Imagens das páginas
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Arkansas bonds held in trust by the United States. Report of the
Secretary of the Treasury in relation to

Armories and arsenals during the year ending June 30, 1852. State-
ment of the principal operations at the United States.
Armories, arsenals, and depots. Report of the Colonel of Ordnance
in relation to the national

Army in 1852. Report of the General-in-Chief in relation to the
organization, general return, distribution of troops, number of
recruits, and general operations of the.

Army in 1852. Report of the Quartermaster General of the opera-
tions of the Quartermaster's department of the..

Army in 1852.

Report of the Paymaster General of the transactions
of the Pay department of the.

Army for 1852.

Army for 1852.

Army for 1852.

Army for 1852.
of the..

Army for 1852.

Report of the Commissary General of the
Report of the Surgeon General of the..

Report of the Colonel of Engineers of the..

Report of the Colonel of Topographical Engineers

Report of the Colonel of Ordnance of the

Arsenals and depots. Report on the condition, &c., of the United

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Arsenals and depots of arms on the Pacific, the Gulf, the southern At-

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lantic, and the northern Atlantic coasts. Report of the Colonel
of Ordnance relative to the establishment of permanent....
Arts and manufactures during the year 1852, (Part 1.) Report of the
operations of the Patent Office in relation to
Asylum in the District of Columbia. Report of the Secretary of the
Interior in relation to the establishment of a lunatic..
Asylum. Reports of an examination of the Blue Lick Springs, aud
other sites, with a view to the establishment of a western

Auditor of the Treasury Department, with a statement of the number
of disbursing officers and agents and quarter-yearly accounts
presented in each year ending September 30, 1850, 1851, and
1852, and the bureaus through which they were received. Re-
port of the Third ..........

Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department for the last
fiscal year, with information, under Senate resolution of 25th
March, respecting the statistics of said department. Report

of the

Austria. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the com-
mercial regulations of the government of....

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Bastrop grant in Louisiana. Report of the Commissioner of the
General Land Office in relation to certain classes of private
land claims within the ....

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Belgium. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the com-
mercial relations of the government of.....

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Blue Lick Springs, and other sites, with a view to the establishment

of a western military asylum. Report of the Secretary of War
communicating reports of an examination of the


Bonds held in trust by the United States. Report of the Acting Sec-
retary of the Treasury in relation to Arkansas..


[ocr errors][merged small]

Boundary between Mexico and the United States. Report of Com-
missioner Bartlett in relation to the

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Boundary of New Mexico. Report of the Secretary of the Interior
in relation to the..

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Boundary. Synoptical report of the survey of the Iowa and Minnesota.
Boundary between Wisconsin and Minnesota. Synoptical report of

the survey of the...






Boundary-line between the United States and Mexico. Report of the
Secretary of the Interior in relation to the commission appointed
to run and mark the

Boundary-line between the United States and Mexico. Message from
the President of the United States communicating information
in relation to the..

Boundary-line between the United States and Mexico. Report, in
answer to a call of the Senate for a copy of the report and
maps of survey between Indianola and El Paso, on the....
Boundary. (See Doc. No. 6, special session, March, 1853.) Report,
with papers, &c., in relation to the Mexican.

Brazil. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the commercial
relations of the government of

Brig General Armstrong. Award of the Emperor of France in the
case of the

British colony in Central America. Message from the President of
the United States in relation to the establishment of a new....
Britain to the Mosquito coast, Honduras or Yucatan. Correspond-
ence relating to the claim of Great
Britain. Message from the President of the United States in relation
to the postal convention between the United States and Great.
Britain on the subject of the fisheries, of reciprocal intercourse with
the British North American provinces, and the navigation of
the St. Lawrence, and the canals connected with it. Letter of
Mr. Everett, Secretary of State, relative to the negotiations
pending between the United States and Great..............
British minister on the subject of the inter-oceanic canal by the
Nicaragua route, and of the relations of Great Britain to the
protectorate of Mosquito. Letter from Mr. Everett, Secretary
of State, embodying the substance of recent communications
from the
Britain. Report of the Postmaster General, communicating a state-
ment from the Auditor of the Post Office Department rela-
tive to the postage collected under the postal treaty with

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Britain. Extracts of statutes, &c., relating to changes in the com-
mercial regulations of Great.




Buildings, accompanying the President's annual message, (Part 1.)
Report of the Architect of Public...

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Buildings, and materials thereof. Report of the Architect of Public
Buildings, with the report of Professor Johnson and others,
in relation to the wings of the Capitol and the Patent Office...
Bullion and coin imported and exported annually, with the amount of
excess of each over the other from 1821 to 1852.
of the amount of

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Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs. Report and de-
tailed estimates of the

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Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, including Hydrographic Office
and Naval Observatory, and Naval Academy. Report and de-
tailed estimates of the Chief of the

[blocks in formation]

Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks. Report and detailed estimates of
the Chief of the .......

[blocks in formation]

Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. Report and detailed estimates of
the Chief of the.....

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Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Report and detailed estimates of
the Chief of the....

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Bureaus of the Navy Department, called for by the resolution of 26th
August, 1852. Abstract or compendium of the reports of the
Chiefs of the.....

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Bureau of Yards and Docks, and an abstract of offers to furnish
articles under the cognizance of said bureau. List of con-
tracts entered into by the

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