Imagens das páginas

a lour comune profist, et moustra la manere1 coment; A.D. 1340. jugement du bref.-Et quære si cel darreyn2 excep


cion soit assetz a 3 abatre tout le bref.-BASS. Tout
conisetz vous 5 un resceite a vostre comune profit, il
covient qe vous respoignez a son bref et son count
qe suppose la resceite a son singuler profist.-Ad
quod tota CURIA concessit.7-Par quei R. Thorpe
conisait la resceite, ut supra, a lour comune profist,10
sanz ceo qil fust resceivour al singuler profist le
pleintif, come il suppose par compte 11; prest &c.—Et
alii e contra.-Et nota qe le dit R. Thorpe serra
entre en rolle,1o
il ad conue
13 une manere de


(7.)14 § Acompt vers resceivour de x. marcz par autre Accounte. meyne.-W. Thorpe. Celui par qi mayne il suppose la resceite devisa a celui qe se pleint x. marcz, et nous sumes executour mesme celui qe devisa, et vous dioms [Fitz. Accompt, qe nous avoms fait son gree, partie en deners et 71.] partie en drap et vesselage, sanz ceo qe nous fumes son resceivour come il ad counte; prest, &c.-Et alii e contra.-Et ceste chose fuy entre.

(8.)15 § Dower.-Thorpe. Ele ne poet rien demander, Dower. qar fyne se leva entre son baroun, avant les espo- [Fitz. sailles, et un B., par quele vostre baroun conisat les

1 The words la manere are not in 25184.

225184, cest, instead of cel darreyn. 3 T., poet, instead of soit assetz a. 4 abatre is not in 25184.

5 vous is not in T.

6 25184, Et ad hoc, instead of ad quod.

7 In L. and 25184 are added the words Hill. x et T. viijo tali brevi. 8 The words Par quei are not in 25184.

9 The words la resceite are not in 25184,

10 The words a lour comune profist are not in 25184.

1125184, en la manere com il ad counte a son singuler profit, instead of al singuler profist le pleintif, com il suppose par compte.

12 25184, enroulle, instead of entre en rolle.

13 25184, conust, instead of ad


14 From T. alone.

15 From T., L., and 25184, but the report is in several places ab breviated in L. and 25184,



A.D. 1840. tenements to be the right of B., and for that acknowledgment B. rendered to your husband for the term of his life, the remainder, &c., to us; judgment whether of that estate you can demand dower.-Parning. He was seised in such wise that he could endow us; ready, &c.


W. Thorpe. You shall not have the averment any more in this case than if we admitted an estate in your husband to him and his first wife and the heirs issuing from their two bodies, in which case, if he to whom the reversion belonged was in, and there was no issue between them, in point of law the estate of the husband was only a freehold, and his second wife would not have such an averment.-SCHARSHULLE. At common law in such a case, she was dowable, but by Statute she is restrained.W. Thorpe. The Statute1 is to the effect that in such a case the second husband shall not be tenant by the curtesy of England, but there is no mention in it of dower.And, notwithstanding, Parning had the general averment for the wife.-And note that the plea of W. Thorpe was not entered, notwithstanding that he showed a part of the fine.

(9.) § Note that a writ of Account was sued in Middlesex, and the plaintiff counted only of a receipt in the city of London, and exception was taken to the writ because he did not count of any receipt in the county in which the writ was brought, for the process upon this writ is as upon a writ of Trespass, where the Exigent is given in no other county but that in which the act was done. And because this writ is given at common law, in the same manner as a writ of Debt, against the defendant in the county in which he can be soonest brought to an answer, and because, although the Statute 2 gives an Exigent, yet that does not oust the common law as to this point, therefore the writ was adjudged good, on good consideration.

1 13 Ed. I. (Westm. 2.), c. 1.

1 213 Ed. I. (Westm. 2.), c. 11.

[ocr errors]

tenementz estre le dreit B., et pur cele reconisance B. A.D. 1340. rendist a vostre baroun a terme de sa vie, le remeyndre, &c., a nous; jugement si de cel estat puissez dower demander.-Parn. Seisi si qe dower nous poet; prest &c.-W. Thorpe. Vous naverez pas laverement nient pluis en ceo cas qe si conisamès estat a vostre baron a lui et sa primere femme et les heirs de lour deux corps issauntz, [ou] si celui a qi la reversion fust einz, et y ny avoit pas issue entre eux, en effect de ley lestat le baroun ne fust fors de frank tenement, et si navereit pas sa secunde femme tiel averement.-SCH. A la comune ley en tiel cas ele fust dowable, mes par estatut est restreint.-W. Thorpe. Si statut voet qe tiel cas qe le secunde baroun ne tendra pas par ley Dengletere, mes de dower il ne parle pas.-Et, non obstante, Parn. ad laverement general pur la femme. -Et nota qe le dit W. Thorpe ne fust pas entre, non obstante qil moustra partie de la fyne.



