Imagens das páginas



nous pledoms en barre, et dit qe Thomas, E., et R. devye- A.D. 1340. rent, et vous, en clamant com cosyn et heir a dit Thomas 2 et Eve par my un Johan, quel vous supposez estre fitz et heir as ditz Thomas 3 et Eve, entrastez, il et Elyne cum en le dreit Elyne vous ousterent, cum bien lour lust, pur ceo qe mesme cesty J., par my qi vous clamastez, nasquit hors de chescun manere esposailles, issint bastard, et demanda jugement si assise devereit estre; et vous, de carier a lassise, deistes qe mesme cely J., par my qi vous clamastez, fut muliere, nyent dedisant donqes ablete en la persone Elyne com le dit William alleggea; par quei ore a desabler issint a dire le countrarie de chose avantmayn conue par vous vous ne devetz avenir; jugement, &c.-A quei Andrewe dit que a tiel record allegge Walter fut tut estraunge. Et ovesqe ceo, al temps del plee plede par William il neust mie este plee pur Andrewe daver eu lassise daver dit a donqes qe Elyne ust este bastardo, qar il covensit,10 devant ceo qil ust eu lassise, daffermer title de dreit en sa persone demene, ou ameyns 11 une possession de quel il averoit lassisse, et ceo fit il par cause quant il dit qe son pere fut muliere.-Sour quai, &c. SCHAR. ajourna lez partiez en Bank tanqe a ore.-Et ils vindrent.-Et W. Thorpe, pur W., rehercea trestut,12 et demanda jugement, com devant, sil avendra a ore a desabler celuy qe avant cez hurez il mesme avoit able. 13-R. Thorpe. Nous ne purrioms 14 en altre manere aver plede, qar si home ad issue deux bastards et 15 16 a celui est la possession et la terre qe primes le poet 17 happer, 18 et lautre ne luy put pas oustere, mes un mullere luy put oustere et par cause mayntenable en

1 L., B.; 25184, W., instead of


2 L., B.; 25184, W., instead of Thomas. Andrew's claim is represented, in the corresponding passage of the record, to have been 66 per descensum hereditarium de "Johanne de Cantokeshevede, 66 patre suo, qui quidem Johannes "natus fuit de prædicta Eva ante "desponsalia inter ipsam et præ"dictum Thomam le Clerke cele"brata."

3 L., B.; 25184, W.

4 25184, ki.

5 25184, abatereit.

6 L., luy dit par; 25184, le dit
P., instead of le dit William.
7 L., J.; 25184, Johan.

8 25184, par P., instead of par
William; the words are omitted
from L.

9 L., J; 25184, Johan.
10 L., conust.

11 L., al miens.
12 L., tretot.

13 25184, fait able.
14 L., poms.
15 et is not in L.

16 L., altre, instead of la terre.
17 L., put, instead of le poet.

13 25184, apper.

A.D. 1340. in law; and if then the bastard re-ousts him and he brings the assise, and the bastard pleads in bar as before, it is sufficient for him to show that his possession was rightful so that the ouster was a disseisin, for if he shows his possession to be rightful he defeats the cause of the other's bar; and that we did; wherefore anything else of a collateral nature, to which we could not have had an answer, cannot be admitted or held as not denied by us.-SCROPE was in the Bench, and said :—What you say as to two bastards you say well, but, in God's name, you might have saved yourself against her by way of replication, as by saying that your father was mulier, and that after his death you entered as heir, and were seised, and that she could not oust you because she was a bastard, and so you might have affirmed rightful possession in your person, and have disabled her by way of replication; and this replication must have been entered on the roll, and at a future time you would have saved yourself; but when you pleaded entirely to the estate of your father, not denying Ellen to be able, it would be strange if you could now disable her.-R. Thorpe. Sir, if we had pleaded in that manner, he would have said that we had given two answers and have driven us to hold to one, and we should then perforce have been compelled to hold to that which we did plead.-W. Thorpe. It is not so, for you could have saved yourself as has been said, or by way of protestation, as, for instance, if I bring a Cessavit against you and I count that you hold the land of me by fealty and by the services of 208., whereas you hold of me only by fealty and by the service of one penny per annum, if you take issue with me that you have not ceased, without aiding yourself by protestation, even though the issue be found in your favour, you shall at another time be charged with the twenty shillings.-Parning. No resemblance is to be traced between a Cessavit and an assise of Novel Disseisin.-W. Thorpe. As to this point they are sufficiently alike.--And note that in this plea SCROPE said that if a husband aliene the right of his wife, with warranty, and be



