Imagens das páginas

alienacioun qe J. fist a W., quel nous avoms traverse, A.D. 1340. et ceo nous suffit a ceo bref; et si le Roi eit accion par lalienacioun fait a autre, ceo serra par autre bref a autre count. - Parn. Vous navez pas dedit qe lavoesoun ne fust apendant al manoir, et qe J. Pycot1 presenta come apendant, quel presentement lui fait tenant del avowesoun; par quei daverer qautre fust tenant al temps de la fine leve, sanz moustrer coment, Vous ne serrez resceu; et, outre ceo, vous duissez moustrer coment par conge du Roi vous soiez avenu; qar vous pledes come patron, et autrement naverez pas tiel plee.—Thorpe. Nous sumes pas en cas de faire a nous title forsqe a desprover le title le Roi, et ceo nous suffit; et jeo die qe celui qe nous fesoms tenant del avoesoun poet avenir en moult des maners; issi &c.-Parn. Vous faites lavoesoun estre apendant en temps qe la fine se leva de ij mesuages et xl. acres de terre en la seisine un W.,2 quele terre ne poet estre entendu forsqe parcelle du manoir, a quel vous navez pas dedit lavoesoun estre apendant; donqes a dire qe lavoesoun est apendant a parcelle et issi severe del groos, si vous ne mostrez especial fet coment, qe vous ne poez avenir; qar si W. de Clyf3 porta son Quare impedit vers vous et se fit title coment J. Pycot1 fust seisi del manoir a qi &c., et presenta, [et] lui rendy puis par fine lavoesoun, vous ne serrez resceu a dire qe vous fustes seisi de tant de terre a quei lavoesoun est apendant sanz mostrer coment il purreit estre apendant; ne nient pluis en ceo cas. Thorpe. Jeo gide qe jeo serroi; et jeo die qil nest pas tenu a nient dedit de nous qe leglise fust apendant al manoir, ne nul autre rien del title le Roi, tanqe autre chose soit trie pur lui sur quei il deit aver son jugement pur lui. Et tout fust ceo qil serreit tenu a nient dedit, uncore la chose purreit estre par plusours voies, saver par parcenerie, par recoverir, par alienacioun ;

1 T., Bigot

3 T., Chief, instead of de Clyf.


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A.D. 1340. offered, for I take my plea to avoid the fine to which I am a stranger.-WILLOUGHBY. In one way it might be appendant, and in another way not; then since you wish to have the advantage, it seems that the mode should come from you. And I say that if J. Pycot aliened 40 acres of land and the advowson without the King's license, although the land might have passed, the advowson did not pass, but shall immediately be adjudged to be in the King's seisin.-Pole. There is no doubt that in this case the freehold of the advowson would belong to him to whom the alienation of the advowson might be made, although the King would have the advantage of presenting until the advowson was sued [out of his hand]. --And afterwards Kelshulle did not dare to abide judgment, since the opinion of the COURT was that it was necessary to show how the advowson was appendant to parcel.--Wherefore Rokell said that one Richard Kelshulle, father of the Richard against whom the writ was brought, was seised of certain messuages and lands and woods, to which the advowson was appendant, and of the advowson, in the time of King Henry, and so continued until the time of the King's grandfather when he was disseised by J. Pycot from whom the King takes his title, in whose time the tenancy was severed, so that nothing remained to him but the two messuages and 40 acres of land to which the advowson was then appendant, and he presented; and afterwards those messuages and that land came into the hand of W. de Sutton, at which time the fine was levied; so when the fine was levied J. Pycot had nothing, but W. was seised; and afterwards all the tenancy to which the advowson was at first appendant came into the hand of one W. Pycot, against whom Richard Kelshulle recovered by a writ of Entry, of higher right, of the seisin of his father &c.; and thus W. de Sutton was seised (as above) at the time when the fine was levied; judgment whether by the fine we ought to be ousted from the averment.-Parning. And we demand judg

