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Indeed, I believe, it may be laid down as a general rule, that no woman, who hath any great pretensions to admiration, is ever well pleased in a company, where she perceives herself to fill only the second place. This observation, however, I humbly submit to the judgment of the ladies, and hope it will be considered as retracted by me, if they shall dissent from my opinion.


you are provided with a lawyer, that you will suffer me to recommend one to you. The person I shall mention is, I assure you, of much ability in his profession, and I have known him do great services to gentlemen under a cloud. Do not be ashamed of your circumstances, my dear friend. They are a much greater scandal to those who have left so much merit unprovided for.'

Booth gave Mrs. Ellison abundance of thanks for her kindness, and explicitly confessed to her that her conjectures were right, and, without hesitation, accepted the offer of her friend's assistance.

Containing matters that require no preface. WHEN Booth and his wife were left alone Mrs. Ellison then acquainted him with together, they both extremely exulted in her apprehensions on his account. She their good fortune, in having found so good said, she had both yesterday and this morna friend as his lordship; nor were they ing seen two or three ugly suspicious felwanting in very warm expressions of their lows pass several times by her window. gratitude towards Mrs. Ellison. After which,Upon all accounts,' said she, 'my dear sir, they began to lay down schemes of living, I advise you to keep yourself close confined when Booth should have his commission as captain; and, after the exactest computation, concluded, that, with economy, they should be able to save at least fifty pounds a-year out of their income, in order to pay their debts.

till the lawyer hath been with you. I am sure he will get you your liberty, at least of walking about within the verge There's something to be done with the board of green cloth, I don't know what; but this I know, that several gentlemen have lived These matters being well settled, Amelia here a long time very comfortably, and asked Booth what he thought of Mrs. Ben- have defied all the vengeance of their crenet? I think, my dear,' answered Booth, ditors. However, in the mean time, you 'that she hath been formerly a very pretty must be a close prisoner with your lady; woman.'-'I am mistaken,' replied she, if and I believe there is no man in England she be not a very good creature; I don't but would exchange his liberty for the same know I ever took such a liking to any one jail.' on so short an acquaintance. I fancy she She then departed in order to send for the hath been a very sprightly woman; for, if attorney, and presently afterwards the seryou observe, she discovers, by starts, a geant arrived with news of the like kind. great vivacity in her countenance.' 'I made He said, he had scraped an acquaintance the same observation,' cries Booth; Sure with Murphy. I hope your honour will some strange misfortune hath befallen her.' pardon me,' cries Atkinson, but I pretend—‘A misfortune, indeed!' answered Amelia; ed to have a small demand upon your honour sure, child, you forget what Mrs. Ellison myself, and offered to employ him in the told us, that she had lost a beloved hus- business. Upon which, he told me, that if band. A misfortune which I have often I would go with him to the Marshal's Court, wondered at any woman's surviving,'-At and make affidavit of my debt, he should be which words she cast a tender look at Booth, able very shortly to get it me; "for I shall and presently afterwards throwing herself have the captain in hold," cries he, "within upon his neck, cried-O Heavens! what a day or two."-'I wish,' said the sergeant, a happy creature am I? when I consider I could do your honour any service. Shall the dangers you have gone through, how II walk about all day before the door? or exult in my bliss!' The good-natured reader shall I be porter, and watch it in the inside, will suppose that Booth was not deficient in till your honour can find some means of sereturning such tenderness, after which, the curing yourself? I hope you will not be conversation became too fond to be here re-offended at me, but I beg you would take lated.

care of falling into Murphy's hands; for he The next morning, Mrs. Ellison address- hath the character of the greatest villain ed herself to Booth as follows: 'I shall upon earth.-I am afraid you will think me make no apology, sir, for what I am going too bold, sir; but I have a little money; if to say, as it proceeds from my friendship it can be of any service, do, pray your hofor yourself and your dear lady. I am convinced, then, sir, there is something more than accident in your going abroad only one day in the week. Now, sir, if, as I am afraid, matters are not altogether as well as I wish them, I beg, since I do not believe

nour, command it. It can never do me so much good any other way. Consider, sir, I owe all I have to yourself, and my dear mistress.'

