Imagens das páginas

nous tenoms de lui lxxxiiij.1 acres de terre par feaute et A.D. 1340. les services de xvijs. par an, dont les xvj.2 acres sont tenuz en serviz et le remenant en demene come une entier tenance; et vous dioms qe lieu ou la prise &c. est parcele &c., sanz ceo qe lui ou ses auncestres unqes furent seisiz de cel serviz come il parle; jugement si a cele avowere deive estre resceu.-Pole. Nous voloms meintenir, saver qe cest un tenance et un gros a per lui.-Thorpe. Le lieu ou la prise &c. est parcelle de lxxxiiij. acres, qe sont un entier tenance, et noun pas auxi come vous avez avowe; prest &c.-Et alii e contra. -Quære, si jeo avowe par la resoun qil tient un carue de terre par xs., si le pleintif serra resceu a dire qil tient ij. carues de terre de moi, dont le lieu &c., par autiel serviz come jay suppose la une carue estre tenu de moy.


William 4 Thorpe avowa la prise sour le pleintif par la resoun En un qil tynt de luy xvj. acres de terre, dount le lieu &c., par le defendhomage, fealte, et par lez serviz de iij's. par an, a payer a ij. ant avowa termes del an' &c. des quex serviz il fut seisi par my sa &c. par la mayn demene, et pur la rente arere il avowa, &c.-Stouff. resoun qe il tient de Nous tenoms de vous xl. acrez de terre par homage, et fealte, ly meindre et par lez serviz de xvjs. par an a payer a iij. termes del quantite an (et dit altres termes qe lavowaunt navoit pas dit); et de terre qe tenoms xij. acrez de ceux xl. acres 10 de vous en serviz et tout il tint, le remenant en demene com une entere tenance; et le lieu ou la prise se fist est parcel de ceux xl. acrez; issint avez par- ou il tint celle celle tenance quel est un grosse en luy mesme; jugement xx., et del avowere. Et quant a la seisine, unques seisi auxi com lautre

[blocks in formation]

saver x. acres la

A.D. 1340. to answer as to the seisin.-W. Thorpe maintained his avowry, in abate- that the place &c. was parcel of the sixteen acres of land which ment of constituted a gross by themselves, as he had supposed; ready, the &c.-And the other side said the contrary.-Quære, if I avow upon you that you hold of me one carucate of land by certain services, whether it is an answer for you to say that you hold of me two carucates of land by the same services, &c.

avowry, as appears below in this plea.

Quare impedit.

(24.) Note that Parning counted for the King in a Quare impedit against the Prior of Royston1 for the reason that the Priory was of the foundation of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, and that the Earl and all his ancestors, from all time, in time of vacancy of the same Priory had the presentations appendant &c. to the Priory, and he showed that the Earl enfeoffed the King, the grandfather &c., of whatever he had, in whose time the Priory became vacant, and that this church in the time of the vacancy of the Priory became vacant, wherefore the right accrued to King Edward, the grandfather, from whom he made the descent of the presentation &c., and that the Prior dis turbs him &c., to his damage of 2d.-And the Prior can not deny it. Therefore the King has a writ to the Bishop.

(25.) § Note that a Bishop's Letter of Excommunication, made since the last continuance in a plea of land in which the parties had joined issue to the inquest, was produced; and, because the Bishop certified by his letter that he was not apprised of the excommunication except by the letter of his Officer, which testification is not of record in this Court, the Letter did not disable the person excommunicated.

1 Or, in Latin, de Cruce Roesiæ.

del avowere,

vous supposez1 par lavowere, &c.-Et nota qe a la seisine il A.D. 1340. covensist a fine force a respoundre.-W. Thorpe maynteynt pleda en savowere, qe le lieu &c. fut parcelle de lez xvj. acrez de abatement terre 2 3 furent un qe grosse a per luy, auxi com il avoit suppose; prest, &c.—Et alii e contra.—Quære, si jeo avowe sour ut patet invous que vous tenez de moy une carue de terre par certeyn ferius, in serviz, sil soit respons pur vous a dire que vous tenez de moi isto plaij. carues de terre par mesmes les serviz, &c.





(24.) Nota qe Parn. conta pur le Roi, en un Quare Quare impedit vers le Priour de Croiz Rois, par la resoun qe la Priorie fust de la fundacion G. de Clare, Count de Gloucestre et Herford, le quel et touz ses auncestres, de tout temps, en temps de voidance de mesme la Priorie avoint les presentements apendantz &c. a la Priorie, et mostra qe le Count enfeffa le Roi, lael &c., de quant qil avoit, en qi temps la Priorie se voida, et ceste eglise en temps de vacacion de la Priorie se voida, par quei le dreit acrust au Roi E. lael; et fist la descente del presentement de lui &c.; et le Priour lui destourbe &c. a ses damages de ij. deniers. Et le Priour ne poet dedire.s-Ideo Rex habet breve Episcopo.