par quei il suffist daverer le, qar jeo prenk mon plee A.D. 1340. en voidance de la fine a quel jeo su estrange.-WILBY. Par ascune voie purreit il estre apendant, et par ascun nient; donqes, qant volez aver lavantage, il semble qe la manere vendra de vous. Et jeo die qe [si] J. Pycot1 aliena xl. acres de terre, et lavoesoun, sanz conge le Roi, coment qe la terre passast, lavoesoun ne passa pas, mes serra tantoust ajuge en la seisine le Roi. Pole. Il nest pas doute en ceo cas qe le franktenement del avoesoun ne serreit a celui a qi lavoesoun serreit fait, coment qe le Roi avereit avantage de presenter tanqe la chose fust suy. Et puis Keis. nosa demorer en jugement pur lopinion de COURT qe fust qil covient mostrer coment apendant a la parcel.Par quei Rokel dit qun Richard Kelshulle, pere Richard, vers qi le bref est porte, fust seisi de certeinz mesuages et terres et boys, a qi lavoesoun fust apendant, et del avoesoun, en temps le Roi H., et continua tanqen temps lael le Roi qil fust disseisi par J. Pycot1 de qi le Roi prent son title, en qi temps cele tenance fust severe, issi qe rien lui remist forsqe les ij. mesuages et xl. acres de terre a qi adonqes lavoesoun fust apendant, et presenta; et puis ceux messuages et terre devindrent en la mayn W. de Suttone, a quel temps le fine se leva; issi quant la fine se leva J. Pycot1 navoit rienz, mes W. fust seisi; et puis toute la tenance a qi lavoesoun fust apendant primes devint 2 en la mayn un W. Pycot1 vers qi Richard Kelshulle recoveri par bref dentre de pluis haut dreit, de la seisine son pere &c., et issi fust W. de Suttone seisi, ut supra, a temps de la fine leve; jugement si par la fyne devoms del averement estre oustes. - Parn. Et nous


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A.D. 1340. ment, since he has not denied the presentation by J. Pycot as appendant, nor that the advowson is holden of the King, and he does not show that J. Pycot devested himself at any time since that presentation; and, as to what they now plead, the reverse is held as not denied by them according to the first plea when they chose their issue on another point, which has been sufficiently discussed on the record that we produced. -W. Thorpe. That which we describe as messuages, land, meadow &c., to which the advowson is appendant, the King can at his pleasure describe as a manor, for we can not take issue as to whether it be a manor or not. Therefore we say that J. Pycot was seised of the whole to which the advowson &c., and presented, and afterwards parcelled out the thing so that nothing remained to him except the two messuages and 40 acres of land, to which then the advowson must have been appendant; for if the gross, to which the advowson &c., was a manor, or not a manor, in the hand of J. Pycot, and he dismembered the thing and reserved a certain quantity in his own hand, to that parcel reserved to him the advowson would be appendant.-WILLOUGHBY. It is not so; for suppose that you are seised of a manor to which an advowson is &c., and you aliene the manor with the appurtenances, save 40 acres of land, does not the advowson pass? Certainly it does. And you have not denied that the advowson was appendant to the manor; and although you say that the tenements were parcelled out when in the hand of J. Pycot, except a certain quantity, that does not prove that the advowson remained to him.-W. Thorpe. It can be only understood from my statement that he aliened by parcels, and not as a gross which would attract the appendancy; besides, if it were as you say, still J. Pycot would not then be seised, after devesting himself, of the advowson, and consequently the fine was void.-ALDEBURGH to Thorpe. By your plea you make the advowson at one time to remain in the hands of J. Pycot as appendant to two


jugement, del houre qil nad pas dedit le presentement A.D. 1340. J. Pycot come apendant et ne qe lavoesoun est tenu du Roi, et il ne mostre pas demis de J. Pycot1 uncore pus cele presentement; et, ceo qil pledent ore, le revers est tenu a nient dedit deux par le primer plee quant il eslirreit lour issu sur autre poynt, quel par le record qe nous meismes avant est assetz discus &c. -W. Thorpe. Ceo qe nous nomoms par mesuages, de terre, pree, &c., a qi lavoesoun est apendant, le Roi poet a sa volunte nomer come manoir, qar nous ne poms pas sur ceo prendre issue le quel il soit manoir ou noun. Donqes dioms nous qe J. Pycot1 fust seisi del entier a qi lavoesoun &c., et presenta, et pus parcella la chose issi qe rien lui remist forsqe les ij. mesuages et xl. acres de terre, a qi donqes lavoesoun covenoit estre apendant; qar si le groos a quei lavoesoun &c. fust manoir ou nient manoir en la mayn J. Pycot, et il demembra la chose et sauva certein quantite en sa mayn demene, a cel parcelle reserve a lui lavoesoun serreit apendant. -WILBY. Il nest pas issi; qar jeo pose qe vous soiez seisi dun manoir a qi une avoesoun &c., et vous alienes le manoir ove les appurtinances, sauf xl. acres de terre, ne passe pas lavoesoun? Certum est quod sic. Et vous navez pas dedit qe lavoesoun fust apendant al manoir; et coment qe vous parles qe les tenementz furent deparceles en la mayn J. Pycot,' estre certeine quantite, ceo ne prove pas qe lavoesoun lui demura.-W. Thorpe. Homme ne poet entendre de mon dit mes qil aliena par parceles et noun pas come gros qe atrereit apendance; ovesqe ceo, sil fust come vous parles, uncore ne serreit pas donqes J. Pycot1 seisi, apres sa demyse, del avoesoun, et per consequens la fine voide.-ALD. a Thorpe. Vous fetes par vostre plee lavoesoun demurer a un temps en la meyn J. Pycot1 come apendant a ij. mesuages

1 T., Bigot.

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