Booth stood a moment, as if he had been thunderstruck, and then, the tears bursting Ee

from his eyes, he said: Upon my soul, | suffer me to call you by so familiar a name,) Atkinson, you overcome me. I scarce ever have you entirely forgot a certain young heard of so much goodness, nor do I know lady who had the pleasure of being your how to express my sentiments of it. But intimate acquaintance at Montpelier?— be assured, as for your money, I will not Whom do you mean, dear madam?' cries accept it, and let it satisfy you, that in my Mrs. James, with great concern. 'I mean present circumstances it would do me no myself,' answered Amelia. You surprise essential service; but this be assured of, me, madam,' replied Mrs. James: How likewise, that whilst I live, I shall never for- can you ask me that question ?— Nay, my get the kindness of the offer. However, as dear, I do not intend to offend you,' cries I apprehend I may be in some danger of Amelia, but I am really desirous to solve fellows getting into the house, for a day or to myself the reason of that coldness which two, as I have no guard but a poor little you showed me, when you did me the favour girl, I will not refuse the goodness you offer of a visit. Can you think, my dear, I was to show in my protection. And I make no not disappointed when I expected to meet doubt but Mrs. Ellison will let you sit in her an intimate friend, to receive a cold formal parlour for that purpose.' visitant? I desire you to examine your own

Atkinson, with the utmost readiness, un-heart, and answer me honestly, if you do dertook the office of porter; and Mrs. Ellison as readily allotted him a place in her back-parlour, where he continued three days together, from eight in the morning till twelve at night; during which time, he had sometimes the company of Mrs. Ellison, and sometimes of Booth, Amelia, and Mrs. Bennet too; for this last had taken as great a fancy to Amelia, as Amelia had to her: and therefore, as Mr. Booth's affairs were now no secret in the neighbourhood, made her frequent visits during the confinement of her husband, and consequently her own.

Nothing, as I remember, happened in this interval of time, more worthy notice than the following card, which Amelia received from her old acquaintance Mrs. James: Mrs. James sends her compliments to Mrs. Booth, and desires to know how she does; for as she hath not had the favour of seeing her at her own house, or of meeting her in any public place, in so long a time, fears it may be owing to ill health."

not think I had some little reason to be dissatisfied with your behaviour?- Indeed, Mrs. Booth,' answered the other lady, you surprise me very much; if there was any thing displeasing to you in my behaviour, I am extremely concerned at it. I did not know I had been defective in any of the rules of civility, but if I was, madam, I ask your pardon.Is civility then, my dear,' replied Amelia, a synonymous term with friendship? Could I have expected, when I parted the last time with Miss Jenny Bath, to have met her the next time in the shape of a fine lady, complaining of the hardship of climbing up two pair of stairs to visit me, and then approaching me with the distant air of a new or slight acquaintance? Do you think, my dear Mrs. James, if the tables had been turned, if my fortune had been as high in the world as yours, and you in my distress and abject condition, that I would not have climbed as high as the Monument to visit you?-Sure, madam,' Amelia had long given over all thoughts cried Mrs. James, I mistake you, or you of her friend, and doubted not but that she have greatly mistaken me. Can you comwas as entirely given over by her; she was plain of my not visiting you, who have very much surprised at this message, and owed me a visit almost these three weeks? under some doubt whether it was not meant Nay, did I not even then send you a card, as an insult, especially from the mention of which sure was doing more than all the public places, which she thought so incon- friendship and good-breeding in the world sistent with her present circumstances, of required; but, indeed, as I had met you in which she supposed Mrs. James was well no public place, I really thought you was apprised. However, at the entreaty of her ill. How can you mention public places husband, who languished for nothing more to me,' said Amelia, 'when you can hardly than to be again reconciled to his friend be a stranger to my present situation? Did James, Amelia undertook to pay the lady a you not know, madam, that I was ruined?' visit, and to examine into the mystery of No, indeed, madam, did I not,' replied this conduct, which appeared to her so un- Mrs. James; I am sure I should have been accountable. highly concerned if I had.'- Why, sure, my dear,' cries Amelia, you could not imagine that we were in affluent circumstances, when you found us in such a place, and in such a condition.'-Nay, my dear,' answered Mrs. James, since you are pleased to mention it first yourself, I own, I was a little surprised to see you in no better lodgings; but I concluded you had your

