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the youth in the full vigor of manhood who enters to-day, and he whose head has grown hoary in your subterranean prisons, as the eternal snows which cover their unhallowed summits !'

Let the youthful hero be shorn of his hair, scourged, and sent off for Siberia,' said Constantine, as Plater concluded his address; away with him, my guards!'

At this moment a Polish lady, elegantly attired in a garb of deep mourning, rushed through the crowd, and threw herself at the feet of the Duke, in the hall of the tribunal. It was Lodoiska, the mother of Casimir Plater. The council stood in mute astonishment, until Constantine exclaimed: Who thus presumes to obtrude herself in the courts of Warsaw?'

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I, the mother of the youth thou hast but now doomed to slavery,' replied Lodoiska. Great Duke, the noblest element of greatness is mercy; the greatest exercise of power forgiveness. Let a daughter of unhappy Poland plead before you in behalf of an unfortunate but noble son!'

'My guards, remove this maniac from the hall,' exclaimed the tyrant; a woman's tears cannot wash out the blackness of guilt, or obstruct the infliction of its penalties.'

'Thou hast truly spoken, tyrant,' replied Lodoiska: 'a woman's tears cannot wash out the stains of guilt; an angel's could not cleanse the foul pollution of thine. Humanity instinctively shrinks at thy presence; the flowers wither at thy approach; nature recoils in horror, as thy sanguinary hand pollutes her altars, or thy blood-tracked footsteps desolate her plains.'

'Lodoiska becomes eloquent,' replied Constantine, scornfully.

Hear me, thou descendant of the Czars,' resumed the wretched mother: the blood thou hast wantonly shed has ascended to heaven; it waits thy coming, at the great tribunal. On earth, too, thou shalt have thy trials. Yon sun, which now careers through a cloudless sky, shall not decline while thy feet tread the halls of Belveder; the ramparts around thy castellated mansion shall be torn from their foundation, and the lofty turrets of thy palace graced with the flag of renovated Poland, before another morning dawns on the city thou hast sacked and desolated.'

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'Ha! sayest thou so, proud woman?' thundered Constantine, as his lips quivered under the mingled emotions of shame and rage. Thy evening vespers shall be chanted in the recesses of the citadel. Slaves, manacle this prophetess of evil, and convey her to the northern wing of the citadel."

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'Lodoiska and Poland!' shouted a thousand voices, as the mother of Casimir approached the doors of the military hall, guarded and chained. 'A rescue! - strike down the guard! - a rescue for the mother of Poland!' The guards in vain attempted to execute their commission. They were instantly overpowered, and Lodoiska conducted to the head quarters of her son.

The shout which preceded the liberation of Lodoiska, struck like a thunderbolt on the ear of Constantine. The tyrant trembled. 'Summon the Russian regiment!' said he: To the mansion of Radzivil! Convey its inmates to the palace.'

Obedient to the orders of the Duke, the Russian cavalry, headed by

Col. Kreutz, proceeded to the abode of Prince Radzivil. In a moment the massive doors were burst open, and the lovely Halina, supported by two of the autocrat's guards, was hurried onward in the direction of Belveder palace.

Ere the escort had reached the bridge of Sobieski, Plater and his determined band were there.

'Liberate your captive!' shouted Casimir, in a voice that echoed along the shores of the Vistula.

Who thus opposes the orders of the Grand Duke?' said Kreutz, advancing to the head of his guards.

I, Casimir Plater,' re-echoed his opponent; great, the victims too noble, for Russian butchery.'

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the sacrifice is too

Rash youth! thy blood be upon thy head!' cried Kreutz, waving his sword over the head of Plater. With the velocity of lightning, Casimir unsheathed his weapon. A tremendous blow leveled at the young Polander was as dexterously parried. He advanced, made a thrust, and buried his sword in the bosom of the Russian commander.

For thy blood, soldier of the autocrat, I shall not be answerable at the final appeal,' said Casimir, as he gazed for a moment on the bloody corpse. The Poles, animated by the chivalry of their leader, pierced the ranks of the Russians, and drove them from their position. But Halina Radzivil had, during the contest, been conveyed to the palace of Constantine, and was now in the presence of the tyrant.

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'Daughter of Radzivil,' said he, it is in thy power to quell the rebellion in which thy countrymen are engaged.'

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Dost thou, brother of the autocrat, claim protection at the hands of a captive thou hast ensnared?' replied Halina'a weak, unprotected woman, whom thy rude soldiery have forced from the ancient abode of her fathers to a royal prison?'

