Imagens das páginas


1. What standard English works have you read?

2. Give your method of conducting a class in the reading of an English master

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3. What makes a piece of literature classic?

4. Name five authors that have made American literature famous and the masterpiece of each.

5. Give a brief character sketch of Longfellow, Whittier, Bryant.

6. What constitutes the greatness of Shakespeare's work?




What is an epic poem? What are the great epics?

Characterize the Bible as literature.

How much attention should be given to the mechanics of a classic? How much to thought? How much to style?

10. How may young people be taught to love literature?

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(b) What is the value of the study of elementary sounds?

What are the chief essentials of good articulation, and how is it to be secured?

3. What benefits are derived from the study of word analysis? Discuss the growth of the English language.


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5. Give the rules for spelling the following words: ing, essays, berries.

wrapping, singeing, fenc

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1. What is the principal difference between the structure of the lamp producing the arc light and that producing the incandescent light.

Illustrate a dynamo having a field magnet that is shunt wound, series wound, compound wound. Give the special advantages of each. Describe the condenser method of measuring battery resistance.



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If a cable weighing 8 pounds per yard sags 12 inches in a span of 200 feet, what is the maximum tension per square inch in it?

Give the laws of falling bodies. Explain the law of acceleration.

7. Explain what is meant by the production of cold by absorption; by dispersion; by interference. Give examples of each.


Define a foot poundal in terms of units of length, mass, and time.

9. Explain Archimedes' principle as to a class.

10. Explain and illustrate composition of forces.


1. Discriminate as to the meaning of the following: anatomy, physiology, and hygiene; and speak of their relative importance in public school teaching.

2. Mention some good results from the work of the State Board of Health. 3. What is the germ theory of disease? What diseases are so classified? How treated?

4. What progress has been made in pure food legislation? Give some illustrations of the necessity for them.

5. How does the work of the schools injure childrens' eyes?


Give several useful suggestions for "first aid to the injured."

7. What are the physiological arguments for and against recess in school? Give three useful hints for bathing, care of the eyes, eating. Describe the nervous system.




What reasons can be given why a boy should not use tobacco, especially cigarettes?


1. Define rhetoric and tell what purpose is to be held in mind in the study. What is the relation of grammar and rhetoric?


3. What is the relation of rhetoric and literature?

4. What is diction? How may one secure a good vocabulary?

5. How will the reading of a classic aid in the rhetoric work? Apply the doctrine "We learn to do by doing" in rhetoric.




Can you give a successful plan for conducting rhetoricals?
Give an outline for the preparation of an essay.


Give your plan for conducting ninth grade English composition.


(a) Give ten suitable subjects for paragraph writing and (b) ten suitable themes for ninth grade composition.


1. How many members of the State Board of Education? When elected and for what term?

2. Give the general provisions of law governing the care and use of public money.

3. Give the procedure for organizing graded school districts.

4. Give the permissive powers, and the mandatory duties of boards of education. 5. What are included in necessary school appendages?


Name the boards governing the following institutions: university, normal schools, agricultural college, school for the blind, school for the deaf, and state how many constitute each board.

7. Give the legal qualifications for the office of commissioner of schools, for members of boards of examiners.


Who are voters in a school meeting?

9. Give the substance of the laws governing the following: display of flag, teaching communicable diseases, the effects of alcohol and narcotics. Do you own a copy of the school law? Give three reasons why you should thoroughly know this subject.



1. (a) What is the value of the study of psychology?

(b) In your study of psychology what benefits have you received for the practical work of the schoolroom?

2. Discuss the three most important requisites of a teacher.





Define the following: (a) envy, (b) jealousy, (c) malice, (d) revenge. Mention two of the world's greatest educators and explain the essential differences in their views.

Discuss the "Batavia Method."

What is the justification from a psychological point of view for teaching drawing and music in the public schools?

7. Discuss under classified heads one of the following topics:

(a) Discipline, (b) the recitation, (c) waste in the schoolroom.


(a) What is the educational value of a definition?

(b) When should a definition be taught?

9. Give five laws of mental growth and a principle of teaching founded upon each.

10. Define: (a) consciousness, (b) imagination, (c) attention, (d) judgment, and (e) discuss attention.


1. Upon what did the following nations base their claims to territory in the New World: England, Spain, France?

2. Give an account of the organization and work of the London and Plymouth companies.

3. Sketch the work of the constitutional convention of 1787.

4. What events led up to the election of Jefferson, Lincoln and Cleveland?


What results followed the Alien and Sedition laws, Dred Scott decision?

6. Locate in history the following: James G. Blaine, Henry Clay, William H. Seward, Lewis Cass, John C. Fremont, John Hay, Cyrus Field, Edward Everett Hale, Washington Irving, Rufus Choate.



Speak of the social conditions in the "South" at the present time.
What is the origin of the present difficulties between the United States and

9. What was the function of the first National Bank? What of the present National Banks?


What is the present status of railroad rate regulation?


1. Where have you studied zoology? How much time have you given to laboratory work? What specimens have you examined?



Give a careful statement of observations made on one specimen.

3. Name five men prominent because of their researches in zoology and biology. Describe the structure and habitat of the coral, oyster, sponge. Describe the anatomy of the infusoria.



Give the history and method of development of the codling moth.

7. Name the different classes under Arthropoda and give general characteristics of each.

8. Compare plants and animals as to origin, development, composition, and propagation.



Give general statement of circulatory systems of invertebrates.
Define branch, class, order, genus, species.


