Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

qualify 469

restrain 751
prohibit 761

limitation [see limit]
estate 780, 783

in quantity 32
- in size 193
to a extent
imperfect 651
limitless 105
limn 556
limner 559

limp weak 160
slow 275
supple 324
fail 732

limpid 425
lin lake 343

river 348

lincture 662
line fastening 45

continuous 69
ancestors 166
descendants 167
length 200

no breadth 203

string 205

lining 224

outline 230

straight 246
direction 278
music 413

appearance 448
measure 466

mark 550

writing 590

verse 597

vocation 625
army and navy 726

[blocks in formation]

fortification 717
adversity 735
severity 739
linger protract 110
delay 133
lorter 275-

Ingo language 560
neology 563
lingua franca 563
linguacious 584

language 500
speech 582


scholar 492
linguistics 560

ointment 356
remedy 662
lining 254
link relation 9
connect 43
connecting - 45
part 51
term 71
crossing 219
torch 423
linked together

party 712
linseed oil 356
linsey-wolsey 41
linstock 388
lint 223
lintel 215
lion courage 861
prodigy 872
repute 873

come in like a - 173
as dewdrops from

[blocks in formation]

listen 418

- to 457

be -ed to 175
- to reason 498

inattentire 458
inactive 683
indifferent 866
litany worship 990
rite 998

lite, pendente - 969
literæ scriptæ 590

imitated 19
exact 494
manifest 525
letter 561
word 562
- meaning 516
translation 522

homo multarum


homo trium - 792
literary 560

- hack 593

- man 492

- power 569
literati 492

[ocr errors]

literatim [see literal]

learning 490
language 560
lithe 324
lithograph 558
Lithology 358
Lithomancy 511
lithotint 559

litigious 713

combatant 726

accusation 938


quarrel 713
contention 780

lawsuit 969
litigious 713

litter disorder 59

derange 61

multitude 102

brood 167
support 215

vehicle 272

useless 645

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

- in hope 858
- and let live
inaction 681
freedom 748
inexcitability 826

-- in the memory 505
- upon nothing 819
- on 298

- byone's wits 545
livelihood 803
livelong 110
lively keen 375
-style 574
active 682
acute 821
sensitive 822
sprightly 836
- imagination 515
pace 274
liver: hard - 954a
liver-coloured 433
livery suit 225
colour 428

badge 550
decoration 877
- servant 746

liveryman 748
livid dark 431
grey 432
purple 437
living life 359
business 625
benefice 995
good - 957
beings 357
soul 372
- thing 366
livraison 593
lixiviate 652
lixivium 335
llama 271
lo! attention 457
wonder 870
load quantity 31
fill 52
lade 184
cargo 190
weight 319

store 636

redundance 64.
hindrance 706

[blocks in formation]

locket 847

lock-up prison 752
loco, in


agreeing 23
situation 183
expedience 646
locofoco 388
locomotion 264
- by air 267
- by land 206
- by water 267

travel 266
carriage 271
locular 191
locum tenens
substitute 147
inhabitant 188
deputy 759

- pœnitentiæ 937
- standi

support 215
plea 617

social rank 873
locust prodigal 818
evil-doer 913
swarm like -8 102
locution 582
lode 636

lodestar, &c. [see
loadstar &c.1
lodge place 184
presence 186
dwelling 189
- a complaint 938
lodgement 184

inhabitant 188
possessor 779
lodging 189
loft garret 191
top 210
lofty high 206
-style 574
prond 878
insolent 885
magnanimous 942
log velocity 274


fuel 388
record 551
heave the
sleep like a - 683
logarithm 84
loggerhead 501
at -s discord 713
contention 720
logic 476

