Imagens das páginas


14. Imprisoned for life, 15. Released in an
an insurrection, and escapes to Burgundy, 23
Audemer et la Rivière, Pont St., taken from
the English by the French, ii. 226
Auerstadt, battle of, v. 130

Augereau, General, defeats the Piedmontese at
Millesimo, v. 18. Sent by Buonaparte to com-
mand the coup d'état at Paris, 36. See Buona-

Augsburg, league of, iv. 28

Aumale, Duke of, slain at the battle of Ver-
neuil, ii. 150

Aumale, Francis, Duke of, his revenue, ii. 573.
Accused of having caused the death of the
Duke d'Enghien, 587. His ejaculation on the
death-bed of Francis I., 592. His influence
over Henry II. 593. See Francis, Duke of Guise
Aumale, Duke of, brother of the preceding,
taken prisoner by Albert of Brandenburg, ii.
611. Accompanies the French army into
Italy, 623. At the siege of Calais, 629. Mar-
ries the daughter of Diana of Poitiers, iii. 7.
Governor of Champagne, iii. 86. His scene
with Pithon, 86

Aumale, Duke of, son of Francis, Duke of Guise,
endeavours to intercept the Duke of Deux
Ponts, iii. 104. Joins in the St. Bartholomew
massacre, 141. Shot at the siege of La Ro-
chelle, 153
Aumale, Duke of, refuses to deliver up Picardy
to Condé, iii. 179. Ordered to his govern-
ment, 214. Makes an attempt upon Bou-
logne, 214. Disapproves of the extreme mea-
sures of his brother, Guise, 227. Chosen
chief of the Paris bands, 235. Routed by
the Duke of Longueville, 246. Ham taken
from him by D'Humières, 316. In the Spa-
nish army, 317

Aumale, Duc d', made Prince of Condé's heir,

v. 435. Surprises an encampment of Abd-el-
Kader, 560. His promise to Abd-el-Kader, 562
Aumale, Chevalier d', partisan of the League,
slain, iii. 279

Aumont, Maréchal d', attends the council for
the murder of the Duke of Guise, iii. 229.
Sent to secure Orleans, but too late, 234.
Announces to Henry IV. the adhesion of
gentlemen of Champagne, 251. Fails to aid
Lagny, 273. Wavers in his allegiance to
Henry IV., 288. His ill treatment of the Eng-
lish allies in France, 321. Invades maritime
Flanders, 662

Auneau, defeat of the Germans at, iii. 213
Auray, battle of, i. 506

Aurillac, rebellion of, against the taxes of
Louis XI., ii. 256

Austerlitz, battle of, v. 122, 124
Austrasia, formation of the kingdom of, i. 8.
Difference in its habits and laws as com-
pared with Neustria, 8. Joined to the Em-
pire by Clothaire II., 11. Again separates,


12. Antagonism of the Neustrians and Aus-
trasians, 12. Defeat of the Austrasians by
the Neustrians at the battle of Loixi, 12.
Subjugation of the Neustrians by the Aus-
trasians under Pepin, 13. Gradual forma-
tion of a kind of aristocratic republic, or
chivalry, in, 15. Social condition of Aus-
trasia under the Carlovingians, 15, 16
Austria, an alliance of, with the Swiss, pro-
moted by Louis XI., ii. 310. Its dominions
swollen by the acquisition of the Duchy of
Burgundy, 334. Alliance between the houses
of Austria and France, 412. Plan of a league
for humbling, iii. 449. Alliance of Austria
with Spain, iv. 191, 193. The Austrian domi-
nions secured to Maria Theresa by the Prag-
matic Sanction, 193. Failure of the Austro-
Spanish alliance, 198. Peace with France and
England, 199. At war with France, Prussia,
and Bavaria, 216. Makes peace with Frede-
rick, 221. Political ingratitude of, 261. Enters
into an alliance with France, 262. War with,
v. 161. See Assembly; Buonaparte; Directory.
Auvergne subjugated by Louis, the Fat, i. 126.
Ceded by Henry II. of England to Philip
Augustus, 157. Given by Louis VIII. to his
son Alphonso, 200. Refusal of St. Hérem to
allow the murder of the Huguenots in, iii. 149
Auvergne, Count d', natural son of Charles IX.,
iii. 352. Accompanies Biron to England, 354.
Joins Biron's conspiracy, 354. Arrested, 356.
Pardoned, 357. Released from the Bastille,
413. And sent against the rebellious nobles
in Soissons, 413. See also Angoulême.
Auxerre, Count of, killed at Crecy, i. 428.
Burned by mercenary free corps, 486. Treaty
of, ii. 88. The county ceded to Philip III.
of Burgundy, 192. Brought in dowry to
the Dauphin, afterwards Charles VIII., 341.
Submits to Henry IV., iii. 319

