Imagens das páginas

Et Willelmus Botevileyn et Margeria in propriis A.D. 1340. personis suis veniunt, et Willelmus pro se et Margeria dicit quod ipsi non possunt dedicere prædictam transgressionem, &c., et prædicta Margeria dicit quod, ubi ipsa attachiatur ut uxor prædicti Willelmi, ipsa modo non est uxor ejusdem Willelmi, tamen bene cognovit quod ipsa aliquo tempore fuit uxor prædicti Willelmi, sed dicit quod postea, scilicet die Lunæ proxima ante Purificationem Beatæ Mariæ anno regni regis nunc tertio-decimo, apud Derteford, coram Episcopo Roffensi, divortium inter ipsam et prædictum Willelmum erat celebratum, et hoc parata est verificare ubi et quando &c., et ex quo ipsa nominatur in billa, &c., ut uxor prædicti Willelmi, petit judicium de billa, &c.

Et prædictus Robertus dicit quod divortium nunquam erat celebratum inter præfatum Willelmum et præfatam Margeriam coram præfato Episcopo, prout eadem Margeria dicit. Et hoc paratus est verificare, &c. Et prædicta Margeria similiter. Et, quia hujusmodi causæ cognitio ad forum spectat ecclesiasticum, &c., ideo mandatum est Episcopo Roffensi, loci Diocesano, quod, convocatis, &c., diligenter inde inquirat, &c., et quid inde, &c., dominum Regem certificet in Octabis Sancti Michaelis, ubicunque, &c. Et super hoc Adam Somerson, Johannes de Cheventon, Magister Willelmus de la Marche, de comitatu Suffolciæ, manuceperunt prædictam Margeriam habendi corpus ejus coram domino Rege ad præfatum terminum, &c., videlicet, quilibet eorum corpus pro corpore, &c. Idem dies datus est prædicto Willelmo de audiendo judicium suum, &c. Ad quem diem venit coram domino Rege prædictus Robertus in propria persona sua, et prædictus Episcopus Roffensis sic retornavit :-Satis nobis constat quod nullum divortium inter dictos Willelmum

A.D. 1340. Margery of whom mention is made in this writ, and it does not appear unto us that any such divorce has been pronounced before any our Commissary.—And the aforesaid William and Margery, being solemnly called on the fourth day of the plea, come not. And thereupon the same Robert prays judgment, &c., for that the aforesaid Margery does not now pursue that which heretofore in Court here she offered to verify, and that the same Margery, together with the aforesaid William Botevileyn her husband, be held as convicted of the trespass aforesaid, &c. And thereupon a day is given unto the aforesaid Robert to hear his judgment thereof before the Lord the King on the Octaves of St. Hilary, wheresoever, &c., in the same state as now, &c., because the Court is not yet advised, &c. At which day comes the aforesaid Robert in his own person, and the aforesaid William and Margery come not. And because the Court here is not yet advised as to giving judgment, &c., a day is given over to the aforesaid Robert to hear his judgment before the King in three weeks after Easter day, wheresoever, &c., in the same state as now. At which day, &c. [Here follow several adjournments, the last being to the Quinzaine of Michaelmas.]


The same Margery brought to the bar by the Marshal, at the suit of the Lord the King, confessed the trespass aforesaid, wherefore she was committed to the custody of the Marshal, &c. And afterwards she was mainprised by the mainpernors aforesaid, who mainprised her to have her body before the King at the term aforesaid, &c.

(52.) Upon a writ of Aiel the tenant produced a deed reciting that the grandfather had leased the tenements to him for a term of years, and the deed was that of the

et Margeriam de quibus in isto brevi fit mentio aliquo A.D. 1340. tempore celebratum fuit coram nobis, nec constat nobis quod hujusmodi divortium celebratum fuerit coram aliquo commissario nostro.-Et prædicti Willelmus et Margeria, quarto die placiti solemniter vocati, non veniunt. Et super hoc idem Robertus petit judicium, &c.. de eo quod prædicta Margeria modo non prosequitur illud quod alias in Curia hic prætendit verificare, et quod eadem Margeria, simul cum prædicto Willelmo Botevyleyn viro suo, de transgressione prædicta habeatur tanquam convicta, &c. Et super hoc dies datus est præfato Roberto de audiendo inde judi cio suo coram domino Rege in Octabis Sancti Hillarii, ubicunque, &c., in eodem statu quod nunc, &c., eo quod Curia nondum avisatur, &c. Ad quem diem venit prædictus Robertus in propria persona sua, et prædicti Willelmus et Margeria non veniunt. Et quia Curia hic nondum avisatur ad judicium reddendum, &c., dies datus est ulterius præfato Roberto de audiendo judicio suo coram Rege a die Pascha in tres septimanas, ubicunque, &c., in statu quo nunc. Ad quem, &c.