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Woman,' retorted the Duke, 'thou art in my power; thy father and brother, in chains, are in the western wing of the palace: before day declines, their heads shall grace yon ramparts, should the son of Plater, thy lover, continue the contest. He is now before the moat which surrounds the outer gate. Thou hast but to command, and he withdraws his force. Reflect -and refuse, if thy courage permits. The forfeit is the extinction of the race and name of the house of Radzivil.'

'An inhuman, an awful, but a willing sacrifice,' cried the heroic girl, 'to thee, my beloved Poland!' as she gazed, unappalled, on the features of her royal jailer.

Thou refusest, then, maid of Warsaw?' said Constantine.

'I scorn the bribe, great as it is, for which I am required to crush the rising liberties of my country,' she replied, Halina Radzivil stands before the tribunal of nations. On her decision may rest the fate of unborn millions. The separation of the soul from the clay which it animates, is a trifle when weighed in the balance against the destinies of the human race. I know thy power; inflict what tortures thou canst; the frail tenement may sink beneath their execution, but the immortal inhabitant is beyond thy oppression. It shall meet thee at the bar of omnipotence!'

I have then commanded in vain,' said Constantine, as the ashy paleness of death for a moment overspread his countenance. Proud 49


woman,' said he, 'thou shalt die, and that before yon sun reaches his meridian.'

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Be it so, if Poland requires the sacrifice,' said the unbending daughter of Radzivil-be it so; but I fall not unrevenged.'

A loud shout, proceeding from the direction of the draw-bridge, announced to the tyrant that the outer gates of the palace had yielded to the force of Casimir's assault. He proceeded to the eastern wing of the palace a youth, bearing the ancient flag of Poland, preceded by a herald, demanded a parley.

Do the rebels submit?' asked Constantine, as the youth approached. Liberty, not submission, is the watchword of renovated Poland,' replied the young warrior: we come to require the unconditional surrender of the house of Radzivil,' continued he, or to warn thee, in case of refusal, that ere the dial's shadow points to another hour, thou shalt behold the palace of Belveder in ruins.'

Rather demand the headless trunks of that noble house,' scornfully replied Constantine. Sentinel, conduct the soldier of Poland to the eastern wing of Belveder. Let him learn from the lips of Halina the recklessness of his attempt-the certainty of its consequences.'

The youth followed his guide through a winding staircase and darkened passages, to the chamber of Halina: the door was opened, and there, imploring the protection of Heaven on her hero and her country, knelt the graceful form of her whose life trembled in the balance of her country's fate. The beautiful girl calmly rose from her bending posture, as the sentinel announced the entrance of a stranger. The guide retired, and the young Pole, muffled in a military surtout, entered the apartment.

Halina stretched forth her hand: My countryman,' said she, 'whether friend or stranger, thou art welcome to the forced abode of Radzivil's daughter.'

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The young soldier threw back his cloak: it was Casimir Plater! How hast thou passed the guard?' said the affrighted girl, trembling for the fate of her lover.

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By the command of the tyrant,' replied Plater.

flag of truce, and, unknown, have gained admittance. heart!' continued he, what says the monster?'


I bore to him a

Beloved of my

He demands the withdrawal of the troops, or a forfeiture which he deems equivalent,' replied Halina.

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What is the forfeiture?' said Casimir, as he perceived the blood forsake the countenance of Halina.

'Seek not to know, noble Plater,' replied his companion compared with the accomplishment of thy great design, the forfeiture is as a drop of water to the ocean.'

'Halina,' said the young hero, 'thou wilt not deny my request: we may meet no more. What is the forfeiture this royal wretch demands?' The destruction of the house of Radzivil,' replied the high-souled daughter.

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Inhuman monster!-thou hast not yet sufficiently glutted thyself in human blood, but that the most noble house in Warsaw must fill the measure of thy crimes! Halina, I cannot sacrifice thee. Poland must fall!

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Not while Casimir Plater claims the hand of Halina Radzivil,'

she replied. Treasured as thou art in my heart,' continued she, I would scorn the proffered hand of a traitor to Poland, and reject an alliance with thy noble family, should the sun of my country's liberties set in the liberation of her captive daughter. Proceed in the glorious cause. The stake for which thou contendest is priceless and incomparable. I will not say to thee, in this hour of trial, Poland has other daughters. I know thy faith. Yon orb,' said she, pointing to the sun, is not more pure, nor his returns more constant. Commit thy Halina to Heaven-thy courage and perseverance to thy country. Depart, beloved Plater,' continued Halina, as she placed her miniature in his hand on the day of trial, look on this. Yet stay a moment; lend me thy dagger. I shudder at the thought of self-destruction; yet are there cases in which even that act may be a virtue.'

