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cumstances of the exchange, and of the strawberry on Joseph's breast. At the repetition of the word strawberry, Adams, who had seen it without any emotion, started, and cried, 'Bless me! something comes into my head.' But, before he had time to bring any thing out, a servant called him forth. When he was gone, the pedlar

sons of much greater circumstances than those he had hitherto mistaken for such; for that he had been stolen from a gentleman's house, by those whom they call gipsies, and had been kept by them during a whole year, when, looking on him as in a dying condition, they had exchanged him for the other healthier child, in the manner before related. He said, as to the name of his father, his wife had either never known or forgot it; but that she had acquainted him, he lived about forty miles from the place where the exchange had been made, and which way, promising to spare no pains in endeavouring with him to discover the place.

hour to live. I ran out, pulling my hair off,
and crying like any mad after the women,
but never could hear a word of them from
that day to this. When I came back, the
poor infant, (which is our Joseph there, as
stout as he now stands,) lifted up its eyes
upon me so piteously, that to be sure, not-
withstanding my passion, I could not find
in my heart to do any mischief. A neigh-assured Joseph, that his parents were per-
bour of mine, happening to come in at the
same time, and hearing the case, advised
me to take care of this poor child, and God
would perhaps one day restore me my own.
Upon which, I took the child up, and suckled
it, to be sure, all the world as if it had been
born of my own natural body; and, as true
as I am alive, in a little time I loved the boy
all to nothing, as if it had been my own
girl.-Well, as I was saying, times growing
very hard, I having two children, and no-
thing but my own work, which was little
enough, God knows, to maintain them, was
obliged to ask relief of the parish; but, in-
stead of giving it me, they removed me, by
justices' warrants, fifteen miles, to the place
where I now live, where I had not been long
settled, before you came home. Joseph, (for
that was the name I gave him myself-the
Lord knows whether he was baptized or no,
or by what name,) Joseph, I say, seemed to
me about five years old when you returned;
for I believe he is two or three years older
than our daughter here, (for I am thoroughly
convinced she is the same,) and when you
saw him, you said he was a chopping boy,
without ever minding his age; and so I,
seeing you did not suspect any thing of the
matter, thought I might e'en as well keep it
to myself, for fear you should not love him
as well as I did. And all this is veritably
true, and I will take my oath of it before any
justice in the kingdom.'

The pedlar, who had been summoned by
the order of Lady Booby, listened with the
utmost attention to gammer Andrews's
story; and when she had finished, asked
her, If the supposititious child had no mark
on its breast? To which she answered,
'Yes, he had as fine a strawberry as ever
grew in a garden.' This Joseph acknow-
ledged, and, unbuttoning his coat, at the
intercession of the company, showed to them.
'Well,' says gaffer Andrews, who was a co-
mical, sly old fellow, and very likely desired |
to have no more children than he could keep,
you have proved, I think, very plainly, that
this boy doth not belong to us; but how are
you certain that the girl is ours?' The
parson then brought the pedlar forward,
and desired him to repeat the story which
he had communicated to him the preceding
day at the alehouse; which he complied
with, and related what the reader, as well
as Mr. Adams, hath seen before. He then
confirmed, from his wife's report, all the cir-

But Fortune, which seldom doth good or ill, or makes men happy or miserable by halves, resolved to spare him this labour. The reader may please to recollect, that Mr. Wilson had intended a journey to the west, in which he was to pass through Mr. Adams's parish, and had promised to call on him. He was now arrived at the Lady Booby's gates for that purpose, being directed thither from the parson's house, and had sent in the servant whom we have above seen call Mr. Adams forth. This had no sooner mentioned the discovery of a stolen child, and had uttered the word strawberry, than Mr. Wilson, with wildness in his looks, and the utmost eagerness in his words, begged to be showed into the room, where he entered without the least regard to any of the company but Joseph, and embracing him with a complexion all pale and trembling, desired to see the mark on his breast; the parson followed him capering, rubbing his hands, and crying out, Hic est quem quæris; inventus est, &c. Joseph complied with the request of Mr. Wilson, who no sooner saw the mark, than, abandoning himself to the most extravagant rapture of passion, he embraced Joseph with inexpressible ecstacy, and cried out in tears of joy, 'I have discovered my son, I have him again in my arms!' Joseph was not sufficiently apprised yet, to taste the same delight with his father, (for so in reality he was ;) however, he returned some warmth to his embraces: but he no sooner perceived, from his father's acccount, the agreement of every circumstance, of person, time, and place, than he threw himself at his feet, and embracing his knees, with tears, begged his blessing, which was given with much affection, and received with such respect,

mixed with such tenderness on both sides, that it affected all present: but none so much as Lady Booby, who left the room in an agony, which was but too much perceived, and not very charitably accounted for by some of the company.


