Imagens das páginas

with Mr. Andrews and Mr. Mercer, were a credit
to their parts; the two former, especially, are, I
think, making rapid improvements.

ator, on account of his youth. In the next engage-ceedingly well. Mr. Bass and Mr. Younge, together | weigh a feather with me. To those who are disposed to ent, his intrepidity and courage could not be rerained, and scarcely equalled; in spite of the prayers End entreaties of his officers, he exposed his person to much danger as the common soldier. By this eans, he not only inspired his men with admiration ad love for his person, but was the means of infusing surage throughout the whole army, which was aniated by his example.-From the Percy Anecdotes.

The Drama.



However, a powerful alloy to the pleasure I experienced this evening, was the comparatively small audience. I was, in fact, astonished that a performer of such ability, merit, and celebrity as Mr. Vandenhoff (on his first appearance in a character) should not attract a more crowded and splendid audience, especially in the spirited and enlightened town of Liverpool. Had a meteor from the South been to make an appearance, there is little doubt but there would have been a crowded and a splendid audience: the reason of this is too difficult for me to define. The performers of Liverpool are, I think, a credit to the place, and merit more encouragement. Your constant reader,

24th October, 1820.

J. H.

cavil about the propriety of my present address, I have only to remark, that whenever the poor players have neglected their duty to us, your pages can testify that they have not been spared: and shall we forget what we owe to them, without having the circumstance even once whispered in our ears? This would be very reasonable indeed, and quite in conformity with the fashion of the times! O tempora, O mores!

I sat down with an intention to attempt something in the shape of a critique on Virginius, which was acted tion of vacant boxes, with their dreary concomitants, has on Monday evening last; but the mortifying recollechitherto maintained the ascendancy; and the conviction of my total inability to do justice to the extraordinary powers displayed by Mr. Vandenhoff in the part of Virginius, now weighs so heavily on my mind, that I know not how to proceed. Yet, proceed I must, "for I am nothing if I am not critical!" Save occasionally, SIR,-On Monday evening last, I had the pleasure during the two first acts, Mr. Vandenhoff never once of witnessing Mr. Vandenhoff's performance in the reminded us of the actor; we saw nothing but the Roman: not the ideal creature of Mr. Knowles's imagiharacter of Virginius. I did not see the Magnus nation, but the identical Virginius of whom we read in pollo in that character, and therefore I cannot TO THE EDITOR. history. We participated of all his feelings; wept with idge of the relative merits of the parties; however, him, rejoiced with him, were afflicted with him, and om what I have seen of Mr. Macready, I am very almost mad with him. We witnessed the pleasures, SIR,-The theatrical department of the Kaleidoscope r from coinciding with your correspondent, G. N. ir. Macready is certainly a first-rate actor; and has latterly been conducted with such distinguished abi- the magnanimity, the sorrows, the indignation, the stly entitled to a niche in the Temple of Fame:lity, that I scarcely can prevail upon myself to trouble mental aberration, of a Roman, and a Roman's death. you with any further remarks of my own; indeed, I had We beheld a Roman citizen, a Roman father, a Roman ll, in my opinion, Mr. Vandenhoff is second to determined to abstain from every thing of the kind in soldier, and a man who had concentrated in himself me, and I have little doubt (if you saw his per- future, having observed with pleasure, that the subject knew no such person as Mr. Vandenhoff. I have often every Roman virtue. In the presence of Virginius, we emance on Monday evening, allowing for its being had fallen into far abler hands. Much, however, as first appearance in that character) but that you despair of being aided by either the unassuming elo- seen what has pleased me for the moment, and what I ll agree with me. His figure had a most noble quence of T. Q.; the sterling, irrefragable solidity of thought would not soon be effaced from "the tablet of my memory:" these, however, are now forgotten; but d dignified appearance. He has a good command G. N.; or the arch and playful, yet rich and splendid, so long as memory holds a seat within the volume of voire, and makes a fine and affecting transition vivacity of Clio: fearful that none may be found hardy my brain," the remembrance of Mr. Vandenhoff's Virm the boldness of an enraged hero, to the mellow enough to combat the odious, illiberal, and foolish pre-ginius, will there be registered. judice which has long been a disgraceful characteristic thos and melting softness of a doating father of our town, I once again appear before you, as the ad-ced in my last, relative to "the other performers, who is attitudes were frequently truly grand, and exvocate of justice; with this infallible conductress for ed the passions as much as an oration of Cicero. my guide, it is only necessary to tell "a plain, unvar- appeared in this piece." is interview with Virginia in the second act, exhi-nished tale;" religiously observing the charitable and ts some of the finest and most exquisite touches truly christian-like injunction of him we all admire: genuine Nature I ever beheld. In the same act,

here be says

Thou seest that hand? 'Tis sworn to liberty. Of honour.