Avain, defeat of the Spaniards at, iii. 512
Avars, a Hunnish tribe, attack the Austra-
sians, but are beaten by Sigebert, i. 8.
Necessity for uniting the Christian world
against the, 19

Avesnes given by Spain to France, iii. 642
Avignon, besieged and taken by Louis VIII.,
i. 199. Rebels against Charles of Anjou,
243. Submits to him again, 243. The Papal
Court at, 336. Vassalage of the Popes
there, 398. Their anxiety to escape, 398.
Depopulated by the plague, 439. Threat-
ened by the free companies, 499. Visit of
John II. to the Pope at, 501. March of the
military companies to receive the Papal
blessing, 510. Visit of Charles VI. to,
ii. 41. Pope Benedict XIII. besieged by
Marshal Boucicaut in, 72. The Constable
Montmorency's camp near, 539. Seized by
Louis XIV., iv. 29. Declared by the As-
sembly united to France, 498. Army of

[blocks in formation]

Vaucluse enter and massacre its principal | Bankok, offer of, to Louis XIV., iv. 27
citizens, 498

Avignonet pillaged by the Black Prince, i. 455
Aymard, General, reduces the insurrection at
Lyons, v. 483, 484

Azores, proposed removal of Napoleon to the,

v. 241

BABEUF, conspires against the Directory,
12 Taken and executed, 13

Bacon, the brigand, sells Combourne to Philip
VI., i. 437

Badajoz, siege of, v. 181. Battle of, 206
Bagration, General, unites his forces with
Barclay, and is killed at battle of Borodino,
v. 185-187

Bahairiz slaves, the, of the Sultan of Egypt,
i. 235

Baillet, treasurer of the regent of France,
stabbed by Perrin Marc, i. 473
Baillis, or royal governors of districts, ap-
pointed by Philip Augustus, i. 170
Baillot, M., shot by the troops, v. 484
Bailly, appointed mayor of Paris, iv. 427.


dubious compliment to the King, 428.
Joins Lafayette in the attack of the mob in
the Champs de Mars, 463. Superseded by
Pétion, 464. Executed, 622

Bajazet, Sultan, formation of a crusade against
him, ii. 45. Defeats the King of Hungary
and the Crusaders at Nicopolis, 46. His
answer to Pope Alexander VI., 384
Balagny (son of Montluc, Bishop of Valence),
driven out of Cambray by the Spaniards, iii.
317. His tyranny, 317

Baldwin, of Boulogne, joins the First Crusade,
i. 104. Marches into Cilicia and takes
Tarsus, 108

Baldwin of Hainault, at the Crusades, i. 110.
Dies on his journey from Antioch to Con-
stantinople, 110

Baldwin II., Emperor of Constantinople, mus-
ters forces in Northern Europe, i. 219
Baldwin V., King of Jerusalem, afflicted with
leprosy, i. 155. Marries his daughter Sybille
to Guy de Lusignan, 155

Baldwin IX., Count of Flanders, his country
invaded by Philip Augustus, i. 162. Whom
he surrounds with water, and compels to sur-
render the Flemish towns he had taken, 162
Balue, Cardinal, recommends Louis XI. to
visit the Duke of Burgundy at Peronne, ii.
290. And accompanies his monarch, 290.
His treason and its punishment, 295
Ban and Arrière-ban, feudal levy of, re-or-
ganised, ii. 223

Bank, a, established by Law, iv. 162.
transactions, 168


Bank of England grants a loan to Louis
Philippe, v. 577

Bar, Duc de, joins a crusade against the Turks,
ii. 45. Joins a plot to carry off Charles VL
from Paris, 93. Arrested by the Pans
butchers, 94. Slain at Agincourt, 114
Bar, Count of, attempts of Philip the Fair to
deprive him of his territories, i. 309. His
submission to Philip the Fair, 315

