Imagens das páginas

ing over one's head, imminent; brewing, preparing, forthcoming; in the wind, on the cards, in reserve; that will, is to be; in prospect &c. (expected) 507; looming in the distance, - horizon, future; unborn, in embryo; in the womb of time, futurity; pregnant &c. (producing) 161.

chapter of acciden s &c. (chance) | close- at hand; overhanging, hang156; situation &c. (circumstances) 8. V. happen, occur; take -place, effect; come, become of; come -off, - about, - round, into existence, forth, to pass, on; pass, present itself; fall; fall, turn-out; run, be on foot, fall in; be-fall, -tide, -chance; prove, eventuate, draw on; turn, crop -, spring -, cast- up; super-, sur-vene; issue, arrive, ensue, arise, start, hold, take its course; pass off &c. (be past) 122.

Adv. in -time, the long run; all in good time; eventually &c. 151; whatever may happen &c. (certainly) 474; as -chance &c. 156would have it.

meet with; experience; fall to the lot of; be one's chance, fortune, lot; find; encounter, undergo; pass-, go- through; endure &c. (feel. 821.

Adj. happening &c. v. ; going on, doing, current; in the wind, afloat; on foot, - the tapis; at issue, in question; incidental. eventful, stirring, bustling, full of incident. Adv. eventually; in the event of,

case; in the course of

things; in the -natural, - ordinary- course of things; as things, -times- go; as the world -goes, - wags; as the tree falls, - cat jumps; as it may turn out, - happen.

Phr. the plot thickens.



153. [Constant antecedent.] CAUSE.-N. cause, origin, source, principle, element ; occasioner, prime mover, primum mobile; vera causa; author &c. (producer) 164; main-spring, agent; leaven; groundwork, foundation &c. (support) 215.

154. [Constant sequent.] EFFECT.-N. effect, consequence; deriva-tive, -tion; result; resultant, -ance; upshot, issue, dénouement; end &c. 67; development, outgrowth, fruit, crop, harvest, product, bud.

production, produce, work, spring, fountain, well, font; handiwork, fabric, performance; fountain, spring- head; fons et creature, creation; off - spring, origo, genesis; descent &c. (pater--shoot; first-fruits, -lings; prénity) 166; remote cause.



pivot, hinge, turning - point, V. be the effect &c. n.- of; be lever; key; proximate cause, causa-due, - owing- to; originate -in, causans; last straw that breaks from; rise, arise, take its rise -, the camel's back. spring-, proceed, emanate, come -, grow -, bud -, sprout germinate issue -, flow result follow -, derive its origin -, ac

ground; reason, why; why and wherefore, rationale, occasion, derivation; final cause &c. (intention)


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620; les dessous des cartes; undercurrents.

rudiment, egg, germ, embryo, bud, root, radix, radical, etymon, nucleus, seed, stem, stock, stirps, trunk, tap-root.

nest, cradle, nursery, womb, nidus, birth-place, hot-bed. caus-ality, -ation; origination; production &c. 161.

V. be the cause &c. n.- of; originate; give origin, rise, occasion to; cause, occasion, sow the seeds of, kindle, suscitate; bring on, to pass, about; produce; create &c. 161; set -up, on foot; found, broach,


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crue- from; come to, of, out of; depend hang, hinge -, turn- upon.

take the consequences, sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

Adj. owing to; resulting from &c. v.; derivable from; due to; caused &c. 153- by; dependent upon; derived, evolved- from; derivative; hereditary.

Adv. of course, it follows that, naturally, consequently; as a -, inconsequence; through, all along of, necessarily, eventually.

Phr. cela va sans dire, thereby hangs a tale.

institute, lay the foundation of; lie at the root of.

procure, induce, draw down, open the door to, superinduce, evoke, entail, operate; elicit, provoke.

conduce to &c. (tend to) 176; contribute; have a -hand in, finger in- the pie; determine, decide, turn the scale; have a common origin; derive its origin &c. (effect) 154.

Adj. caused &c. v.; causal, original; prim-ary, -itive, -ordial; aboriginal; radical; embry-onic, -otic; in -embryo, -ovo; seminal, germinal; at the bottom of; connate, having a common origin.

Adv. because &c. 155; behind the scenes.