Being the last. In which this true history is brought to a happy conclusion.

FANNY was very little behind her Joseph in the duty she expressed towards her parents, and the joy she evidenced in discovering them. Gammer Andrews kissed her; and said, She was heartily glad to see her, but for her part, she could never love any one better than Joseph. Gaffer Andrews testified no remarkable emotion: he blessed and kissed her, but complained bitterly that he wanted his pipe, not having had a whiff that morning.

and marrying his parishioners without a licence.

Mr. Adams greatly exulting on this occasion, (for such ceremonies were matters of no small moment with him,) accidentally gave spurs to his horse, which the generous beast disdaining, for he was of high mettle, and had been used to more expert riders than the gentleman who at present bestrode him, for whose horsemanship he | had perhaps some contempt,-immediately ran away full speed, and played so many antic tricks, that he tumbled the parson from his back; which Joseph perceiving, came to his relief.

This accident afforded infinite merriment to the servants, and no less frightened poor Fanny, who beheld him as he passed by the coach; but the mirth of the one and terror of the other were soon determined, when the parson declared he had received no damage.

The horse having freed himself from his Mr. Booby, who knew nothing of his unworthy rider, as he probably thought aunt's fondness, imputed her abrupt depar- him, proceeded to make the best of his way; ture to her pride, and disdain of the family but was stopped by a gentleman and his into which he was married; he was there- servants, who were travelling the opposite fore desirous to be gone with the utmost way, and were now at a little distance from celerity and now, having congratulated the coach. They soon met; and as one of Mr. Wilson and Joseph on the discovery, the servants delivered Adams his horse, his he saluted Fanny, called her sister, and in- master hailed him, and looking up, presently troduced her as such to Pamela, who be- recollected he was the justice of peace behaved with great decency on the occasion. fore whom he and Fanny had made their He now sent a message to his aunt, who appearance. The parson presently saluted returned, that she wished him a good jour-him very kindly; and the justice informed ney, but was too disordered to see any company: he therefore prepared to set out, having invited Mr. Wilson to his house; and Pamela and Joseph both so insisted on his complying, that he at last consented, having first obtained a messenger from Mr. Booby, to acquaint his wife with the news: which, as he knew it would render her completely happy, he could not prevail on himself to delay a moment in acquainting her with.

The company were ranged in this manner: the two old people with their two daughters, rode in the coach; the Squire, Mr. Wilson, Joseph, Parson Adams, and the pedlar, proceeded on horseback.

In their way Joseph informed his father of his intended match with Fanny; to which, though he expressed some reluctance at first, on the eagerness of his son's instances, he consented; saying, if she was so good a creature as she appeared, and he described her, he thought the disadvantages of birth and fortune might be compensated. He however insisted on the match being deferred till he had seen his mother; in which Joseph perceiving him positive, with great duty obeyed him, to the great delight of Parson Adams, who by these means saw an opportunity of fulfilling the church forms,

him, that he had found the fellow who attempted to swear against him and the young woman the very next day, and had committed him to Salisbury jail, where he was charged with many robberies.

Many compliments having passed between the parson and the justice, the latter proceeded on his journey: and the former having with some disdain refused Joseph's offer of changing horses, and declared he was as able a horseman as any in the kingdom, remounted his beast; and now the company again proceeded, and happily arrived at their journey's end. Mr. Adams, by good luck rather than by good riding, escaping a second fall.

The company arriving at Mr. Booby's house, were all received by him in the most courteous, and entertained in the most splendid manner, after the custom of the old English hospitality, which is still preserved in some very few families in the remote parts of England. They all passed that day with the utmost satisfaction; it being perhaps impossible to find any set of people more solidly and sincerely happy. Joseph and Fanny found means to be alone upwards of two hours, which were the shortest but the sweetest imaginable.

In the morning Mr.Wilson proposed to his

Adams without that ornament, in any other place, were two very different persons.

son to make a visit with him to his mother; | deed, he always asserted, that Mr. Adams which, notwithstanding his dutiful inclina- at church with his surplice on, and Mr. tions, and a longing desire he had to see her, a little concerned him, as he must be obliged to leave his Fanny; but the goodness of Mr. Booby relieved him; for he proposed to send his own coach and six for Mrs. Wilson, whom Pamela so very earnestly invited, that Mr. Wilson at length agreed with the entreaties of Mr. Booby and Joseph, and suffered the coach to go empty for his wife.