Bar, country of, bequeathed to René of Anjou,
ii. 185. Cruelties inflicted on the Protest-
ants of, iii. 64

Baradas, friend of Louis XIII., iii. 529
Baraguay d'Hilliers, resignation of, v. 624.
Appointed commander of the troops in place
of Changarnier, 652

Barbarossa, Turkish admiral, incited by
Francis I. to ravage Italy, ii. 532. Be
seeched by Francis to aid him, 532. His ex-
pedition against Nice, 557. At Toulon, 358
Barbaroux, the Marsellais, introduced to Mad.
Roland's circle, iv. 496. Proposes the Fé
dérés should come to Paris, 496. Excuses
massacres at Avignon, 498. Brings a second
batch of Fédérés to Paris, 506. Proposes to
march on the Assembly, and compel them
to dethrone the King, 507. His declaration
before Robespierre as to the dictatorship,
509. His trial and execution, 619, 620
Barbavere, Genoese admiral, defeated by the
English at L'Ecluse, i. 409

v. 9.

Barbé Marbois, membor of Anti-Jacobin Club,
Expatriation of, 37. His dismissal,
147. His conversation with Napoleon, 147
Barbès, M., discovery of his conspiracy, v.
516, 517. A powerful auxiliary of the Pro-
vincial Government, defeats the plot of
Blanqui, 616. Leader of the Socialist in-
surrection, 621. Confined in Vincennes,
622, 624

Barbette, Stephen, his house in Paris de-
stroyed, i. 338

Barbin, Secretary, promoted to the chan-

cellorship, iii. 413. Request of the Queen
to spare him, 416. His trial and exile, 422
Barbons, their influence, iii. 397. Determina-
tion of D'Ancre to be rid of them, 409
Barcelona fortified by Peter III. of Aragon,
i. 295. Saved from the Spaniards by the
French, 519. Treaty of, ii. 376. Insurrec
tion of 1640 in, iii. 518. Captured by the
Duke of Vendôme, iv. 63. Restored to Spain,
63. Failure to capture it in 1704, 93. But
taken in 1705 by Lord Peterborough, 93.
Establishment of the court of the Archduke
Charles at, 93

Barclay de Tolly commands Russian army, v.
183. Superseded by Kutusoff, 186
Barentin, Chancellor, his speech to the National
Assembly, iv. 414

Barère refuses the appeal to the people on
behalf of the King, iv. 553. Defends Du-


mouriez, 565. Proposes annulling the
Committee of Twelve, 585. Member of the
Committee of Public Safety, 609. His ob-
servations on Robespierre and his proceed-
ings, 651. Arrested, 668. Exiled, 671. See
Convention; Directory

Barillon, President, pays homage to young
Louis XIV., iii. 554. Arrested, 568. Dies

in Piguerol, 569
Baring, house of, contracts for loan to pay the
Allies, v. 294

Bar le Duc, meeting of Francis I. and the
Landgrave of Hesse at, ii. 529
Barletta, the Spaniards besieged by the
French in, ii. 413

Barnave, his speech to the Estates of Dauphiny,
iv. 401. His attempts to coalesce with
Mounier, 433. Becomes a secret councillor
of Louis XVII., 472. Executed, 636
Barons, League of the. See Barons.
Barras, his atrocities at Marseilles, iv. 623,
625. And at Toulon, 625. One of the five
directors, v. 5. Sentenced to deportation, 37
Barre, La, execution of, iv. 292

Barricades, the, thrown up in Paris, iii. 218,
588; v. 365

[ocr errors]

Barrier Treaty, the, iv. 104. Capture of the
barrier towns by the French, 229, 231
Barrot, Odillon, elected a deputy, v. 288. Ac-
companies the Royal Family to Cherbourg,
417. Becomes prefect of police, and his
dismissal proposed, 424. Saves Polignac
and other ministers from death, 430.
Suspended from office, 437. Dismissal of,
by Perier, 444. Publishes the Compte
rendu,' 467. Waits on Louis Philippe with
recommendations, 471. Praises the govern-
ment of M. Thiers, 528. Stigmatises the
ministry of M. Guizot worse than
Polignac's, 583. Agrees to De Morny's com-
promise as to the banquets, 583. Sanctions
public procession of parties, 584. Im-
peaches M. Guizot, 585. Appointed to the
ministry, 591. Endeavours to pacify the
people, but fails, 592. Appointed president
of the council, 593. Prefers the regency to
a provisional government, 596. Imprisoned
in Vincennes, 622. Named president of his
council by Louis Napoleon, 637, 653
Barrot, Ferdinand, home minister, v. 646
Barry, Madame du, her rise, iv. 318. Her


