Imagens das páginas

LABAT (J. B.) Nouvelle Relation de l'Afrique | LETTRES Nouvelles Edifiantes des Missions de la Chine et des Indes Orientales, 8 vols. 12mo. sd. £1.8s Paris, 1818-23 the same, 8 vols. 12mo. neatly hf. bd. calf, £1. 16s

Occidentale, contenant une Description exacte
du Senegal et des Pais situés entre le Cap-Blanc
et la Rivière de Serrelionne; l'Histoire Naturelle,
etc. 5 vols. 12mo. maps and plates, neat in old
calf, 12s
Paris, 1728
the same, 5 vols. 12mo. neat in old calf, gilt
edges, 15s

ib. 1728 Voyages en Espagne et en Italie, 8 vols. 12mo. neat in calf, arms on sides, gilt and marbled edges, from the library of the Infanta Don Gabriel, 18s ib. 1730

the same, 8 vols. in 4, neat in vellum, from the library of King George III. 12s Amst. 1731 LAFITAU (J. F.) Histoire des Découvertes et Conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde, 2 vols. 4to. numerous plates, in calf neat, £1. 1s Paris, 1733 the same, 4 vols. 12mo. plates, French calf extra, £1. 8s ib. 1734 Mœurs des Sauvages Ameriquains comparées aux Mœurs des premiers Temps, 2 vols. 4to. numerous plates, French calf neat, £1. 8s ib. 1724 LA PEYRERE, Relation de l'Islande, 12mo. old calf, 2s 6d LA ROQUE (De) Voyage de Syrie et du MontLeban, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. maps and plates, neat vellum, 7s Amst. 1723 LE BRUN, Voyage au Levant, dans les plus considérables Villes d'Egypte, de Syrie, et de la Terre Sainte, folio, with 210 plates, calf, £1. 1s Paris, 1714

[ocr errors]

ib. 1663

Voyages par la Muscovie, en Perse, et aux Indes Orientales, vols. in 1, folio, 262 plates, very neat in old calf, £1. 1s

Amst. 1718

Voyage au Levant, aux Villes d'Egypte, de Syrie, et de la Terre Sainte, 1 vol. 210 plates, Delft, 1700-Voyages par la Moscovie, en Perse et aux Indes-Orientales, 2 vols. 262 plates, Amst. 1718-together 3 vols. folio, remarkably fine set, russia extra, richly gilt joints, and gilt edges, £4. 10s

Voyage au Levant, 1 vol. 210 plates, Paris, 1714-Voyages par la Moscovie, etc. 2 vols. 262 plates. Amst. 1718-together 3 vols. in 2, folio, neat in old russia, £2. 8s

LE COMTE (Le P. Louis) Nouveaux Mémoires

sur l'Etat présent de la Chine, 3 vols. 12mo. numerous plates, and a table said to contain all the words in the Chinese Language, veau fauve, gilt edges, 12s Paris, 1701-2 LETTRES Edifiantes et Curieuses, écrites des Missions Etrangères, nouvelle édition (publiée par l'Abbé de Auerbeuf), 26 vols. 12mo. best edition, maps, old French calf, £4.10s ib. 1780-83 the same, 26 vols. 12mo. very neat in old French calf gilt, £5. 5s ib. 1780-83

"Edition préférée à l'ancienne, parce qu'elle a sur cette première l'avantage d'avoir eté mise en ordre."


This interesting work contains the principal letters written by the French Missionaries from China, CochinChina, Siam, and other parts of the East; giving an account of adventures and proceedings in establishing the Catholic religion in these countries. Dibdin says:

"These lettres édifiantes should find a place in the gilded upper shelves of a well-furnished library of any description. I knew an old' friend who solaced himself during eight-and-twenty long wintry nights by the perusal of these edifying and curious epistles."" Library Companion

ib. 1818-23 "Suite nécessaire des anciennes lettres édifiantes."


LINSCHOTEN, Histoire de sa Navigation aux
Indes Orientales, avec son grand Routier de
Mer, et sa Description de l'Amérique, folio,
maps and plates, old binding, £1.5s Amst. 1619
The former editions do not contain the Routier de
Mer, nor the Description de l'Amerique.
Voyages into the East and West Indies-See
English Books.

