Imagens das páginas
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B-Too much praise cannot be given to Mr. Mac. dy's performance of Virginius. I do not recollect to are ever witnessed an actor who entered more deeply the most exquisite feelings of his character. He bibited the finest parental traits-some strokes of such traordinary excellence as would require the utmost lectual flashes of the greatest talent to equal to almost impossible. Though that heroic fortiof soul, that sublimity of feeling, which pervaded classic characters of Mr. Kemble remains unrivalled, in Mr. Macready, we may hope to be requited for the loss of that great actor. A serious study of the ancient works of art, (I mean the Greek marbles, &c.) with their best dramatic poets, cannot be too strongly recommended to an actor who desires to excel; as it will impart dignified air and suitable grace to any character he may have to perform.

Sept, 22, 1820.

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Your obedient servant,


les, was the son of an eminent London citizen, who had ❘ partake of his meal. The little Negro soon reached his
instilled into his mind an early love of gain. On the voy-host, but Lazare not being able to climb, they threw down
age, they landed on the main coast of America; and the several pieces of fish, some raw and others dressed, which.
party having wandered up the country, were attacked he devoured most voraciously.-[With the kind aid of
by the natives, who slew most of them. Mr. Thomas these generous savages, Lazare contrived to get to Port
Inkle escaped, and throwing himself tired and breathless Spain, and the author thus finishes the story:1-The
on a little hillock, was discovered in that condition by an reader will be impatient to know how he recompensed
Indian maid, who became enamoured of him, hid him the slave who had saved his life: he will naturally fol-
in a neighbouring cave, carefully supplied all his wants, low him in his mind's eye, conducting the faithful Ne-
watched over his person day and night, and finally, at gro before a magistrate, to establish his freedom. Vain
his solicitation, abandoned her country and friends, and illusion! The infamous Lazare being in want of money,
went with him to Barbodoes. Mr. Thomas Inkle had a short time after sold this very Negro !-Description
scarcely get safe on shore, when he bethought him of of Venezuela, by M. Lavaysse: 1820.
the loss of time he had sustained, and the consequent
loss of money, and, without the least hesitation, he sold
his fond and faithful preserver to a Barbadoes planter,
making use of the poor girl's touching plea, that she
was with child by him, as a reason for saising his de-
mand upon the purchaser.



SIR, I observe that in this paper, as well as in the Mercury, there are always nuisances of different sorts complained of by your readers; and I am now going to name one which wants removing as much as any other, opinión, have not effected any reform. I allude to the but am sorry to observe that your kind insertions, in my

This story was founded on a fact, which is to be found in Digon's History of Barbadoes. It took place in 1647. Notwithstanding the general improvement of the world, we find an instance of depravity, almost as hideous, related in a recent publication, which has also some fea-improper practice of shopboys putting up their shutters tures in it that remind one of the Barbadian atrocity.

