Imagens das páginas

ne rescut



devers chescun, ut

si resceut la dette, et par tant vous 1 fist2 acquitance, il A.D. 1340. rienz unqes par ceo fait; prest, &c.-R. Thorpe. Ore demandoms jugement; del hure qe vous patet in ne deditz mye qe le executour vostre pere nous fit sto placito. cel acquitance, mesqe il ne rescut unqes rien, ceo nest rien appurpos ne al substaunce de nostre plee; jugement coment nous devoms departir.-Pole nosa pas demurer, et dit Nyent son fait.-R. Thorpe. Vous avetz plede en voydaunce du fait, issint conu le fait par la manere; par quei ore a dedire le fait vous navendrez mie. Et, ovesqe ceo, vous nestez pas partie al fait, ne heir de partie, einz tut estraunge; par quei a dedire le fait il ne gist pas en vostre bouche; jugement, &c.-Stouff. Donqes par un faux fait vous nous oustrez daccion saunz aver respons a ceo; et ceo serroit contre reson. Et en un rente charge celuy qe est estraunge al fait dirra bien il ne chargea mye par ceo fait; prest, &c.; et avera laverement; auxi yci.—Et puis R. Thorpe. Son fait; prest, &c.-Et lissue resceu


§ Leirs Thomas Wagham, de Lodelowe, porta bref de dette, Dette. par obligacion fait a son pere, vers iij. par divers Præcipes, [Fitz. ou chescun par obligacion, qele fust moustre, fust charge en Dette, lentier a lui et ses heirs.-R. Thorpe. Nous vous dioms qun B., 135.] un des executours le dit T., apres la mort T., vient a un A., qest nome en le primer Præcipe, et moustra cel obligacion et demanda la dette, et A. fist gree al executour; et veez cy sacquitance; jugement &c. si accion poez aver. Et cel respons dona il pur touz les autres.-Pole. Vous veez bien coment nous sumes estrange al acquitance, et ne pooms a ceo aver respons; mes, la ou il dist qil paya les deners, prest &c. qe noun.-Thorpe. Donqes vous ne dedites pas qe lexecutour relessa &c.-Pole. De pus qe vous volez par cele voie, nous vous

The word vous is not in 25184.

2 L., fitz.

3 rienz is not in L.

4 Ore is not in 25184.

5 L., na al; 25184, ne la, instead of ne al.

6 L., pas.

7 L. and 25184, W.

8 This report of the case from T. alone.

A.D. 1340.

Scire facias.

course, we tell you that it is not his deed; ready &c.—Mallum (the clerk). By this issue it may be seen that when there are executors in such a case, an action is not given to the heir.-Thorpe imparled. And then Pole did not dare to abide judgment upon this, and waived that plea, and held to this that they did not pay the money [for which an acquittance was given] by that deed; and afterwards he waived that plea, and said that it was not the deed of the executor; ready &c.-R. Thorpe. He does not deny that he whom we allege to have released was executor; and naturally the action is given to executors and not to heirs; wherefore judgment whether he shall be admitted to deny the deed of another.-SCHARDELOWE. You have produced the deed of the executor; wherefore he ought to have an answer to it, since by it you wish to rebut him from the action.-Thorpe. As long as he does not deny the deed, he admits that there is such an executor; and the production of the deed by us is to the intent that, if the executor resort to his action at another time to demand the debt, we may preclude him from his action by this deed; and we should not have this for our ground if we did not now plead it.-And afterwards he maintained that it was the deed of the executor; ready &c.--And the other side said the contrary.-And note the opinion of the COURT in this case was that, while there is an executor living who represents the estate of the testator, the heir shall not have an action.'

(41.) § Scire facias for execution upon a judg ment. The tenant said that he held by lease from one A. for the term of his life, the reversion to A., and he prayed aid.---Blaik. You abated after the death of the recoveree, and that estate you have continued; judg ment.-Derworthy. Will you say that we have fee? for otherwise this is not an answer, if you do not show that the reversion belongs to a person other than the person of whom we pray aid.-BASSET. It is not so; for it is sufficient to destroy the cause for which you pray aid; and this he does. And afterwards Blaik allowed the aid gratis, and prayed a Scire facias against him who was prayed in aid, and had it.--And note that

1 There is an abridgment of this case in Harl. 741, where it

appears as of the following Trinity


dioms qe nient son fet; prest &c.—Mallum (clerk). Par ceste A.D. 1340. issu poet homme veer qe quant executour y sont en tiel cas qe laccion nest pas done pur leir.-Thorpe enparla.--Et pus Pole nosa demurer sur ceo, et weyva cel plee, et se prist a ceo qil ne paierent pas les deners par cele fet; et pus weywa cel plee, et dit qe nient le fet lexecutour; prest &c. --R.1 Thorpe. Il ne dedit pas qe celui qe nous dioms aver relesse ne fust executour, issint qe naturelment as executours laccion est done et noun pas as heirs; par quei jugement si a dedir autri fet serra il resceu.-SCHARD. Vous avez mys avant le fet lexecutour; par quei il doit a ceo aver respons, puis qe par ceo vous lui volez reboter.-Thorpe. Quant il ne dedit pas le fet, il conust qil y ad tiel executour; et ceo qe nous mettoms avant le fet cest il entent qe si lexecutour soit a saccion autrefoitz a demander la dette qe nous lui puissoms forclore par ceo fet de sa accion; et ceo naveroms pas pur nostre seer a ore si nous ne pledames. Et puis il meintient qe cest le fet lexecutour; prest &c.-Et alii e contra.-Et nota per opinionem CURIE en ceo cas qe, vivant executour qe represent estat le testatour, qe leir navera pas accion.