LOUBERE (La) Description du Royaume de
Siam, 2 vols. 12mo. maps and plates, very neat
in French calf, 9s
Paris, 1691
the same, 2 vols. 12mo. old French red morocco,
gilt and marbled edges, 14s
ib. 1691

Ouvrage ecrit avec fidelité et exactitude on y reconnait un observateur aussi savant que judicieux, et méme de nos jours nous avons peu de relations de contrées aussi eloignées que puissent lui être comparees." MS. Note.

LUCAS, Voyage au Levant, avec une description de l'Egypte, 7 vols. 12mo. maps and plates, calf very neat, gilt edges, £1. 5s La Haye, 1705 MAFFEI (Gio. Pietro) Le Istorie dell' Indie Orientali, tradotte di Latino in Lingua Toscana da F. Serdonati, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf extra, £1. 1s Milano, 1806 MALO DE LUQUE, Historia politica de los Establecimentos Ultramarinos de las Naciones Europeas, 5 vols. 8vo. maps, calf, £1. 5s Madrid, 1784-90 5 vols. 8vo. very neat in calf, £1. 10s ib. 1784-90 MARCO-POLO-Storia delle Relazioni vicendevoli dell' Europa, e dell' Asia, dalla Decadenza di Roma, fino alla Distruzione del Califfato.Il Milione di Marco Polo testo di Lingua de secolo XIII. pubblicato ed illustrato dal Conte Gio. Batt. Baldelli, 4 vols. 4to. with a folio atlas, containing 2 large charts, £2. 12s 6d

"Traduction estimée."-Brunet.

the same,

Firenze, 1827

Voyages; avec Introduction Texte Latin et Francais, Glossaire et Variantes par Malte Brun, (formant Vol. 1 du Recueil de Voyages publié parla Société de Géographie), 4to. sd. 15s MARCI PAULI de Regionibus Orientalibuslibri Paris, 1824 III.; Flaithoni Armeni Historia Orientalis ; de Tartaris Mülleri Chataja, sm. 4to. hf. bd. calf, 78 6d Colonia Brandenb. (Berol.) 1671 MARTINIERE, Voyage des Pays Septentrionaux, dans lequel se void les Mœurs, Superstitions, &c. des Norweiguiens, Lappons, Kiloppes, Borandiens, Syberiens, Samojedes, Zembliens, Islandois, 12mo. curious cuts, old morcoco, 5s Paris, 1676 Nouveau Voyage du Nort, 12mo. cuts, vellum, Amsterdam, s. d. (vers 1700) the same, 12mo. very neat calf, 6s ib. s. d. MAXIMILIANI Transylvani Epistola de admirabii et novissima Hispaniarum in Orientem Navigatione; et de Moluccis Insulis. EDITIO PRINCEPS, Sm. 4to. hf. bd. very rare, £2. 12s 6d Rom. 1523


The first printed account of the Discovery of the Moluccas. Sold £5. 58. Renouard.

OLEARIUS (Adam) Voyages très-curieux et très-
renommez faits en Moscovie, Tartarie et Perse;
et J. A. de Mandelslo, Voyages célèbres et re-
marquables faits de Perse aux Indes Orientales,
traduits par De Wicquefort, 4 vols. in 2, folio,
plates, hf. bd. uncut, £1. 1s
Amst. 1727

"Ouvrages estimees."-Brunet.

viam, ad Tzarem Alexim Mihalowitz, anno
1661, folio, vellum, rare, £1. Is s. l. e. a.
MEMOIRES (Nouveaux) des Missions de la Com-
pagnie de Jesus dans le Levant, nouvelle édition,
9 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, marbled edges, £2. 5s
Paris, 1753
MISSON (Max.) Voyage d'Italie, (en 1687, etc.)
4 vols. 12mo. numerous plates of Buildings,
Costume, Curiosities, &c. French calf, very neat,
7s 6d
Amst. 1743
MOSSI, Breve Descrizione dell' Aquisto di Terra
Santa, sm. 4to. vellum, 9s
Firenze, 1601
MOUCONYS, Journal des Voyages en plusieurs
parties du Monde, (Portugal, Egypte, Syrie,
Italie, Anatolie, Constantinople, etc.) 3 vols.
4to. plates, calf, 18s
Lyon, 1665
MULLER, Voyages et Découvertes faites par les
Russes le long des Côtes de la Mer Glaciale et
sur l'Océan Oriental, avec l'Histoire du Fleuve
Amur, 2 vols. 12mo. large folding map, bds. 5s