(See a Note to Correspondents.) M. Lezare, a native of Provence, and trader of Mar. SI1-I have already noticed Mr. Macready's first ap- tinico, in the beginning of the French revolution, but earance in Virginius. His subsequent efforts have since residing at Port Spain, embarked on board a Spamore creditable to him; and I could easily select nish launch of the Orinoco, which was to take him to wances in which he soared to a higher degree of ex- San Thome de Angostura. He carried a very consider ellence than his first exhibition would have justified me anticipating. I am, however, after a careful review able venture with him, and had a young Negro of 14 fall his performances, decidedly of opinion that his years old as his servant.-When the boat arrived at the merits have been grossly over-rated; and that, so far islets of the Orinoco, a Spanish sailor proposed to his om uniting in himself the perfections of Garrick and comrades to murder Lezare and his Negro, and seize on John Kemble, Mr. Macready will never make a perma Bert stand in any one character, with the performance of the cargo. As all the rest were not so ferocious as the ch the immortal Kean or Kemble are identified. author of the proposal, it was decided that Lezare should That he is in possession of considerable powers of voice, be left on one of those desert islets; and fearing that and that he gives particular passages of his author with great energy and truth is admitted; but that he will ever he might escape by swimming to some adjacent one, by be acknowledged superior to Garrick, Kean or Kemble, the Gouaroouns, they bound him to a cocoa tree-thus which he must be if he possess the perfections of the condemning him to die of hunger. When those monfirst and last-named of those celebrated actors, is an sters returned on board the boat, they deliberated on sertion so monstrous, an absurdity so glaring, that it could never have been thought of by any cool or im- what they should do with the young Negro, and it was partial observer, and would most assuredly never have decided that he should be drowned. He was therefore been even alluded to by me, if the pages of the Kaleido thown into the river: they also gave him some blows Scope had not been instrumental in spreading the delusion, by inserting the fulsome piece of rant to which I on the head with an oar, but these did not prevent him allude, and which first appeared in the London Courier, from diving and swimming to the islet on which his quarter which I should think must appear somewhat master had been left; fortunately the darkness of the suspicious to the respectable editor of the Liverpool Mer-night hindered them from seeing him when he reached Car and Kaleidoscope. The best that can be truly said of Mr. Macready, is the shore. At day-break the little Negro roamed about that which I said of him in my last he is a good second- the island, and at length discovered his master, whom rate actor; by which I mean, that he enacts first-rate he supposed to be dead, fastened to the tree. Lazare's sharacters in a second-rate styles and second rate cha- joy and surprise on this unexpected sight of his servant racters in nearly a first-rate style. If I had wanted any other authority besides the evidence of my own eyes, may be readily imagined. The cord which bound him ears, and judgment, I have it in the fact, that out of having been untied, his first expression of gratitude was seven characters in which this actor has appeared, three a positive promise of liberty to his slave. They next of them, that is to say Gambia, Henri, and Sir Reginald Front de Boeuf, were certainly not above second-rate, and went in search of some food to satisfy their hunger; but one of the others was in, a new play, which consequently perceiving traces of human footsteps, Lazare, shivering prevented the possibility of comparison. The remain with fear, spoke to his Negro of people who roast and eat ng three were MACBETH, OTHELLO, and RICHARD, in none of which was he able to make a favourable immen. After mature deliberation, they determined that presion, when compared with performances of less ce- from the certainty in which they were of starving, or of lebrity than those of Kemble, Kean, and Cooke. It is not being able to escape, they might as well go and from pleasant to make these allusions; but if I no- meet the man-eaters. Following the track, they soon tice Mr. Macready, I must make them. "His mis-heard human voices; and a little after saw men perched judging friends" force them on every one who witnesses his performances. up in the trees, in a species of nest proportioned to their sizes.—“Come, come,” said a Gouarooun to Lazare, looking at him from his roost. "Heavens !" cried the the Provencal, who understood Spanish," they want to eat us." "No, Massa,” replied the little Negro, who


G. N.


Our readers, doubtless, all recollect the story of Irkle had some knowledge of the English language, they and Yarico, so simply and pathetically told by Steel in are only calling to us." The Gouarooun soon put an the 11th No. of the Spectator. Mt. Thomas Inkle, aged end to their anxiety by showing them two large pieces of 20 years, bound to Barbadoes in the good ship the Achil-fish, and inviting them by signs to climb up the tree and

in a very careless manner: some come running out of the shops with them, and when they have struck or frightened you with them they say very impudently take care," when their notice is too late; others draw them upon a roller out of their cellars, to do which they occupy the whole breadth of the parapet, and thus annoy for ten minutes. Now as it is improper to complain the passengers (and perhaps their master's customers) and not name a remedy, I propose the following: that those who bring their shutters through the shops, bring them all at once and those who have to draw them out them up; by which the street passengers would not be of their cellars, draw them out all at once, and then put annoyed above a minute or two, instead of more than ten, and less liable to receive insults from the shopboys. Yours, &c.


W. J.

SIR, As you have adopted the motto of "Utile dulce" for your miscellany, and have generally adhered science which you appear to have overlooked: what I to it, I beg to suggest to your attention a department of allude to, Sir, is the Curing and preservation of diffeThis I find very satisfactorily elucidated rent animals." merely a compilation from other works, I should ima in a late work, entitled "Taxidermy," which beinggine you had a full right to make use of. At all events, an attention to this interesting subject will, to my certain knowledge, add essentially to the pleasure which many of my friends feel in the perusal of your interesting miscellany. Everton, Sept. 9.


Scientific Records.

(Continued from our former papers.)