When the church rites were over, Joseph led his blooming bride back to Mr. Booby's, (for the distance was so very little they did not think proper to use a coach;) the whole company attended them likewise on foot; and now a most magnificent entertainment was provided, at which Parson Adams deOn Saturday night the coach returned monstrated an appetite surprising, as well with Mrs. Wilson, who added one more to as surpassing every one present. Indeed this happy assembly. The reader may ima- the only persons who betrayed any defigine much better and quicker too than I can ciency on this occasion, were those on whose describe, the many embraces and tears of account the feast was provided. They joy which succeeded her arrival. It is suf-pampered their imaginations with the much ficient to say, she was easily prevailed with to follow her husband's example, in consenting to the match.

On Sunday Mr. Adams performed the service at the squire's parish church, the curate of which very kindly exchanged duty, and rode twenty miles to the Lady Booby's parish so to do; being particularly charged not to omit publishing the banns, being the third and last time.

more exquisite repast which the approach of night promised them; the thoughts of which filled both their minds, though with different sensations; the one all desire,: while the other had her wishes tempered with fears.

At length, after a day passed with the utmost merriment, corrected by the strictest decency; in which, however, parson Adams, being well filled with ale and pudding, had given a loose to more facetiousness than was usual to him; the happy, the blessed moment arrived, when Fanny retired with her mother, her mother-in-law, and her sister.

dressing to her was properly discovering, not putting off ornaments; for as all her charms were the gift of nature, she could divest herself of none.-How, reader, shall I give thee an adequate idea of this lovely young creature? the bloom of roses and lilies might a little illustrate her complexion, or their smell her sweetness: but to comprehend her entirely, conceive youth, health, bloom, neatness, and innocence, in her bridal bed; conceive all these in their utmost perfection, and you may place the charming Fanny's picture before your eyes.

At length the happy day arrived, which was to put Joseph in the possession of all his wishes. He arose, and dressed himself in a neat but plain suit of Mr. Booby's, which exactly fitted him; for he refused all finery; as did Fanny likewise, who could be She was soon undressed; for she had no prevailed on by Pamela to attire herself in jewels to deposit in their caskets, nor fine nothing richer than a white dimity night-laces to fold with the nicest exactness. Ungown. Her shift indeed, which Pamela presented her, was of the finest kind, and had an edging of lace round the bosom. She likewise equipped her with a pair of fine white thread stockings, which were all she would accept; for she wore one of her own short round-eared caps, and over it a little straw hat, lined with cherry-colored silk, and tied with a cherry-colored ribband. In this dress she came forth from her chamber, blushing and breathing sweets; and was by Joseph, whose eyes sparkled fire, led to church, the whole family attending, where Mr. Adams performed the ceremony; Joseph no sooner heard she was in bed, at which nothing was so remarkable, as the than he fled with the utmost eagerness to extraordinary and unaffected modesty of her. A minute carried him into her arms, Fanny, unless the true Christian piety of where we shall leave this happy couple to Adams, who publicly rebuked Mr. Booby enjoy the private rewards of their conand Pamela for laughing in so sacred a place and on so solemn an occasion. Our parson would have done no less to the highest prince on earth; for though he paid all submission and deference to his superiors in The third day, Mr. Wilson and his wife, other matters, where the least spice of re- with their son and daughter, returned home; ligion intervened he immmediately lost all where they now live together in a state of respect of persons. It was his maxim, that bliss scarce ever equalled. Mr. Booby hath he was a servant of the Highest, and could with unprecedented generosity given Fanny not, without departing from his duty, give a fortune of two thousand pounds, which Joup the least article of his honour, or of his seph hath laid out in a little estate in the same cause, to the greatest earthly potentate. In-parish with his father, which he now occuT

stancy; rewards so great and sweet, that I apprehend Joseph neither envied the noblest duke, nor Fanny the finest dutchess, that night.

pies, (his father having stocked it for him ;) and Fanny presides with most excellent management in his dairy; where, however, she is not at present very able to bustle much, being, as Mr. Wilson informs me in his last letter, extremely big with her first child.

Mr. Booby hath presented Mr. Adams with a living of one hundred and thirty pounds a-year. He at first refused it, resolving not to quit his parishioners, with whom he had lived so long; but, on recollecting he might keep a curate at this living, he hath been lately inducted into it.

The pedlar, besides several handsome presents both from Mr. Wilson and Mr. Booby, is, by the latter's interest, made an exciseman; a trust which he discharges

with such justice, that he is greatly beloved in his neighbourhood.

As for the Lady Booby, she returned to London in a few days, where a young captain of dragoons, together with eternal parties at cards, soon obliterated the memory of Joseph.

Joseph remains blessed with his Fanny, whom he dotes on with the utmost tenderness, which is all returned on her side. The happiness of this couple is a perpetual fountain of pleasure to their fond parents; and what is particularly remarkable, he declares he will imitate them in their retirement; nor will he be prevailed on by any booksellers, or their authors, to make his appearance in high life.



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