hatred of parliaments, 326. Death of the
King, 332. Her subsequent life and death,
332, 636
Bar-sur-Seine ceded to Philip III. of Burgundy,

ii. 192. Brought in dowry to the dauphin,
afterwards Charles VIII., ii. 341
Barthélemy, arrested at the Luxemburg, v. 37.
Sentenced to deportation, 37

Bartholomew, St., massacre of the eve of, was
it premeditated? iii. 121. Walsingham's

[blocks in formation]

Basle, Council of, endeavours of the, to remedy
the religious disorders of Europe, ii. 189.
Convoked, 217. Elects Pope Felix V., 217.
Its decrees adopted by Charles VII. of
France, 217. Dispersion of the prelates by
war in Switzerland, 220

Bassano, Duke of, president and home minis-
ter, v. 487

Bassano, battle of, v. 23

Bassompierre, Marshal, sent on a mission to
Madrid, iii. 428. His operations in the
Valteline, 463. Sent to England, but his
treaty disavowed, 472. His fear of the
success of the siege of La Rochelle, 477. At
the affair of Montserrat, 481. Sent to the
Bastille, iii. 502

Bastide, M., minister of foreign affairs, v. 618,

Bastille, erection of the, i. 527. Seized by the
Provost des Essarts, 93. Who is besieged
by the people in it, 93. Keys given up by
the Duke of Burgundy, 101. Threatened by
the Parisians in 1418, 126. Captured by
the revolutionary mob, iv. 425, 426.
Batteries, floating, in the fifteenth century, ii.


Battle, trial by, recommenced by Louis X., i.


Battles:-Abendsburg, v. 161. Aboukir, v. 38,48,
94. Abraham, Heights of, iv. 272. Acre, v. 48,
538. Aghrim, iv. 41. Agincourt, ii. 112-114.
Agnadello, ii. 428. Albuera, 178, 181, 206.
Alexandria, v. 538. Almanza, iv. 98. Auer-
stadt, v. 130. Antwerp, v. 476. Arcis, v. 226.
Arcola, v. 25, 26. Arques, iii. 257. Aspern, v.
163. Aubiers, Les, iv. 599. Aubin, St.,ii. 367.
Auray, i. 506. Austerlitz, v. 122, 124. Bada-
joz, v. 181, 206. Baylen, v. 155. Bassano, v.
23. Bautzen, v. 202, 203. Beachey Head, iv.
37. Beaugé, ii. 138. Beresina, v. 192. Bey-
routh, v. 537. Blenheim, iv. 90. Bober, v. 210.
Borodino, v. 186. Bovines, i. 190. Breda, iv.
562. Brenneville, i. 119; ii. 186. Brest, Bay
of, ii. 440. Brienne, v. 219. Brunau, iv. 226.
Busaco, v. 180. Caldiero, v. 25. Cambray,
iv. 615. Cany, ii. 119. Cassaro, v. 58.
Cassel, i. 391. Castelnaudary, iii. 509.
Castiglione, v. 22. Catania, iii. 695. Cerig
nola, ii. 415. Cerisolles, ii. 560,561. Champ-
Aubert, v. 220. Charleroi, iv. 661. Chiari,
iv. 84. Chollet, iv. 602. Closter Camp, iv.