A new mineral earth has been lately found in Corsica, thought to be impregnated with particles of gold. By chemical operation, vases have been made of it, for table services, and it is found to vie in colour and lustre with the finest vermillion. The name of Corsicarum has been given to it; it has the property of not discolouring white stuffs, which is not always the case with gold, the most purified and refined.

A Mr. Durham, of Paris, has invented a mode of roller over the tympan. A boy, we are told," may maprinting by which the pressure is conveyed by an iron nage the press.


The leaves of the elder-tree are often put into the subteraneous paths of moles, to drive them from the garden : to them: an infusion of these leaves is good to sprinkle green leaves of the elder branches, insects will not attach over rose-buds, and other flowers subject to blights and the devastation of catterpillars.

fruit-trees, flowering shrubs, &c. be whipped with the



The following observations, on the distance at which mountains, have been seen, possess considerable inAuthorities. Dis. in miles. Himalaya Mountains .Sir W. Jones. 241 Mount Ararat, from Derbend...

Mowna Roa, Sandwich Isles

(55 leagues)...

Chimborazo (47 leagues)...

Peak of Teneriffe from S.

·Cape of Quanzerota


Ditto from ship's deck......


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Excuse this digression, Mr. Editor, my heart overflows, and I must relieve it. But to proceed. No sooner had I gazed upon her, than I darted like lightning from the spot, unwilling to trust my eyes with another glance at one who had already made such an inroad upon my affections. But the mischief, alas! was accomplished, and I might have remained for an age without experiencing any addition to my present suf240 ferings. I hurried on at a rapid pace, without knowing whither I was bending my steps, until I discovered that 180 I had knocked at the wrong door, and had actually 160 walked into the house of a neighbour, where the family, seated at the dinner table, were eyeing me (as well they 135 might) with looks of utter astonishment. After stam115 mering out a number of bungling excuses for my un126 intentional intrusion, my cheeks at the same time 100 glowing like a furnace, I'made my retreat, and suc100 ceeded at last, more by accident than anything else, in 95 reaching my own dwelling, which I no sooner entered, than I threw myself on the sofa, and endeavoured to collect my scattered ideas, making use of every effort in my power to compose myself: but all in vain. The shaft of Love had struck too deeply into my susceptible heart, and bade defiance to every attempt at consolation. Thus, Mr. Editor, have I candidly stated to you the circumstances of my deplorable situation, and I beseech, nay, implore you to suggest something or other for my relief, or I shall be ultimately obliged to have recourse to that never-failing specific invented by Dean Swift, and so strongly recommended in the 3d number of your present series. GULIELMUS.






The last six observations, and that of the Peak of Teneriffe, were made by a writer in the Calcutta Monthly Journal. An example of a brig being seen in Scotland, at the distance of 95 or 100 miles, by Captain Cobley, will be found in the Edinburgh Philosophial Jour. Vol. 1, p. 411.


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A woman, twenty-four years of age, wishing to induce vomiting, introduced the handle of a silver fork P.S. Since writing the above, a thought has just into her throat, which excited such a strong contraction struck me, that by giving a correct description of my of the œsophagus, that the fork was drawn out of her person, the lady in question might retain some recolhand, and passed into the stomach, where it remained lection of me, and perhaps be inclined to favour my three months, without occasioning any other inconve- suit. I am a fine-looking well-made man, about 5 feet nience than a sense of weight. The prong end of the 11 inches high, dark hair, eyes, and eyebrows, black fork would be felt about two inches above the umbi-whiskers and aquiline nose, with rather a melancholy licus: the other extremity appeared to be under the cast of countenance, but nevertheless possessing a fine liver. After three months had elapsed, however, pain florid complexion, and just entering into my twentyand vomiting, with progressive emaciation, swelling in fifth year. Had on, at the time of meeting with the the garstric region, &c. were developed; and 229 days fair incognita, a blue coat, drab-coloured trowsers, and after the accident, M. Cayroche performed the opera- Wellington boots. tion of gastrotomy. An incision, two inches in length, over the most prominent part of the tumour, laid open he cavity of the abdomen to that extent. The stomach was then opened into, and the fork easily extracted. The wound was properly dressed; no sinister accident occurred; and the patient was perfectly recovered by the twentieth day from the operation, nor has she since that time experienced any inconvenience.

* Operation de Gastrotomie; par M. Cayroche, M. D. a Mendes.-Vide Journal General de Medicine, for January, 1820.