Amst. 1766

MURILLO Velarde, Historia de la Provincia de

OVIEDO Y VALDES, Historia general y natural,
de las Indias Islas y terra ferma del Mar
Oceano, folio, Black letter, woodcuts, slightly
wormed, calf, £3. 10s
Sevilla, 1535
PATRITII (Bartema-Varthema) Novum Itinera-
rium Ethiopiæ; Ægypti, utriusque Arabiæ,
Persidis, Siriæ ac Indiæ : intra et extra
Gangem, sm. folio, first edition, hf. bd. russia,
rare, £3. 3s
(Mediolani, 1511)

"Ouvrage précieux."-Brunet.

Sold for £9. 9s. Evans'.

"Ce voyage est singulièrement recherché à cause de son ancienneté, on y trouve en effet les monumens moins degrâdés par le temps et la barbarie des Musulmans."-Richarderie.

PERUSCHI, Informatione del Regno et Stato del gran Ré di Mogor, 12mo. map, first edition, bds. (see Grenville Cat.) 10s 6d Brescia, 1597

Philipinas, Vol. II. Progressos de la Compañia Dechwarodino (Gabrielis de) Compen

de Jesus de 1616 hasta de 1716, folio, map,
vellum, 15s
Manila, 1749
NAVARRETE, Colecion de los Viages y Descu-
brimientos, que hicieron por mar Los Españoles,
desde fides del Siglo XV. con varios documen-
tos inéditos concernientes à la Historia de la
Marina Castellana y de los establecimientos
Españoles en Indias, 5 vols. sm. 4to. hf. bd.
russia, £2. 18s
Madrid, 1825-37

the same, 5 vols. sm. 4to. calf gilt, very neat,
£3. 10s
ib. 1825-37

[ocr errors]

the same, Vols. 1, 2, (containing the Voyages of COLUMBUS, Complete) sm. 4to. sd. 18s ib. 1825 NIEKAMP'S Missions-Geschichte (Account of the German Evangelical Missionaries from East India, 1705-1736) 4to. maps, old calf, 9s Halle, 1740 NOVUS Orbis Regionum ac Insularum, veteribus incognitarum (collegit J. Huttich, edidit Sim. Grynaeus) folio, with the rare map, old stamped vellum, £1. Is

Basil. 1537

The Greville Catalogue does not mention this edition, which appears to be the third. Hibbert's copy sold for £2. 19s.

idem, editio altera et optima, folio, map, old
calf, £1.5s
ib. 1555

the same, folio, map, old calf, gilt edges, £1. 7s
ib. 1555

This edition of 1555 contains the Letters of Cortes, which are not in the previous ones.

Collection dont on recherche sur tout les exemplaires de l'édition de 1555, qui est le plus complète."-Brunet.

NUNEZ DE LA PENA, Conquista y Antiguedades de las Islas de la Gran Canaria, 4to. very neat in calf, rare, 14s Madrid, 1676 OEXMELIN, Histoire des Avanturiers Flibustiers, que se sont signalez dans les Indes, contenant la vie et les mœurs des Boucaniers, etc. 2 vols. 12mo. plates, calf, gilt edges, 9s Paris, 1700 le même, nouvelle édition, augmentée de l'Histoire des Pirates Anglais jusqu'a present, 4 vols. 12mo. plates, hf. bd. calf, 18s

Trevoux, 1775

Diosa quedam nec minus jocunda descriptio urbis Hierusalem atque locorum Terræ Sanctæ,sm. 4to. German bds. 18s s. l. 1521

This remarkable black letter volume (consisting of 48 closely printed leaves, with many pious crosses interspersed), is a descriptive Voyage of a learned Hungarian, of the Franciscan order, to Jerusalem, written "ad utilitatem et consolationem peregrinorum terram sanctam visitantium," and seems to have been printed in Hungary or at Vienna. It is of such excessive rarity, that it is not be found in any of the bibliographical catalogues.

vellum, 58

PHILIPPE (Père) Voyage d'Orient, sm. 8vo.
Lyon, 1652
PETRI Martyris Anglerii, de nuper sub D. Carolo
repertis Insulis, sm. 4to. with MS. Notes, in
foreign bds. £2. 10s
Basil. 1521

This rare edition is scarcely known to bibliographers. It is neither contained in the Decades of the same author, nor an Extract from them, but it is the very interesting and curious Original Account of the Discovery of those Isles.