Stop, Icilius!

It is a Roman's boy;
It is the friend


"Nothing extenuate,

"Nor set down aught in malice."

I have no reason to retract one iota of what I advan-
Mrs. M'Gibbon is indeed


Liverpool, 28th Oct. 1820.



26th October, 1820.


I. P.

Among the laudable endeavours of our Managers to amuse and gratify a fickle, I had almost said an ungrateSIR,- From the very great success which attended ful, public, none are more praiseworthy than their ef- the amateur performance for the benefit of the pubforts to procure, from London, the annual visits of what are usually denominated stars; though I question whe-lic charities, that took place at the Theatre Royal dere he makes a masterly display of an exalted and ther the treasury be ultimately much benefited thereby. about three years since, I am anxious to know if it independent soul, that scorns a mercenary act. That we should wish to see these ycleped luminaries is be in contemplation to have another, after the close When he is taking his leave of Virginia and prepar. natural enough, and it is true they sometimes shed a of the present season; feeling satisfied, that were ing for the camp; this scene has a powerful effect, lustre on our stage, that warms while it dazzles; but they our worthy managers solicited for the use of the and is exceedingly well performed. When he is seldom emit such overwhelmingly resplendent beams, Theatre, that we could find a most respectable body mourning over his murdered Dentatus, and it is as to operate, when looked upon, like the piercing and of young gentlemen, who would volunteer their atimated that there are ill tidings from him; his scorching rays of the sun, by making us blind to the services for that evening, on so laudable an occasion. merits of our own performers. Yet such is the ridiculous ction, when he says, "I am prepared," is, in fact, absurdity of these enlightened times, that it would be Hoping to have a reply on the subject, I am, Sir, Yours, respectfully, ublime: but when he is informed that his dear, his quite unfashionable to visit the theatre, unless the playovely Virginia has been dragg'd to the Forum, and bills were graced, and that too in extra large characters, exposed to the eyes of Rome, the contending pas- with the name of some metropolitan prodigy. There are non of rage, revenge, and paternal affection mock certain members of the "old Drury," and Covent Garden description. His arrival just in time to conduct family, whom I have long known and admired; and, thereVirginia to the Forum, is a scene that would melt fore, in order to be fashionable, I must, of course, loathe he heart of stern Vulcan himself. The Forum, and despise every son and daughter of the illegitimate race in Williamson-square! "Throw" fashion to the dogs. However, is the grand climax. His rage and irony, I'll none of it." With some few exceptions, our corps when he addresses the woman that is to give evi- dramatique, united, are stronger of themselves than when lence against Virginia; likewise, when he addresses any of their situations are filled by London substitutes; Claudius, “She is mine," &c. &c.; then immedi- still, preposterous as it may seem, the mere fact of an tely his return of overflowing fondness for his Vir-actor or actress coming from the metropolis, will often pinia; his beseeching Appius Claudius for one noment longer, &c. were all executed in the first style of excellence. The prison scene, where he asks Appius for his daughter, and says, "Were I to thrust my hand into thy bosom," &c. has a very fine and imposing effect. In short, he performed throughout the whole, I think, in the first style of Excellence. I cannot remember any defects; and, f there were any, they were of that animalcule sort, hat cannot be descried, except by the microscopic ye of prejudice.