[blocks in formation]

Conquêt, Bay of, ii. 441. Constantine, v.
507, 508, 511. Copenhagen, v. 93, 94. Co-
runna, v. 157. Courtray, i. 326. Contras,
iii. 210. Crecy, i. 427. Crevaut, ii. 149.
Crevelt, iv. 278. Czaslau, or Chotusitz, iv.
221. Dego, on the, v. 18. Denain, iv. 114.
Denis, St., iii. 96. Demewitz, v. 211. Det-
tingen, iv. 227. Dresden, v. 209. Dreux,
iii. 71. Dunkirk, ii. 32; iv. 615. Eckmuhl,
v. 161. Essling, v. 163. Etampes, iii. 621.
Evreux, iv. 594. Eylau, v. 134. Fehrbelin,
iii. 692. Fere Champenoise, v. 226. Finis-
terre, Cape, iv. 240. Fleurus, iv. 38, 661.
Fontaine Française, La, iii. 315. Fontenailles,
i. 41. Fontenay, iv. 599. Formigny, ii.
228. Fornova, ii. 389. Frankfort, iv. 563.
Friedland, v. 137. Fuentes, v. 178, 206.
Gavre, ii. 240. Gaza, i. 227. Gothard, St.,
on the Danube, iii. 650. Grandella, i. 256.
Granson, ii. 319. Gravelines, ii. 632. Guig-
nes, v. 221. Guinegate, ii. 339. Hanau, v.
214. Hasbain, ii. 61. Hase, on the, i. 27.
Hastenbeck, iv. 270. Heilsberg, v. 136.
Hennecourt, iii. 538. Herrings, ii. 158.
Hirschberg, v. 210. Hochstedt, iv. 87.
Hogue, La, iv. 41. Hohenlinden, v. 89.
Hondschoote, iv. 615, 616. Ivry, iii. 264.
Jacques, St., ii. 220. Jägerndorf, iv. 270.
Jarnac, iii. 102. Jean d'Acre, St., v. 48, 538.
Jean d'Ulloa, St., v. 511. Jemmapes, iv.
546. Jena, v. 129. Katzbach, v. 210. Kollin,
iv. 269. Konieh, v. 529. Königstein, v. 210.
Kunersdorf, iv. 280. Lagos, iv. 277. Lau-
feldt, iv. 239. Lavaur, near, ii. 11. Leck,
on the, i. 20. L'Ecluse, i. 409. Leipzig, iii.
505, 515; v. 201, 212, 214. Lens, iii. 574.
Leuthen, iv. 272. Ligny, v. 252. Lille, iv.
546. Lincoln, Fair of, i. 193. Lobositz, iv. 267.
Lodi, Bridge of, v. 20. Loixi, i. 12. Lonato, v.
22. Longwy, iv. 523. Lutterberg, iv. 278. Lut-
zen, iii. 510; v. 201. Lyons, iv. 596, et seq.
Maestricht, iv. 563. Magnano, v. 57. Maida,
v. 135. Malo-Zaroslavietz, v. 191. Mal-
plaquet, iv. 103. Mansourah, i. 235. Man-
tua, v. 27. Marengo, v. 85. Marfée, La,
iii. 533. Marsaglia, iv. 47. Marseilles, iv.
597. Mayence, iv. 601. Meau, i. 118. Moes-
kirch, v. 83. Mogadore, v. 561. Mollwitz,
iv. 216. Moncontour, iii. 106. Mons, iii.
702. Mons en Puelle, i. 331. Montereau,
v. 221. Monthabor, v. 49. Montmirail, v.
220. Montebello, v. 84, 85. Mont l'hery, ii.
270. Montenotte, v. 18. Morat, ii. 322.
Morgarten, i. 373. Minden, iv. 279. Muret,
i. 183. Muhlberg. ii. 597. Nantes, iv. 600.
Naples, Bay of, i. 300. Naumbourg, v. 129.
Navarino, v. 368. Nazareth, v. 49. Neres-
heim, v. 24. Neerwinden, iv. 40, 563. Neu-
mark, v. 31. Nezib, v. 530. Nicopolis, ii.
46. Nordlingen, iii. 511, 569. Novara, ii.


