Commissioners of deeds: official acts legalized and confirmed.. Commissioners of highways. See Highway commissioners. Commissions: Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition, committee for state's exhibit, ex- Hudson-Fulton celebration commission, appropriation for 466 16 commission of immigration established, to inquire into condition 210 appropriation for 210 criminal courts, inferior, of first-class cities, commission to inquire 211 466 16 Jamestown ter-centenary, New York state commission, completion Lake Champlain ter-centenary, appointment; powers and duties... New York bay, commission for protection against pollution, term report of dedication of statue of Brevet Maj.-Gen. George 137 149 466 167 422 12 466 16. 466 165! 466 1651 New York State Training School for Boys, report to legislature.. 268 750 180 489 transit between New Jersey and New York, commissioners for de- 218 517 uniformity of legislation in the United States, expenses of com- 466 164 Communicable diseases: regulations regarding, public health law amended, § 24.. 396 117 Comptroller: Ainsworth, Danforth E., compensation for services as counsel to 466 10 466 162 assessments on state property, appropriation for 466 16L1 authorized to credit to county treasurer of Ulster county certain 430 1929 authorized to hear, audit and determine claim of Erie county for counsel, compensation and expenses, appropriation for. 466 16 466 162 court funds, duties regarding, code of civil procedure amended, 181 488 duties regarding, code of civil procedure amended, § 744-a Eagle's Nest Country Club, New York city, refunding erroneous 466 1601 Comptroller - Continued: examiners of accounts of county treasurers, deficiency, appropriation finance bureau, additional and temporary services, appropriation for appropriation for . furniture, repairs and floor covering, appropriation for.. for Kastner, Fred, refunding reversed liquor tax fine to, appropriation land bureau, appropriation for.. Lake George state park, repair and construction of buildings, ap- land bureau, deficiency, appropriation for.. superintendent of insurance, appropriation for. messenger and other service, appropriation for.. municipal accounts division, appropriation for. additional examiners, appropriation for... municipal accounts, chief accountant and examiners, appointment, Newman, J. J., Lumber Company, and others, payment to, of judg- office expenses, appropriation for.... Phelps Union and Classical School, refunding transfer tax, appro- Pierce, Fred J., payments to; deficiency, appropriation for. reimbursing Franklin county for trial of Peter Gray, appropria- tion for . . . . report, extra copies, state printing law amended, § 9. salary, appropriation for . . . taxable transfers, deficiency in expenses of surrogate's office, New transfer tax assistants, may appoint in certain counties, tax law trotting associations, examination of books, appropriation for. 465 1526 Concurrent resolutions: limitation of indebtedness of cities; certain bonds excepted from publication of other official notices and, 1907, balance due news- Consolidated Gas Company: case against state, expenses, appropriation for..... services of counsel of state in action brought by, appropriation for. Consolidated school law amended: industrial and trade schools, title 15, art. 10... advisory board, appointment, title 15, art. 10, § 25a.. expenditures, annual estimate, title 15, art. 10, § 28 school moneys, when apportioned by commissioners, title 2, § 13. Constables: powers of game protectors, § 18..... 130 304 Contagious diseases: regulations concerning, public health law amended, § 24.................... 396 1174 Contracts: highway construction or improvement. See Highway law - contracts. Contracts and expenditures: prohibited in second-class cities, uniform charter amended, § 79.. payment to, of interest on proceeds of college land scrip fund, ap- State College of Agriculture, appropriation for. State Veterinary College, appropriation for... 405 1184 Coroners' juries: code of criminal procedure amended, § 773.. 102 254 Corporation law amended. See Stock corporation law amended. Corporations: banking, misconduct of officers, directors or employees, penal code benevolent, humane or charitable, protection of name, penal code cash payment of wages for harvesting and storing ice, labor law foreign, representatives not authorized to do business in this state, 118 27- life insurance, estimates and misrepresentations, insurance law life insurance, investments, insurance law amended, § 100. Corporations Continued: real property, sale, mortgage and lease, religious corporations Young Men's Christian Associations, certificates of incorporation, Corporations, miscellaneous: Amawalk Monthly Meeting of Friends, Croton-on-Hudson, disposal Chap. Page. 363 1090 36 160 Masonic Hall Association, Buffalo, may borrow money. Marcellus and Otisco Lake Railway Company, may use steam as American Kennel Club, The, incorporation. American Scenic and Historical Preservation Society, custodian of Barrett Bridge Company, toll rates. Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church, limitation of .... Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg railroad, grade crossing abolished services of counsel, appropriation for.. Cortland and Auburn Railroad Company, conveyance of land from Cortland State Normal School.. Eagle's Nest Country Club, New York city, refunding erroneous First Methodist Episcopal Church in the City of New York, The... Hanover Congregational Church Society, board of trustees created; International Sunshine Branch for the Blind, appropriation. New York Central and Hudson River railroad, grade crossing abol- Newark and Marion Railway Company, may use steam as motive Pacific Mail Steamship Company, charter extended... United Christian Aid Association of Canandaigua, New York, The, Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal 91 240 ortland: free concerts, entertainments and musical instruction, charter 385 1142 State Normal School, conveyance of land to Cortland and Auburn 440 1244 ortland and Auburn Railroad Company: conveyance of land from State Normal School at Cortland...... 440 1244 ounties: annual reports, chief accountant and examiners to prepare.. County bacteriologist: county law amended, §§ 40, 41. County board of canvassers: organization, election law amended, § 130..... County clerk: Chautauqua county, compensation and assistants.. Erie county, office hours, county law amended, § 165. Herkimer county, appointment of purchasing agent. Monroe county, appointment of commissioner of elections. Otsego county, to report transfers of realty to Oneonta assessors, Queens county, office hours, county law amended, § 165. Steuben county, deputies and assistants, appointment and sal- to be registrars of title. 444 1243 County court: Kings county, stenographers, code of civil procedure amended, Monroe county, appeals from municipal court of Rochester, code of Otsego county, appeals from Oneonta city court, charter, § 220.. Richmond county, stenographers, code of civil procedure amended, trials, county law amended, § 200, subd. 4 added. Warren county, appeals from city court of Glens Falls may be County engineers: construction of term in relation to highways, highway law, § 316.. Herkimer county, appointment of purchasing agent.... 496 1763 Kings county, shall appoint stenographer and confidential clerk, Monroe county, appointment of commissioner of elections. 489 1715 489 1716 special county judge, appointment of commissioner of elections. 489 1715 489 1716 Queens county, to appoint stenographer and confidential clerk, code 298 793 salary, county law amended, § 222, subd. 38. 374 1126 Richmond county, to appoint stenographer, code of civil procedure 298 793 Schenectady county, salary, county law amended, § 222. |