I am wholly at a loss how to confer on Mrs. I'Gibbon her just meed of praise. She is a most xcellent and truly admirable performer; and I uestion whether she is excelled by any now on the English stage. She performed the part of Virginia on Monday evening, (as she always does) most ex



SIR-I have been vainly endeavouring for some

time past to smother my indignation at some desperate innovations and prerogatives assumed by a attract a respectable audience to witness a very indifferent part of the community who inhabit this town, and conperformance, while greater abilities and real talent are fident, that my complaint will meet with a partial and generally exhibited by our own company alone, to empty sympathising auditor, that I address myself particubenches. On no occasion have I ever withheld my meed larly to you. I belong to a species of people vulgarly of approbation from such of the Drury-lane and Co-called "small of stature," being just five feet two vent-garden heroes and heroines as merited it. I never inches high in my boots, and am certainly what the will do so: nor will I ever cease to inveigh against the world calls comely, being backed in this opinion by monstrous system of condemning unseen and unheard, every knight and lady of the sock and buskin, no matter the authority of a brace of maiden aunts, and half a how meritorious, who cannot boast the great city as a dozen country cousins, whose beauty I am whenever sort of handle to their names, though frequently more I go down to visit them. My mind is well stocked deserving of that distinction than many who, adorned with classic lore, belles lettres, and a taste for the with this honourable badge, (I will not say how worthily) fine arts; and my bosom has often heaved the tender arrogantly force themselves upon our notice, as the sigh of soft sensibility; yet with all these perfec. favoured possessors of exclusive talent. "The fashion of my speech" will not, perhaps, betions, I am doomed to be miserable and unhappy, over palatable to a certain portion of your readers, and merely from my Lilliputian cut and dwarf-like diI shall probably be told that these observations are pettish mensions. It was but yesterday, when a great carte and ill-timed: well, be it so; such considerations never in Lord-street, confronting me with his giant form,

well worthy the attention of the highest authorities
amongst us; and none more so than one which
annually occurs about the latter end of October, or
the beginning of November.

resolutely lifted his right leg and passed it over my
bead, thus saving himself the trouble of stepping
aside to let me pass, whilst his brother Goth asked
me, in bis vile Lancashire dialect," If I was ony re-
lation to that there queer wee mon in Church-street?" Now let the sage matron, dressed in her best
meaning, I suppose, that very respectable gentle-bombasine, or the gay morning visitor, arrayed in
man, Mr. Paap.
her emblematical white, beware how they proceed
Now, Mr. Editor, are not these heart-rending in to their various destinations; for now has the
dignities? but, alas, they are mere bagatelles, com-changing schoolboy, wearied of his repeated attempts
pared to an ocurrence which happened last night, to break up the pavements of the streets by the aid
at the theatre. You must know I possess a heart of his suckers, assumed a more warlike attitude,
as soft as virgin wax, or sighing southern gales, and and forth he sallies, armed with a weapon, direful
this tender heart has lately fallen a victim to the un-indeed to every silk or muslin gown, which shall
utterable charms of a young lady of this town. dare to enter within the limits of a contest, known
Knowing she intended going to hear Miss Stephens, under the appellation of a game at Bandy. Now
on a certain night, I had the temerity to go also; let no scavenger be too careful in the sweeping of
I was recompeused by the heaven of her smiles, the streets, or the speedy removal of his collections
and the dulcet tones of her voice, for at least one of mud, lest, by so doing, he should deprive some
half hour. I was just in the middle of a very fine youthful candidate for striking same, of the gratifi-
quotation from Shakspeare: "If music be the food cation of exercising his powers of competing with
"when in banged a great bulking ugly man, Obadiah's horse, at the critical moment when our
six feet high, at least; and without ever taking the wives and daughters may not only have an oppor-
smallest notice of me, or even pretending that he tunity of witnessing his prowess, but likewise have
saw me, shoved me aside with one hand, and with the pleasure of remembering it in changing their
the other established a lodgement by the side of my dresses; now let no mayor, or magistrate, issue or.
Dulcinea (whom it seems he was acquainted with), inders to the police, to annoy with their interference
the very spot I had hitherto possessed. You may these aides du camp of surgeons, glaziers, and
guess, Sir, my indignant feelings at this intrusion, washerwomen, under the mistaken idea that the loss
and how much they were enhanced on observing of an eye, the breaking of a limb, or of a parlour
the manifest pleasure with which the lady listened to window, or the spoiling of a suit of clothes, ought
his speeches, although he spoke with a vile Irish to be put in competition with the advantage arising
brogue; but resisting my choler, I ventured to re- to the community from a game at Bandy.*
monstrate with the gentleman on the illegality of
F. S. G.-26.
his proceeding; however, on his affecting repeatedly
not to hear me, I was wound up to a pitch of despe-
ration, and struck him furiously on his elbow. He
turned suddenly, and surveying me with looks of
infinite pity, threatened, in the calmest manner, and
in the hearing of the faithless fair one, to stuff me,
ay, to stuff me in his coat-pocket, or dangle me at
his watch-chain, for a bauble. What could I do,
Sir? I always had a dislike for gunpowder, and could
never command nerve sufficient to draw a trigger;
besides, these Irishman seldom flinch when they
think their honour is concerned, and most of all
when there is a lady in the case ;-so, overcome with
shame, I rushed from the house, and have sat down
to impart my griefs to you, hoping that you will
bring forward some remedy to stop the growth of
disrespect which is now constantly launched against
our poor unfortunate species. I am,
With the greatest respect, your humble servant,


