BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE ALMANAC. 1917 A Book of Information, General of the World, and COPYRIGHTED, 1917, BY THE BROOKLYN DAILY Eagle. Vol. XXXII., January, 1917. Yearly Subscription to the EAGLE LIBRARY One Dollar and Fifty Cents. iv Reg 282 Brooklyn Trust Company Capital Stock, $1,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $4,398,423.92 Member of the New York Clearing House Association 177 Montague Street, Brooklyn Advisory Committee-Bedford Branch EUGENE F. BARNES EDWARD LYONS EDWARD THOMPSON WILLIAM MCCARROLL EDMUND N. SCHMIDT, Branch Manager. 177 Montague Street, Brooklyn Safes, $5.00 to $100.00 per year. Valuables stored at moderate rates. DAVID H. LANMAN, President GEORGE W. CHAUNCEY, Vice President FRANK O. EDGERTON, Secretary SILVER AND STORAGE VAULTS INDEX IMPORTANT NOTICE-The following index to the 1917 Brooklyn Eagle Almanac has been entirely revised and rearranged according to the most up-to-date library and encyclopedic inA straight alphabetical arrangement has been followed in order to facilitate dexing methods. quick and easy reference to any subject. CAUTION-In using this index, disregard such geographical titles as, for example, "Kings where will be found the page numbers for each of County Sheriff" and look only for "Sheriffs,' Similarly, the "Metropolitan Museum of Art," will be found "Canal," and also at the local county sheriffs offices. of Agriculture" States Department under "Museums"; the "New York State Barge Canal" will be found under Likewise, the "United cross-indexed under "Barge." ," etc., etc. Washington will be found under "Agriculture,' SPECIAL NOTICE Regarding Societies and Associations-Owing to the thousands of organFor quick reference, all these organizations izations about which detailed information is contained in the Eagle Almanac, it is obviously impossible to index each under its individual title. have been grouped or classified under chapter headings according to the general purpose or funcConsult the following list of these chapters for the KIND of organization you tion of the society. are looking for. For example: The "American Seamen's Friend Society" is classified under "Hospitals, Homes and Societies for Relief," and is found with the Manhattan list of those devoted to Similarly, the "Froebel Society of Brooklyn," is classified in the "Literary "Special Relief." Societies" chapter under the Brooklyn list. INDEX TO SECTIONS UNDER HOSPITALS, HOMES AND SOCIETIES FOR RELIEF. Page 150, 191, 197, 212, 213, 214, 217 Relief of the Aged, 150, 192, 200, 212, 213, 214 Page Page Relief of Children, Reformatories, 150, 193, 201, 212, 215 Special Relief, 196, 210, 213, 216 194, 204, 213, 215 Settlements 196, 210 197, 211 .197, 212 INDEX TO CHAPTERS UNDER SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS. Page Scottish Page 297 Art 243, 244 Jewish 269-279 Bds. of Trade and Civic Kindergarten 279, 280 Secret and Benefit. 298-322 322-324 Improvements 244-248 Literary 280, 281 Spanish 325 Business, Commercial and Medical 281-283 Sporting 325-334 Agricultural 248-253 Men's Church Clubs. .283-285 Temperance 334-336 Dramatic 253 Musical 285, 283 Veteran Firemen 336, 337 Educational 254-257 Patriotic and Commemor War Veterans 337 French 257 ative 286-290 Woman Suffrage .337, 338 German 258-266 Religious 290-293 Greek Letter 266 Scandinavian Working Girls' Clubs. 339 .339-341 Irish 266 nish 296, 297 Otherwise you First consult "Additions and Changes During Printing," on pages xxxi and xxxii, and make corrections in main body of Almanac on the pages indicated. might overlook important changes and be misinformed. A Academies, Bkin., 122; Mhtn. Do this immediately. Page Page 445 N. Y. Academy of Sciences, Nat., 255; N. Y. 256 State by Counties, 82; Cities 86, 87 Am. Inst. of Architects...243, 244 251 Accidents, Decrease in....... 384 452 All-around Track and Field 564 Am. Jewish Committee....... 269 577 Acreage & Density, N. Y. C. 84 Alliance of Women's Clubs Am. Legion 286 Actors' Fund of America. 204 of Bkln... 340 Am. Library Assn. 280 Additions and Corrections, 122 99 Eagle Almanac .....xxxi, xxxii Administrative Depts., N. Y. C. 445 Aeolian Hall, Mhtn., Diag... 617 Allied Printing Trades Coun- Allied Bookbinding Leagues, Am. Museum of Nat. His .95, 256 Allied Hospitals 449 Am. Museum of Safety. 95 1 191, 194, 204, 218, 388, 438 9.5 241 298 Amer. Peace Society. 339 Arbitra tion League 339 Am. Seamen's Friend Soc.... 204 127 Bronx, 212; Queens, 213; 561, 562; Am... 562 Richmond, 214; N. Y. State Ambassadors, U. S.. 393 Am. Soc. for Prevention of 243 and Vicinity 214 Ambulance Service, 191, 197; Agricl. Assns.. ...149, 248-253 Bd. of Anaemic Classes, Pub. Schls. 