438. Novi, heights of, v. 63. Olmutz, v. 123.
Ouche, on the, i. 5. Oudenarde, iv. 100.
Pavia, ii. 484. Paris, v. 227. Parma, iv.
204. Patay, ii. 168. Peene, iii. 696. Plassy,
iv. 275. Poictiers, i. 16, 463. Polotsk, v.
186. Pontleroi, i. 82. Prague, iv. 269.
Pyramids, v. 48. Quatre Bras, v. 252.
Quentin, St., ii. 625, 626. Quiberon, iv. 674.
Quistello, iv. 204. Raab, v. 165. Ramilies,
iv. 95. Raucoux, iv. 234. Ravenna, ii. 435.
Rheinfeld, iii. 515. Rhethel, iii. 603. Ri
Seco, v. 155. Rivoli, v. 26. Rocroy, 111. 557.
Roliça, v. 156. Roosebecque, ii. 27. Rosbach,
iv. 271. Rothière, La, v. 219. Roveredo,
v. 23. Roncesvaux, i. 27. Rouvray, ii. 158.
Salamanca, v. 185, 206. Saumur, iv. 599.
Secchia, La, iv. 204. Seminara, ii. 391, 414.
Seneffe, iii. 689. Shrewsbury, ii. 49. Sidon,
v. 538. Sinzheim, iii. 688. Smolensko, or
Witepsk, v. 183-185. Soissons, i. 4. Sci-
ferino, v. 22, 23. Spurs, ii. 440. Steinkirk,
iv. 43. Stochach, v. 55. Tagliacozzo, i. 256.
Tagliamento, v. 30, 162. Taillebourg, i. 224.
Talavera, v. 167, 169, 179. Tangiers, v.
561. Testri, i. 13. Theotmel, i. 27. Thouars,
iv. 599. Tinchebray, i. 117. Tolbiac, i. 4.
Torfou, iv. 602. Torgau, iv. 280. Toulon,
iv. 228, 623. Trafalgar, v. 125. Trebia,
the, v. 59. Turin, iv. 96. Turvis, Col de,
v. 30. Tyberiade, i. 155. Ulm, v. 122. Unz-
mark, v. 31. Ushant, iv. 356. Valenciennes,
iv. 602. Valmy, iv. 533. Vauchamps, .
220. Veillane, iii. 491. Verdun, iv. 523.
Verneuil, ii. 150. Verona, v. 21, 23, 26.
Vienna, v. 123, 162. Vincy, i. 15. Vimiera,
v. 156. Vittoria, v. 204, 207. Vouglé, i. 5.
Wagram, v. 165. Warsaw, v. 449, 450.
Waterloo, v. 252, et seq. Wattignies, iv. 615,
616. White Mountain, iii. 433. Wilhem-
stadt, iv. 287. Wurzburg, v. 24. Zenta,
iv. 84. Zumars-hausen, iii. 574. Zurich,

v. 65

Baude, M., suspended from office, v. 437
Baudricourt, Robert de, commander at Van-
couleurs, visits of Jeanne d'Arc to, ii. 162.
Sends her to the King, 162
Bautzen, battle of, v. 202, 203
Bavaria, Tassilo, Duke of, crushed by Pepin
the, Bref, i. 19. Who overcomes a league of
Bavaria and Suabia at a battle on the Lock
20. Abolition of the duchy by Charlemag
26. Government of, given by Louis the
Debonnaire to his younger son Louis, 38.
The defeat at Nordlingen, iii. 569. Invaded
and devastated by Marlborough, iv. 89, 9),
And its capital threatened, 90. Subjugatel
by the defeat of Blenheim, 91. State of the
country in 1740, 214. Overrun by the
Croats and Pandours, 219. Occupied by the
Austrians, 228. Abject condition of the
country under the influence of the Jesuits

[blocks in formation]


299. Endeavour of Joseph II. to obtain it,
iv. 373. Treaty with, v. 121
Bayard, Le Chevalier, fails to induce the Swiss
to fight, ii. 407. Released by Ludovico
Sforza, 407. At the surrender of Genoa,
424. Crosses the Alps into Italy, 453. At
the battle of Marignano, 455. Knights
Francis I., 455. Endeavours to carry Cre-
mona by assault, 479. His death, 480
Bayeux occupied by Hugh the Great, i. 59
Bayle, Pierre, expelled from his chair and the
University of Sedan, iv. 20. Erects a church
of doubt and infidelity, 20
Baylen, battle of, v. 155

Bayonet, Vaughan's invention of the present
mode of fixing the, iv. 45
Bayonne taken by Philip the Fair from the Eng-
lish, i. 308. Řetaken by the English, 309.
The English besieged and blockaded in, by a
Castillian fleet, 545. Saved, 546. Surrenders
to the French, 229. The citadel reduced by
Charles VIII., 366. Interview between Ca-
therine de Medicis and Alva at, iii. 87. Refu-
sal of the inhabitants and soldiers to murder
the Huguenots of, 149