I. Questions prepared by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the regular examination, June 20-22, 1907.


First Grade.

1. Find the H. C. D. of 6 x 2 + 13 x − 5, 3 x 3 + 2 x2 + 2 x − 1, 6 x 3 † 19 x2 + 8 x −5. Reduce to simplest form


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3. Discuss simple equations under two of the following heads: (a) Impossible, (b) negative results, (c) variables, (d) limits, (e) inequalities. Deduce the formula for the cube of a number and apply the same in extracting the cube root of a number.




4) 2


Factor x3- y3 — 3 x y (x − y) ; (a 2 + a · 4; x2+xy-6 y 2+x+13y-6. 6. What is a logarithm? What advantage in the use of logarithms? The sum of the terms of a fraction is 17. If the numerator is increased by 5, and the denominator diminished by 5, the product of the resulting fraction and the original fraction is 4-21. Required the fraction. 8. A man rows down stream 12 miles in 4 hours less than it takes him to return. Should he row twice as fast, he would go down stream 10 miles an hour. Find his rate in still water.


Find three quantities in arithmetical progression such that the sum of the squares of the first and third exceeds the second by 123, and the second exceeds one-third the first by 6.

10. Given a, n and 1 in a geometrical progression, to find the formula for r and S.

1-2. Discuss the following:

Second Grade.

(a) the signs plus and minus in algebra, (b) change of sign, (c) "Like signs produce plus, unlike signs minus." al-bl.

3. Divide a 2 -b 2 by a

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Difference between A's and B's ages is 24. Eight years ago A's age was 4 times the age of B. How old is each?

In a number of three digits the units' figure is 3 times the hundreds' figure and the tens' figure equals the difference between the hundreds' figure and the units' figure. If 18 be added to the number the tens' and units' figures will change places. What is the number?

Divide 36 into two such parts that their product will be 320.

The number of dollars A has multiplied by the number B has is 96; but if A gives B $4 their money will be equal. How much has each?

10. The sum of three numbers is 100. The first plus its one-half equals the second, and the second is 9-10 of the third. What are the numbers?


First and Second Grades.

Second grade answer first ten; first grade the last ten.

1. At 16% premium what will be the income on U. S. 5's which can be bought with $464.50, brokerage %%?

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3. How many cords of stove wood in a pile 35 ft. long, 6% ft. high at one end, increasing in height to 8% ft. high at the other end?

4. Draw a negotiable 60-day note due Jan. 30, 1908, and compute the interest on the same at legal rate.

5. Find the surface of a block that is square on the end and three times as long as wide, containing 81 cu. ft.

6. The longitude of Paris is 2° 20′ 22′′ E. When Omaha time is 11 min. 57%1⁄2 sec. p. m. on Tuesday, what is the longitude of Omaha, if it is 45 min. past 3 a. m. Wednesday in Paris at the same instant?



A man succeeded in insuring a house worth $7,900 at such a price as to cover both the value and the insurance at a rate of 14%. What was the face of the policy?

A horse was sold for $175 at a loss of 12%. What would have been the selling price had there been a gain of 12%%?

9. How thick a shell must be taken from a ball 10 in. in diameter to get onethird of the ball?



What is the diagonal of a cube of silver weighing 8 lbs.?

A sphere and a cube have the same solid contents, 10 ft. What is the ratio of their surfaces?

12. Commission on buying is 5%, on selling is 3%. I send my broker cash to use for me in buying and selling. He buys stock and sells it at 10% advance, sending me $17 net profit. For how much did he sell, and how much did I send him?

13. Draw a negotiable 90-day note drawing 6%, such that discounted the same day at 10% it will produce $1,000.

Third Grade.

1. Give your method of teaching pupils to write decimals.



Give a model lesson on some topic in percentage.

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A man owns a farm of 120 acres which he rents at $500 per annum. annually $75 taxes and $50 repairs. How much will his net income be changed if he sells the farm at $60 an acre and invests in 6% nontaxable stock at 20% premium?

4. Which is better 4% stock at 10% discount or 6% stock at 20% premium, and how much?

5-6. At $20 per thousand what will the lumber cost to cover the roof of a 30x40 foot barn, the ridge being 20 ft. above the plate and the eaves projecting 2 ft.?




The space necessary to store 1,000,000 silver dollars is 250 cu. ft. On April 30, 1901, there were $436,485,494 silver dollars in the U. S. Treasury. How much space was required to store it?

Make out in proper form a receipted bill for 10 articles bought at a general store.

A boy 150 ft. from a tree flies his kite into the top, using 250 ft. of string in so doing. If his hand holding the string is 6 ft. from the ground, how high is the tree.

10. Find the diagonal of a cube containing 1,331,000 cu. in.


1. Give your method of writing decimals.

2. Give a model lesson in fourth grade work.

3. Make a problem that will be solved by the following indicated operations: (4X$16) ÷ ($3×4).

4. Explain, as to a class, substracting when a figure of the subtrahend is greater than the corresponding figure of the minuend.

5-6. At $20 per thousand what will the lumber cost to cover the roof of a 30x40 foot barn, the ridge being 20 ft. above the plate and the eaves projecting 2 ft.?


The space necessary to store 1,000,000 silver dollars is 250 cu. ft. On April 30, 1901, there were $436,485,494 silver dollars in the U. S. Treasury. How much space was required to store it?

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