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"If we would not consent to tax ourselves for the PREVENTION of Crime, we must be taxed still
more heavily for the PUNISHMENT of it. The expense of one convict for one year, would edu
cate more than one hundred children."-[Lord Ashley's Speech in the House of Commons.]










Anecdotes. Emperor Augustus, 14.
Louis Phillipe, ib. Wm. Grant, ib.
A young Englishman, 27. A true He-
ro, 34. Lord Mansfield, 73. Alex-
ander Glen, 102. Noble Revenge,
121. An acute Lady, 122. Strata-
gem of a Bailiff, ib. A scholar in a
Ragged School, ib. Brother and Sis-
ter, 124. Debts of Honor, 160.
Rothschild, ib. London Police Office,
205. A Greek Maid, ib. O'Connell,
254. The Officer and the Burglar,
301. The Maniac and the Infant,
303. Captain Pillsbury, ib. A
Spinister, 452. Religious Papers, 480.
Anniversaries in New York, 513. Anti-

Capital Punishment Society, ib. An-
niversaries in Boston, 513. Peace,
514. Associationists, ib. Anti-Sla-
very, ib.


Animals, treatment of, 167.
from Dr. Calder of Ireland, on, ib.
Report on, 168. Anecdote, ib. Dr.
Channing, on, ib.
Alexander Dutee, Interview with, in
prison, 312. Edward L. Keyes, on,


Auburn Prison, 149.

A Touching Picture 242.

Amos Pillsbury, letter from, 125.
An American Editor, 218.
A Reminiscence, 297.
An Incident at Sea, 382.
Amelia, or the Reformed Wife, 548.
A Visit to Mount Vernon, 538.

Biblical Punishment, 551.
Boston Penitent Females' Refuge, 149.
Blackwell's Island, 148.

Boston Moral Reform Society, 149.

Capital Punishment. Rev. J. G. Adams

on, 8. Rev. E. H. Chapin on, 23.
Theodore Parker on, 28. Abolition of,

in Germany, 46, In Virginia, 57,
253. In England, 71, 137, 247. Lau-
ra Bridgman on, 109. The Law Mag-
azine, 113. Statistics of, ib. The
Right of Society to inflict, 145. Mich-
igan, 183. Vote on, 184. Letter
from J. Stebbins on, ib. Murder not
increased by Abolition of, ib. Cases
of murder in, 403. Refusal of Legis-
lature to restore, 405. Dr. Duffield's
defence of, 185. O. A. Skinner on,
234, 527. In Tennessee, 253, RE-
torney General on, 314. Detroit Dai-
ly Advertiser on, 315. Tennessee,
Virginia, ib. Wisconsin, ib. Louis-
iana, 316. Iowa, ib. Rhode Island,
ib. Vermont, ib. Maine, ib. New
York, ib. Pennsylvania, ib. Eu-
rope. France. De Lamartine on,
317. Abolition of, for all political of-
fences, ib. England, friends of the
cause, ib. Publications, ib. Murder
only crime punished capitally, 338.
Tuscany, ib. Dr. Cheever and Dr.
Baird's misrepresentations on,
Abolished second time, ib. Ireland,
friends in, ib. Sweden, King oppos-
ed to, ib. Appeal to Woman on,
319. Remarks of Mr. Fine, N. Y.
Assembly, on, 345. Debate on, in
Latin School, Boston, 349. Influence
of, in Ohio, incident, 351. Old Colo-
ny Laws, 354. Views of Lafayette,
357. Petitions for Abolition of, 364.
Letters to Gov. Briggs on, 366, 417.
Moral View of, 386. Irremediability
of, 389. Use of Ether in, 391. Stat-
ute not forbid its use, ib. Criminal
too sick for, 394. Report of the
Mass. Legislature on, 414. Gov.
Everett on, ib. Gov. Morton, ib.
Gov. Briggs on, ib. Attorney General
on, ib. An act on, 415. Newgate,


[blocks in formation]

Governor's opinion on, 431. Eliza- Execution in Kentucky, 547.
beth Fry's opinion of, 432. E. G. Executions by the Clergy, 512.
Wakefield's opinion on, 432. Brook-
lyn Star on, in case of Austin, 402.
Treats Human Nature with Contempt,
455. Debate in British Parliament
on. 481. In Norway, 492. Meetings
in New York on, 513.
Crime, prevention of, 6, 56. Origin of,
Sermon on, 535. Statistics of, 17.
Intemperance, cause of, 185. War,
cause of, ib. Causes of, 434. Soci-
ety, cause of, ib. Letter of F. Ja-
ques, ib.