Biographical Notices.


Perhaps it is not generally known that the bones of this great man repose in the new Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, at Havanna, where the following inscription is placed:

"The highly distinguished hero, Christopher ColumSIR-I am extremely sorry to perceive by this day's bus, by his singular skill in nautical science, opened to all, Kaleidoscope, your intention of withdrawing your a way that had, before, been shut against all. He added services as CUPID'S BROKER, particularly at this moa region of the greatest wealth to Castile and her King mentous period, when I stand so much in need of your To the three parts of the globe he subjected a fourth, valuable assistance. Mine, Mr. Editor, is one of the most lamentable cases that could possibly have befallen Hispaniola. But, alas! after having explored almost any person in my situation. Unlike the inamorata all the Lucayos and Antilles Islands, and returned a of your correspondent, (a young Bachelor) the dear fourth time to Spain, he died at Valadolid, worn out by object of my affections carried no parcel, and I am therefore fearful that I shall find it a difficult task to grief, gout, and toil, on the 18th day of May, 1506. convey my sentiments, through the medium of your His body was delivered for keeping, to the Carthusians, instructive miscellany, to the identical fair one. But, of Seville, that it might be conveyed, at a convenient to the statement of my case. It was on Saturday even-time, to the metropolitan church of Hispaniola. For ing last, about half-past four o'clock, as I was passing through St. Anne-street, on my way to dinner, that I was struck with admiration and astonishment at the sight of one of the most lovely forms I ever beheld, walking a few yards before me. My curiosity was raised to the highest pitch, and I quickened my pace, determined, though perhaps at the expense of good breeding to catch a glimpse, of her features. If my attention was before attracted by the beautiful symmetry of her sylph-like figure, judge what were my sensations on beholding the loveliest expression of countenance ever cast in the mould of perfection.

Ab! unhappy Gulielmus! Why didst thou, for a moment's idle curiosity sacrifice thy peace of mind for ever? Why didst thou-but enough-the die is cast, and thou must submit to thy fate with patience and resignation.

he had so willed, and it was so done. But now, that
his bones may no longer lie in ground which is not
Spanish, they have been removed, after a lapse of nearly
two centuries, to this new Cathedral of the Virgin,
Mary, of immaculaie conception, and duly buried on
the 17th day of January, 1796. The city of Havanna,
mindful of the merits of so great a man, in relation to
herself, and cherishing, at this expected time, his pre-
cious remains, has erected this monument, and con-
ducted the whole funeral at her own expense. Uuder
the civil administration of Philip Transpalac, and Ver-
dij, and during the military command of Luodovico de

las Casas."

To Correspondents.

THEATRICAL CRITIQUES.-We should as soon think of accomplishing the perpetual motion, or discovering the long-sought philosopher's stone, as expect by any human arrangement to give general satisfaction; we are therefore not at all surprised that we should be t earnestly pressed to continue this subject, by one class of readers, as we are solicited by another class, either to suspend our dramatic notices altogether, or to de vote a smaller portion of our columns to a subject which is represented by them as of partial interest only, Estimating the drama highly ourselves, combining the utile dulci more than almost any other species of recreation, all we can prevail upon ourselves to do for the present, in order to reconcile the com tending parties, is to prescribe for the future rather more confined limits to the subject; and for this rea son, we must defer until next week the letter of BRA MATICUS, in order to give place to that of G. N., with whom we differ so much in opinion that we canned suppress the expression of that dissent, lest, as sence is sometimes construed into consent, we should be come identified with opinions so very much in oppon sition to our own. It must be obvious, that in this, as in former communications of G. N., Mr. Macready's name is seldom introduced unless accompanied by a detracting sneer, very much misplaced when applied to a gentleman, who, in the estimation of some who are no mean judges, ranks very high in his profession In our judgments, confirmed by each visit we have paid to the theatre, during his engagement here, Mr. Macready combines almost every requisite for the stage, in a very unusual degree; his conception is classical and correct; his action dignified and graceful without apparent effort; and, to crown all, his powers of voice surpass those of any actor we recollect to have heard; it is sweet and powerful, and, when occasion requires it, so pathetic, as to affect the audience in an unusual degree, and to bring tears even from us, προ are" unused to the melting mood."