Mrs. James received her with a degree of civility that amazed Amelia, no less than her coldness had done before. She resolved to come to an eclaircissement, and having sat out some company that came in, when they were alone together, Amelia, after some silence, and many offers to speak, at last said, 'My dear Jenny, (if you will now


own reasons for liking them; and, for my my resentment. However, as you are a own part, I have laid it down as a positive gentleman born, and an officer, and as I rule, never to inquire into the private affairs have had an esteem for you, I will give you of any one, especially of my friends. I am some marks of it by putting it in your not of the humour of some ladies, who con- power to do yourself justice. I will tell fine the circle of their acquaintance to one you therefore, sir, that you have acted like part of the town, and would not be known a scoundrel.'-' If we were not in the Park,' to visit in the city for the world. For my answered Booth warmly, I would thank part, I never dropt an acquaintance with you very properly for that compliment.'any one, while it was reputable to keep it O, sir! cries the colonel, we can be soon up; and I can solemnly declare I have not in a convenient place.' Upon which Booth a friend in the world for whom I have a | answered, he would attend him wherever greater esteem than I have for Mrs. Booth.' he pleased.-The colonel then bid him come At this instant, the arrival of a new visi-along, and strutted forward directly up Contant put an end to the discourse; and Ame-stitution-Hill to Hyde-Park, Booth followlia soon after took her leave without the ing him at first, and afterwards walking beleast anger, but with some little unavoidable fore him, till they came to that place which contempt for a lady, in whose opinion, as may be properly called the field of blood, we have hinted before, outward form and being that part, a little to the left of the ceremony constituted the whole essence of ring, which heroes have chosen for the friendship; who valued all her acquaintance scene of their exit out of this world. alike, as each individual served equally to fill up a place in her visiting roll, and who, in reality, had not the least concern for the good qualities or well-being of any of them.


Containing much heroic matter.

Ar the end of three days, Mrs. Ellison's friend had so far purchased Mr. Booth's liberty, that he could walk again abroad within the verge, without any danger of having a warrant backed against him by the Board before he had notice. As for the ill-looked persons that had given the alarm, it was now discovered that another unhappy gentleman, and not Booth, was the object of their pursuit.

Mr. Booth now being delivered from his fears, went, as he had formerly done, to take his morning walk in the Park. Here he met Colonel Bath in company with some other officers, and very civilly paid his respects to him. But, instead of returning the salute, the colonel looked him full in the face with a very stern countenance; and, if he could be said to take any notice of him, it was in such a manner as to inform him he would take no notice of him.

Booth reached the ring some time before the colonel; for he mended not his pace any more than a Spaniard. To say truth, I believe it was not in his power; for he had so long accustomed himself to one and the same strut, that as a horse, used always to trotting, can scarce be forced into a gallop, so could no passion force the colonel to alter his pace.

At length, however, both parties arrived at the lists, where the colonel very deliberately took off his wig and coat, and laid them on the grass, and then drawing his sword, advanced to Booth, who had likewise his drawn weapon in his hand, but had made no other preparation for the combat.

The combatants now engaged with great fury, and after two or three passes, Booth ran the colonel through the body and threw him on the ground, at the same time possessing himself of the colonel's sword.

As soon as the colonel was become master of his speech, he called out to Booth, in a very kind voice, and said, 'You have done my business, and satisfied me that you are a man of honour, and that my brother James must have been mistaken; for I am convinced that no man who will draw his sword in so gallant a manner, is capable of being a rascal; d-n me, give me a buss, Booth was not more hurt than surprised my dear boy. I ask your pardon for that at this behaviour, and resolved to know the infamous appellation I dishonoured your reason of it. He therefore watched an dignity with; but d-n me, if it was not opportunity till the colonel was alone, and purely out of love, and to give you an opthen walked boldly up to him, and desired portunity of doing yourself justice, which I to know if he had given him any offence?-own you have done like a man of honour. The colonel answered hastily, Sir, I am What may be the consequence, I know not; above being offended with you, nor do I but I hope, at least, I shall live to reconcile think it consistent with my dignity to make you with my brother.' you any answer.' Booth replied, 'I don't know, sir, that I have done any thing to deserve this treatment.'-Look'ee, sir,' cries the colonel, if I had not formerly had some respect for you, I should not think you worth

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Booth showed great concern, and even horror in his countenance. Why, my dear colonel,' said he, would you force me to this? for Heaven's sake, tell me, what I have ever done to offend you?'