PIGAFETTA (Filippo) Relatione del Reame di
Congo et delle circonvicine Contrade, tratta
dalli Scritti et Ragionamenti di Odoardo Lopez
Portoghese, 4to. maps and plates of Costume,
Natural History, &c. fine copy, limp vellum, rare,
£1. 16s
Roma, 1591
"Cette relation en Italien est fort rare; le prix n'en
est pas connu."-Boucher de la Richarderie.

The version inserted in the collection of De Bry is a translation of this. This volume is of equal rarity with the same author's Viagio, which at Colonel Stanley's sale sold for £17. 178.

Premier Voyage autour du Monde, sur l'Escadre de Magellan, pendant les Annés 1519, 20, 21, et 22; suivi de l'Extrait du Traité de Navigation du même auteur; et d'une Notice sur le Chevalier Martin Behaim, avec la Description de son Globe Terrestre, (publié par Amoretti) 8vo. maps and plates, calf gilt, 8s Paris, 1801

the same, 8vo. maps and plates, russia gilt, marbled edges, 10s 6d ib. 1801

"To Pigafetta, who accompanied Magellan, we owe the first vocabularies of the countries which he visited; those of the Philippines and Moluccas are distinguished by an exactness which subsequent travellers have confirmed. Without his narrative we should be ignorant of the celebrated voyage of Magellan."-Biog. Univ.

PINTO (F. Mendez) Peregrinaciones en los Reynos |
de la China, Tattaria, Siam, Calamiñam Pegicu,
Martauan, etc. folio, brown calf extra, fine copy,
Madrid, 1664
POULLET, Nouvelles Relations du Levant, qui
contiennent diverses remarques sur la Religion
les Mœurs, &c. et une Dissertation sur le
Commerce de Anglois, 2 vols. 12mo. plates,
very neat, rare, £1. 5s
Paris, 1668
Presumed to be written by an ancestor of the noble
family of the Powlets.
RADZIVILI (N. C. Ducis) Hierosolymitana Pe-
regrinatio, IV. epistolis compræhensa. Ex
Idiomate Polonico Th. Tretero interprete, editio
secunda, aucta, folio, curious plates, vellum,
fine copy, £1. 5s
Antv. 1614
the same, folio, plates, old calf, gilt edges, £1.4s
ib. 1614

the same, folio, remarkably fine copy, gilt vellum,

UNCUT, £2. 28

ib. 1614 "Prince Radzivel's Voyage to Palestine was made in 1583 and 1584. The work is curious and interesting, though somewhat superstitious. The Second edition printed in 1614 is every way preferable." Grenville's Catalogue. RAMUSIO (Gio. Batt.) Navigationi et Viaggi raccolto gia da Ramusio, e con molti e vaghi discorsi, da lui in molti luoghi dichiarato ed illustrato, 3 vols. fol. charts and cuts, sound copy, old bds. edges cut, £3. 3s Venet. 1563. 1574. 1565 the same, Vol. III. only, folio, 10s 6d ib. 1565 RAUWOLF'S Reisen in die Morgenländer Syriam Judaeam, Arabiam,etc. 4 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. FIRST EDITION, woodcuts, in the original white stamped binding, very rare, £1. 1s Langingen, 1583 REISNERI, Jerusalem vetustissima, illa et celeberrima totius mundi civitas, ex sacris literis et approbatis historicis ad unguem descripta, sm. folio, maps, limp vellum, fine copy, £1.5s Frankof. Feirabent, 1563 the same, folio, wanting the first title, neat in old calf, 148 ib. 1563 RELANDI (H.) Palæstina ex Monumentis veteribus illustrata, thick 4to. maps and plates, vellum, 16s Norimb. 1716

"One of the most valuable and elaborate works on Sacred Geography ever published."-Orme. It is also strongly recommended by Calmet, Bp. Watson, and others, and is called by Bachiene, in his Sacred Geography, "a treasure of learning, esteemed by the whole world at a very high price, and which will cause the name of Reland to be eternized."

