Local and General Intelligence. MASSACHUSETTS has one hundred and forty-one "high schools." CARROLL COLLEGE.-The closing exercises were held on Thursday evening, June 27th. ALBION ACADEMY.-The anniversary exercises occurred June 15th to 27th. The next term opens August 27th, 1867. -Gen. Fallows, of Milwaukee, has been appointed Professor of Rhetoric at the State University. He will also take charge of the Normal Department. EVANSVILLE ANNIVERSARY.-The anniversary exercises took place on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th. Rev. H. Colman, Principal, delivered the annual sermon. A GOOD APPOINTMENT.-John B. Parkinson, Esq., of Fayette, has been appointed to the professorship of mathematics in the State University at Madison. THE examinations of the classes in the Normal School at Platteville were held by the State Board of Examiners on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 26th, 27th and 28th. SCHOOL APPORTIONMENT.-The apportionment of the income of the school fund, now ready to be made to each town in the stato, will amount to 47 cents a scholar, aggregating nearly $166,000. The amount is ten cents a scholar more than last year. THE erection of the New Normal School Building, at Platteville, will be commenced immediately, under the general supervision of the contractor, Mr. H. Robbins. Mr. R will sub-let a principal portion of the work, and have the remainder done by the day. MINNESOTA TEACHER.-Teachers of this young but vigorous state have shown their interest in the cause of education by starting an educational magazine. The first number of the Teacher has reached us and if its successors are as good as this it will deserve the support of every teacher in the state. We hope it will be well sustained. 1 ADDRESS BEFORE THE LITERARY SOCIETIES OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY. Hon. I. N. Arnold, of Chicago, has accepted an invitation to deliver the annual address before the Literary Societies of the State ↑ University, at the approaching commencement. His subject is Abraham Lincoln. THE thirty-eighth annual meeting of the American Institute of Instruction will be held in Boston, Mass., at the Tremont Temple, on the 31st of July and the 1st and 2d days of August, 1867. The Board of Directors will meet at the Educational rooms, on 119 Washington Street, July 31st, at 11 o'clock, A. M. William E. Sheldon, President, George T. Littlefield, Secretary. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY.--The commencement exercises closed June 18th. Among the distinguished visitors at this commencement were Gov. Fairchild, Hon. Philetus Sawyer, M. C., and Gen. Fallows. The Governor presided at the distribution of prizes, and made a very characteristic and telling address to the young men of the University, impressing upon them the great importance of an education to fit them for the responsibilities of manhood, and for the duties of citizenship in a land like ours. Thirty young men have already joined the Freshman class for the coming year. MINNESOTA. The State Teachers' Association will be held at St. Paul, August 27th, 28th and 29th. Prof. W. F. Phelps of Winona is President. From the Teacher we learn that there are 29 teachers employed at St. Paul. The principal of the high school receives $1,100 salary; the male principals of Grammar Schools receive $1,000; the female teachers receive from $275 to $500. At Minneapolis the superintendent receives $3.000; principal of high school $1,300; teacher of music $1,000; female teachers from $350 to $1,000. Teachers employed 22. At Winona there are 14 teachers employǝd; the principal of High School receives $1,150 salary. BELOIT COLLEGE.-The annual commencement of Beloit College will take place on Wednesday, July 10. The exercises connected with the occasion will be as follows: The Baccalaureate sermon by the president on Sunday afternoon, July 7th. An address before the Missionary Association, on Sunday evening, by Rev. H. M. Storris, D. D. of Cincinnati. An oration before the Archean Union, on Monday evening, by Prof. F. W. Fisk, of Chicago. Prize speaking on Tuesday afternoon, after which the corner stone of the Memorial Hall will be laid, with several brief addresses and appropriate ceremonies. On Tuesday evening an oration will be delivered before the Alumni by Dr. F. A. Lord, of the class of 1856, and a poem by Rev. W. Rose of the class of 1859. The exercises of the graduating class will occupy the morning of Wednesday, commencing at 10 o'clock. Candidates will be examined for admission to college classes on Monday and Tuesday. CAN'T RUB IT OUT.