(25.) § Nota qe lettre Levesqe descomengement fet puis la darine 10 continuance en plee de terre, ou les parties furent al enquest, fust mys avant; et, pur ce qe Levesqe certifia par sa lettre qil ne fust pas apris de lescomengement forsqe par la lettre son Officer qe tesmoignage nest pas de record ceinz, la lettre ne lui fist pas non abile.

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A.D. 1340.

Per qua servitia.

(26.) § Gayneford. You cannot demand anything, for our predecessor brought a writ of Entry sur novel disseisin against your husband's heir, whereupon it was found by verdict that your husband disseised him; whereupon he recovered; so that the estate of your husband was defeated; judgment whether in respect of his seisin you can demand any thing.-The woman said that her husband was seised, so that he could endow her, without this that the tenant's predecessor was disscised; ready &c.-Gayneford. To that averment, contrary to the verdict which passed against your husband, you who demand in respect of his estate shall never be admitted.-Derworthy. The averment (verdict?) does not bind except between parties and the heirs of parties who can defeat [a verdict] by an Attaint; and we are strangers and we offer the averment which you refuse; judgment. -Gayneford. The woman desires the averment; but if I were in the position I would never accept it.—Blayk. You shall not be admitted to that, for you have refused it. Afterwards the averment was accepted gratis.


(27.) § Pole. We tell you that the Prior of Little Salverne, whose services are granted, held of our cognisor the manor of B. by homage, fealty, the service of half a Knight's fee, and ten marks by the year &c.—Thorpe. The ancestor of his cognisor gave to our predecessor the same tenements by the name of the manor of B., by this deed, as freely and quit as any land could be holden, and rendering to him &c. ten marks &c.; and so we say that a seignory, in opposition to the deed, could not be reserved, but it was a rent seck; and then the deed purported that he gave the land as freely &c. "rendering "therefore yearly to him and his heirs ten marks," and that he bound himself and his heirs to warranty and acquittal for the said rent"; and then at the end of the deed there was the passage "saving to me and my heirs service royal, which the aforesaid feoffee shall

[ocr errors]

Probably a clerical error for either Shelford or Malvern.

(26.) § Gayn. Vous poez rien demander, qar nostre A.D. 1340 predecessour porta bref dentre sur novele disseisine Dower. vers leyr vostre baroun, ou par verdist fust trove qe vostre baroun lui disseisi; par quei il recoveri; issi qe lestat vostre baroun fust defait; jugement si de sa seisine puissez rien demander.-La femme dit qe son baroun fust seisi si qe dower la poet, saunz ceo qe son predecessour fust disseisi; prest &c.-Gayn. A cel averement, contre le verdist qe passe contre vostre baroun, ne serrez jammes resceu vous qe demandez de son estat.-Derworth. Averement ne lyy 2 forsqe entre parties et heir des parties qe poet defaire par atteinte; et nous sumes estrangez et tendoms laverement quel vous refusez; jugement.-Gayn. La feme voet laverement; mes, si jeo fuisse en le cas, jammes ne le resceiveroi.-Blayk. Vous navendrez pas, qar vous lavez refuse.- Postea verificatio gratis recipitur.


(27.) Pole. Nous vous dioms qe le Priour de Per quæ Petit Salverne, qi services sont grantes, tient de nostre servitia. conisour le manoir de B. par homage, feaute, demi fee de chivaler, et x. marcz par an &c.-Thorpe. Launcestre son conisour dona a nostre predecessour mesmes les tenementz par noun de manoir de B., par ceo fet, auxi franchement et quites come nule terre purreit estre tenu, et rendant a lui &c. x. marcz &c.; et issi nous dioms qe seignurie contre le fet ne purreit estre reserve, mes fust rente sek; et donqes fust le fete qil dona la terre auxi franchement, reddendo inde annuatim et heredibus suis x. marcas, et obligea lui et ses heirs a la garrantie et lacquitance "pro prædicto redditu;" et en la fine du fet il y avoit "salvo regali servitio mihi et heredibus meis quod prædictus le feffe percipiet de tenentibus suis;" par quei juge

[ocr errors]

1 From T. alone.

The passage seems to be corrupt. The word ley was originally written in the MS. instead of lyy,

but has been altered. Perhaps,
averement has been written by
mistake for verdit, and lyy should
be lye.

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