We thank AMICUS for the anecdotes, and the accompa
nying inquiry. The former shall appear in an carr
number: the latter is not so much in conformity with
the plan and spirit of the Kaleidoscope..

A LOVER OF THE DRAMA must pardon our free
in merely hinting that some little proficiency in read
ing and writing is, in our judgment, essential to for
the critic. It may be an old-fashioned notion, but
we cannot divest ourselves of its propriety.
The story communicated by P. is very acceptable.

We have returned the journal of our friend R. but
tain the maxims for early insertion.

POETRY.-We have this week laid aside some of er: correspondents' offerings in this department; in order to admit some extracts from what we regard as most extraordinary compositions, when the circumstatis of the author are taken into consideration. We speak of a volume of poems by a common sailor, lately pub lished, some of which would scarcely suffer by comparison with Byron, Moore, or Falconer.


Further favours.-XVII-A FRIEND.-Z. O.; and
CRITICUS, have been received.

Printed, published, and sold
Liverpool Mercury Office.
Sold also by John Bywater and Co. Pool-lane: Messrs
Evans, Chegwin and Hall, Castle-street; Mr. Thos
Smith, Paradise-street; Mr. Warbrick, Publ
Library, Lime-street; Mr. G. P. Day, Newsman
Dale-street; Mr. Lamb, Hanover-street; and M
John Smith, St. James's-road, for ready money only

Messrs. J. K. Johnson & Co. No. 1, Eden Quay, Lowe



Literary and Scientific Mirror.

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The Gleaner.

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wore a broad skirted fustian coat, per- all kinds of sport that required either paplexed with half a hundred pockets; a pair tience or adroitness, and had not angled

“I am but a gatherer and disposer of other men's of stout shoes, and leathern gaiters; a bas- above half an hour, before I had completely





Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.



This day, dame Nature seemed in love,
The lusty sap began to move,

ket slung on one side for fish; a patent" satisfied the sentiment," and convinced rod; a landing net, and a score of other myself of the truth of Izaak Walton's opiinconveniences, only to be found in the nion, that angling is something like poetry, true anglers's armoury. Thus harnessed a man must be born to it. I hooked myself for the field, he was as great a matter of instead of the fish; tangled my line in every stare and wonderment among the country tree; lost my bait; broke my rod; until I folk, who had never seen a regular angler, gave up the attempt in despair, and passed as was the steel-clad hero of La Mancha the day under the trees, reading old Izaak; among the goatherds of the Sierra Morena. satisfied that it was his fascinating vein of Our first essay was along a mountain honest simplicity and rural feeling that brook, among the highlands of the Hudson; had bewitched me, and not the passion for a most unfortunate place for the execution angling. My companions, however, were of those piscatory tactics which had been more persevering in their delusion. I have invented along the velvet margins of quiet them at this moment before my eyes, stealEnglish rivulets. It was one of those wild ing along the border of the brook, where it streams that lavish, among our romantic lay open to the day, or was merely fringed solitudes, unheeded beauties, enough to fill by shrubs and bushes. I see the bittern the sketch-book of a hunter of the pic- rising with hollow scream as they break in turesque. Sometimes it would leap down upon his rarely invaded haunt; the kingIt is said that raany an unlucky urchin is rocky shelves, making small cascades, over fisher watching them suspiciously from his induced to run away from his family, and which the trees threw their broad balancing dry tree that overhangs the deep black betake himself to a seafaring life, from sprays, and long nameless weeds hung in mill-pond, in the gorge of the hills; the reading the history of Robinson Crusoe; fringes from the impending banks, dripping tortoise letting himself slip sideways from and I suspect that, in like manner, many with diamond drops. Sometimes it would off the stone or log on which he is sunning of those worthy gentlemen, who are given brawl and fret along a ravine in the matted himself; and the panic-struck frog plumpto haunt the sides of pastoral streams with shade of a forest, filling it with murmurs; ing in headlong as they approach, and angle rods in hand, may trace the origin of and after this termagant career, would steal spreading an alarm throughout the watery their passion to the seductive pages of ho- forth into open day with the most placid world around.