-"Don't write there," said one to a lad who was writing with a diamond pin on a pane of glass in the window of a hotel. "Why?" said he. (3 Because you can't rub it out," was the reply. There are other things which men should not do, because they can't rub them out. A heart is aching for sympathy-a cold, perhaps a heartless word is spoken. The impression may be more durable than that of the diamond upon the glass. The impression on the glass may be destroyed by the fracture of the glass, but the impression on the heart may last for ever. On many a mind and many a heart sad inscriptions are deeply engraved, which no effort can erase. We should be careful what we write on the minds of others.-Selected. OUT OF DANGER.-" Father," said a cobbler's boy, as he was pegging away at an old shoe, "they say that the trout bite now.". "Well, well," replied the old gentleman, "you stick to your work and they won't bite you!" THE Commissioners of Charities and Correction report that there are in New York 30,000 children under twelve and over five years of age, who are withoct homes, and whose guardianship is such that they are utterly daprived of the advantages of school training Book Notices, &c. OUR YOUNG FOLKS, (Ticknor & Fields, Publishers,) for July, contains a beautiful engraving, and excellent selections for the young folks --and old ones, too, for that matter. Gail Hamilton and J. T. Trowbridge have shown themselves eminently qualified to produce the best child's magazine in the world. ATLANTIC MONTHLY, for July, Published by Ticknor & Fields, Boston, Massachusetts. This number contains the continuation of that excellent story, "Guardian Angel," and also articles from the pen of J. Russell Lowell, T. W. Higginson, James Parton, J. G. Whittier, and other popular writers. THE HERALD OF HEALTH for July, beside its usual attractions, has a most elaborate article on the "Deaf and Dumb," referring particularly to the causes which produce this condition, and how they may be avoided; also what has been done and can be done to educate and ameliorate their condition. It will be found interesting and instruc-The article was written by Dr. Harvey P. Peet, Principal of Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Washington Heights, New York. Few persons have had equal opportunities for observation. This monthly will be sent for $2 a year; 20 cents a number. Address Miller, Wood & Co., No. 15 Laight St., New York. tive to all classes of readers. BREAD, and its Effect on the Or- THE HISTORY OF A MOUTHFUL OF ganization of Men and Animals. the French by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. Co., 121 Nassau Street, New York, This is a very popular work and has already reached the seventeenth edition. The simplicity of the style makes it interesting to the youthful mind and it can be readily understood by all. The quaint and droll illustrations will, though appearing simple, fix themselves indellibly in the mind of the reader. The different chapters are written in the form of essays to a young child, and by a perusal of this book the child may learn much of the human system that appears dry and meaningless in ost of our physiologies. COMMENTARIES OF JULIUS CÆSAR on the Gallic war, with explanatory notes by George Stuart. A. M. Professor of the Latin language in the Central High School of Philadelphia. Eldredge & Brother, Philadelphia; Speakman & Proctor No. 6, Custom House Place, Chicago. mainly that of Kra The notes have been student that amount The text of the present edition of Cæsar is ner, in the Tauchnitz edition of Latin Classics. prepared with a very simple view: to give the and kind of assistance which are really necessary to render his study profitable; to remove difficulties greater than his strength and to direct him to the sources of information which are requisite to a thorough understanding of the author. Particular attention is given to the Subjunctive Mood and the Infinitive with the Accusative. References to Grammar and translations of the most difficult passages are given. The book is neatly bound, on good paper; type, large and clear; it also contains a good map. THE CAMBRIDGE COURSE OF PHYSICS. Part First, Cohesion, Adhesion, Chemical affinty, Electricity By W. J. Rolfe and J. A. Gillet, teachers in the High School, Cambridge, Mass. Bosion. Crosby & Ainsworth. There has been wanted for a long time a book on Physics adapted to the School. About two years agɔ, one of the authors was appointed teacher of Physics in the Cambridge High School and finding the existing works on the subject entirely unsuited to schools of this gradehe gave oral instruction to his pupils and found that they became more interested and made better progress. He has embodied his ideas in this work. We are well pleased with the book and think it cannot fail to interest all who study it. The book is printed on good paper, in large and clear type. A NEW EDITION OF VIRGIL. Edward Searing, A. M., Professor. of the Greek and Latin languages in Milton College, has a new edition.. of Virgil nearly ready for publication. Its leading features are the following: 1. It will contain only the first six books of the Eneid—all that is read by the vast majority of students. 2. A Dictionary, very carefully constructed, showing the quantity. |