Bazire, M., demands instant judgment on Louis
XVI., iv. 551. His trial and execution, 642,


Beachy Head, battle of, iv. 37

Bearn, Count of, crushed by Edward I. of Eng-
land, i. 305

Bearn, determination of Louis XIII. to deprive
the Huguenots of their ecclesiastical property,
iii. 420. Louis XIII. pressed to march to
the reduction of, 426. Atrocities of the In-
tendant Foucault on the Protestants of, iv.
16, 17
Beatrice, daughter of Raymond Berenger, of
Provence, i. 216. Proposal to marry her to
the Count of Toulouse, 229, 230. Left by
her father heiress of Provence, 230. Married
Her regret at
to Charles of Anjou, 230.
having given her daughters to the King of
England and his brother Richard, 231
Beaucaire, failure of Monsieur and Montmo-
rency to hold, iii. 508

Beaufort, Duke of, undertakes the guardianship
of the children of Louis XIII., iii. 544. Re-
compensed by Queen Anne for his loyalty to
her, 555. Prepares an ambuscade for the
assassination of Cardinal Mazarin, 561. Ar-
rested, 561. Escapes from the Bastille and
rallies the Importants, 584. Hastens to
Paris, 592. Demands the exile of Mazarin,



Banished from Paris, 632. Fails to effect a
landing on the Algerine coast, 650. His
death, 676, note

Beaugé, battle of, ii, 138

Beaugency surrendered by the English to Jeanne
d'Arc, ii. 168. Surrender of the Duke of Or-
leans at, 363. Taken by storm by the Prince
of Condé, iii. 63

Beauharnais, General, relieves the army at May-
ence, iv. 601. Executed, 610

Beauharnais, Prince Eugene, defeated by Arch-
duke John, v. 162. Defeats the Archduke
John at Raab, 165. Considered heir of Na-
poleon, 170. Crosses the Vop, but loses his
baggage, 192.

Beaujeu, Sire de, governor of Guyenne, im-
prisoned by Count Armagnac, ii. 307.
Beaujeu, Sire de, son-in-law of Louis XI. of
France, ii. 357. Urges the Estates to seize
a portion of the executive power, 358. See
Anne of Beaujeu

Beaujeu, Sir Inibert de, afterwards Constable
of France at the investiture of the Count of
Poitou, i. 221

Beaulieu, General, defeated by Buonaparte at
Montenotte, v. 18. Defends the Bridge of
Lodi, 19. Succeeded by Wurmser, 21
Beaumanoir leads the Bretons in the resistance
to Charles V.'s proposed absorption of Brit-
tany, i. 547

Beaumarchais, his exposure of the judges of
the eighteenth century, iv. 292. His quarrel
with the Chancellor Maupeou, 327. Escapes
from the Abbaye, 524

Beaumont, De, Archbishop of Paris, refuses the
sacraments to the Jansenists, iv. 257
Beaune admits the troops of Henry IV., iii.


Beaurocracy, the, in the time of Louis XIV.,
iv. 2

Beauté, court of Charles, Duke of Berry, in the
castle of, ii. 273

Beauvais, incursions of the Normans into, i. 46.
Municipal privileges of, 121. A royal char-
ter granted to, 122. The military bishop of,
taken prisoner by Richard I., 161, 162. Rout
of the militia of, by the English, 429. Takes
the part of the commonalty, 475. Joins the
Duke of Burgundy against the Armagnacs,
ii. 122. Punished by the Duke of Bedford,
186. Occupied by Louis XI., 298. The Duke
of Burgundy's attempt to take the town,
Beauvilliers, Duc de, chief of the council of
finance, his desire for peace, iv. 46, 47
Beauvoir De, governor of Henry of Navarre,
murdered, iii. 145

His quarrel with the courtiers in Paris,
598. His attack on the Bridge of Jargeau,
Summons his followers to meet him in
the Palais Royal, 622. Puts an end to the
massacre in the Hotel de Ville, 627. Ap-
pointed governor of Paris, iii. 627. Kills a Beda, denounces Fabre and Erasmus, ii. 516
relative of the Duke of Nevers in a duel, 629. | Bedeau, General, leads his troops against the

Beck, imperial general, defeated at Lens, iii.

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