Eadem1 Margeria ducta ad barram per Marescallum, ad sectam domini Regis, cognovit transgressionem prædictam, per quod ipsa commissa fuit in custodia Marescalli, &c. Posteaque manucapta fuit per manucaptores supradictos, qui eam manuceperunt habendi corpus ejus coram Rege ad præfatum terminum, &c.

(52.) 2 En un bref de aiel le tenant mist avant un Aie!.. fait recitant coment laiel avoit lesse les tenementz 3 luy a terme daunz, et fut le fait le pere le demandant,

1 The passage hence to the end is in the form of a separate entry on the roll.

2 From L. and 25184.


3 The words les tenemeutz are not in 25184.

A.D. 1340. demandant's father, by which deed the same father of the demandant had confirmed the same tenements to the tenant and his heirs for ever with warranty. And the other denied the deed, &c.


Prayer to be admitted.

(53.) Upon a writ of Account, at the return of the Capias the defendant came, and the plaintiff was essoined, and Idem dies was given to the defendant, and on that day the defendant was essoined. And the essoin was adjudged and adjourned because the essoin lies before the defendant has found mainprise, and he shall never find it in the absence of the plaintiff, &c.


(54.) § A man prayed to be admitted to defend his right, on the default of a tenant for term of life. Thorpe. Show how the reversion belongs to you. — R. Thorpe. One Walter son of Richard Fraunkeleyn leased the same tenements to the tenant and to her husband1 for the term of twenty years, and then afterwards confirmed their estate to have and to hold to them and to the heirs of the husband; and we tell you that the husband died,2 so that after the death of the husband the reversion descended to him who prays to be admitted, as to son and heir, and he has come before judgment given, and prays as above. W. Thorpe. You ought not to be admitted; for you have a brother older than you, at this day living at C. in the county of N.; judgment whether, he being alive, you ought to be admitted.R. Thorpe. Will you say that he is the son of the husband, and so our brother? for he may be our brother

1i.e., as appears by the record to the tenant Matilda, and her previous husband John de Renessone.

2 Without heir of his body according to the record.

3 According to the record it descended to William the brother, and from him to Walter le Lumynour as son and heir.

par quel fait1 mesme le pere le demandant 2 avoit A.D. 1340 conferme mesmes lez tenementz al tenant et a sez heirez a tous jours ov garrantie. Et lautre dedit la fait, &c.


(53.) En un bref dacompte, al Capias retourne le Nota. defendant vynt, et le pleintif fut essone, et Idem Dies done al autre, a quele jour le defendant fut essone. Et lessone fut ajugge et ajourne pur ceo qe lessone gist avant qil ad trove meinprise, et en absence del pleintif il ne trovera ja, &c.


tre resceu.

(54.) § Un homme pria destre resceu a defendre Prier desson dreit par la defaute de un tenant a terme de vie. -W. Thorpe. Moustrez coment la reversion est a vous. -[R. Thorpe. Un Walter fitz Richard Fraunkeleyn lessa mesmes les tenementz al tenant et a son baroun a terme] de xx. aunz, et puis apres conferma lour estat a aver et tener a eux et les heirs le baroun; et vous dioms qe le baroun morust, issint qe apres la mort le baroun descendi la reversion a celuy qe prie destre resceu com a fitz et heir, et il est venuz devant jugement rendu, et prie ut supra.-W. Thorpe. Resceu ne devez estre; qar vous avez un frere eigne de vous, huy ceo jour en pleyne vie, en C. en le counte de N.; jugement si, vivant luy, devetz estre resceu. R. Thorpe. Volez vous dire qil est fitz au baron et issi nostre frere? qar il put estre nostre frere del parte

1 fait is not in 25184,

2 The words le demandant are

not in L.

3 From L. and 25184.

4 jour is not in L.

From L. and 25184, but corrected by the record Placita de Banco, Trinity, 14 Edward III., Ro. 296. It there appears that the action was brought by Walter Fraunkeleyn against Geoffrey de

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Sydenham and Matilda, his wife,
in respect of one acre of land
in Clopton (Northamptonshire).
Upon the default of Geoffrey and
Matilda, Walter le Lumynour
prayed to be admitted to defend
his right.

6 L., J., instead of Walter fitz
Richard Fraunkeleyn.

7 The words between brackets are not in 25184.

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