I am well aware, Mr. Editor, that you already have to attend to many periodical subjects; for instance, the ladies must have monthly information of the manner in which their clothes are cut in the metropolis; whether velvet or sarsnet is most frequently cut into pieces, for the manufactory of spencers; and, whether certain ladies of ton, in their anatomical researches, have found out, that the female waist is in the same place in October, as it occupied in September; or whether, like the barometer, it is raised or depressed half a degree. Then you have to gratify the admirers of the works of our bountiful Creator, by a monthly insertion of the Naturalist's Diary; a source of much instruction and entertainment. All the summer, too, you are called upon to entertain your readers with the dif ferent opinions of Dramaticus,-G. N.-AppiusT-. Q-, and various others, on the merits of any particular Theatric, whom Messrs. Lewis and Co. may, in the wisdom of their calculations, think proper to exhibit upon the stage; and I can assure you, that very many of your readers are of opinion, that much more of your miscellany is appropriated to these criticisms than is needful. I can likewise assure you, that the Gymnastic Diary shall not intrude upon you very frequently; but there are certain changes which may be classed under this head,

An instance occurred, not many years ago, in this town, of the loss of an eye in consequence of this nuiobservations, in a greater or less degree, as regards vasance. Every reader will be able to apply the above rious accidents resulting from the same source.

To Correspondents.

The extract which ZERO has been at the pains to tran
scribe, is very acceptable, and shall be attended t
There are no subjects upon which we delight to dwel
so much, as those which "Lead from nature up to
nature's God."

Mr. KEAN.-In reference to the note of J. B. M. C. #
have to observe that we cannot bring ourselves to the
conclusion that any thing which Mr. KEAN thought
fit to say to our fellow-townsmen upon the occasi
of his taking his leave, is of sufficient importante
to warrant our resuming the subject, after bag
so recently recorded his valedictory philippic. Nothing
we have heard has had any tendency to shake the c
nion we so lately expressed on the propriety of the t
assumed by Mr. Kean, on the occasion to which w
allude; although we are not ignorant that our to
men were not only treated more cavalierly, bu
lutely affronted in the grossest manner by one of
Kean's great predecessors, the highly-talented, re-
bate Cooke; who chose to say of us, upon one on-
sion, that we were all sprung from rum pe
and sugar hogsheads; to which he thought it take
an addition which we suppress, because the
in which it originated, has ceased to discrete
country and to cast a reproach upon our fave tow
The question of GUILLAUME T-N is father an odd
An annual volume of weekly numbers will
course comprise 52, and sometimes 53 numbers; bar
we are quite at a loss to know how the numbers cont
by any process be reduced to 40.


S. D. or H. D. or R. D. (we cannot distinctly make o which) must permit us to use our own discretiona the time for introducing any communication. The insertion of some of the subjects proposed by D would be an experiment upon the patience of readers which we must not venture to make. The Vision of Mirza, Sir Bertram, and some others suggested by our correspondent, are known to most every ordinary reader; some of them we Lere heard of. The narrative of the great plague interest our readers, and deserves attention; but the interesting account of the great fire of London, a corded by the celebrated EVELYN, may be found a the first volume of the Kaleidoscope, (old series) pas 80 and 46.

Editor arising from this source, is endless and scribable; and the rejection of many communica (otherwise probably elligible) is often to be ascribed to this cause. There is one suggestion we would ve ture to urge upon this occasion; which is, that whe any article, recommended for a place in our pages, derived from some printed work, easy of access, of our correspondents as are conscious that they a write very legibly, will either employ an ama on the occasion, or will refer us to the pages original work, which we would rather consu impose upon our friends the useless labour of what cannot be read. We shall make no indi application of this remark; but leave the hint to rate upon the consciences of those especially, from mere haste and carelessness, convert the pl English character into the semblance of Egyp hieroglyphics.