RELATION du Voyage et Prinse de Quatre Galions du Roy de Tunis en Barbarie, faite par les Galeres de Malte, 1628, 12mo. sd. 4s Paris, 1629 RIBEYRO (Jean) Histoire de l'Isle de Ceylan,

traduite du Portugais, et beaucoup augmentée, 12mo. large map and plans, neat, 9s Trevoux, 1701 ROGER (Abraham) La Porte ouverte pour parvenir

à la connoissance du Paganisme câché, ou la vraye Représentation des Bramines sur les Costes de Chormandel, 4to. with the front. and folding plate of Bramin Idols, nt. 12s Amst. 1670 the same, 4to. plates, fine copy, calf neat, 16s ib. 1670

Sold at Colonel Stanley's sale for £3.38. "One of the most curious works which has yet appeared on the mythology of the Hindoos, and deserves to be more generally known."-Butler's Hora. ROMAN, Historia general de la Yndia Oriental, los Descubrimientos y Conquistas, que han hecho las Armas de Portugal en el Brasil, en Africa y en Asia, hasta el año de 1557, folio, calf, £1. 10s Valladolid, 1603

ROSSI (D. de) Relatione del Viaggio delle Galere
del Gran Duca di Toscana in Levante, sm. 4to.
an early Tract of 4 leaves, unbound. 5s
SALIGNIACO (Barth. a) Itinerarium Terræ
Messina, s. a.
Sanctæ in ibique Sacrorum locorum: ac
rerum clarissima descriptio, 12mo. Black letter,
woodcuts, neat in calf, rare, £1. 1s Lugd. 1525
SAN-ANTONIO, Chronicas de la Apostolica Pro-
vincia de S. Gregorio en las Islas Philipinas,
China, Japon, etc. I. Descripcion de estas Islas,
basta 1582; II. Descripcion y Sucessos,
1582-1741; III. Mission de Japon, 3 vols.
folio, printed on silk paper, the first volume wants
sheets L and T, limp vellum, very scarce, £2. 12s 6d
Manilla, 1738-44
SCHEUCHZERI, Itinera per Helvetia Alpinas regiones
SCHOUTEN, Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 2 vols.
-See page 27.
12mo. cuts, very neat, 9s

SOLIS, Conquista de Mexico-See Spanish Books.
Amst. 1708
SPON ET WHELER, Voyage d'Italie, de Dal-
matie, de Grèce, et du Levant, fait aux années
1675 et 1676, (avec un petit Dictionnaire du
Grec vulgaire) 2 vols. 12mo. plates, old calf,
10s 6d
La Haye, 1724

the same, 2 vols. 12mo. plates, fine copy in purple morocco, gilt edges, £1. 16s ib. 1724

"Cette édition est jolie, et pas commune."-Brunet. "This work relates chiefly to the Antiquities of Grecce and Asia Minor, and is valuable for its plates of them, and of Medals, Inscriptions, &c."-Stevenson.

SPON (J.) Réponse à la critique de M. Guillet sur le Voyage de Grèce, 12mo. old caif, 3s 6d STRUYS, Voyages en Moscovie, en Tartarie, en Lyon, 1679 Perse aux Indes, et en plusieurs autres pais étrangers; par Glanius, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. fine TACHARD, Voyage de Siam, des Pères Jesuites, plates, calf extra, gilt edges, 16s Amsterdam, 1681 avec leurs Observations Astronomiques, Physiques, Géographiques, etc. 4to. plates, neat, 8s Paris, 1686

Voyage de Siam, 3 vols. 12mo. plates, fine copy in russia, gilt edges, £1. 1s Amst. 1689 le même, 3 vols. plates, Amst. 1687-89-Gebri (Regis Arabum, Philosophi perspicacissimi) Summa Perfectionis Magisterii in sua Natura, plates of Alembics, &c. Gedani, 1682-4 vols. in 2, 12mo. hf. bd. 9s TAVERNIER, Voyages en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes, pendant l'espace de quarante Ans, et par toutes les Routes que l'on peut tenir, avec le Recueil de plusieurs Relations, etc. 3 vols. 4to. complete edition, fine portrait, numerous plates by Luykens, very neat in old calf gilt, £1.5s Paris, 1676-79 Voyages en Turquie, etc. 3 thick vols. 12mo. numerous plates, fine copy in old calf, £1 1s

