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I. Questions prepared by the State Board of Education for the State examination held at Lansing and Marquette,

March 25-29, 1907.


1. Discuss algebra under the following heads:


(a) Its relation to mathematics.

(b) Its value as a factor in mental development.

(c) Its practical utility.

Discuss factoring, giving illustrations of the various cases.

3. Give a graphic illustration of

(a) a2+2ab+b as the square of (a + b).

(b) a2 b2

as equal to (a + b) (a b).

4. Show that in a series of equal ratios the sum of the antecedents is to the sum of the consequents as any one antecedent is to its consequent.

5. (a) Prove that (ab)n an bn.

(b) Discuss the Binomial Theorem.

6. Solve for value of x: { x + y = 82.


= y


7. If the product of two numbers be added to their difference, the result is 26; and the sum of their squares exceeds their difference by 50. What are the numbers? What is the length of that rectangular field of 21 acres whose area would be diminished one acre by decreasing its length 10 rods and its width 2 rods?


9. Two cubical vessels have together a capacity of 1,072 cubic inches and the sum of their heights is 16 inches. What is the capacity of each?


A man rents a farm for $200.

at $1 an acre more than he - many acres does he rent?

He retains 5 acres for his own use and sublets the rest gave, gaining thereby $10 on his entire rental. How


1. Discuss the educational value of arithmetic with reference to its effect upon (a) reason, (b) memory, (c) imagination, (d) judgment.

2. (a) Show why the difference between 1234 and 6725 may be found by adding the complement of 1234 to 6725 and then subtracting 10,000.

(b) 25= 20 X 30+ 52.

Explain why this is true.

3. (a) Prove that the product of any three consecutive numbers is divisible by 6. (b) Show that the product of the L. C. M. and H. C. D. of two numbers is always the product of the numbers.

4. How much pure alcohol must be added to a mixture of alcohol and water, so that of the mixture shall be pure alcohol? Solve by analysis.

5. (a) Express on a Fahrenheit scale the following temperatures:

+ 40° C., 5° R. Explain.

(b) The surface of a pyramid one foot high is made up of equilateral triangles. Find the surface of its sides.

6. Explain standard time, illustrating by examples.

7. A sphere and a cube have the same volume; find the ratio of their surfaces.

8. (a) Which is better for the purchaser and how much? 30%, 15%, 10% off or one discount of 47%?

(b) At what price above cost must goods be marked that r% may be deducted and still s% profit be made?


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State and describe the several stages or epochs in the life history of a plant.
Name the chemical elements of plants which may be discovered by the use of reagents.
Name several of the reagents you would use in such work.

Name the essential material and apparatus for a well-equipped botanical laboratory
for a high school.

What subjects should be introduced in a course in elementary agriculture? Why?
Name five kinds of roots and describe each.

(a) Describe dormant bud, accessory bud, terminal bud.

(b) Describe several kinds of estivation.

(a) Describe osmosis in roots and root hairs.

(b) What is meant by root pressure?

8. Explain how plants obtain food from the air and from the soil. What foods are secured from each source?



Describe three types of bundles found in fibro vascular tissue.
(a) Name and describe five flower clusters.

(b) Describe the process of pollination.


1. Define and illustrate acid, salt, base, alkali, neutralization.


1 8 21

Write the formulæ and give brief description of each: glycerin, chloroform, meth, 1, alcohol, glucose, phenol.

3. (a) Where and in what forms is nitrogen found in nature?

(0) Name several compounds with nitrogen.

4. (a) Describe the preparation of hydrochloric acid.



Name and give formula for the several compounds of chlorine, hydrogen, and


Outline a method for the sanitary analysis of water; of vinegar.

Give a few simple tests to detect the presence of iodine, silver, and sulphuric acid in a solution.

7. (a) What are hydro carbons? Name several.

(b) Give a test for carbon dioxide in the air.


Give the chemical significance of the terminations ate, ic, and ite.

9. Describe gunpowder chemically. Write the reaction caused by the explosion.

10. (a) Name and describe four compounds of iron.

(b) Give Avogadro's law.


1. How can civil government be correlated with United States history?

2. What are the sources of revenue for the national government? How may such revenues be increased? State the reasons for and against your answer.

3. Explain fully, using concrete illustrations, what is meant by the 59th Congress. 4. What steps have been taken to revise the constitution of Michigan? What remains to be done? What are some of the weaknesses of the present document?

5. What are the Michigan methods of controlling the sale of liquor? Are they effective? If not, why not?


Describe a trial in a justice court in detail? What is the jurisdiction of the justice court?

7. Give and explain several new ideas in methods of government-national, state, or local.

8-10. Give a full account of the Michigan system of taxation.


1. (a) Mention three elements of civilization transmitted by the ancients. Trace the transmission.

(b) Characterize the first century A. D. as to politics and religion.

2-3. (a) What reference works (not regular text-books) do you use for the study of English history? What books on general history has your school library? Name a short, comprehensive list of histories (not less than ten) which should be used for studying the history of France, Greece, Rome, Germany.

(b) How should reference work in general history be assigned? What is its purpose? What is the condition of Germany (a) politically, (b) commercially? Account for each. 5. (a) What is a concordat?



(b) What was the famous concordat of Bonaparte in 1801, and how is it affecting the history of France at the present time?

(c) What seems to be the social spirit of the French people and what is your opinion of this?

Discuss the present relations between the United States and Japan.

7. Trace in outline the struggle between France and England. What are their relations at the present time?



Mention some of the great problems which the English people are facing. Name some of her statesmen and state what solutions of these problems they advocate. When and how were England and Scotland united?

10. What was the Holy Alliance, its purpose, and its effects?


1. What mathematical geography should be taught in the grades?


What nations of Europe have interests in Africa and where? Which one has recently come into unpleasant notoriety over the rubber industry? How and why? 3. Name some geographical material and state what use you have made of the same." Describe the physical features of Michigan (both peninsulas).




What would you aim to bring out and enforce in the study of a single foreign country, say Italy?

Name ten products of any kind and the state or country that stands pre-eminent in the production of each.

7. Describe the government of Canada in detail.

8-10. South America.

(a) Countries: Capitals; government.

(b) People: Nationality; language; religion; character.

(c) Leading imports (not less than ten).

(d) Leading exports (not less than ten).

(e) Largest and smallest country. Two largest cities.

(f) Speak of the production of (a) coffee, (b) rubber, (c) “jerked beef," (d) Paraguay

tea, (e) nitrates, (f) wool, (g) vegetable ivory, (h) frozen mutton, (i) coca, (1)


(g) Why do we send missionaries to this continent?

(h) Why is not South America as progressive as North America?

(i) What are our trade relations with that continent?


1. (a) Give proofs of the theory of the origin of soils.

(b) Define disintegration and give factors of same.

2. Describe the formation of water falls, ravines, gorges, and give examples.

3. Describe glaciers. Name several noted glaciers. What is drift?

4. (a) Name organic agencies which have operated to change geographic and geologic conditions.

(b) Give notable examples.

5. What is the theory of the internal condition of the earth. Give proofs.

6. Describe the formation of coal beds, petroleum beds, salt beds and lakes.

[blocks in formation]

8. Explain the terms fault, dip, strike, syncline, cleavage.

9. (a) Describe igneous rocks.

(b) Describe and name the granitic group or forms.
(c) Describe and name the volcanic group or forms.

10. (a) Explain the origin of mineral and metal veins.

(b) Explain the formation of mountain ranges and systems.

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