Fresh juice did stir th' embracing vines,
And birds had drawn their valentines.
The jealous trout that low did lie,
Rose at a well dissembled flie,
There stood my friend, with patient skill,
Attending of his trembling quill.
Sir H. Wotton.

nest Izaak Walton. I recollect studying demure face imaginable; as I have seen I recollect also, that, after toiling and his "Complete Angler" several years since, some pestilent shrew of a housewife, after watching and creeping about for the greater in company with a knot of friends in Ame-filling her home with uproar and ill humour, part of a day, with scarcely any success, in rica, and moreover that we were all com- come dimpling out of doors, swimming and spite of all our admirable apparatus, a lubpletely bitten with the angling mania. It curtseying, and smiling upon all the world. berly country urchin came down from the was early in the year; but as soon as the How smoothly would this vagrant brook hills with a rod made from a branch of a weather was auspicious, and that the spring glide, at such times, through some bosom tree; a few yards of twine; and, as heaven began to melt into the verge of summer, of green meadow land among the moun- shall help me! I believe a crooked pin for we took rod in hand and sallied into the tains; where the quiet was only interrupted a hook, baited with a vile earth worm, and Country, as stark mad as was ever Don by the occasional tinkling of a bell from in half an hour caught more fish than we Quixote from reading books of chivalry. the lazy cattle among the clover, or the had had nibbles throughout the day! One of our party had equalled the Don sound of a woodcutter's axe from the neighin the fullness of his equipments; being bouring forest. attired cap-a-pie for the enterprize. He

For my part, I was always a bungler at

But above all, I recollect the "good, honest, wholesome, hungry" repast, which we ousness to the encreasing and sparing of

made under a beech tree just by a spring of pure sweet water that stole out of the side of a hill; and how, when it was over, one of the party read old Izaak Walton's scene with the milkmaid, while I lay on the grass and built castles in a bright pile of clouds, until I fell asleep. All this may appear like mere egotism, yet I cannot refrain from uttering these recollections, which are passing like a strain of music over my mind and have been called up by an agreeable scene which I witnessed not long since.

He had been much of a rambler in his day; and had passed some years of his youth in America, particularly in Savannah,

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your money only, but principally for your solace and to cause the helth of your body and specyally of your soule."* I thought that I could perceive in the where he had entered into trade and had veteran angler before me an exemplification | been ruined by the indiscretion of a partner. of what I had read; and there was a cheerful He had afterwards experienced many ups contentedness in his looks that quite drew and downs in life, until he got into the me towards him. I could not but remark navy, where his leg was carried away by a the gallant manner in which he stumped cannon ball, at the battle of Camperdown. from one part of the brook to another; This was the only stroke of really good førwaving his rod in the air, to keep the line tune he had ever experienced, for it ga from dragging on the ground, or catching him a pension, which, together with some among the bushes; and the adroitness with small paternal property, brought him in a In a morning's stroll along the banks of which he would throw his fly to any parti- revenue of nearly forty pounds. On this the Alun, a beautiful little stream which cular place; sometimes skimming it lightly he retired to his native village, where he flows down from the Welsh hills and throws along a little rapid; sometimes cast it into lived quietly and independently, and deitself into the Dee, my attention was at- one of those dark holes made by a twisted voted the remainder of his life to the "notracted to a group seated on the margin. root or overhanging bank, in which the ble art of angling." On approaching, I found it to consist of a large trout are apt to lurk. In the mean- I found that he had read Izaak Walton veteran angler and two rustic disciples. while he was giving instructions to his two attentively, and he seemed to have imbibed The former was an old fellow with a wooden disciples; showing them the manner in which all his simple frankness and prevalent good leg, with clothes very much but very care- they should handle their rods, fix their humour. Though he had been sorely buf fully patched, betokening poverty, honestly flies, and play them along the surface of the feted about the world, he was satisfied that come by, and decently maintained. His stream. The scene brought to my mind the world, in itself, was good and beautiful.. face bore the marks of former storms, but the instructions of the sage Piscator to his Though he had been as roughly used in dif present fair weather; its furrows had been scholar. The country around was of that ferent countries as a poor sheep, that is worn into an habitual smile; his iron-grey pastoral kind which Walton is fond of de- fleeced by every hedge and thicket, yet he locks hung about his ears, and he had scribing. It was a part of the great plain spoke of every nation with candour and altogether the good-humoured air of a of Cheshire, close by the beautiful vale of kindness, appearing to look only on the constitutional philosopher, who was dis- Gessford, and just where the inferior good side of things; and above all, he was posed to take the world as it went. One Welsh hills begin to swell up from among almost the only man I had ever met with, of his companions was a ragged wight, with fresh sweet-smelling meadows. The day, who had been an unfortunate adventure? the skulking look of an arrant poacher, too, like that recorded in his work, was in America, and had honesty and magnani and I'll warrant could find his way to mild and sunshiny; with now and then amity enough, to take the fault to his own any gentleman's fish-pond in the neigh-soft dropping shower, that sowed the whole door, and not to curse the country. The bourhood in the darkest night. The other earth with diamonds. lad that was receiving his instructions was a tall, awkward, country lad, with a I soon fell into conversation with the old learnt was the son and heir apparent da lounging gait, and apparently somewhat of angler, and was so much entertained, that, fat old widow who kept the village inn, and a rustic beau. The old man was busied under pretext of receiving instructions in and of course a youth of some expectation, examining the maw of a trout which he had his art, I kept company with him almost and much courted by the idle, gentlemanjnst killed, to discover by its contents what the whole day; wandering along the banks like personages of the place. In taking insects were seasonable for bait; and was of the stream, and listening to his talk. He him under his care, therefore, the old man lecturing on the subject to his companions, was very communicative, having all the easy had probably an eye to a privileged corner who appeared to listen with infinite defe-garrulity of cheerful old age; and I fancy in the tap-room, and an occsional cup ef rence. I have a kind feeling towards all was a little flattered by having an opportu- cheerful ale free of expense. "brothers of the angle," ever since I read nity of displaying his piscatory lore; for Izaak Walton. They are men, he affirms, who does not like now and then to play the of a "mild, sweet and peaceable spirit;" and my esteem for them has been encreased since I met with an old "Tretyse of fishing with the Angle," in which are set forth many of the maxims of their inoffensive