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156. [Absence of assignable cause.] CHANCE.t-N. chance, indetermination, accident, fortune, hazard, hap, hap-hazard, chancemedley, random, luck, raceroe, casualty, contingence, adventure, hit; fate &c. (necessity) 601; equal chance; lottery; toss up &c. 621; turn of the -table, - cards; hazard of the die, chapter of accidents; cast - throw- of the dice; heads or tails, wheel of Fortune; sortes, – Virgiliana.

probability, possibility, contingency, odds, long odds, run of luck.

Whewell," History of the Inductive Sciences," book xviii. vol. iii. p. 397 (3rd edit).

The word Chance has two distinct meanings: the first, the absence of assignable cause, as above; and the second, the absence of design-for the latter see 621.

account for, derive from, point out the reason &c. 153; theorize; tell how it comes; put the saddle on the right horse.

Adj. attributed &c. v.; attributable &c. v.; refer-able, -rible; due to, derivable from; owing to &c. (effect) 154; putative.

Ado. hence, thence, therefore, for, since, on account of, because, owing to; on that account; from -this, that- cause; thanks to, forasmuch as; whence, propter hoc. why? wherefore? whence? how -comes, is, happens- it? how

does it happen?

in -some, some such way; somehow, or other.

Phr. that is why; hinc illa lachry


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157. POWER.-N. power; potency, -tiality; puissance, might, force; energy &c. 171; dint; right -hand, arm; ascendency, sway, control; pre-potency, -pollence; almightiness, omnipotence; authority &c. 737; strength &c. 159.

ability; ableness &c. adj.; competency; effi-ciency, -cacy; validity, cogency; enablement; vantage ground; influence &c. 175.

pressure; elasticity; gravity, electricity, magnetism, galvanism, voltaic electricity, voltaism, electromagnetism; attraction; ris-inertia, - mortua, - viva; potential dynamic energy; friction, suction.

capability, capacity; quid valeant humeri quid ferre recusent; faculty, quality, attribute, endowment, virtue, gift, property, qualification, susceptibility.

V. be powerful &c. adj.; gain -power &c. n.

belong, pertain to; lie -, bein one's power; can.

give -, confer-, exercise- power

happen; as

158. IMPOTENCE. N. impotence; in-, dis-ability; disablement, impuissance, imbecility; incapa-city, -bility; inapt-, ineptitude; indocility; invalidity, inefficiency, incompetence, disqualification.

telum imbelle, brutum fulmen, blank cartridge, flash in the pan, vox et præterea nihil, dead letter, bit of waste paper, dummy.

inefficacy &c. (inutility) 645; failure &c. 732.

helplessness &c. adj.; prostration, paralysis, palsy, apoplexy, syncope, sideration, deliquium, collapse, exhaustion, softening of the brain, emasculation.

cripple, old woman, muff, mollycodd.e.

V. be impotent &c. adj.; not have a leg to stand on.

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vouloir -rompre l'anguille au genou, prendre la lune avec les dents. collapse, faint, swoon, fall into a swoon, drop; go by the board; end in smoke &c. (fail) 732.

&c. n.; empower, enable, invest; in-, en-due; endow, arm; strengthen &c. 159; compel &c. 744.

Adj. powerful, puissant; potent, -ial; capable, able; equal -, up- to; cogent, valid; effect-ive, -ual; efficient, efficacious, adequate, competent; multi-, pleni-, omni-potent; almighty.

forcible &c. adj. (energetic) 171; influential &c. 175; productive &c.


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render -powerless &c. adj.; deprive of power; dis-able, -enable; disarm, incapacitate, disqualify, unfit, invalidate, deaden, cramp, tie the hands; double up, prostrate, paralyze, muzzle, cripple, becripple, maim, lame, hamstring, draw the teeth of; throttle, strangle, garrotte; rattan, silence, sprain, clip the wings of, put hors de combat, spike the guns; take the wind out of one's sails, scotch the snake, put a spoke in one's back; wheel; break the -neck, un-hinge, fit; put out of gear.

unman, unnerve, enervate; emasculate, castrate, geld.

shatter, exhaust; weaken &c. 160.