ley; donqes si le bastard ly re-oustera et il portera lassise, et A.D. 1340. le bastard luy plede en barre com devant, il suffit pur luy de moustrer sa possession dreiturele issint qe louster fut en un disseisine, qar sil moustrera sa possession dreiturele il defait la cause del barre lautre; et ceo feymes nous; par quei aultre rienz de couste, a quei nous ne purroms aver eu respons, ne put estre agraunte ne tenu a nyent dedit de nous.-SCROPE fut en Bank et dit :-Ceo3 qe vous ditez de ij. bastards vous ditez bien, mes, noun Dieu, vous vous purrez aver salve devers ly par manere de replicacion, com daver dit vostre piere fut muliere, apres qi mort vous estrastez com heir et seisi fustez, et qil ne vous purra mye ouster qar il fut bastard, issint aver afferme dreiturele possession en vostre persone, et par manere de replicacion luy aver desable; et cel replicacion dust aver este entre en roule, et aultre foytz vous Vous voilletz aver salve; mes quant vous pledastez tot a lestat vostre pere, nyent dedisant Elyne estre able, il serroit mervaille si vous la purrietz ore desabler.— R. Thorpe. Sire, si nous ussoms plede par la manere, il nous voleit aver dit qe nous ussoms done ij. responses et nous aver chace de tenir al un, et donqes covensist il a force qe nous ussoms tenus a ceo qe nous pledames.'--W. Thorpe. Il nest pas issint, qar vous vous purrietz aver salve, com est dit, ou par manere de protestacion, com en cas si jeo porte un Cessavit devers vous et jeo counte qe vous tenez la terre de moy par fealte et par lez servicez de xx. 8., la ou vous ne tenez de moy qe par fealte et par lez serviz dun dener par an, si vous preignez issue ovesqe moy qe vous navetz mye cesse, sanz vous ayder par protestacion, mesqe trove soit lissue pur vous, altre foith vous serrez charge de xx. 8. --Parn. Homme ne put 11 mye attrere semblance entre un Cessavit et un assise de novele disseisine.-W. Thorpe. Quant a cel poynt ils sont assez semblable.-Et nota en ceo plee SCROPE dit qe si le baron aliene 12 le dreit sa femme ove gar




[blocks in formation]

A.D. 1340. afterwards vouched to warranty, and enter into warranty, he has come back to the position in which he was before the alienation, &c.-But quære as to this. And afterwards they were adjourned.




(20.) Note that two persons sued two Statutes Merchant made by one and the same recognisor, whereof A.'s statute was dated in the 12th year and E.'s statute in the 13th year, and E.'s writ was soonest served, and execution was awarded. Wherefore A. came and rehearsed the whole matter, as above, and said that the Court could know and be apprised that his statute was of older date than E.'s statute on which execution was awarded, and prayed a Supersedeas directing the Sheriff to make no execution or delivery to E., until his writ was served.-And he had it.

(21.) § One A. brought a writ of Account against Thomas, son of John Ward of Estfeld, who came, out of custody, at the return of the Capias, and the plaintiff counted against him gratis; and immediately the said A. counted against the same person on a writ of Forfeiture of Marriage, to which he did not answer.-Blaik. Judgment against him as undefended.-Kelshulle. You have counted without a party; for you have counted against Thomas, son and heir of John Ward of Estfeld, and as to your statement that he is the same person who answered to the writ of Account, the Court can not be apprised thereof nor can it be averred; wherefore, &c.; and it ought to be understood that they are different persons, for one is called "son and heir," and the other only "son."-Blaik. W. de Ros of Hamelake had judgment for himself in a like case in the 4th year against Robert de Lacy on a writ of Debt, where Robert did not answer, and stood at the bar. BASSET. In that case another had brought against him a writ of Account to which he answered, and in the two writs there was no diversity of name or surname.-Trinity term in the 4th

rantie, et pus soit vouche a garrant, et entre en la garrantie, A.D. 1840. il est devenu en mesme le cours 2 com il fut devant lalienacion, &c.-Sed quære de hoc.-Et postea adjournantur.3



(20.) § Nota qe ij. suerent ij. estatuts mar- Reconichantz fait par un mesme reconisour, dont lestatut A. fust de la date de lan xij., et lestatut E. de lan xiij., et le bref E. fust le pluis toust servi, et execucion agarde. Par quei A. vient et rehercea totum ut supra, et dit qe Court poet saver et estre apris qe son estatut est de eisne date qe lestatut E. sur quel execucion est agarde, et pria Supersedeas a Vicounte qil fist nul execucion ne livere a E. tant qil fust servy. -Et habuit.

(21.) § Un A., porta bref dacompte vers Thomas, Acounte. fitz Johan Ward, de Estfeld, qe vient, hors de garde, al Capias retourne, et le pleintif conta de gree vers lui; et tantost celui A. conta vers mesme la persone en une forfaiture de mariage a qi il ne respondi pas. Blayk. Jugement de lui come noun defendu.- Kels. Vouz avez conte sanz partie, qar vous avez conte vers Thomas, fitz et heir Johan Ward, de Estfeld, et de ceo qe vous parlez qil est mesme la persone qe respondi al bref dacompt, Court ne poet estre apris, ne ceo ne poet estre avere; par quei &c. ; et homme deit entendre qils sount divers persones, qar lun est nome fitz et heir et lautre fors fitz.-Blayk. W. de Ros de Hamelake avoit jugement pur lui en autiel cas anno iiij. vers Robert de Lacy en un bref de dette, la ou il respondi pas et estut a la barre.-BASS. La avoit un autre porte vers lui un bref dacompt a quel il respondi, et en les ij. brefs il ny ad diversite de

1 L., entra.

2 L., corps.

3 There is a third report of this case in Harl. 741. It consists of a copy of the record of assise in pais followed by an abridgment of the

proceedings after the adjournment
into the Common Bench, but con-
tains the addition that the plaintiff
was nonsuited: puis Andrewe
fuit noun suy Michaelis xiiij.
4 From T. alone.

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