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What is the issue of thy interview with the daughter of Radzivil?' said Constantine, as Casimir descended toward the lower corridor of the palace.

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The secrets of Poland's daughters are secure with her sons,' replied Casimir. Thou wilt know, ere evening shades thy palace. Am I at liberty to depart?'

Thou art,' returned Constantine.

Young Plater, preceded by his herald, soon reached his assembled companions. A shout, which shook the walls of the tyrant's palace, announced his arrival.

What is the answer of the Duke ?' demanded a hundred voices. 'He refuses to release the captives,' replied Casimir. 'Storm the palace ! - raze the monster's mansion to the dust!' cried the military companions of Casimir Poland and Liberty!'

My comrades,' said Casimir, caution must be our watch-word. We must be wary in our approach to the den of the monster. He must have chance to escape. The fate of the house of Radzivil depends on this circumstance: and who among you would require the possession of the tyrant, at the sacrifice of this noble family?' Not a son of Poland,' rejoined his companions.


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Let the Duke

'Three cheers!' said Plater, and then for the palace !'

The acclamation reached the ears of Constantine. The words, 'storm the palace!' had scarcely fallen from the lips of the enthusiastic Poles, ere he entered the chamber of Halina.

'Imprudent maid,' exclaimed he, why dost thou court death?'

I court the freedom of Poland,' she replied, 'even at the price which thou hast decreed. Know, Duke, the blood of Kosciusko still runs in the veins of Poland's daughters.'

'My guard,' said Constantine, 'conduct hither Prince Radzivil and his son.

The soldier retired at the command, and returned with the noble captives.

Behold the offering,' said Halina, as she gazed on her father and brother behold the victims for the sacrifice. But thou,' turning to Constantine, art not the officiating priest at the altar.'

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Say'st thou so, maiden?' replied Constantine. Executioners, approach!'

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Stand back! ye murdering ministers-ye accursed agents of

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another's crime!' exclaimed Halina, as her eye turned from the assassins to their employer: the blood you seek is too pure ardly daggers!'

your cow

I command you to do your duty!' thundered the Duke. The ruffians again approached to fulfil the awful commission.

'Take thou the reward of guilt!' said the daughter of Radzivil, as she plunged the poniard of Plater into the bosom of the foremost assassin I pity, yet have destroyed thee!'

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Constantine, petrified with astonishment, gazed with conscious horror on the body of the executioner, as it writhed in the agonies of death. The blood of that man shall be demanded at thy hand, Russian Duke,' said Halina, when we meet before the bar of Heaven. Mine was an act of justice, not revenge. The life of a parent demanded the poniard of a daughter. Thou seest how strong, when virtue nerves them, are the arms of Sarmatia's maidens.'

A crash in the court-yard now announced that the inner gates of the palace had been forced. To the rescue of the Radzivils!' was heard from every quarter. If they be safe, give quarter to the tyrant — if

not, be his fate as theirs!'

Plater rushed to the eastern chamber: in a moment, the door was opened. My Halina is safe! Spirit of the Universe, I thank thee !' said he, as he clasped the lovely girl to his bosom.

Where is the tyrant!' exclaimed the inflamed soldiery.

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escaped,' said Halina, by a secret passage.'

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'He has

Mother, I have fulfilled thy prophesy,' said Plater: the evening sun has not found the tyrant in the palace of Belveder. And now, my Halina, I demand thy bridal hand at the altar, before the face of Heaven, and on the dawn of Poland's regeneration.'



AS THOSE blue eyes upon the canvass throw
Their watery glances to me, where the tear
Seems gathering to a starry drop, to flow
Down the soft damask of her cheek, I hear
From her moved lips, a voice salute my ear,
That was so kind and so confiding; pain,
Which once did throb within me, now doth veer
To a calm stillness; the delirious brain

Seems by cool drops renewed to life's young bliss again.

Ah! I would then that pictured form could talk

Of hours, that once were happy in the round
Of thought still growing, as at each new walk,

With deeper hue the early bud is found,

Till it unfold its leaves, and scatter round

Its purest incense: so our lives steal by,

Catching new loves and hopes, which, closely wound
With every blended thought and wish, will try

The heart to its last throb, when loved ones leave or die.

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