(9.) § Nota qe bref dacompt fust suy en Middel- Acounte. sexe, et le pleintif counta soulement de resceite en la [Fitz. cite de Londres, et le bref fust chalenge pur ceo qil counta de nul resceite el counte ou le bref est porte, qar le proces est en ceo bref come en bref de trespas, ou exigende est done en nul autre counte fors la ou le fet se fist.-Et pur ceo qe ceo bref est done a la comune ley vers le defendant en counte la ou pluis toust purra estre mene en respons, come bref de dette, et coment qe lestatut doune exigende, cela ne ouste pas la comune ley qant a ceo point, par quei le bref fust agarde bon par bon avisement.

1 T., son, instead of lour deux, which is the reading in Fitzherbert's Abridgment, and is required by the


2 From T. alone. There is a very short abridgment of this case in Harl. 741.

A.D. 1340.

Quare impedit.

(10.) § The King brought a Quare impedit against Richard Kelshulle in respect of the church of H., and counted that it belonged to him to present, for the reason that one John Pycot was seised of the manor of Heydene, to which the advowson was appendant, and of the advowson, and presented his clerk, after whose resignation the church is now vacant. And he showed that the manor &c. were holden in capite of King Edward, the King's father, in whose time J. Pycot aliened the advowson to William de Clyf without his license, wherefore he seized the advowson, and it still remains in the hand of the present King for that reason, and so it belongs to him to present.-And note that Parning did not count for damages for the King, because he will not recover any damages; and yet the form used to be such. And that was W. Thorpe's practice.-WILLOUGHBY made Rokell defend the damage. And exception was taken to the count, for that the King in counting did not show the descent, and for non-certainty in that he did not show for what cause the church is now vacant.-This was not allowed.-And exception was also taken to the writ because the King has a general writ, as if this were his own right, and by his count he shows that he has possession only in right of another until satisfaction be made to him, in which case the writ ought to be "by "reason of the lands and tenements of such an one being " in his hand &c."-Parning. Before the Statute,1 in such a case, anything holden in capite of the King and aliened without the King's license was forfeited, and this was adjudged of the lands of Gower; and then the writ for the King was general; and the form of the writ is not changed by the Statute. And besides, the King

11 Ed. III., Stat. 2., c. 12.



(10.) § Le Roi porta Quare impedit vers Richard A.D. 1340. Kelshulle del eglise de H., et conta qe a lui apent a Quare impedit. presenter, par la resoun qun Johan Pycot fust seisi del manoir de H., a qi lavoesoun fust apendant, et [Fitz. del avoesoun, et presenta son clerc, apres qi resigne- Quare impedit, ment leglise est ore voide. Et mostra qe le manoir 54; &c. furent tenuz en chief du Roi E. pere le Roi, en Estoppell, qi temps J. Pycot2 aliena lavoesoun a W. de Clyf3 saunz conge de lui, par quei il seisi lavoesoun, et uncore demoert en la mayne le Roi la mayne le Roi qor est par cele resoun, et issi apend a lui a presenter.-Et nota qe Parn. ne conta pas par my damages pur le Roi, pur ceo qil recovera nul damage; et tamen la forme soleit estre tiel; et issi fist W. Thorpe.-WILBY fist Rokel defendre, saver par my damages.-Et le cont fust chalange de ceo qe le Roi ne fist pas descente en contant, et de la noun certeinete, qil ne moustra pas ore par quele cause leglise est ore voide. Non allocatur. Et auxi le bref fust chalenge pur ceo qe le Roi ad general bref auxi cum ceo fust son dreit propre, et par count il mostre qil nad possession fors en autri dreit tanqe gree lui soit fait, en quel cas le bref serreit ratione terrarum et tenementorum un tiel in manu sua &c.-Parn. Devant lestatut en tiel cas chose tenu en chief du Roi aliene sanz conge du Roi fust forfait, et ceo fust ajuge de terris de Gower; et donqes fust le bref pur le Roi general; et par estatut nest pas chaunge

1 From T. alone, but corrected by the record Placita coram Rege, Easter, 14 Edward III. R° 158. It there appears that an action was brought by the King against Gilbert de Arundel and Richard de Keleshulle in respect of the church of Heydene (Essex). The report printed No. 59 next below (from Harl. 741, where it appears as of another term) relates almost certainly to the same case. In the

latter report there is only one de-
fendant (Gilbert de Arundel), while
in the report above there is also
only one, but a different, defendant
(Richard de Keleshulle). The
record giving both names seems to
explain the discrepancy. According
to the record Gilbert disclaimed all
interest except as parson of the

2 T., Bigot.

3 T., Chief, instead of de Clyf.

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