Elzev. 1679 the same, 3 vols. 12mo. plates, vellum, £1. 1s ib. 1679

"Jolie édition, assez rare et la plus recherchée. Vend. 60 francs, Méon. 34 francs Meermau.”—Brunet. Voyages, etc. 3 vols. 4to. plates, calf, arms on sides, 18s Paris, 1681 Voyages, etc. 3 thick vols. 12mo. numerous plates, neat, 10s 6d Utrecht, 1712 Voyages, etc. 5 vols. 12mo. numerous plates,

neat, 7s 6d

Paris, 1713

TAVERNIER, Voyages, etc. 6 vols. 12mo. plates, | VEGA (El Inca Garcilasso de la) La Florida del

Rouen, 1713

French calf, very neat, 16s
Voyages, etc. 6 parts in 3 thick vols. 12mo.
plates, (a facsimile of the Elzevir edition) fine
copy, in Dutch calf, 16s
La Haye, 1718
Voyages, etc. vols. 18mo. plates, is not uni-
form, 10s 6d Suivant la copie (Elz.) 1678

This edition does not contain the Recueil des Relations, which forms a sequel to all the others. Brunet wanted it in his former editions of the Manual, which has caused it to sell for extravagant prices, as something very rare. TEIXEIRA (Pedro) Relaciones d'el Origen, Descendencia y Succession de los Reyes de Persia y de Harmuz, y de un Viage hecho por el mismo autor dende la India Oriental hasta Italia por tierra, thick 12mo. neat, 9¡

Amberes, 1610 TELLEZ, HISTORIA GERAL DE ETHIOPIA A ALTA, OU PRESTE JOAM, FOLIO, map, fine copy, calf extra, marbled edges, extremely rare, £6. 6s

Coimbra, 1660

This is the work which Bruce the traveller, is accused of having pillaged, and then destroyed, supposing his copy unique. This suspicion arose from the circumstance that some of his discoveries are anticipated in this volume. Copies have been sold as high as THIRTY


THEVENOT (Jean) Voyages en Europe, Asia, et Afrique; contenant le Voyage du Levant et le Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 5 vols. 12mo. numerous plates, calf extra, marbled edges, £1. 1s Amst. 1727 (Melchisedech) Relations de divers Voyages curieux qui n'ont point esté publiées, ou qui ont esté traduites ou tirées des originaux, 4 vols. in 2, folio, plates and maps, fine sound copy, neat in old French calf, rare, £2. 12s 6d Paris, 1696, &c. Recueil de Voyages de Thevenot, avec des pièces sur l'histoire naturelle, sm. 8vo. maps and numerous plates, neat, rare, 18s ib. 1681 TOLLII, Epistolæ Itinerariæ, ex auctoris schedis, cura Hennini, 4to. maps and numerous fine plates, old calf, 5s Amst. 1700 TORQUEMADA, Monarchia Indiana, con el origen y guerras de los Indios Occidentales, de sus poblaciones, descubrimiento, etc. 3 vols. folio, best edition, LARGE PAPER, bds. uncut, £3. 3s Madrid, 1723 "Ouvrage fort curieux, et le plus complet, que nous ayons sur l'ancien Mexique."-Brunet. TRIGAULT, Histoire de l'Expédition Chrestienne au Royaume de la Chine, thick 12mo. maps, old morocco, 10s 6d Lion, 1616 ULLOA ET JUAN, Voyage historique de l'Amérique Méridionale fait par ordre du Roi d'Espagne, contenant une Histoire des Yncas du Perou, et les Observations Astronomiques et Physiques, 2 vols. 4to. maps and plates, neat, 16s Amst. 1752 VALENTYN, Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien. collection of Voyages to the East Indies, (in Dutch) 5 vols. in 8, folio, numerous plates of Natural History, Views, Portraits, Charts, &c. neat, £3. 10s ib. 1724-26 VARTHEMA, Itinerario ne lo Egypto, ne la Suria, ne la Arabia Deserta e Felice, &c. 12mo. large woodcut on the title, russia, rare, 10s 6d Venetia, 1522 An edition of this voyage printed at Rome in 1517, sold for £18.7s. 6d. at the Marquis of Blandford's sale. See Patritius.


