bishopes burn who they lust, and whosoeuer dis. pleaseth them." I fear the origin of the appellation "Bishop Barnaby," applied to the lady-bird in Suffolk, has yet to be sought. D. S. Iron Manufactures of Sussex. Sir, I have made two extracts from a once popular, but now forgotten work, illustrative of the iron manufacture which, within the last hundred years, had its main seat in this county, which I think may be interesting to many of your readers who may have seen the review of Mr. Lower's Essay on the Ironworks of Sussex in the recent numbers of the Atheneum and Gentleman's Magazine. The anecdote at the close is curious, as confirming the statements of Macaulay; the roads in Sussex in the 18th century being much in the condition of the roads in England generally in the 17th. "Sowsexe," according to the old proverb, has always been "full of dirt and mier." "From hence (Eastbourne) it was that, turning north, and traversing the deep, dirty, but rich part of these two counties (Kent and Sussex), I had the curiosity to see the great foundries, or ironworks, which are in this county (Sussex), and where they are carried on at such a prodigious expense of wood, that, even in a county almost all overrun with timber, they begin to complain of their consuming it for those furnaces and leaving the next age to want timber for building their navies. I must own, however, that I found that complaint perfectly groundless, the three counties of Kent, Sussex, and Hampshire (all which lye contiguous to one another), being one inexhaustible storehouse of timber, never to be destroyed but by a general conflagration, and able, at this time, to supply timber to rebuild all the royal navies in Europe, if they were all to be destroyed, and set about the building them together. "I left Tunbridge... and came to Lewes, through the deepest, dirtiest, but many ways the richest and most profitable country in all that part of England. 1 "The timber I saw here was prodigious, as well in quantity as in bigness, and seem'd in some places to be suffered to grow only because it was so far off of any navigation, that it was not worth cutting down and carrying away; in dry summers, indeed, a great deal is carried away to Maidstone and other parts on the Medway; and sometimes I have seen one tree on a carriage, which they call here a tug, drawn by two-andtwenty oxen, and even then this carried so little a way, and then thrown down and left for other tugs to take up and carry on, that sometimes it is two or three years before it gets to Chatham; for if once the rains come in it stirs no more that year, and sometimes a whole summer is not dry enough to make the roads passable. Here I had a sight which, indeed, I never saw in any other part of England, namely, that going to church at a country village, not far from Lewes, I saw an ancient lady, and a lady of very good quality, I assure you, drawn to church in her coach with six oxen; nor was it done in frolic or humour, but mere necessity, the way being so stiff and deep that no horses could go in it." A Tour through Great Britain, by a Gentleman. London, 1724. Vol. i. p. 54. Letter II. Factotum. " He was so farre the dominus fac totum in this juncto that his words were laws, all things being acted according to his desire." - p. 76. of Foulis Hist. of Plots of our Pretended Saints, 2nd edit. F. M. 1674. Birthplace of Andrew Borde. Hearne says, in Wood's Athena, "that the Doctor was not born at Pevensey or Pensey, but at Boonds-hill in Holmsdayle, in Sussex." QUERIES ANSWERED. DORNE THE BOOKSELLER AND HENNO RUSTICUS Sir,-Circumstances imperatively oblige me t do that from which I should willingly be excused reply to the observations of J. I., inserted in page 75. of the last Saturday's Number of the "NOTES AND QUERIES." The subject of these are three questions proposed by me in your first number to the following effect:-1. Whether any thing was known, espe cially from the writings of Erasmus, of a bookseller and publisher of the Low Countries named Dorne, who lived at the beginning of the sixteenth century? Or, 2ndly, of a little work of early date called Henno Rusticus? Or, 3rdly, of another. called Of the Sige (Signe) of the End? To these no answer has yet been given, although the promised researches of a gentleman of this University, to whom literary inquirers in Oxford have ever reason to be grateful, would seem to promise one soon, if it can be made. But, in the mean time, the knot is cut in a simpler way: neither Dorne, nor Henno Rusticus, his book, it is. said, ever existed. Permit me one word of expostulation upon this. It is perfectly true that the writing of the MS. which has given rise to these queries and remarks is small, full of contractions, and sometimes difficult to be read; but the contractions are tolerabiy uniform and consistent, which, to those who have to do with such matters, is proved to be no inconsiderable encouragement and assistance. A more serious difficulty arises from the circumstance. that the bookseller used more than one language and none always correctly. Still it may be pre sumed he was not so ignorant as to make a J. F. M. der in spelling his own name. And the first wor. of the manuscript are these: " + In nomine dor ni amen ego Johannes dorne," &c. &c. (In no domi ame ego Johanes dorne, &c.) From th inspection of a close copy now lying before me, which all the abbreviations are retained, and fres Should we not read "Borde-hill?" That place belonged to the family of Borde for many generations. It is in Cuckfield parish. The house may be seen from the Ouse-Valley Viaduct. Order of Minerva. "We are informed that his Majesty is about to institute a new order of knighthood, called The Order of Minerva, for the encouragement of literature, the fine arts, and learned professions. The new order is to consist of twenty-four knights blur the Sovereign; and is to be next in dignity to the my own clear recollection, I am enabled to state military Order of the Bath. The knights are to wear a silver star with nine points, and a strawcoloured riband from the right shoulder to the left. A figure of Minerva is to be embroidered in the centre of the star, with this motto, 'Omnia posthabita Scientiæ.' Many men eminent in literature, in the fine arts, and in physic, and law, are already thought of to fill the Order, which, it is said, will be instituted before the meeting of parliament."