(41.) § Scire facias dexecucion hors dun jugement. Seife —Le tenant dit qil tient du lees un A.3 a terme de sa vie, la reversion a lui, et pria eide.-Blayk. Vous abatistes apres la mort celui, et cel estat avez continue; jugement.- Derworth. Volez dire qe nous avoms fee? qar autrement ceo nest pas respons, si vous ne moustrez qe la reversion soit a autre qe a celui de qi nous prioms eide-BASS. Il nest pas issi; qar suffist a destruir la cause par quel vous priez eide; et ceo fait il. -Et puis Blayk de gree graunta leide, et pria Scire facias vers celui qe fust prie, et lavoit. Et nota qil

1 T., W.

2 From T. alone as far as the point at which the larger type ends, but corrected by the record Placita de Banco, Easter, 14 Edward III., Ro. 220. It there appears that the original action was brought by John de Horsham against Richard de Blakeston in

U 50018.

respect of tenements in Blakeston
(Devon). The defendants in the
Scire facias were William de
Chevereston and Isolda de Pral,
who entered (as alleged) after the
death of Richard de Blakeston.

3 William and Isolda, as tenants
for life, prayed aid of Elias de
Blakeston, according to the record.


A.D. 1340. he could not have a day of grace.-And note that where the King was a party defendant, by aid-prayer, in a Præcipe quod reddat brought by G. Talbot, STONORE would not give a day of grace, notwithstanding divers Letters under the targe, by which the King commanded that all grace and expedition should be granted to him without offending against the law; for STONORE held it an offence against the law to grant a day of grace when the King is a party.

Note that


he who


to have aid

In a Scire facias the tenant said that he held only for term of it is a good life by lease from one A., and prayed aid of him.-Blaik. The estate which you have is by abatement made after the death of plea in an recoveree, which estate you have continued; judgment whether Aid-prayer to say that you ought to have aid.-Derworthy. That is not a plea to deprive us of aid, if you do not either say that we have a fee or show that the reversion is to another person.--BASSET. Indeed, it is, ought not for it destroys the cause upon which you pray aid, and that is because he sufficient.-And afterwards Blaik allowed the aid gratis. is in by Upon a writ which Sir Gilbert' brought the King became a abatement, party by aid-prayer, and for that reason, STONORE would not grant a day of grace to Sir Gilbert, notwithstanding that he had Note: divers writs under the targe to expedite the matter as far as Prayer to might be possible without offending against the law, for STONORE have aid of said that it would be an offence against the law to give a day of the King. grace against the King in his own Court, &c.



(42.) § Note that upon a writ of Waste, for the Abbot of Tavistock, enquiry of waste was made by the Sheriff, upon the default of the tenant, and was returned; and it was adjudged that he should recover [the place] and treble damages; and execution was stayed until enquiry had been made as to collusion.-Blaik now prayed execution

1 Apparently Sir Gilbert Talbot. See preceding report of the same The whole of the matter relating to days of grace seems to


refer to the case Y. B. Mich. 13 Ed. III., No. 79, Talbot v. Wilynton and wife (pp. 178–180).

ne poait aver jour de grace.

Et nota qe ou le Roi A.D. 1340.

est partie defendant, par eide prier, en Præcipe quod

reddat porte pur G. Talbot, STON. ne voleit doner [Fitz. jour de grace, non obstante divers lettres de la targe, Jour, 24.] par quels le Roi comanda de faire a lui toute grace et expleit &c., sanz ley offendre; qar STON. le tient offens de ley de granter jour de grace ou le Roi est partie.


En un Scire facias le tenant dit qil navoit qa terme de vie Nota qe de lees un A., et pria eide de luy.-Blaik. Lestat qe vous avez cest bon countreple cest par abatement fait apres sa mort, quel estat avez con- en un eyde tinue; jugement si leyde devez aver.— Derw. Ceo nest pas prie a dire plee de nous toller leide, si vous ne diez ou3 qe nous avoms fee ou qe vous moustrez qe reversion est a aultre persone.BASSET. Vereyment si est, qar il destruyt la cause sour qele vous priez eide, et ceo suffit.-Et pus Blaik de gree granta abatement, le eyde, &c.



qe il ne deit leide aver qar il est en par


Et un bref qe Sire Gilbert porta le Roi fut partie par Nota: priere en eide, et ea de causa STON. ne voleit mye granter jour Prier deide de grace a Sire G., non obstante qe il avoit diverses brefs south de Roi. la targe de hastier taunt qe homme 10 purra saunz ley offendre, qar" STON. dit qil serroit offense de ley a doner jour de grace en countre le Roi en sa Court demene, &c.

(42.)12 § Nota qen bref de Wast pur labbe de Tavy- Wast. stoke wast fust enquis par Vicounte par defalte del tenant et retourne; et fust agarde qil recoverast, et Execuses damages a treble; et execucion cesse si la enquis cion, 71.] soit de la collusion. - Blayk pria ore execucion de

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