fraternity. «Take good hede," sayth this honest little tretyse, "that in going about your disportes ye open no man's gates but that ye shet them again. Also ye shall not use this forsayd crafti disport for no covet


There is certainly somewhat in angling, if we could forget, which anglers are apt to do, the cruelties and tortures inflicted on worms and insects, that tends to produce gentleness of spirit, and a pure serenity of mind. As the English are methodical even

▪ From this same treatise, it would appear that ang-
ling is a more industrious and devout employment than
it is generally considered." For when ye purpose to
catly many persons with you, which might let you tific of sportsmen, it has been reduced
go on your disportes in fishynge ye will not desyre in their recreations, and are the most scien-
of your game. And that ye may serve God devoutly in among them to perfect rule and system.
sayinge effectually your customable prayers. And thus Indeed it is an amusement peculiarly adap
ed to the mild and highly cultivated scenery
of England, where every roughness has

doying, ye shall eschew and also avoyde many vices, as
ydlenes, which is principall cause to induce man to
many other vices, as is right well known."

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en softened away from the landscape. Jed with kitchen herbs, and adorned with a How comforting it is to see a cheerful tis delightful to saunter along those limpid few flowers. The whole front of the cot- and contented old age; and to behold a reams which wander, like veins of silver, tage was overrun with a honeysuckle. On poor fellow, like this, after being tempest rough the bosom of this beautiful coun- the top was a ship for a weathercock. The tost through life, safely moored in a snug ; leading one through a diversity of interior was fitted up in a truly nautical and quiet harbour in the evening of his His happiness, however, sprung mall home scenery; sometimes winding style, his ideas of comfort and convenience days.