-Perth Magazine, July, 1772. ScoTUS. that, to my full belief, the name of "dorne" s written by the man himself in letters at length. without any contraction whatever; and that the altered form of it, "Domr," as applied to that par ticular person, exists nowhere whatever, except in page 75. of No. 5. of the "NOTES AND QUERIES." The words "henno rusticus" (hēno rusticus) are found twice, and are tolerably clearly written in both cases. Of the "rusticus" nothing need be said; but the first n in "henno" is expressed by a contraction, which in the MS. very commonly denotes that letter, and sometimes the final m. How frequently it represents n may be judged from the fact that in the few words already quoted, the final n in "amen," and the first in "Johannes," are supplied by it. So that we have to choose between "henno" and "hemno" rusticus (rather a clown than a gentleman, whatever was his name; and perhaps the treatise, if ever found, will prove to treat merely on rural affairs). And although it may turn out to be perfectly true that "homo rusticus" was the thing meant, as your correspondent suggests, still that is not the question at issue; but rather, amidst the confusion of tongues and ideas which seems to have possessed poor Dorne's brain, what he actually wrote, rather than what he should have written. Admitting, however, for supposition's sake, that == your correspondent is right, that the man was : named Dormer, and the book Homo rusticus - is there any one who will obligingly favour me with information respecting these, or either of them? * 1614, 8vo.? If so, he will find it to be identical with the Scenica Progymnasmata h. e. Ludicra Præexercitamenta of Reuchlin, first printed at Strasburg in 1497, and frequently reprinted during the first part of the 16th century, often with a commentary by Jacob Spiegel. A copy, which was successively the property of Mr. Bindley and Mr. Heber, is now before me. It was printed at Tubingen by Thomas Anselm in 1511. I have another copy by the same printer, in 1519; both in small 4to. Reuchlin, while at Heidelberg, had amused himself by writing a satirical drama, entitled Sergius seu Capitis Caput, in ridicule of his absurd and ignorant monkish opponent. This he purposed to have had represented by some students for the amusement of his friends; but Dalberg, for pru One word more, and I have done; though per-dent reasons, dissuaded its performance. It being haps you will think that too much has been said already upon a subject not of general interest; and indeed I cannot but feel this, as well as how painful it is to differ, even in opinion, with one towards whom nothing can be due from me but respect and affection. But the direct inference from your correspondent's remarks (although it is fully my persuasion he neither designed nor observed it) is, that my difficulties are no difficulties at all, but mistakes. To these we are all liable, and none more so than the individual who is now addressing you, though, it is to be hoped, not quite in the awful proportion which has been imputed to him. And let it stand as my apology **for what has been said, that I owe it no less to my own credit, than perhaps to that of others, my kind encouragers and abettors in these inquiries, to vindicate myself from the charge of one general 15 and overwhelming error, that of having any thing to do with the editing of a MS. of which my actual knowledge should be so small, that out of three difficulties propounded from its contents, two should be capable of being shown to have arisen from nothing else but my inability to read it. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, Trin. Coll. Oxon. Dec. 5. 1849. W. [We have inserted the foregoing letter in compliance with the writer's wishes, but under a protest: because no one can entertain a doubt as to his ability to edit in a most satisfactory manner the work he has undertaken; and because also we can bear testimony to the labour and conscientious painstaking which he is employing to clear up the various obscure points in that very curious document. The following communication from a valued correspondent, in answering W.'s Query as to Henno Rusticus, confirms the accuracy of his reading.] HENNO RUSTICUS. The query of your correspondent W. at p. 12. No. 1. regards, I presume, Henno Comediola Rus$tico Ludicra, nunc iterum publicata; Magdeburg, known, however, that a dramatic exhibition was intended, not to disappoint those who were anxiously expecting it, Reuchlin hastily availed himself of the very amusing old farce of Maistre Pierre Patelin, and produced his Scanica Progymnasmata, in which the Rustic Henno is the principal character. It varies much, however, from its prototype, is very laughable, and severely satirical upon the defects of the law and the dishonesty of advocates. Its popularity is evinced by the numerous editions; and, as the commentary was intended for the instruction of youth in the niceties of the Latin language, it was used as a school-book; the copies shared the fate of such books, and hence its rarity. It is perhaps the earliest comic drama of the German stage, having been performed before Dalberg, Bishop of Worms (at Heidelberg in 1497), to whom it is also inscribed by by Reuchlin. It seems to have given the good bishop great pleasure, and he requited each of the performers with a gold ring and some gold coin. Their names are recorded at the end of the drama. Melchior Adam gives the following account: "Ibi Comediam scripsit, Capitis Caput plenam nigri salis & acerbitatis adversus Monachum, qui ejus vitæ insidiatus erat. Ibi & alteram Comœdiam edidit fabulam Gallicam, plenam candidi salis; in qua forensia sophismata præcipue taxat. Hane narrabat bac ocсаsione scriptam & actam esse. Cum alteram de Monacho scripsisset, fama sparsa est de agenda Comœdia, quod illo tempore inusitatum erat. Dalburgius lecta, illius Monachi insectatione, dissuasit editionem & actionem, quod eodem tempore & apud Philipum Palatinum Franciscanus erat Capellus, propter potentiam & malas artes invisus nobilibus & sapientibus viris in aula. Intellexit periculum Capnio & hane Comediam occultavit. Interea tamen, quia flagitabatur actio, alteram dulcem fabellam edit, & repræsentari ab ingeniosis adolescentibus, quorum ibi extant nomina, curat." Mr. Hallam (Literat. of Europe, vol. i. p. 292., |