- of facts 467
logician 476
logography 500
logogryph 533
discussion 476
words 588
dispute 720
logometer 85
logometric 84
log-rolling 709
loin back 235

side 236

gird up one's -S
strong 159
prepare 673
loisir, impromptu
fait à - 673
loiter tardy 133
slow 275
inactive 683
(temporize 110)
loll sprawl 213
recline 215

inactive 683

lollipop 396

Lombard Street to a
China orange 472
lone 87

lonesome 893
long in time 110
- in space 200
diffuse 573

go to one's - account

- ago 122
make a arm
exertion 686

seize 789
-boat 273

[blocks in formation]

pily 914 time 110 -winded 573 longanimity

inexcitable 826 forgiving 918 longevity

diuturnal 110 age 128 longhead

wise man 500

longing 865 -lingering look behind 833

longinquity 196


situation 183
length 200

measurement 466
longitudinal 200
longo intervallo
discontinuity 70
diuturnity 110
distance 196
interval 198
waterman 269
plebeian 876
longways 217
loo 840
looby fool 501
bungler 701
clown 876

look small degree 32

see 441

appearance 448 allend to 457

- about

take care 459

seek 461

- after care 459

direction 693

- ahead 510

- another way 442

- back 122

- beyond 510

- black or blue

feeling 821
discontent 832
dejection 837

-down upon 930
- in the face
sincerity 703
courage 861
pride 878
- foolish 874
- for seek 461
expect 507
- forwards
future 121
foresight 510
- here 457
- into

attend to 457
inquire 461

- before one leaps
- like
similarity 17
appearance 448

- on 186


-out view 448 care 459

seek 461 expect 507 intention 620 business 625

- over examine 461

- round seek 461

- sharp 682

- to care 459
duty 926
- through
seek 461

-up prosper 734
high price 814
hope 858

visit 892

up to repute 873 respect 928 approbation 931 - upon as 484 looker-on 444 looking-glass 445 loom destiny 152 dim 422 dim sight 443 come in sight 446 weare 691 - of the land 342 loon fool 501 clown 876 rascal 949 loop curve 245 circle 247 circuit 629 loop-hole opening 260 vista 441 plea 617 device 626 escape 671 fortification 717

loose detach 44

incoherent 47 pendent 214 desultory 279 illogical 477 vague 519

[ocr errors]

style 575
lax 738
free 748
liberate 750
debauched 961

give a - to

imagination 515 laxity 738 permit 760 indulgence 954

let - 750
on the - 961
screw - 713
character 961
at a- end 685

- fish bad man 949 libertine 962

- morals 945

- rein 738

- suggestion 514

thread 495

the day 732
- flesh 195
- ground
slow 275
regression 283
shortcoming 304
- one's head
bewildered 475
- heart 837
- one's heart 897

- hope 859

- labour 732
- one's life 360

- no time
active 682
haste 684

- oneself

uncertain 475

- an opportunity 135 - one's reason 503 - sight of blind 442 disappear 449 neglect 460 oblivion 506 not complete 730 - one's temper 900 -time 683 - one's way wander 279 unskilful 699 difficulty 704 losel 818 losing game failure 732 misfortune 735 loss decrement 40a death 360 evil 619

deterioration 659
privation 776
at a-
uncertain 475
at a - for
desiring 865

- of fortune 804
- of health 655

- of life 360

- of right 925 - of strength 100 lost non-existing 2 absent 187 invisible 449 abstracted 458 uncertain 475 failure 732 1088 776 over-excited 824 pain 828 dejection 887 impenitent 951

-in iniquity 945 labour 645 to shame insolent 885 improbity 940

[blocks in formation]

love-pot 959
lover (see love]
love-sick 897, 902
love-story 897, 902
love-token 897, 902
social 892

courteous 894
loving-kindness 906
low small 32
not high 207
- sound 405
moo 412
vulgar 851
disreputable 874
common 876
bring - 208

condition 876
- comedy 599
at a- ebb
small 32
inferior 34
depressed 308
waste 638

deteriorated 659
fellow 876

-- life 851

- note 408

- origin 876
- price 815
-spirits 887
- tide 207

- tone black 431
mutter 581

- water low 207
dry 340

insufficient 640

• poor 804
low-born 876
low-lands 207
vulgar 876
base 940
lower inferior 34
decrease 36
depress 308
dark 421
dim 422
predict 511
sad 837
irate 900
sulky 901a

