Imagens das páginas

les pleintifs furent seisiz par feffement et oustes; et A.D. 1340. ceo qil parlent de recoverir ne gist en lour conisaunce, ne de qui il poet estre atteint, par quei &c.- Sur quei ils furent ajournes devant eux mesmes a Westmestre; et adonqes il porterent le record sub pede sigilli. Et adonqes dist Parn. qe le verdist fust bon, et en tiel cas Justices duissent ajourner les parties en Bank, issi qil purreint estre apris sil y avoit tiel record, en cas qil y avoit tiel record, agarder qe le pleintif prist rien, et si ny avoit nul, ajugger le disseisine. Puis SCH. les ajourna en Bank, qar il y avoit diversite entre les ij villes, ou la pleinte est ore fait et la ville ou le recoverir se fist par le Cui in vita; qar la pleinte est de libero tenemento in West Cammel, et le record prove le recoverir estre de tenementz en Dounheved1 juxta West Cammel; mes lassise avoit dit qe ceo fust un mesme tenement, qar West. hamel de D.Thorpe. Nous demandoms jugement, del hour qe title pur le pleintif est trove, et un ouster; et le record qest suy a lour suyte demene en eide del verdist prove qe ceo ne poet estre dun mesme tenement; qar si le tenant en propre persone ust allegge ceo record en barre dassise il nust pas barre; qar jugement dune terre en une ville ne barre nient en autre ville. Parn. Si vous volez conustrer qe cest un mesme tenement, donqes vous estes barre par le record; si vous diez qe le record est dautre tenement, donqes le verdist nous sert sanz pluis. - STON. Jeo die qe homme ne rendra pas jugement devant qe homme soit apris sil y avoit tiel record; et si homme ne trove pas tiel record come il ount dist en verdit, homme navera ja regard a lour verdit en ceo point.

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assesserunt damna, si &c., ad

viginti libras, et dixerunt quod

"tenementa valent per annum
"centum solidos."

1 T.,


A.D. 1340. yourselves sued out this record as being in respect of the same tenements, and by the record the reverse is proved; wherefore &c. Parning. In some cases, though the Assise may speak in its verdict of a record, the Court ought to know before judgment whether there be such a record or not, as, for instance, if the Assise say that some one has recovered by a higher right; but where they say that one has not title, except that acquired pending a writ, as in our case, then the Court shall never be informed of a record. STONORE said that it should be.-Blaik. The Assise has said that it is one and the same tenement &c.; and if he who is now tenant brought his writ in respect of tenements in Dunhead, whereas the tenements were in West Camel, and the tenant came and pleaded to the inquest, thereby affirming his writ, and he recovered on that false writ, I say that in these circumstances he who lost, and who might have abated the writ but did not, shall never have an assise although he bring his writ in West Camel, nor shall any one who has an estate through him.-SCHARSHULLE. If the Sheriff make livery of land in Sharshulle when the warrant is for tenements in Shardelowe, he is a disseisor, although the parties may have affirmed the writ; wherefore the reverse of your statement is law.—WODESTOKE. The record has been inspected; and it is found by verdict that the plaintiffs were seised by a title and were ousted; and as to the statement of the Assise that the entry was by force of a judgment, the judgment which is here before us and the record prove that this was in respect of tenements in another vill, so that, even if the tenant had been in Court in his own person, by this record he could not have barred the assise; wherefore the Court holds the entry to be a disseisin, and not an entry by force of the judgment; wherefore the COURT adjudges that the plaintiff do recover &c., and his damages taxed by the Assise &c.

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Et ore vous mesmes avez suy ceo record come de A.D. 1340. mesmes les tenementz, et par le record est prove le revers; par quei. Parn. En cas Court deit saver, coment qe assise parle sur verdit dun record, sil y eit tiel record ou noun avant jugement, come sil diont qascun homme ad recoveri de pluis haut dreit; mes la ou il dient qe homme nad title fors pendant un bref, come en nostre cas, issi ja ne serra Court apris de record. --STON. dit qe oyl. — Blayk. Lassise ad dit qe cest un mesme tenement &c.; et si celui qest ore tenant, quant il porta son bref en D., la ou les tenementz furent en W., et le tenant vient et pleda alenquest affermant son bref, et il recoveri sur ceo faux bref, jeo die qe celui qe perdit et poet aver abatu le bref, et ne fist pas, qil navera jammes assise coment qil porte son bref en W., ne nient pluis celui qad estat par lui.-SCH. Si le Vicounte face livere de terre en Sch. ou garrant est des tenementz en Schd., il est disseisour, ja eient parties afferme le bref; par quei le revers de vostre dit est ley.-WOD. Le record est vewe; et trove est par verdit qe les pleintifs furent seisiz par title et oustes; et ceo qe lassise ad dit qe lentre fust par force dun jugement, le jugement qest cy devant nous et le record prove qe ceo fust de tenementz en un autre ville, issi qe, tout ust le tenant este en propre persone, par ceo record il ne poet aver barre lassise; par quei COURT tient lentre un disseisine, et noun pas entre par force del jugement; par quei agarde la COURT qe le pleintif recovere &c. et ses damages taxez par assise &c.

