Imagens das páginas

services de xxiiij. s. ij. deners [et] dun livre de A.D. 1340. pepere, le quel Johan granta a un Richard fitz An


drewe son fitz, a terme de sa vie, les xxiiijs. a tenir de lui par les services dun dener, et sauva la remenant de la rente en sa mayn demene; et puis Johan 2 granta lomage et les services de ij. deners et la livre de peivre et la reversion del remenant del rente a Johan Bousser, pere Robert qore avowe; par quele graunt G.5 sattourna et Richard auxi del dener; et mostra puis coment la rente devient a un autre &c.; et dit qe Richard tenant a terme de vie aliena cel rente ove autres tenementz en fee simple &c. a sa disheritance, par quei il entra la rente et seisi fust par la mayne le pleintif tenant des tenementz; et pur ce qe lomage et la rente del primer an il avowa.--Rokel. Richard fitz Andrewe avoit fee simple en la rente; prest &c.-Et alii e contra.s

cause qe

un tenant

§ Sire' R. Bousser fit une avowerie sour le pleintif pur ceo Awore de qun Richard qe tient xxiiij. s. de rente a terme de sa vie, la rente par reversion a luy regardante, les quex furent issauntz de mesmes les tenementz dount le lieu ou la prise se fit eut este parcele, a terme de et aliena les dits xxiiij. s. a un estraunge en fee, et a sa des- vie tint heritance, par quei il prist la dit rente du tenant et fut seisi, mesme la &c.-W. Thorpe. Celuy qe vous supposez qe aliena la rente avoit fee; prest, &c.-Et alii e contra.

The words et par les services de are not in T., but are required by the sense, and have been supplied from the corresponding passage in the record.

2 T., B.

3 T., R., instead of Richard fitz Andrewe.

4 T., J., instead of Johan Bous


rente et aliena, ou celuy en la reversion entra la rente, ut

[blocks in formation]

A.D. 1340.

(31.) § Note that, upon a writ of Trespass, the Sheriff Trespass. had returned, to the Capias, Non est inventus. The plaintiff appeared by attorney, and the defendant proffered himself in his own person and prayed that the plaintiff might count against him. And the plaintiff said that the defendant did not come through the Sheriff; wherefore he prayed an Alias Capias. And because he did not count against the defendant he took nothing by his writ. It would have been otherwise if the defendant had appeared by attorney; and, if the plaintiff had been essoined, the defendant in such case would not have been mainprised. And I believe this.

Per qua servitia.

(32.) § W. Thorpe sued a Per quæ servitia of certain knights' fees against John de Leukenore and Elizabeth his wife. And they said that the tenements were holden of the King in capite, who had granted them over to the Duke' his son, to whom they had attorned. And note that the plaintiff showed the quantity of the tenancy and the services in certain. - R. Thorpe. You shall not be admitted to say that you held of the King; for a fine was levied between our cognisor and one A., which A. granted the services of parcel of the tenancy which you hold to J. our cognisor, when you came upon a Per quæ servitia and claimed to hold of A. and attorned to our cognisor for your homage; judgment whether in opposition to your attornment, you ought to be admitted to the averment. As to the rest, you held of our cognisor; ready &c. - Parning. The King shall not be estranged from his tenant although the tenant have attorned to another. -Pole. As to parcel, their mouth is stopped, for he can not say that they were tenants of any other than of our cognisor; and as to the rest it is only a traverse &c. ; for if they can escape from attornment, so shall every one do in a Per quæ servitia by such an allegation, which can not

1 Edward, Duke of Cornwall.


(31.) § Nota qen bref de trespas al Capias le Vi- A.D. 1340. counte avoyt retourne quod non est inventus. Le Transpleintif fust par attourne, et le defendant se profry en propre persone et pria qe le pleintif contast vers lui. Et il dit qil ne veint pas par Vicounte; par quei il pria Capias sicut alias. Et pur ceo qil ne conta pas vers lui il prist rienz par son bref. Secus fuisset si le defendant ust este par attourne; et, si le pleintif ust este essone, le defendant en tiel cas nust pas este a maynpris.-Et hoc credo.


