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of regents, as also the regular annual meeting, and such other meetings as may be required, shall be determined in the by-laws of the board. Immediately upon the organization of the board, it shall be their duty to make arrangements for securing, without expense to the state, or to the funds of the university, suitable lands, in the immediate vicinity of the university, not less than two hundred acres, including the university grounds, for an experimental farm, and as early as possible thereafter, to make such improvements thereon as will render it available for experimental and instructional purposes, in connection with the agricultural course in the college of arts.

Sec. 16. To enable the board of regents to purchase lands in the vicinity of the university for an experimental farm, and to improve the same, the board of supervisors of Dane county are hereby authorized and empowered to issue the bonds of said county, bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, interest. payable annually, for the amount of forty thousand dollars, such bonds to be payable on or before the first day of January, A. D. 1886 at such place as may be determined by said board of supervisors. The bonds so issued shall be delivered to the board of regents of the university, who shall faithfully apply the same, or the proceeds thereof, together with all contributions made for this specific purpose, to the purchase and improvement of the lands for such experimental farm. But if the said county of Dane, by its proper officers, shall not make provision for the issue and delivery of said bonds as aforesaid within thirty days after the passage of this act, and if in such a case the citizens of said county shall fail within twenty days after the expiration of said first mentioned period of thirty days, to furnish guarantees satisfactory to the secretary of state, placed at the disposal of the regents of the university at the first meeting of the board, then this act shall be null and void.

Sec. 17. So much and such parts of chapter twenty-one of the revised statutes, and of any and all such acts as contravene the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed.

Sec. 18. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved April 12, 1866.- Wisconsin Farmer.

Editorial Miscellany.

Prizes in Schools.

The question, "Are prizes in a school beneficial," has been for a long time discussed and no satisfactory conclusion has, as yet, been attained. We believe in prizes and always did. We believe in "rewards and punishments" in a physical and spiritual sense; why not in a mental? For keeping the laws of health we are rewarded; for violating them we are punished; likewise with the laws of God. "It is as natural for man to sin as it is for sparks to fly upward." The hope of reward incite many to noble deeds. The fear of punishment keeps many from wrong doing. Children particularly are incited to good deeds by a hope of some encouraging word or some trifling present. We know from experience that prizes are a benefit in Common Schools. We expended $1 50 last term for a box of "Atwater's School Government," and prom. ised a prize to the scholar who should obtain the largest number of merits; twenty pupils at least tried for the prize; and many more, even when there was no hope of obtaining the prize, strove to obtain as many merit cards as possible, these cards being a very nice present in themselves for smaller pupils. Nearly all of the leading colleges have adopted a system of prizes. Dartmouth college has recently done so. The old fogies that have combatted the plan so long, on the ground that a few being left behind become discouraged and cease all effort to excel, are dead or about to die. We expect to see the day when prizes will be introduced in every school in the land. To those who doubt the expediency of introducing prizes we would say-try it thoroughly; if you are satisfied that it is advantageous, then persuade the school board to appropriate money for that purpose. Most teachers fail in government; it is the most difficult part of the teacher's work. Introduce prizes and you will find the labor of governing materially lessened.

The Least Common Multiple.

The method of finding the least common multiple used in most Arithmetics is difficult to explain to the satisfaction of most scholars. The process until understood seems very complex. We have seen somewhere a method which we prefer as being much more simple. 'It is simply to take the largest number given and multiply it by any prime factor found in the other numbers which is not common to this. Take the numbers 4, 16, 24, and 60; 60 contains the prime factors of 4; the prime factors of 16 are 2 taken four times; 2 is found in 60 only twice, hence you must multiply 60 by 2 as a factor twice which makes 240; 240 contains the prime factors of 24 and is the number required. After having used this method a few times a scholar will see at a glance what the larger number must be multiplied by to produce a common multiple.

MR. J. AUSTIN, Superintendent of Schools, Waushara County, Wisconsin, informs us by letter, that he has just closed what is known as the Waushara Normal Institute. He says: we have had a term of eight weeks with seventy teachers, and would. be-teachers, assembled for instruction, preparatory to teaching. These Institutes, held twice each year, in the absence of any other school of high grade, are becoming quite an important feature in the education of Waushara teachers.