Female Penitentiaries, 206. London,
207, 209. The Provinces, ib. Mag-
dalen, 208. Westminister, 209.
British Female, ib. Lock Asylum,
ib. Liverpool Benevolent Society, ib.
Devon and Exeter, 209. Gloucester
Magdalen, ib. Bath, ib Ladies'
Committees on, 210.

Great Bri-


Condemned Murderers, 465.
Crime on the Increase, 310.
Conquering a Peace, 495.
Criminals, proportion of, in
tain, 1805 and 1842, 351.
City, Moral Dangers of, 68.
in, for Females, 69.
Col. Isaac Hayne, 343.
City of Expiation, 438.
Circumstantial Evidence, 426.
Criminals, Meeting for treatment of, 510.
Resolutions. ib. Motto of Lafayette,

Wm, H. Channing on, ib. C.
L. Remond, 511. Well Phillips,
on, ib. Thomas Whittemore, on, ib.
Wm. Lloyd Garriso on, ib. D. S.
King, on, ib. Geo. Bradburn, on. ib.
John Augustus, c. ib. Mrs. A. K.
Foster, on, ib. Eward L. Keyes, on,
512. Mrs. Riedland, on, ib.
Cruelty killed by Kindness, 540.
Contemplation, 39.

.Discharged Convicts, Report on, 32.
Letter from on, 34. Female, London,
215. Miss Burdett Coutt's interest in,
London, ib.
Decisions, Western Rail Road, 177.
Traveler's Rights, ib. Verdict for
Slander, ib.

Dr. Coolidge, death of, 507.

Execution of the Innocent. Rev. E. H.
Chapin on, 232. Cases, 178. Four
teen executed in England since 1800
The Surgeon and the Servant, 389.
Executions. Charles Langfieldt. James
Calder, 178. Elder Enos G. Dudley,
Scenes at his Execution, Account of
him by the Chaplain, Letter to his
Daughter, 523
Ebenezer Elliot, 16.

Elizabeth Fry, anecdote of, 45. Her in-

terest in Discharged Convicts, 6.
Executions on Sunday, 265.

Executioner, Greek, 437. Paris do., ib.

[ocr errors]

Four Men to be executed, 311.
Fitz Green Halleck, 203.
Fairmount Waterworks, 213.
French Galleys, 131.
France, cheap postage in, 178.
Father Mathew, 117, 151.

God so loved the World, 155.
Genesis ix, 6. Explanations of, 352,
353. Coburn and Le Clerc's view of,

Gensenius, or the Adventures of a Ger-
inan Student, 279, 327, 423, 471.

Henry W. Longfellow, 296.
Hon. A. H. Stephens, an Incident of,

Home for Females, 146,
House of Correction, South Boston, 31.
High Treason in reign of Henry VIII.,
165. Penalty of it.

Inquisition, one hundred thousand sacri-
ficed, 357.

Ireland State Prisoners, 123.
Intemperance, 522.

Juvenile Offenders. Reform School
for, 10. Benevolence of an individu-
al, ib; of the State, ib. Institution at
Westboro, 11, Cost, ib. extent, ib.
Government of, ib. Reformation of,
86. Proclamation for School for, 161,
J. M. Spear on, 257. Dedica,ion of
School for, ib. Hymn sung at, ib.
John Howard, Monument of, 40. His
death, 41. Cowper on, 42. Celebra-
tion of Birth day, 363. Anecdote of,

Journal of a Poor Vicar, 240, 361, 363,
406, 440, 489, 519.
Journey to Cape Cod, 260.

Kindness to the Prisoner, 241.

Laura Bridgman, 105. Visit of her
Mother, 107. Manner of teaching, ib.
Her Composition, 108. Her views of
the Mexican War, 109. On Capital
Punishment, ib. Phrenological De-

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