230 of Druids, Agricultural Law, N. Y. S... 439 Amen Corner 323 Agricl. Schools, N. Y. S.... 427 America, Boy Scouts of.... 341 Agriculture Dept.. U. S.. 387 American for Assn. Labor Agricul., L. I. School of.. 156 Legislation 178 United 319 298 298 Agricul., N. Y. S., Com'r... 427 Agricul., Sec. of, U. S.... 387 Amer. Assn. for the Planting lows 298 of City Agriculture, U. S. Dept. in Trees 244 Ancient Order of Hibernians in America 298 392 Amer. Assn. Master, Mates Ancient Order United Work Agriculture, Women in. 124 and Pilots 298 Airplane Flights 592 Amer. Bankers' Assn.. 248 Alaska 397 Amer. Bar Assn.. 248 Ancient Scottish Rite......... 314 396 Alaska Fisheries 190 Amer. Bible Soc... 295 Animal Industry, Bureau of.. 392 See Additions and Corrections to Almanac Text on Pages xxxi and xxxii, Banks, Savings, Statistics, Board of Claims, N. Y. S. 174 166 Banks, State, L. I., 164; N. Y. City 167, 168 .372, 374 Bapt. Churches, Bkln., 347; Assessed Val. of Corps.. 470 470 Assessed Value Real and Richmond 365 139 School Teachers' Retire- 451 221 253 Barge Canal, State.. 493 Board of Exam. Plumbers.. 454 See Additions and Corrections to Almanac Text on Pages xxxi and xxxii. Bureau of Public Buildings Page 456 191 Department ..463, 464 455 Bureau of Social Investiga- 95 tions 279 Bureau of Statistics, ..212, 453 122 493 449 449 Boards, Local Improvement.. 444 Bkin. Masonic Temple Diag. 596 189 Industrial Commission Bureau of Street Opening.... 447 428 ..... 221 406 Bureau of Topography.. 455 109 Bu. of Water Register.. 450 Bkin. Post Office.. 144 Bureau Weights and Bkin. Public Library. 119 Measures 444 139 B. R. T. New Trolley Fran- Bur. of Workmen's Comp., 129 State Indust. Com... 428 B. R. T. System.. 129 Burke Relief Foundation. 197 Bkln. Soc. Prev. Cruelty to Burns Society 297 193 Bush Terminal R. R... 12 ..477. 478 Bushwick Theatre Diag.... 597 Boro. Assess., Real Estate.. 471 Bkin. Street Directory .2-13 467 .84, 478 Botanic Garden, National.. 388 113 134 Busiest Corner, N. Y. City.. 81 Business Assns. ......194, 248-253 180 Boulevard, Gd. Concourse... 113 wealth 299 Cabinet, President's 385 Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Y. C., 101-108; Congression- al .107, 108 Bowling Records 582 Boxing .566, 583, 584 Boxing Clubs 327 son 291, 293 Caledonian Club, N. Y. 297 191 Calendar Mohammedan, 70; Daily, 71-73; Jewish or He- brew 70 Boycotting, Laws Against.. 175 Building Associations 172 Calendar, Political 507 Boy Scouts of America... 341 Boy Scouts, U. S..... 407 Building Dists. and Restric- Calendars for Taxpayers.. 469 474 Camp Fire Girls... 341 Boys', Bkln. Disc. Training School for 196 Bradford St. Hospital.....191, 453 376 Bridge and Tunnel Commis- Building Statistics, N. Y. C.. 475 Campers, Information for... 98 180 Camps, Day, Health Dept. 448, 449 376 180 431 Bridges, Dept. of (See Plant Buildings and Offices, Pub- 456 Bridges over E. River....472, 473 Buildings, Bureau of... 456 Bulgaria 376 Bureau for Collection of Ar- 274 Canadian Arctic Exped....... 379 British Cabinet 541 British Empire. 376 Broadway Assn., Mhtn.. 246 Bronx Bd. of Trade.. 246 rears for Personal Taxes... 447 446 Canvassers, N. Y. S. Bd. of. 430 79 446 Bronx Churches .354, 362 Bronx County Officials. 457 Bronx Gazeteer 91 Bronx Hospitals, Dispensaries and Asylums 212 Bronx Park 113 Bureau for Col. of Taxes.... 446 392 Carnegie Foundation ....254, 405 611 339 254 612 173 Bronx Parkway Com.. 431 Bureau of Attendance, Bd. of ༡༡༡ Bronx River Parkway Res- Cathedrals, N. Y. C. & L. I. 158 ervation 113 Bureau of Buildings. 456 Bronx Statistics .477, 478 Bronx Street Directory. .18-28 Bronx Vote, 1916.... .522-524 Bkin. Acad. of Music.. 285 Ekln., Altitude in... 493 Bu. of Charities, Bkln...... 195 448 Catholic Apost. Chs., Mhtn. 354 Legion...... 299 446 Cath. Church Statistics...147, 345 222 Mhtn. and Bronx, 360; Bu. of Contract Super'n.... 451 366 Bkln. Amat. Baseball League 581 dition of Poor.... Bkin. Bureau of Charities... 195 Bkin. Ekln. Bkin. City Miss. & Tr. Soc. 342 Bu. of Fire Ext'g'mt......462, 464 Bu. of Highways, N. Y. C... 455 Queens, 364; Richmond. Nassau 234 335 Catholic Women's Ben. Lgn.. 300 Bkin. City Prison.. 451 99 Bkn. Civic Club... .245, 322 Cemeteries, Natl. 405 Bkin. Club Ekin. College 122 428 Cemeteries of N. Y. City and .94, 95 Bkln. Coll, of Pharmacy 123 Bkln Colleges 122, 123 Census of Manufacturers, N. Y. City 83 Bkin. Com. of One Hundred. 245 Bkin. Disciplinary Training School for Boys... 196 Bkin. Eagle (See Eagle). Bkin. Eugenic Soc... 340 Bkln. Eye and Ear Hosp.... 191 Bkln. 464 Fire Dept... Arbit., State Ind. Com..... 428 & Census Police, N. Y. C... 85 446 Center of Population, U. S... 79 178 Central Branch, Y. M. C. A. 598 |