'Me!' cried the colonel. Indeed, my | quoth the colonel; for I am not desirous of dear child, you never did any thing to dying, though I am not afraid of it. But offend me.-Nay, I have acted the part of if any thing worse than you apprehend a friend to you in the whole affair. I maintained your cause with my brother as long as decency would permit; I could not flatly contradict him, though, indeed, I scarce believed him. But what could I do? if I had not fought with you, I must have been obliged to have fought with him; however, I hope what is done will be sufficient, and that matters may be accommodated without your being put to the necessity of fighting any more on this occasion.'

Never regard me,' cried Booth eagerly; 'for Heaven's sake, think of your own preservation. Let me put you into a chair, and get you a surgeon.'

'Thou art a noble lad,' cries the colonel, who was now got on his legs, and I am glad the business is so well over. For, though your sword went quite through, it slanted so, that I apprehend there is little danger of life. However, I think there is enough done to put an honourable end to the affair, especially, as you was so hasty to disarm me. I bleed a little, but I can walk to the house by the water; and if you will send me a chair thither, I shall be obliged to you.'

As the colonel refused any assistance, (indeed, he was very able to walk without it, though with somewhat less dignity than usual,) Booth set forward to GrosvenorGate, in order to procure the chair, and soon after returned with one to his friend; whom having conveyed into it, he attended himself, on foot, into Bond-street, where then lived a very eminent surgeon.

The surgeon, having probed the wound, turned towards Booth, who was apparently the guilty person, and said, with a smile, Upon my word, sir, you have performed the business with great dexterity."

'Sir,' cries the colonel to the surgeon, I would not have you imagine I am afraid to die. I think I know more what belongs to the dignity of a man; and I believe I have shown it at the head of a line of battle. Do not impute my concern to that fear, when I ask you whether there is or is not any danger.'

should happen, I desire you will be a witness of my declaration, that this young gentleman is entirely innocent. I forced him to do what he did. My dear Booth, I am pleased matters are as they are. You are the first man that ever gained an advantage over me; but it was very lucky for you that you disarmed me; and I doubt not but you have the equanimity to think so. If the business, therefore, hath ended without doing any thing to the purpose, it was fortune's pleasure, and neither of our faults.'

Booth heartily embraced the colonel, and assured him of the great satisfaction he had received from the surgeon's opinion; and soon after the two combatants took their leave of each other. The colonel, after he was dressed, went in a chair to his lodgings, and Booth walked on foot to his; where he luckily arrived without meeting any of Mr. Murphy's gang; a danger which never once occurred to his imagination till he was out of it.

The affair he had been about had indeed so entirely occupied his mind, that it had obliterated every other idea; among the rest, it caused him so absolutely to forget the time of day, that though he had exceeded the time of dining above two hours, he had not the least suspicion of being at home later than usual.


In which the reader will find matter worthy his consideration.

AMELIA having waited above an hour for her husband, concluded, as he was the most punctual man alive, that he had met with some engagement abroad, and sat down to her meal with her children; which, as it was always uncomfortable in the absence of her husband, was very short; so that before his return, all the apparatus of dining was entirely removed.

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Booth sat some time with his wife, expecting every minute when the little maid would make her appearance; at last, curi'Really, colonel,' answered the surgeon, osity, I believe, rather than appetite, made who well knew the complexion of the gen-him ask, how long it was to dinner? To tleman then under his hands. 'it would ap- dinner, my dear,' answered Amelia, sure pear like presumption, to say that a man, you have dined, I hope?' Booth replied in who hath been just run through the body, the negative; upon which his wife started is in no manner of danger. But this I think from her chair, and bestirred herself as nimI may assure you, that I yet perceive no bly to provide him a repast, as the most invery bad symptoms, and unless something dustrious hostess in the kingdom doth, when worse should appear, or a fever be the con- some unexpected guest of extraordinary sequence, I hope you may live to be again, quality arrives at her house. with all your dignity, at the head of a line of battle.'