He further says: I have examined 117 applicants for certificates and have granted 79.

METHODIST SEMINARY.-The West Wisconsin Conference of the M. E. Church at its last session appointed a committee of five preachers, viz: Revs. Dinsdale, Tasker, Palmer, Lawson and Aspinwall; also five laymen, James Spensley, of Mineral Point; W. O. Thomas, of Montfort; J. Bennett, of Dodgeville; B. F. Chase, of Platteville; and Dr. Abell, of Darlington, to locate a Conference Seminary. The committee had their first meeting at Darling

ton, May 2d. The following resolutions were adopted unanimously by the committee:

Whereas, various inquiries have been propounded to as in reference to the character of the institution we are appointed to locate, and the aid the West Wisconsin conference proposes to give it, therefore

Resolved, That as a committee it is our understanding that the design is to make it a first class and permanent Seminary, the grade to be advanced as necessity may require, and to give it the hearty support and patronage of the conference.

Whereas, we find that the various localities represented before us as desirous of having the proposed Centenary Conference Seminary located with them are not fully prepared now to submit pecuniary propositions, therefore

Resolved, That this committee will meet on Tuesday, the 12th day of next June, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the M. E. Church, in Mineral Point, to decide on its location. Propositions in the meantime.. to be received, and also on the day fixed for locating it.

J. LAWSON, Sec'y.

LOGICAL PARADOX.-Epimenides said "All Cretans are liars." Now Epimenides was himself a Cretan, therefore Epimenideswas a liar.

But, if he was a liar, then the Cretans were not liars.

Now, if the Cretans were not liars Epimenides was not a liar. But if he was not a liar, the Cretans were liars.

REFORM. As the world was made so it must be subdued, not by matter clawing at matter, but by the calm dominion of spirit over matter. Until intellect percolates the soil, the soil will not yield its hidden hoards. We shall have effort, struggle, wear and weariness, but no victory. It is the strife of clod with clod.-Gail Hamilton.

SOMETHING GOOD.-The following anecdote is told of Daniel O'Connell: Meeting a prolific pamphleteer, whose productions generally found their way to the butterman, he said, "I saw some. thing very good in your pamphlet this morning." "Ah!" replied the gratified writer, "what was it?" "A pound of butter," was the reply.

General Intelligence..

LANCASTER, GRANT Co.-A new school building is to be erected at Lancaster. It is to cost $12,000.

DODGEVILLE.-A select school will be taught in Dodgeville during the Summer vacation, by J. T. Pryor, and Miss Emma MacDonald, commencing June 4th.

NORMAL SCHOOLS.-Four Normal Schools have been located, one at each of the following places: Whitewater, Platteville, Stoughton, and Oshkosh.

DARTMOUTH COLLEGE.-Commencement occurs July 19th. The. graduating class numbers forty-two. Prize speaking is Monday evening, July 16th. Edwin N. Kirk of Boston addresses the Theological Society. Rev. Edward A. Park of Andover-the Phi Beta Kappa Society; Hon. Thomas Russell of Boston delivers the oration and Rev. Elijah Kellogg of Boston, the poem before the United Literary Societies.

ROBERT E. LEE, late of the Confederate army, is President of Washington College, at Lexington, Virginia. This Institute was founded in 1778, and endowed by General Washington. The College of William and Mary, and the University of Virginia, are soon to resume operations.

UPPER CANADA. The number of children of school age, 1864, is 424,000. Of these 333,000 were in the public schools. The amount of money expended for schools was $1,440,006. libraries have been established over all the province.


SCHOOL AGE.-In Pennsylvania children are not admitted to the public schools, under six years of age.

VSSAR FEMALE COLLEGE, at Poughkeepsie is now in full operation, with a President, Dr. Robert H. Raymond, nine professors, with several assistants, and nearly 400 pupils. The course of study is thorough, and after the most approved plan. The building is 500 feet front, with a depth of 171 feet in centre, and 165 in the wings. The chapel will seat 500. There are rooms for 400 pupils,

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