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CONCURRENT RESOLUTION of the senate and assembly proposing an amendment to section twelve of article six of the constitution, in relation to the compensation of justices of the supreme court.

Section 1. Resolved (if the senate concur), That section twelve of article six of the constitution be amended to read as follows:

12. No person shall hold the office of judge or justice of any court longer than until and including the last day of December next after he shall be seventy years of age. Each justice of the supreme court shall receive from the state the sum of ten thousand dollars per year. Those assigned to the appellate divisions in the third and fourth departments shall each receive in addition the sum of two thousand dollars, and the presiding justices thereof the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars per year. Those justices elected in the first and second judicial departments shall continue to receive from their respective cities, counties or districts, as now provided by law, such additional compensation as will make their aggregate compensation what they are now receiving. Those justices elected in any judicial department other than the first or second, and assigned to the appellate divisions of the first or second departments shall, while so assigned, receive from those departments respectively, as now provided by law, such additional sum as is paid to the justices of those departments. A justice elected in the third or fourth department assigned by the appellate division or designated by the governor to hold a trial or special term in a judicial district other than that in which he is elected shall receive in addition ten dollars per day for ex

penses while actually so engaged in holding such term, which shall be paid by the state and charged upon the judicial district where the service is rendered. The compensation herein provided shall be in lieu of and shall exclude all other compensation and allowance to said justices for expenses of every kind and nature whatsoever. The provisions of this section shall apply to the judges and justices now in office and to those hereafter elected.

§ 2. Resolved (if the senate concur), That the foregoing amendment be referred to the legislature to be chosen at the next general election of senators, and, in conformity with section one, article fourteen of the constitution, be published for three months previous to the time of such election.

STATE OF NEW YORK, IN SENATE, April 14, 1908. The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, threefifths being present.

By order of the Senate,




IN ASSEMBLY, March 31, 1908. The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the members elected to the Assembly voting in favor thereof, three-fifths being present. By order of the Assembly, J. W. WADSWORTH, JR.,


CONCURRENT RESOLUTION of the senate and assembly proposing an amendment to section four of article seven of the constitution, permitting the legislature to alter the rate of interest upon debts authorized pursuant to said section.

Section 1. Resolved (if the assembly concur), That section four of article seven of the constitution be amended so as to read as follows:

§ 4. Except the debts specified in sections two and three of this article, no debts shall be hereafter contracted by or in behalf of this state, unless such debt shall be authorized by law, for some single work or object, to be distinctly specified therein; and such law shall impose and provide for the collection of a direct annual tax to pay, and sufficient to pay, the interest on such debt as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principal of such debt within fifty years from the time of the contracting thereof. No such law shall take effect until it shall, at a general election, have been submitted to the people, and have received a majority of all the votes cast for and against it at such election. On the final passage of such bill in either house of the legislature, the

estion shall be taken by ayes and noes, to be duly entered on e journals thereof, and shall be: "Shall this bill pass, and ight the same to receive the sanction of the people?" The gislature may at any time after the approval of such law by e people, if no debt shall have been contracted in pursuance hereof, repeal the same; and may at any time, by law, forbid le contracting of any further debt or liability under such law; ut the tax imposed by such act, in proportion to the debt and ability which may have been contracted in pursuance of such iw, shall remain in force and be irrepealable, and be annually ollected, until the proceeds thereof shall have made the provision ereinbefore specified to pay and discharge the interest and prinipal of such debt and liability. The money arising from any pan or stock creating such debt or liability shall be applied to he work or object specified in the act authorizing such debt or iability, or for the payment of such debt or liability, and for no ther purpose whatever. No such law shall be submitted to be oted on within three months after its passage or at any general lection when any other law, or any bill shall be submitted to e voted for or against. The legislature may provide for the ssue of bonds of the state to run for a period not exceeding fifty 'ears in lieu of bonds heretofore authorized but not issued and hall impose and provide for the collection of a direct annual tax or the payment of the same as herein before required. When any inking fund created under this section shall equal in amount the lebt for which it was created, no further direct tax shall be levied on account of said sinking fund, and the legislature shall reduce the tax to an amount equal to the accruing interest on such debt. The legislature may from time to time alter the rate of interest to be paid upon any state debt, which has been or may be authorized pursuant to the provisions of this section, or upon any part of uch debt, provided, however, that the rate of interest shall not be altered upon any part of such debt or upon any bond or other evidence thereof, which has been, or shall be created or issued before such alteration. In case the legislature increase the rate f interest upon any such debt, or part thereof, it shall impose and provide for the collection of a direct annual tax to pay and ufficient to pay the increased or altered interest on such debt as

it falls due and also to pay and discharge the principal of such debt within fifty years from the time of the contracting thereof. and shall appropriate annually to the sinking fund moneys in amount sufficient to pay such interest and pay and discharge the principal of such debt when it shall become due and payable.

§ 2. Resolved (if the assembly concur), That the foregoing amendment be referred to the legislature, to be chosen at the next general election of senators, and in conformity to section one, article fourteen of the constitution, be published for three inonths previous to the time of making such choice.


IN SENATE, March 30, 1908. The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof. By order of the Senate,



IN ASSEMBLY, April 8, 1908.
The foregoing resolution was de'r
passed, a majority of all the members
elected to the Assembly voting in favor

By order of the Assembly,


CONCURRENT RESOLUTION of the senate and assembly proposing an amendment to section ten of article eight of the constitution, relating to the limitation of the indebtedness of cities and excepting certain kinds of bonds from computation of the debt of a city for purposes of such limitation.

Section 1. Resolved (if the assembly concur), That section ten of article eight of the constitution be amended to read as follows:


§ 10. No county, city, town or village shall hereafter give any money or property, or loan its money or credit to or in aid of any individual, association or corporation, or become directly or indirectly the owner of stock in, or bonds of, any association or corporation; nor shall any such county, city, town or village be allowed to incur any indebtedness except for county, city, town cr village purposes. This section shall not prevent such county, city, town or village from making such provision for the aid or support of its poor as may be authorized by law. No county or city shall be allowed to become indebted for any purpose or in any manner to an amount which, including existing indebtedness, shall exceed ten per centum of the assessed valuation of the real estate of such county or city subject to taxation, as it appeared

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