- one's flag 725
- one's note 879
- orders 876
lowly 879
lown fool 501

knave 949 lowness [see low] 207 humility 879

loyal obedient 743

or money

observant 72

scarce 640

honourable 939

[blocks in formation]


smooth 255 oil 332 lubricity slippery 255 unctuous 355 impure 961 lucent 420


luminous 420

transparent 425 intelligible 518 -style 570 - interval 502 lucidus ordo 58 lucifer 388

Lucifer 978 lucimeter 445

luck chance 156, 621

prosperity 734 luckless 735


occasion 134

successful 731 lucrative 775 lucre gain 775 wealth 803 Lucretia 960 luctation 720 lucubration 451 luculent 420

lucus a non lucendo dissimilar 18 misnomer 565 lud! O - 839 ludibrious 840 ludicrous 853 luff 267 lug pull 285 ear 418 Juggage 780 lugger 273

lugubrious 837 lukewarm

temperate 382, 383 torpid 823 indifferent 866 lull cessation 142 mitigate 174 silence 403 - to sleep 265 lullaby

moderate 174
Song 415
verses 597

inactivity 683 relief 834 lumbar 235

lumber disorder 59 slow 275

[blocks in formation]

luminous light 420
intelligible 518
lump whole 50
chief part 51
amass 72
mass 192

projection 250
weight 319
density 321
in the - 50

- of affectation 855 - together join 43 combine 48

assemble 72

lumpish [see lump] inactive 683 ugly 846 lunacy 503

lunar 318

-caustic 384 lunatic 503, 504 luncheon 298

lune avec les dents,

prendre la impotence 158 impossible 471 lunge impulse 276 attack 716 lungs wind 349 loudness 401 shout 411 voice 580 luniform &c. 245 lupanar 961 lurch incline 217 sink 306 oscillation 314 failure 732 leave in theoutstrip 303 deceive 545 relinquish 624 left in the defeated 732 lure deceive 545

entice 615 Jurid dark 421

dim 422

red 434

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

- to one's hand 673

macaroni 854

[blocks in formation]

- man 734

verses 597

neology 563


[see Machiavel]
mace weapon 727
sceptre 747

mace-bearer 965

madefaction 339

madman 504


angel 977
pious 987

music 415
verses 597

maestro 415
record 551

book 593

store 636
Magdalen 950

mage 994
magenta 434
maggot little 193
fancy 515
caprice 608
desire 865


capricious 608
unclean 653
silly 499
excitable 825
Magi sage 500
sect 984
magic 992
- lantern

instrument 445
show 448
magician 994
magilp 356a
proud 878
insolent 885
magistery 330

authority 737
jurisdiction 965
ruler 745
justiciary 967
magistrature 737
magistri, jurare in
verba - 481
magma 41
Magna Charta 769
magna pars fui,

quorum - 690
magnanimity 942
magnate 875
magnet attract 288
desire 865
power 157
attraction 288
motive 615
animal - 992

influence 175
motive 615
conjure 992

magni nominis um-
wreck 659
repute 873
rank 875

cher 815
increase 35
enlarge 194
over-rate 482
exaggerate 549
approve B31
praise 990
language 577
boast 884
quantity 25
greatness 31
size 192

magno conatu mag
nas nugas
waste 638

trifling 643
Magnus Apollo 500
magpie 581
magsman 792
maharajah 745
colour 433
Mahomet 986
Mahometan 984
maid girl 129
servant 746
spinster 904
- of honour 890
maiden first 66
girl 129

punishment 975
maidenhood 904
maidenly 374
fasting 956
mail post 534
armour 717
- coach 272

cripple 158
injure 659
main tunnel 260
ocean 341
conduct 350
principal 642
coup de - 680
in the -
intrinsically 5
greatly 31
on the whole 50
principally 642
with might and -686
plough the 267

good 618
important 642

profit 775
look to the -

foresight 510

skill 698

economy 817
caution 864

selfish 943

(magnanimous 942) main-force

large 192

fine 845


grand 882

saturation 337

atonement 952

whirl 312

magnifico 875

asceticism 955

water 348

magnifier 445

rite 998

magnifique et pas

pitfall 667

strength 159

violence 173
compulsion 744


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