'I am glad to hear that is your opinion,'

The reader hath not I think, from any passages hitherto recorded in this history, had much reason to accuse Amelia of a

blameable curiosity; he will not, I hope, conclude that she gave an instance of any such fault, when, upon Booth's having so long overstayed his time, and so greatly mistaken the hour of the day, and upon some other circumstances of his behaviour, (for he was too honest to be good at concealing any of his thoughts,) she said to him, after he had done eating, 'My dear, I am sure something more than ordinary hath happened to-day, and I beg you will tell me what it is.'

Booth answered, that nothing of any consequence had happened; that he had been detained by a friend, whom he met accidentally, longer than he expected. In short, he made many shuffling and evasive answers, not boldly lying out, which, perhaps would have succeeded, but poorly and vainly endeavouring to reconcile falsehood with truth. An attempt which seldom fails to betray the most practised deceiver.

How impossible was it therefore for poor Booth to succeed in an art for which nature had so entirely disqualified him. His countenance, indeed, confessed faster than his tongue denied; and the whole of his behaviour gave Amelia an alarm, and made her suspect something very bad had happened; and as her thoughts turned presently on the badness of their circumstances, she feared some mischief from his creditors had befallen him for she was too ignorant of such matters to know, that if he had fallen into the hands of the Philistines, (which is the name given by the faithful to bailiffs,) he would hardly have been able so soon to recover his liberty. Booth at last perceived her to be so uneasy, that as he saw no hopes of contriving any fiction to satisfy her, he thought himself obliged to tell her the truth, or at least part of the truth, and confessed that he had had a little skirmish with Colonel Bath, in which, he said the colonel had received a slight wound, not at all dangerous; and this, says he, is all the whole matter.

wound is no more dangerous than you say? A monster surely I may call him, who can quarrel with a man that could not, that I am convinced would not offend him.'

Upon this question, Booth repeated the assurances which the surgeon had given them, perhaps with a little enlargement, which pretty well satisfied Amelia; and instead of blaming her husband for what he had done, she tenderly embraced him, and again returned thanks to Heaven for his safety.

In the evening, Booth insisted on paying a short visit to the colonel, highly against the inclination of Amelia, who, by many arguments and entreaties, endeavoured to dissuade her husband from continuing an acquaintance in which, she said, she should always foresee much danger for the future. However, she was at last prevailed upon to acquiesce; and Booth went to the colonel, whose lodgings happened to be in the verge、 as well as his own.

He found the colonel in his night-gown, and his great chair, engaged with another officer at a game of chess. He rose immediately, and having heartily embraced Booth, presented him to his friend, saying, he had the honour to introduce to him as brave and as fortitudinous a man as any in the king's dominions. He then took Booth with him into the next room, and desired him not to mention a word of what had happened in the morning, saying, 'I am very well satisfied that no more hath happened; however, as it ended in nothing, I could wish it might remain a secret.' Booth told him he was heartily glad to find him so well, and promised never to mention it more to any one.

The game at chess being but just begun, and neither of the parties having gained any considerable advantage, they neither of them insisted on continuing it; and now the colonel's antagonist took his leave, and left the colonel and Booth together.

As soon as they were alone, the latter 'If it be so,' cries Amelia, 'I thank earnestly entreated the former to acquaint Heaven no worse hath happened; but why, him with the real cause of his anger; For, my dear, will you ever converse with that may I perish,' cries Booth, if I can even madman, who can embrace a friend one guess what I have ever done to offend either moment, and fight with him the next?'-you, or your brother, Colonel James.' Nay, my dear,' answered Booth, you 'Look'ee, child,' cries the colonel, 'I tell yourself must confess, though he be a little too much on the qui vive, he is a man of great honour and good-nature.'-Tell me not,' replied she,' of such good-nature and honour as would sacrifice a friend, and a whole family, to a ridiculous whim. O, Heavens!' cried she, falling upon her knees, 'from what misery have I escaped, from what have these poor babes escaped, through your gracious providence this day-Then turning to her husband-she cried-But are you sure the monster's

you I am for my own part satisfied; for I am convinced that a man who will fight, can never be a rascal; and, therefore, why should you inquire any more of me at present? when I see my brother James, I hope to reconcile all matters, and perhaps no more swords need be drawn on this occasion.' But Booth still persisting in his desire, the colonel, after some hesitation, with a tremenduous oath, cried out, 'I do not think myself at liberty to refuse you after the indignity I offered you; so, since you de

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