rough ornamented grounds; sometimes having been acquired on the birth-deck of from within himself, and was independent imming along through rich pasturage, a man-of-war. A hammock was slung from of external circumstances; for he had Chere the fresh green is mingled with sweet the ceiling, which, in the day-time was that inexhaustible good nature, which is the melling flowers; sometimes venturing in lashed up so as to take but little room. most precious gift of heaven; spreading csght of villages and hamlets; and then run- From the centre of the chamber hung a itself like oil over the troubled sea of dering capriciously away into shady retire- model of a ship of his own workmanship. thought, and keeping the mind smooth and ougments. The sweetness and serenity of na- Two or three chairs, a table, and a large equable in the roughest weather. undsure, and the quiet watchfulness of the sport, sea chest, formed the principal moveables. On inquiring further about him, I learnt liage, gradually bring on pleasant fits of musing; About the walls were stuck up naval bal- that he was a universal favourite in the vilendi hich are now and then agreeably inter- lads, such as Admiral Hosier's Ghost, All lage, and the oracle of the tap-room; where ife trupted by the song of a bird; the distant in the Downs, and Tom Bowling, inter- he delighted the rustics with his songs, and, histle of the peasant; or perhaps the mingled with pictures of sea fights, among like Sindbad, astonished them with his stoIvagary of some fish, leaping out of the still which the battle of Camperdown held a ries of strange lands, and shipwrecks, and dwater, and skimming transiently about its distinguished place. The mantle-piece was sea-fights. He was much noticed too by pret gassy surface. "When I would beget decorated with sea shells; over which hung gentlemen sportsmen of the neighbourhood; et Content," says Izaak Walton, "and in- a quadrant, flanked by two wood-cuts of had taught several of them the art of angCrease confidence in the power and wisdom most bitter looking naval commanders. His ling; and was a privileged visitor to their and and providence of Almighty God, I will implements for angling were carefully dis-kitchens. The whole tenor of his life was yalk the meadows by some gliding stream, posed on nails and hooks about the room. quiet and inoffensive, being principally bead there contemplate the lilies that take On a shelf was arranged his library, cono care, and those very many other little taining a work on angling, much worn'; a sing creatures that are not only created, bible covered with canvas; an odd volume on but fed (man knows not how) by the good or two of voyages; a nautical almanack; ness of the God of nature, and therefore and a book of songs. er trust in him."


- I cannot forbear to give another quotaandtion from one of those ancient champions of angling which breathes the same innocent and happy spirit:

Let me live harmlessly, and near the brink
Of Treat or Avon have a dwelling-place;
Where I may see my quill, or cork, down sink,
With eager bite of pike, or bleak, or dace;
And on the world and my Creator think:
Whilst some men strive ill-gotten goods t'embrace;
And others spend their time in base exces
Of wine, or worse, in war or wantonness:

Let them that will, these pastimes still pursue,
And on such pleasing fancies feed their fill;
So I the fields and meadows green may view,
And daily by fresh rivers walk at will,

Among the daisies and the violets blue,

Red hyacinth and yellow daffodil.-J. Davors.

passed about the neighbouring streams when the weather and season were favourable; at other times he employed himself at home, preparing his fishing tackle for the next campaign, or manufacturing rods, nets, and flies for his patrons and pupils among the gentry.

His family consisted of a large black cat with one eye, and a parrot which he had caught and tamed, and educated himself, in He was a regular attendant at church on the course of one of his voyages; and which Sundays, though he generally fell asleep uttered a variety of sea phrases with the during the sermon. He had made it his hoarse brattling tone of a veteran boat-particular request that when he died he The establishment reminded me should be buried in a green spot, which he of that of the renowned Robinson Crusoe; could see from his seat in church, and it was kept in neat order, every thing being which he had marked out ever since he was "stowed away" with the regularity of aa boy, and had often thought of when far ship of war; and he informed me that he "scowred the deck every morning, and swept it between meals."


from home on the raging sea, in danger of being food for fishes; it was the spot where his father and mother had been buried.—I I found him seated on a bench before the have done, for I fear that my reader is door, smoking his pipe in the soft evening growing weary; but I could not refrain sunshine. His cat was purring soberly on from drawing the picture of this worthy the threshold, and his parrot describing «brother of the angle;" who has made me On parting with the old angler I enquir- some strange evolutions in an iron ring that more than ever in love with the theory, ed after his place of abode, and happening swung in the centre of his cage. He had though I fear I shall never be adroit in the to be in the neighbourhood of the village a been angling all day, and gave me a history practice of his art and I will conclude this few evenings afterwards, I had the curiosity of his sport with as much minuteness as a rambling sketch, in the words of honest to seek him out. I found him living in a general would talk over a campaign; being Izaak Walton, by craving the blessing of small cottage, containing only one room, particularly animated in relating the manner St. Peter's master upon my reader, "and a perfect curiosity in its method and in which he had taken a large trout, which arrangement. It was on the skirts of the had completely tasked all his skill and wariage, on a green bank, a little back from ness, and which he had sent as a trophy to the road, with a small garden in front, stock-mine hostess of the Inn,



upon all that are true lovers of virtue; and dare trust in his providence; and be quiet; and go a angling."

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