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" Stern o'er each bosom reason holds her state With daring aims irregularly great ; Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I see the lords of human kind pass by... "
The "impersonality" of Shakespeare - Página 264
por Edward George Harman - 1925 - 330 páginas
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The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: Now ..., Volume 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1780 - 204 páginas
...there combin'd, Extremes are 'only in the mafter's mind ! Stern o'er each bofom Reafon holds her ftate With daring aims irregularly great ; Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I fee the lords of human kind pafs by ; Intent on high defigns, a thoughtful band,By forms unfafhion'd...
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The muse's pocket companion. A collection of poems. By lord Carlisle [and ...

Muse - 1785 - 316 páginas
...there combin"d, Extremes are only in the mailer's mind ! Stern o'er each bofom reafon holds her flate With daring aims irregularly great, Pride in their port defiance in their eye, I fee the lords of human kind pafs by, Intent on high defign:, a thoughtful band, By forms unfzfhion'd...
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Boswell's Life of Johnson: Tour to the Hebrides (1773) and Journey into ...

James Boswell - 1786 - 552 páginas
...character of the British nation, which he did with such energy, that the tear started into his eye : — 'Stern o'er each bosom reason holds her state, With...soul, True to imagin'd right, above control, While ev'n the peasant boasts these rights to scan, And learns to venerate himself as man.' We Oct. 23.]...
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The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

James Boswell - 1786 - 478 páginas
...with fuch energy, that the tear ftarted into his eye: " Stern o'er each bofom reafon holds her ftate. With daring aims irregularly great, Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I fee the lords of humankind pafs by, Intent on high defigns, a thoughtful band, , By forms unfafhion'd,...
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Bell's Classical Arrangement of Fugitive Poetry, Volumes 3-4

John Bell - 1789 - 396 páginas
...every spray ; Creation's mildest charms are there combin'd. Extremes are only in the master's mind ! Stern o'er each bosom reason holds her state,, By forms unfashion'd, fresh from Nature's hand ; 3 5^ Fierce in their native hardiness of soul, True to imagin'd right, above control, While even...
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Bell's Classical Arrangement of Fugitive Poetry ...

John Bell - 1789 - 202 páginas
...every spray ; Creation's mildest charms are there combin'd. Extremes are only in the master's mind ! Stern o'er each bosom reason holds her state, With...eye, I see the lords of human kind pass by, Intent OB high designs, a thoughtful band, By forms unfashion'd, fresh from Nature's hand ; Fierce in their...
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The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: With an Account ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1791 - 206 páginas
...combin'd, Extremes are only in the mafter's mind! Stern o'er each bofom Reafon holds her 'ftate " . With daring aims irregularly, great ; Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I fee the lords of human kind pafs by ; Intent on high defig^s, a thoughtful band, By forms unfamion'.d...
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Extracts, Elegant, Instructive, and Entertaining, in Poetry, Volume 1

Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 páginas
...there combin'd; Extremes are only in the matter's mind ! Stern o'er each bofom Reafon holds her ftatc, green, R 4 The The breezy covert of the warbling grove, That only Ihclter'd thefts fee the lords of human-kind pafs by , Intent en high defigns, a thoughtful band, 3y forms unfefliion'd...
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Bell's Classical Arrangement of Fugitive Poetry: Vol. IV., Edição 277

1793 - 204 páginas
...every spray ; Creation's mildest charms are there combin'd. Extremes are only in the master's mind. Stern o'er each bosom reason holds her state, With...Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I see the lurds of human kind pass by, Intent on high designs, a thoughtful band, By forms unfashion'd, fresh...
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Roach's Beauties of the Modern Poets of Great Britain: Carefully Selected ...

James Roach - 1792 - 284 páginas
...there combin'd ; Extremes are only in the mafler's mind. Stern o'er each bofom reafon holds her flate, With daring aims irregularly great ; Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I fee the lords of human kind pafi by ; Intent on high defigns, a thoughtful band, By forms uufafliion'd...
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