Inca. Historia del Adelantado Hernando de
Soto, Governador y Capitan general del Reino
de la Florida, y de otros heroicos Caballeros,
Españoles e Indios: Ensayo Cronologico para
la Historia general de la Florida por Don
Gabriel de Cardenas y Cano, 2 vols.-Com-
mentarios Reales de el Origen de los Incas,
Reyes del Peru, 2 vols.-together 4 vols. folio,
limp vellum, £2. 16s
Madrid, 1723

the same, 4 vols. folio, very neat in calf, fine
copy, £3. 13s 6d
ib. 1723

the same, 4 vols. in 2, folio, hf. bd. calf, uncut,
ib. 1723
La Florida del Inca, Historia del Adelantado
Hernando de Soto, &c. sm. 4to. FIRST EDITION,
limp vellum, very rare, 18s
Lisboa, 1605

Nicolas Antonio does not mention this edition. It is valued by Salva at £2. 2s.

Historia general del Peru, 13 vols. 18mo, neat in calf, £2.2s Madrid, 1800

the same, 13 vols.-Historia de la Florida, 4 vols.-together 17 vols. 18mo, uniformly bound in calf extra, marbled edges, £3.18s ib. 1800-3 Histoire de Yncas, Rois du Perou, avec son Histoire de la Conquête de la Floride, 2 vols. 4to. fine plates by Picart, bds. uncut, 15s

Amst. 1737 Histoire des Yncas, etc. 2 vols. 12mo. plates, vellum, fine copy, 7s 6d ib. 1715

Very authentic and highly esteemed histories. "The author, (says Pinkerton) as a descendant of the princes of Peru, has been peculiarly minute relative to the religion, government, laws, customs, and manners of the ancient inhabitants of Peru, as well as the productions of that country."

"His knowledge of the Peruvian language has enabled him to correct some errors of the Spanish writers, and he has inserted some curious facts taken from authors whose works were never published, and are now lost."-Robertson.

VELSER1, Fragmenta Tabulæ Antiquæ, in quis aliquot per Rom. Provincias Itinera, ex Peutingerorum Bibliotheca, sm. 4to. fine copy, maps, calf extra gilt edges, rare, £1.8s Venet. Aldi, 1591 A beautiful copy of a very rare volume, with the 2 maps usually wanting; see Renouard, Vol. II. p. 171: has been sold for £5. 58.

VERA (Gerardo di) Tre Navigationi fatte dagli Olandesi e Zelandesi al Settentrione nella Norvegia, Moscovia, e Tartaria verso il Catai, e Regno de' Sini, dove scopersero il Mare di Veygatz, la Nuova Zembla, et un Paese nell' Ottantesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia, sm. 4to. map and plates, bds. 5s Venetia, 1599 VIERA Y CLAVIJO, Noticias de la Historia general de las Islas de Canaria, 3 vols. sm. 4to. maps and fine plates, calf extra, £1. 10s Madrid, 1772-76 VILLAMONT, Voyages en Italie, Sclavonie, Grèce, Turquie, Palestine, Syrie, Egypte, etc. thick 12mo. limp vellum, rare, 10s 6d Par. 1600 VOYAGES en Turquie, en Perse, en Armenie, en Arabie, et en Barbarie, par un Missionaire de la Compagnie de Jesus (Villotte), 12mo. neat, ib. 1729


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Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, Chess, Music, etc.


ACADEMIE Universelle des Jeux, 3 vols. 12mo. | Angling-continued.

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Including Chess, Billlards, &c. ALKEN'S National Sports of Great Britain, royal folio, containing 50 COLOURED PLATES, with descriptive letterpress in English and French, morocco, gilt edges, £2. 12s 6d 1821

the same work, on a reduced scale, impl. 8vo. 50 coloured plates, with descriptions, hf. bd. uncut, 18s 1825 the same, royal 8vo. containing 50 fine coLOURED PLATES, with descriptive letterpress, hf. bd. 1825 morocco, uncut, 18s ANGLING.

