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curfe of God's broken law.

His convictions became


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fo ftrong, that he defpaired of mercy. His defpair, however, was not of long continuance: in due feason, God revealed his arm, and fhowed him that he could juftify finners without the deeds of the law. He rejoiced in the discovery with unfpeakable joy. His impreffions now led him to wish to do fomething for a Redeemer, who had done fo much for him. But he felt himself incapable. He ftrove for divine inftruction and God applied forcibly to his mind this text: "Į have chofen the things that are not, to bring to nought, things that are.' He then yielded ; and began to preach, yet under very great embarraffments. When a meeting would be appointed he thought that he would attend that, and would then decline for the future. Having obtained help, he has continued from that day to this, preaching the gofpel of the kingdom. Mr. Ofburne's labours in the ministry have been exceedingly bleffed in the country where he refides.

As a preacher, he ftands equal, if not fuperior, to any in that country. He has a fingular turn for touching the feelings: fo that, at affociations and great meetings, it is generally laid upon him, to close the meeting. In fuch cafes, God has often owned his exhortations, &c. to valuable purposes.

A few years paft, he was drawn into a debate about believers' baptifm, by fome of the Pedobaptifts. In confequeuce of this, his mind was imperceptibly led, to think much on this subject; and finally, to commit his thoughts to writing. This he did, in fuch an able manner, that his friends to whom he showed it, infifted on printing it. He confented; and it came out, under the title of David and Goliath. By many, this is confidered one of the best treatifes on baptifm, that has ever been published.

TAZE'S VALLEY AND MUD RIVER.. Nothing has occurred in either of these churches

worth noticing. They lie in the lower end of Kenhawa county, contiguous to the Kentucky line.


This church flourished greatly while it was under the care of elder Johnston; infomuch, that in a few years, two other churches were conftituted from it. But the removal of their minister who went to Kentucky, proved a heavy misfortune. They experienced great declenfion, and have ever fince been without a paftor.


Had, at the time of her conftitution, a confiderable revival within her limits. But her minifter, elder Johnston removing to Kentucky in a fhort time, they declined in fome degree. Elder Lee is their preacher at present.


Was in a revived ftate, when conftituted, but now is the reverse. It was literally, when constituted, a church in the wildernefs.


Was taken from Greenbrier, as has been fhown. When conftituted, Mark Lacy was paftor. At first, for a fmall space of time, the church flourished. But Lacy, after a fhort period, began to conduct himself unbecoming his ftation; which finally ended in his exclufion. In confequence of this, the church drooped, and were on the point of diffolving their conftitution, when in the year 1797, Mr. Alderfon undertook to fupply them. Being a favourite fon of heaven, through his labours the church again revived; and God raised, within her borders, what may be termed, one of the best gifts that a church can receive, a faith

ful minifter. James Ellifon was ordained to the paftoral care of this church, anno 1808.


There is nothing remarkable refpecting this church. They are very deftitute of minifterial fupply.

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Hiftory of the Union Affociation, including the
Sketches of Churches.

The churches of which this affociation is compofed, were in connexion with the Red Stone, until 1804 when they were difmiffed to form an independent affociation; having nine churches. They meet once a year, viz. the Friday before the laft Sunday in Auguft; and continue three days. Of their proceedings in the affociation, nothing is known. We can offer a few remarks refpecting the church

es, &c.


At the time that this church was conftituted, the country where the members refided, was but newly fettled. They paffed through many difficulties at first; but finally, rofe above them all.

Their first pastor, Mr. Sutton, was confidered a man of talents, piety, and ufefulness. Elder Gofs, their prefent paftor, moved, a few years paft, from Albemarle ; having, previous to that, travelled and preached very confiderably. It is presumable, he is equally induftrious, in his new habitation; and probably more fuccessful.


This church, at first very small, was revived foon after their conftitution; and became large and refpectable. But by the conftitution of other churches, they are now reduced to feventeen.


Enjoyed a comfortable revival, foon after they were constituted. But churches, like individuals, when they think they ftand, fhould take heed, left they fall. There has been a great declenfion in this church, of late.


Under the labours of elder Hickman, has rather flourished than otherwise.


Has rather profpered. From 1801 until 1805, elder John Denham was paftor: from 1805 until 1809, Ifaac Morrifs. They now have the minifterial fervices of Mr. Gofs.

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