A.D. 1340.

An assise of Novel Disseisin was brought in a County, before In an As- SCHARSHULLE, against Sir J. de Lorty and others; and the plaint sise of was made in respect of tenements in West Camel; and the Novel Disseisin a tenants pleaded to the assise, by bailiff, except that J. de Lorty recovery said, by bailiff, that he had recovered the same tenements by a may be Cui in vita, so that he was in by judgment, without tort, &c. pleaded by Wherefore the assise was taken, and the jurors said that this bailiff, as affecting same J. de Lorty brought his Cui in vita in respect of tenements. the plain- in Dunhead, which was a hamlet of West Camel, against Walter tiff, as de Thornhull, who traversed his action, and that afterwards the appears parol demurred without day by reason of the demise of the below. King, and that afterwards he sued a resummons, upon which resummons the tenant could not deny his cause of action, and that he therefore recovered; and the jurors said that these were the same tenements, and that the plaintiffs purchased them, while his writ was pending, by fine levied in the Court of Common Pleas, and they prayed &c.- SCHARSHULLE asked them how they knew that these were the same tenements. And they said by means of the summons and resummons and by view had of the land.-SCHARSHULLE asked them how they knew of the judgment and of the non-denial, since that lies naturally in record. -And they said:-By hear-say.-SCHARSHULLE. To what damages, if &c. ?—And they said what, &c.-Whereupon SCHARSHULLE adjourned the parties to Westminster, where J. de Lorty came in his own person, and showed the record to SCHARSHULLE Sub pede sigilli &c. And the writ and the record related to tenements in "Dounheved nigh West Camel."-Whereupon SCHARSHULLE adjourned them into the Bench, &c.-Parning. We pray judgment upon the verdict of the Assise, for they have said that the plaintiff purchased while our writ was pending, so his estate is annulled in law; judgment, &c.-Thorpe. That which is said in the verdict as to the record does not lie within the cognisance of the jurors, wherefore no regard shall be had to it; and the record which you have yourself produced cannot excuse you, for in your record are mentioned tenements in "D. juxta W.," and we have complained as to tenements in W., so this word "juxta" supposes the subject matter to be outside of W.; and they have said that we were seised; wherefore, &c.-Kelshulle. As to the




qe ceo

Un' assise de novele disseisine fut porte en un Counte, A.D. 1340. devant SCHAR., vers Sire J. de Lorty 3 et autres ; et la pleinte En un As. sise de fut fait en Westcamell; et les tenants plederent a lassise, par Novele baillife, salve qe J. de L. par baillif dit qil avoit recoveri Disseisine mesmes les tenementz par un Cui in vita, issint fut il einz par homme put jugement sanz tort &c. Par quei lassise fut pris qe dit qe pleder par mesme celuy J. de L. porta son Cui in vita &c. en Dounheved, baillif un qe fut hamelle de Westcamell, devers W. de T., qe traversa saccion, et puis la paroule demora sanz jour par demyse de taille vers Roi, et apres il sywit le resomons, a quel resomons le tenant ne le pleintif, ut patet posit dedire saccion, par quei il recovery, et dit qils furent inferius, mesmes lez tenementz, et qe les pleintifs les purchacerent, &c. pendant son bref, par fyn leve en comme plase, et prierent, &c.-SCHAR. les demanda coment ils savoient qils furent mesmes les tenementz.-Et ils doisoient qe par somons et resomons et par vewe de la terre faite.-SCHAR. les demanda coment ils savoient de le jugement et del nyent dedire, sicome ceo chiet naturelment en recorde.-Et ils disoient qe par oy dire.-SCHAR. As quex damages, si &c. ?-Qil disoient &c.— Sour quei SCHAR. ajourna les parties a Westmestre, ou J. de L. vint en propre persone et moustra a SCHAR. le recorde sub pede sigilli &c. Et bref et le recorde fut en Dounheved 8 juxta Westcamell-Sour quei SCHAR. les ajourna en Bank, &c.— Parn.-Nous prioms jugement sour verdit dassise, qar ils unt dit qe le pleintif purchacea pendant nostre bref, issint soun estat anynti en ley; jugement, &c.--Thorpe. Ceo qe le verdit ad parle de recorde ne chiet pas en lour conisance, par quei a ceo homme navera nul regard; et le recorde quel vous mesmes avez mys avant ne vous put escuser, qar vostre recorde parle des tenementz en D. juxta W. et nous sumes pleint en W., issint cele paroule juxta suppose la chose estre hors de W.; et ils ount dit qe nous fumes seisi; par quei &c."-Kels. Quant

1 This report of the case is from L. and 25184. The marginal abstract here, and the others, throughout the term, are from L. alone.

2 L., un.

3 This name has been corrupted into Corty in 25184, and Corcy in L. The person is the "Johannes de Urtiaco" of the record. The name takes various forms in mediaval writings, e.g., De Lortyey, Del Ortioy, Lorti, &c.

4 L., O. The person is the same


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