Imagens das páginas

il ne pursuyst pas qant ele fust dedit, de la prover A.D. 1340. bon, par quai COURT la tient maveis; par quei le pleintif recoveri ses damages taxez par Court.

Executours porterent bref de Dette.-Le defendant myst avant Dette. acquitance. Et al Nisi prius, devant BASSET, il ne vynt pas. Par quei sa defaute fut entre.-Et ore a ceo jour, en Bank, BASSET agarda qe ceux recoverassent la dette et lour damages taxes, &c.-Contra Michaelis nono, &c.


(15) § Acompt vers resceivour.-Thorpe. moustra Acounte. coment devers certeinz auditours assignes par le pleintif il acompta, issi qe le pleintif mesme ad les tailles et roulles par quex il rendy lacompt; jugement si autrefoitz de mesme la chose deive acompter.

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Entre sour

vocha un

age, qe


porta altre

nal en leu

(16.) § Un bref de entre sour disseisine fut porte En un vers un C.-W. Thorpe. Jugement du bref, qar altre- disseisine foitz, savoir, til jour et an, vous mesmes portastez le tenant autiel bref devers nous, a quel bref nous vouchames enfaunt a garrant J. le fitz R. de Morley, qe fut deinz age, et dedeyns priames &c., et avioms le voucher, et la parole &c. entra &c. Et nous dioms qil est unqore deinz age, issint est cesti Et le debref purchace pendant lautre; jugement. SCHARD. Mesqil fuit issint com vous parlez, il put eslire daver bref origiun resomons ou un novel original; et vous nestez de remye mys a meschef, qar, si vous ditez verite, vostre le tenant respons vous est salve; par quei &c. W. Thorpe, vocha Si la paroule ust demore par remuement du Bank ou par demyse de Roi, issint qil navoit mye tenete du temps mys quel temps il deveroit tendre, vostre dit liereit par cas, mes ycy i certenete de temps limite, jesqes a quele temps paroule devereit7 demorir; par quei &c.--SCHAR. Ditz vocher par altre chose. W. Thorpe. voucha le dit J., ut prius,


This report of the case is from

L. and 25184.

2 From T. alone.

3 From L. and 25184 as far as the point at which the larger type ends.


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somons, ou

mesme la



cer- com avant. at- mandant yad voleit aver

Et le de



la plede le

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pleaded the


to the Statute, for that

neither the vouchee nor any of

his ancestors &c. And he

could not have the counterplea in

A.D. 1340. vouched the said J., as before, and said that he was under age, and prayed that the parol might demur. - Pole. Neither he whom you vouch nor any of his according ancestors &c., since the seisin &c.; judgment whether you ought to be received to such a voucher.-W. Thorpe. You shall not be admitted to that; since you previously accepted the voucher of the same person, you ought not to counterplead it now, &c.-Pole. If this were upon a re-summons sued, as that places the parol in the course in which it commenced, your reason might perhaps bind us; but it is otherwise upon this Original which is altogether another plea, &c. (as in the Term next above).1— opposition SCHARDELOWE. It would be a strange thing if you could be admitted to deny and counterplead that which you have previously allowed in a Court of record.— Pole. Then, since he refuses the averment, we pray that he be put to answer over as the Statute 2 directs.--HILLARY. He does not refuse the averment, but he pleads to you in law that you shall not have such an averment; and that he may well do; and you say nothing else to deprive him of this voucher; wherefore, let the voucher stand, &c.

to his own previous acceptance, as appears below.

Entry sur disseisin.

§ Entry sur disseisin was brought against one A., tenant of a manor.-Thorpe. We tell you that, in the time of the father of the King &c., he this same demandant brought a like writ against us, and demanded two parts of this manor, and against one C., tenant in dower of our inheritance, demanding the other third part by another Præcipe; and this C. vouched us, and we warranted to her and vouched over L. and R., cousins and heirs of one A.; and because he could not deny their non-age the parol demurred without day &c., and so it yet demurs, for L. is still under age; judgment of this writ purchased pending the other.-Pole. You yourself prove that the other plea is not pending.-Thorpe. The award of this Court is that during the non

1 Y. B., H. 14, E. 3, No. 28. | 23 Edw. I. (Westm. 1.) c. 40.


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de- A.D. 1340. sez mesme qe tiel ne nul de


il vocha

ces aunces-
tres &c.

ac- Et il ne
ne purreit mye
re- contreple

aver le


patet in

et dit qil fut deinz1 age, et pria qe la paroule moreit.2-Pole. Celuy qe vous vouchez ne3 nul de auncestres, &c. pus lasseisine &c.; jugement si a voucher devez estre resceu. W. Thorpe. A ceo vendrez vous mye; del houre qe vous altrefoith ceptastez le voucher de mesme la persone, ore vous le devez countrepleder &c.- Pole. Si ceo fut al somons siwy, pur ceo qe ceo 5 mette la paroule en le acceptsoun primer cours, par cas vostre resoun liereit; mes ance qil fit altre est en cest original qe est tot un altre plee &c. avant, ut ut supra proximo termino. -- SCHAR. Il serroit mer-ferius. vaillouse chose qe vous avendrez dedire et contrepleder ceo qe vous avez avant grante en Court de recorde. -- Pole. Donqe, del houre qil refuse laverement, nous prioms qil soit bote outre a autre respons com lestatut parle. -HILL. Il ne refuse mye laverement, mes il vous plede en ley que vous naverez mye tiel averement; et ceo put il bien faire; et vous ne dictez altre rien de luy toller de ceo voucher; par quei estoyse le voucher 9 &c.