N. D.

ANGLER'S MUSEUM; or the whole Art of Float and Fly Fishing; second edition, to which is prefixed the Sermon of St. Anthony to a miraculous Congregation of Fishes, 12mo. portrait of Kirby, calf extra, 8s BAINBRIDGE'S Fly Fisher's Guide, representing upwards of forty of the most useful Flies, second edition, Evo, illustrated by 9 coloured plates, calf extra, gilt edges, 14s Liverpool, 1828 BOWLKER'S Art of Angling, or complete Fly and Bottom-Fisher, 12mo. frontispiece, hf. bd. 4s Ludlow, 1806

BROOKES'S Art of Angling, Rock and Sea Fishing; with the Natural History of River, Pond, and Sea Fish, illustrated with 133 cuts, sm. 8vo. calf, 78 1793 BROWNE'S Angling Sports, in nine Piscatory Eclogues, sm. 8vo. front. calf extra, 8s 1773 CHEETHAM'S (J.) Angler's Vade Mecum, 12mo. plates, old calf, 6s 1700 COLE'S Young Angler's Pocket Companion, or a New and Complete Treatise on the Art of Angling, 18mo. plates, hf. bd. 38 DAVY'S (Sir Humphrey) Salmonia, or Days of Fly Fishing, in a Series of Conversations; with some Account of the Habits of Fishes belonging to the Genus Salmo, 12mo. plates, portrait and additional letterpress inserted, calf extra, gilt edges, 12s 1828



the same, second edition, 12mo. portrait, plates, and some additional letterpress, green morocco extra, gilt edges, 15s FISHER'S ANGLER'S SOUVENIR, fcap 8vo. embellished with upwards of 60 beautiful engrav ings on steel by Beckwith and Topham, and hundreds of engraved borders, every page being surrounded by appropriate woodcut devices; A MOST ELEGANT BIJOU, (pub. at 18s) richly bound in gilt cloth, 98


the same, (pub. at £1. 4s) elegantly bound in green morocco, appropriately tooled on back and sides, 14s

FISHER'S ANGLER'S SOUVENIR, fcap. 8vo. INDIA PROOF IMPRESSIONS, (pub. at £1. 11s 6d) gilt cloth, 15s

the same, INDIA PROOFS (pub. at £1. 11s 6d) morocco, £1.

"A beautiful volume, and one which we can cordially recommend. Its embellishments are charming; its tone resembling that buoyant and flowing style which has adorned some brilliant pages of Blackwood's Magazine upon like subjects."- Lit. Gaz.

This work contains a large variety of Piscatorial Incident, Dialogue and Song, more especially adapted to the taste and pursuits of the 'honest angler,' but equally interesting to every class of readers. It is the production of a gentleman known and admired both as an Angler and as a Scholar, and yielding to none in the enthusiasm with which he follows his "gentle craft." It is not, therefore, the work of a mere tyro-it is the full and fresh effusion of a genuine disciple of " Old Izaak." It is adapted to all tastes and all ages, as well as to every rank of society. To the would-be Angler, it furnishes the information necessary to render him perfect in the pursuit he contemplates, even from a minute description of the construction and management of his tackle and bait, up to the most successful and perfect feats of fishery. To the general reader it will afford many and very powerful attractions, as the volume is rich in anecdote and song, and contains numerous local descriptions of some of the most lovely scenery in England. FISHING, Whole Art of, to which are added the Laws of Angling, 8vo. frontispiece, fine copy. neat, scarce, 9s 1714 GENTLEMAN'S ANGLER; containing short, plain, and easy Instructions for becoming a perfect Artist; to which are added the Angler's Song, the Laws of Angling, &c. by a Gentleman, who has made Angling his Diversion upwards of twenty-eight years, 12mo. part of the last leaf mended, calf, gilt edges, scarce, 10s 6d

1726 HANSARD'S Trout and Salmon Fishing in Wales, 12mo. cloth, 4s 1834 HOFLAND'S BRITISH ANGLER'S MANUAL, or the Art of Angling in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, including a Piscatorial Account of the principal Rivers, Lakes, and Trout Streams, with Instructions in Fly Fishing, Trolling, and Angling of every description, with upwards of 50 exquisite plates, many of which are highly finished Landscapes engraved on steel, the remainder beautifully engraved on wood. New Edition, with Additions by ED. JESSE, Esq.

HOWITT'S (S.) Angler's Manual, or concise lessons of experience, which the Proficient will not despise, and the Learner will find the advantage of practising, oblong 8vo. with 12 clever etchings, bds. 6s Liverpool, 1808

the same, obl. 8vo. culf gilt, 8s KIRKBRIDE'S Northern Angler; or Fly. Fisher's Companion, 12mo. plate, cloth bds. 6s Carlisle, 1837

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