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Abbott, Eva T.:

compensation of George B. Abbott, as supreme court justice for Chap. Page.
1908, appropriation for


466 1646

in mines, tunnels and quarries, report, labor law amended, § 126.. 89 239

Acknowledgment or proof, certificates of:

authentication, real property law amended, § 260, subd. 3........ 136



[blocks in formation]

second class cities, place of trial, uniform charter amended, § 222.. 392 1170

[blocks in formation]

assistants and employees

231 580

clerical force, deficiency in salaries, appropriation for.

466 1629

[blocks in formation]

military records bureau, appropriation for.

office expenses, appropriation for..

postage, etc., appropriation for...

major-general, staff officers, appropriation for..

military storekeeper, deficiency in salary, appropriation for.

pensions, appropriation for

refund to Spanish war volunteers, clerical services, etc., on account
of, appropriation for

reimbursement of expenditures on account of, appropriation

report, extra copies, state printing law amended, § 9.


appropriation for

deficiency, appropriation for

war claims, services and expenses in prosecution, appropriation for.
war records, compilation, appropriation for.

Agricultural fairs:

See also National Guard.

[blocks in formation]

appropriation for

466 1609

Agricultural law amended:

animals, diseased, appraisal, § 68..

Chap. Page

518 18:1

care; experiments, § 63a added..

518 18

compensation of owners of animals destroyed, § 70a...

518 183

veterinary service, bureau of; chief veterinarians; appraisers,

§ 67.

518 18:1

apples, evaporated, purchase and sale, § 185.

486 174

standard, § 186

486 1704

apples, pears and peaches, restrictions on sale, agricultural law
amended, § 187

486 1704

barrel, size regulated when used in purchase or sale of apples,

pears or quinces, § 188.

486 1705

distribution of moneys, § 88..

[blocks in formation]

insecticides and fungicides, analysis necessary, § 113.
dealers must file statement of composition, $ 110..

definitions, § 113a

manufactured out of state, commissioner of agriculture must
approve, § 111

State fair, receipts and disbursements, § 144.

State fair commission, appointment and salaries, § 141..

sugar beet culture, promotion and encouragement, §§ 71-78 re-


New York School of, at Saint Lawrence University, appropriation
for . . .

objects and purposes

State College of, at Cornell University, appropriation for.

buildings and equipment, appropriation for.

State School of, established at Alfred University.
State School of, established at Morrisville....

Agriculture, commissioner of:

salary, appropriation for

traveling expenses, appropriation for..

See also Agriculture, department of.

Agriculture, department of:

[blocks in formation]

agricultural experiment station at Geneva, appropriation for.... 465 152
agricultural law, enforcement of, litigation expenses, appropriation


article IV, enforcement, appropriation for.

articles IX and XII, enforcement, appropriation for.
article XIV, enforcement, appropriation for...

article XI, pure food law, enforcement, appropriation for.

assistant commissioner, salary, appropriation for..
traveling expenses, appropriation for...

Bernhard, George, extra services as assistant commissioner, appro-
priation for .

chemists, bacteriologists, physiologists and other scientific em-

ployees, salaries, appropriation for..

bureau of information and statistics, appropriation for..

chief chemist, salary, appropriation for.
assistant, salary, appropriation for.

commissioner, salary, appropriation for.
traveling expenses, appropriation for.

confidential agent, salary, appropriation for.
employees, expenses, appropriation for...
salaries, appropriation for

traveling expenses, appropriation for

[blocks in formation]

maintenance, appropriation for

Agriculture, department of—Continued:

farmers' institutes, continuation and extension, appropriation for..

incidental expenses, appropriation for..

Kracke, Henry H., extra services and expenses as butter expert,
appropriation for .

New York State Experiment Station, dwelling houses on grounds,
appropriation for

nursery inspection, appropriation for..

report, extra copies, state printing law amended, § 9..

[blocks in formation]

Smith, Hiram, payment of claim for cattle killed, appropriation

[blocks in formation]

compensation for services as counsel to state superintendent of
insurance, appropriation for.

Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, Washington:
state's exhibit, committee; appropriation for..

Albany city:

[blocks in formation]

National Commercial Bank, reimbursement for non-payment of
certain checks and for protest fees, appropriation for.

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Western House of Refuge for Women, appropriation for.
completion of buildings, reappropriation for..
repairs and equipment, appropriation for...
reappropriation for

465 1585

466 1641

469 1660

466 1644

Alexander Hamilton mansion:

conveyed to New York city; to be removed to St. Nicholas park... 220

Alfred University:

New York State School of Agriculture established at.
State School of Clay Working and Ceramics, appropriation for...

Alienists, state board of:


200 516

465 1590

466 1648

examination of immigrants, insanity law amended, § 18.......

213 533

210 529


commission established to inquire into condition..

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Amawalk Monthly Meeting of Friends, Croton-on-Hudson:

disposal of property

58 189

American Kennel Club:

dissolved; transfer of property to The American Kennel Club........

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

diseased, appraisal, agricultural law amended, § 68....


care; experiments, agricultural law amended, § 63-a added..
compensation of owners of animals destroyed, agricultural
law amended, § 70-a....

veterinary service, bureau of; chief veterinarian; appraisers,
agricultural law amended, § 67....

relative to, § 80......

Antwerp or homing pigeons:

relative to, § 97.

Apartment houses, see Tenement house act amended.


New York city, municipal court, when and how taken..
Appeals, Court of, see Court of appeals.


evaporated, purchase and sale, agricultural law amended, § 185...
standard, agricultural law amended, § 186..

sale, restrictions on; agricultural law amended, §§ 187, 188.

Appropriation acts:

amendments to constitution 1907 and other official notices, publi-

cation, balance due newspapers..

appropriation bill, annual

237 693

237 6:4

518 1892

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Auburn prison, repairs and betterments.

[blocks in formation]

Binghamton State Hospital, improvements.

470 165

Buffalo State Hospital, improvements..

470 167

canal debt, interest

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Cayuga inlet, Ithaca, improvement, and repair of bridges.
Cayuga and Seneca canal, bridge at Seneca Falls..
Cazenovia lake, bridge across outlet at Cazenovia..

[blocks in formation]

Central Islip State Hospital, improvements, appropriation for.
Champlain canal, construction of steel bridge at Waterford..

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