§ Entre sur disseisine porte vers un A., tenant dun manoir. Entre sur -Thorpe. Nous vous dioms, qen temps pere le Roi &c., mesme disseisine. celui porta autiel bref vers nous, et demanda les ij parties [Fitz. Briefe, de ceo manoir, et devers un C. tenant en dower de nostre heritage la terce partie par un autre Præcipe, quel C. nous Estoppel, voucha, et nous lui garrantimes et vouchames outre et L. et 165.] R. cosyns et heirs un A.; et pur ceo qil ne poait dedire lour noun age la parole demora sanz jour &c., et issi demoert uncore, qar L. est uncore deinz age; jugement de ceo bref purchace pendant lautre. Pole. Vous provez mesmes qe lautre plee nest pas pendant. Thorpe. Lagarde est de ceste Court

1 L., dedeinz.


2 25184, &c., instead of demo


3 25184, et ne.

The words de sez auncestres

are not in 25184.

5 The words qe ceo are not in


6 L., en.

7 25184, malveys.

8 The words de luy toller are not in 25184.

9 The words le voucher are not in 25184.

10 This report of the case is from T. alone.

A.D. 1340. age of the vouchees the plea demurs; wherefore during their nonage we shall not answer.-ALDEBURGH. It is to your advantage that he has brought a new Original; and it is at his election whether he will sue a new Original or a re-summons; wherefore answer.-Thorpe vouched as before, and said that L. was under age, and prayed that the parol might demur &c.; and when she shall be of age they shall be summoned in the counties of N., J.,' and N.-Pole. Neither she whom you vouch nor any of her ancestors ever had anything; ready &c.-Thorpe. You shall not be admitted to that, for previously &c. you accepted the voucher.. -Pole. This is a new Original, and not a re-summons on the first Original on which the voucher was accepted.-ALDEBURGH. Although you be non-suited on the first writ, his advantage is not taken away any more than if it was continued.-Wherefore STONORE adjudged that the voucher should stand.

Forfeiture of Marriage.

Scire facias.

(17.) § Forfeiture of Marriage, where the plaintiff' counted that on a certain day, in a certain year, and at a certain place, he tendered a marriage &c., and that the defendant refused it and married elsewhere, &c., and put himself into his inheritance, without making satisfaction for the marriage.—Gayneford. Whereas he says that he tendered to us on such a day, in such a year, &c., we tell you that he tendered to us on such a day in the seventh year of the present King, at which time we were of full age; ready, &c.—Blaik. Under age at the time of the tender; ready, &c.-And the other side said the contrary. And note that Gayneford's plea shall be entered.-Quære from what country the Inquest shall


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(18.) § A Scire facias was sued against the Abbot of Tupholme to know with certainty whether he could say anything wherefore Juliana, daughter of William Colman and Joan his wife, should not have execution upon a fine which was levied between the said William and Joan and one William de Brandon, by which fine

1 So in the original, though there is no county of which the initial letter is J.

qe durrant le noun age des vouches le plee demoert; par quei A.D. 1340. durant lour noun age nous ne respondroms. --ALD. Cest a vostre avantage qil ad porte novel original, et il est en sa elite le quel il voet suer novel original ou resomons; par quei responez. Thorpe voucha ut prius, et dit qe L. fust deinz age, et pria qe la parole demurast &c.; et qant ele serra dage ils serront somons en les countes de N., J., et N. --Pole. Celui qe vous vouchez ne nul de ses auncestres navoient unqes rien; prest &c. -- Thorpe. A ceo navendres pas, qar devant &c. vous acceptastes le voucher. - Pole. Cest un novel original, et noun pas un resomons sur le primer original ou le voucher fust accepte.--ALD. Tout soiez vous nounsuy au primer bref son avantage nest pas tollet nient pluis qe sil fust continue.-Par quei STON. agarda qe le voucher estoise.

de Mari


(17.) Forfaiture de mariage, ou il conta certein Forfeture jour, an, et lieu, mariage, &c., et il refusa, et se maria aliours, &c., et se mist en son heritage sanz gree faire du mariage.-Gayn. La ou il dit qe nous tendist tiel jour, tiel an, &c., nous vous dioms qil nous tendi lan vij. le Roi qor est tiel jour, a quel temps nous fumes de plein age; prest &c.-Blaik. De deinz age a temps del tendre; prest &c.—Et alii e contra.--Et nota qe le dit Gayn. serra entre.-Quære de quele pays enquest





(18). § Un Scire facias fut suy devers Labbe de Scire Tupholme et a saver moun sil sache rien dire pur quei Juliane la fille William Colman et Johane 5 sa femme navera execucion hors dun fyn qe se leva entre le dit William et Johane et un William de Brandon par quele fyn William et Jobane 5 coniseient


1 From T. alone.

2 From L. and 25184 as far as the point at which the larger type ends, but corrected by the record Placita de Banco, Easter, 14 Edward III., Ro. 114.

3 L., T.; 25184, Turs.

4 The words Juliane la fille are not in L.; in 25184, Alice is substituted for Juliane. The record


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