[ocr errors]

(32.) § W. Thorpe suyst Per quæ servitia de cer- Per quæ teinz feez de chivaler vers Johan de Leukenore et servitia. Elizabeth sa femme, qe disoint qe les tenementz sont tenuz du Roi en chief, le quel ad graunte outre al Duk, son fitz, a qi ils sont attournez. Et nota qe le pleintif moustra la quantite de la tenance et les services en certein. R. Thorpe. Vous ne serrez nient resceu a dire qe vous tenistes du Roi; qar fine se leva entre nostre conisour et un A., le quel A. granta les services de parcelle de la tenance qe vous tenez a J. nostre conisour, ou vous venistes par le [per] quie servitia, et clamastes tenir de A., et attournastes a nostre conisour de vostre homage; jugement si contre vostre attournement al averement devez estre resceu. Qaunt al remenant, vous tenistes de nostre conisour; prest &c. Parn. Le Roi serra pas estrange de son tenant coment qil attourna a autre. Pole. Quant a parcele lour bouche est estope qil ne poet dire qil est tenant dautre qe de nostre conisour; et qant al remenant, ceo nest forsqe al travers &c.; qar, si se poet estourtre dattournement issi freit chescun en un per quæ servitia par tiel allegeaunce, qe ne poet estre ;

1 From T. alone.

2 From T. alone, but compared

with the record Placita de Banco,
Easter, 14 Edward III., R". 229.

A.D. 1340. be; besides, the King is not damaged, for although they attorn to us, the King is not ousted from his avowry &c.-STONORE. The King has sent to us a certain record which comes from the Treasury and proves that certain fees are holden of him, which they say are the same fees, and also has instructed us by letter that we should seek evidence for him &c.; wherefore we will not hurry the business.-Wherefore they were adjourned.


Præcipe quod red


Scire facias.

(33.) § Note that a man who was vouched made default, wherefore the Cape issued. The Sheriff returned that he was dead. And the demandant proceeded by a testatum writ. An alias testatum issued, to which writ the Sheriff returned that the vouchee was summoned.— Gayneford. We pray seisin for the demandant.-The tenant said that the vouchee was and long had been dead, so that he could not recover to the value against a dead person; wherefore he wished to answer or to revouch.SCHARDELOWE. We must proceed on the Sheriff's return. -And the tenant prayed a writ of Deceit against the Sheriff.-SCHARDELOWE. Make your plaint before the Justices of Assise.

§ Note. Gayneford said that on a Præcipe quod reddat the Sheriff of N. had made a return as from the bailiffs of a liberty and had changed their return; and he prayed a writ of Deceit.— SCHARDELOWE. Sue before the justices of Assise, according to the Statute of York, &c.

(34.) § Note that W. Thorpe showed how two persons had made a Statute Merchant to a woman, who sued a writ upon a Certification, to which writ the Sheriff returned that "they were not found;" wherefore he was commanded to take their bodies and to deliver to the woman the lands by Statute. Whereupon the de

1 The French " as" (a les) of course usually means "to the "; but the translation given above seems to be required by the context taken with the Statute of York (12 Edw. II., Stat. 1.) c. 5.

2 See also 13 Edw. I. (Westm. 2.), c. 39, and 28 Edw. I., Stat. 3 (Articuli super charas), c. 16.

3 13 Ed. I. St. 3.

ovesqe ceo, rien depert a Roi, qar mes qil attournent A.D. 1340. a nous le Roi nest pas ouste de savowere &c.—STON. Le Roi nous ad mande certein record qe vient de la tresorie et prove qe certeinz feez sont tenuz de lui queles il dient estre mesmes les fees, et auxi nous ad mande par lettre qe nous serchoms evidence pur lui &c.; par quei nous ne voloms pas haster la bosoigne. Par quei adjournantur.

(33.) § Nota qun homme vouche fist defaute, par Nota. quei le Cape issit. Le Vicounte retourna qil est mort. Et par testatum est par le demandant. Sicut alias issit; a quel bref le Vicounte retourna le bref qil est somons.-Gayn. Nous prioms seisine pur le demandant. --Le tenant dit qe le vouche est et fust longtemps pus mort, issi qil ne poet aver a la value vers mort persone; par quei il voleit respondre ou revoucher.-SCH. Il nous covient overer par retourn de Vicounte. Et le tenant pria bref de disceite vers le Vicounte.-SCH. Pleinez vous devant Justices assignes.

§ Nota.-Gayn. dit qen un Præcipe quod reddat le Vicounte Nota: de N. avoyt retourne as bayllis de franchise, et avoit chaunge3 Præcipe lour retourn, et pria bref de Desceite.-SCHARD. Suyez devant quod redJustices assignes juxta Statutum Eboraci, &c.



(34.) § Nota qe W. Thorpe moustra coment ij. Scire avoint fait un estatut marchant a une femme, la quele suyst bref hors dun certificacion, a quel bref le Vicounte retourna qil ne furent pas troves; par quei fust comande de prendre lour corps et liverer a la femme les terres par statut. Sur quei les defendantz viendrent en Chauncellerie et avoint bref as Justices

1 From T. alone as far as the point at which the larger type ends.

2 This note, which appears to re

late to No. 33, is from L. and


3 L., chalange
4 From T. alone.

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