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The State Treasurer, George Redfield, exhibited his books and monies on hand at the close of the last fiscal year, when the books were examined and the money counted, and there was found in his hands $17,640 in state scrip, and $1,252 81 cents in coin, &c.

R. P. ELDREDGE, Sec. State,

J. J. ADAM, Aud. Genl.

H. N. WALKER, Att'y Gen'l.

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To the Legislature of the State of Michigan:

The undersigned, in obedience to the requirements of law, have the honor to submit the following report for the past fiscal year in regard to the assets put under their charge.

By the accompanying abstract of receipts and disbursements, it will be seen that the balance on hand on the 1st of December, 1844,

[blocks in formation]

During the past year, there have been appraised and put into the Land Office, over $30,000 of farming lands and village and city property, of which only about $2,250 had been sold at the close of last month, leaving over $28,000 still on hand and for sale there at the minimum prices, as appraised by the Commissioner and Trustees.In May last, the Attorney General was instructed by the Trustees to agree to enter into an amicable suit with Z. Platt, late Attorney General, in regard to his claims or account for services in regard to state assets in his hands, upon condition of his delivering up all such assets and papers in relation to them, as were in his hands, other than his receipts on account of the same, until the determination of said suit; but at the last advices, no such arrangement had been made.The value of such assets as remain in the hands of said late Attorney General, cannot therefore be estimated, nor can the Trustees proceed to take charge and dispose of them, until possession of them can be had by means of the proposed amicable suit, or some other course.

The assets now in their hands, (other than lands for sale at the State Land Office,) it is not supposed, will realize probably over five thou sand dollars.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

JOHN J. ADAM, Aud. Gen'l,
GEO. REDFIELD, State Treas'r.
R. P. ELDREDGE, Sec'y of State.


Trustees of State Assets in Account


Dec. 1. To balance from acc't rend'ed Nov. 30, '44,

Feb. 12. To balance of E. B. Spencer, in full for w
hf of s e qr 34, t 1 s, r 10 e,

March 1. To this amount refunded by H. H. Comstock for taxes paid on lands conveyed to trustees on his account,

May 19. To am't rec'd E. P. Hastings, late A. Gen.,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

46 23. "taxes refunded by city of Detroit, for
taxes paid by Crane & Wesson on lots
owned by state on Croghan street,
"refunded by L. S. Humphrey, on ac
count of taxes paid on lands deeded by
him to trustees,

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[ocr errors]


June 9.


"do. do. for lot sold for taxes of 1838,
"received of J. H. Hatch, on lands sold,
"received of P. & J. J. Godfroy, for

mortgage on lot No. 143, Wadsworth &
Navarre plat, Monroe, $100 less $3,66

8492 61

28 78

30 00

129 76

1,015 59

1 66

51 08

92 16

47 84

296 50

96 34

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