Adj. powerless, impotent, unable, incapable, incompetent; ineff-icient, -ective; inept; un-fit, fitted; un-, dis-qualified; unendowed; in-, un-apt; crippled, disabled &c. v.; armless.

harmless, unarmed, weaponless, defenceless, sine ictu, unfortified, indefensible, vincible, pregnable, untenable..

para-lytic, -lyzed; palsied, imbecile; nerve-, sinew-, marrow-, pith-, lust-less; emasculate, disjointed; out of joint, gear; un-nerved, -hinged; water-logged, on one's beam ends, rudderless; laid on one's back; done up, dead beat, exhausted, shattered, demoralized; gravelled &c. (in difficulty) 704; helpless, unfriended, fatherless; without a leg to stand on, hors de combat, laid on the shelf.

null and void, nugatory, inoperative, good for nothing; ineffectual &c. (failing) 732; inadequate &c. 640; inefficacious &c. (useless) 645.

159. Degree of power.] 160. WEAKNESS.-N. weakness STRENGTH.-N. strength; power &c. adj.; debility, atony, relaxa&c. 157; energy &c. 171; vigor, tion, languor, enervation; impoforce; main, physical -, brute-tence &c. 158; infirmity; effeminaforce; spring, elasticity, tone, ten-cy, feminality; fragility, flaccidity; sion, tonicity.

stoutness &c. adj.; lustihood, stamina, nerve, muscle, sinew, thews and sinews, physique; pith, -iness; virility, vitality.

athlet-ics, -icism; gymnastics, feats of strength.

adamant, steel, iron, oak, heart of oak; iron grip.

athlete, gymnast, acrobat; Atlas, Hercules, Antæus, Samson, Cy

inactivity &c. 683.

declension, loss failure- of strength; delicacy, invalidation, decrepitude, asthenia, adynamy, cachexy, cachexia, sprain, strain.

reed, thread, rope of sand, house of cards.

soft-, weak-ling; infant &c. 129; youth &c. 127.

V. be weak &c. adj.; drop, crumble, give way, totter, tremble,

clops, Goliath; tower of strength; | shake, halt, limp, fade, languish, giant refreshed. decline, flag, fail, have one leg in the grave.

strengthening &c. v.; invigoration, refreshment, refocillation. [Science of forces] Dynamics, Statics.

V. be-strong &c. adj., - stronger; overmatch.

render -strong &c. adj.; give -strength &c. n.; strengthen, invigorate, brace, nerve, fortify, sustain, harden, case-harden, steel; gird; screw, wind -, set- up; gird brace- up one's loins; recruit, set on one's legs; vivify; refresh &c. 689; refect; reinforce &c. (restore) 660.

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render -weak &c. adj.; weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, shake, deprive of strength, relax, enervate; unbrace, -nerve; crippie, unman &c. (render powerless) 158; cramp, reduce, sprain, strain, blunt the edge of; dilute, impoverish; decimate; extenuate; reduce in strength, the strength of; mettre de l'eau dans son vin.

Adj. weak, feeble, debile; impotent &c. 158; relaxed, unnerved, &c. v.; sap-, strength-, power-less; weakly, unstrung, flaccid, adynamic, asthenic; nervous.

soft, effeminate, feminate, womanly.

frail, fragile, shattery; flimsy, unsubstantial, gimcrack, gingerbread; rickety, cranky; creachy; drooping, tottering &c. v. ; broken, lame, withered, shattered, shaken, crazy, shaky; palsied &c. 158; decrepit.

languid, poor, infirm; faint, -ish; sickly &c. (disease) 655; dull, slack, evanid, spent, short-winded, effete; weatherbeaten; decayed, rotten, worn, seedy, languishing, wasted, washy, laid low, pulled down, the worse for wear.

un-strengthened, &c. 159, -supported, -aided, -assisted; aidless,

defenceless &c. 158.

ered, shaken, -worn, -exhausted;
in full-force, - swing; in the plen--
itude of power.

stubborn, thick-ribbed, made of iron, deep-rooted; strong as -a lion, a horse, brandy; sound as a roach; in -fine, - high-feather; like a giant refreshed.

Adv. strongly &c. adj. ; by -force &c. n.; by main force &c. (by compulsion) 744.

Phr. 66 our withers are un


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on its last legs; weak as a -child, baby, chicken, cat, rat; weak as -water, water gruel, gingerbread, - milk and water. Phr. non sum qualis eram.

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