SIEGE OF LATHOM HOUSE.-We have the pleasure
to announce, that we have been favoured with an ori-INDISTINCT HAND WRITING.The trouble of
ginal and important document, expressly intended for
the Kaleidoscope, and which will not only deeply in-
terest our Liverpool readers, but also the county at
large. It has been copied out from a manuscript in
the Ashmolean Library: the subject is the seige
of LATHOM HOUSE, in this county, by GENERAL
FAIRFAX; in the course of which LADY DERBY, in
the absence of the EARL, her husband, exhibited an
almost unexampled degree of firmness, courage, and
devotion to the cause of him whom she considered as
her legitimate monarch. We feel most deeply obliged
to X. L. D. for the distinction conferred on our jour-
nal in selecting it as the vehicle of this original, inter-
esting, and spirited narrative, and shall not fail to com-
ply strictly with the injunctions of our correspondent,
in return for the signal favour shown to us on this occa-
sion. The first portion shall appear in our next num-
ber; and in the mean time we respectfully solicit the
promised continuation.

THREE CHILDREN AT A BIRTII. The fact of a poor
woman (living in Bachelor-street,) having been de-
livered of three children, as stated in the last Liver-
pool Mercury, has excited much interest; and as we
have been frequently questioned as to its truth, we
take this occasion to repeat that it is literally true,
and that we have seen both the mother and her in-
fants, who are all living, What renders the situation
of this female still more entitled to commiseration, is
the impression she labours under, that her husband
has perished in the recent gales, in his passage from
Ireland. If her apprehensions on this subject should
unfortunately prove well founded, we shall conceive
it our duty to bring the case once more before the

G. N. on Mr. Vandenhoff's Virginius and Brutus, Be


Printed, published, and sold

Liverpool Mercury Office.
Sold also by John Bywater and Co. Pool-lane:

Evans, Chegwin and Hall, Castle-street; Mr. Thos
Smith, Paradise-street; Mr. Warbrick, Pub
Library, Lime-street; Mr. G. P. Day, Newsn
Dale-street; Mr. Lamb, Hanover-street; and M
John Smith, St. James's-road, for ready money only
For the information of our distant friends we be
leave to state that the Kaleidoscope may now be ha
the following agents.

Warrington, Mr. Harris
London, Sherwood and Co.
Dublin, J. K. Johnston & Co. Preston, Mr. Whittle,
Manchester, Mrs. Richardson. Stoke, Mr. Tomkinson
Stockport, Mr. Dawson.
Leeds, Mr. Dewhirst.
Bolton, Mr. Kell.

The selections by FLEUR DE LIS are very acceptable, Hull, Mr. Perkins.
although the first is rather too long.

Lancaster, Mr. Bentham

Hanley, Mr. Allbut. Wigan, Messrs. Lyon. Ormskirk, Mr. Garside Blackburn, Mr. Rogers Northwich, Mr. Kent

[ocr errors]


Literary and Scientific Mirror.



In the first volume of the old series of our Kaleidoscope, there appeared a variety of articles under the specting the history or antiquities of Liverpool, or the neighbourhood. The following most interesting document may with propriety be ranged under the same head; and we proceed to present it to our readers as a narrative peculiarly connected with the history of the country, and exhibiting traits of female heroism never surpassed in the history of any country.

symbol of the " LIVER," including information re


SIR,-The following journal written during the siege served in the Ashmolean Library (A. Wood, M.S.S.D. 16) and has never been printed. The author's name is inserted on the first leaf "Wherein I wounded, Edward Halsall." As this name does not occur either in

of Lathom House, 1644. is transcribed from a MS. pre

the following account, or Seacombe's very imperfect narration, it was very probable he was very young at the time. The energetic style of the MSS. and the frequent display of school learning which it contains, confirm this opinion, and in a letter (Rymer, vol. 20.) dated Madrid, June 1650, recounting the means used to discover the

murderers of Anthony Ascham, Cromwell's late resident at Madrid, it is mentioned that five persons have been Englishman, of the Dutchy of Lancaster of 23 years of age, Knight." The family of Halsall had, in 1644, been resident at Halsall, in this county, for fourteen

arrested, and amongst these, "Don Edward Halsall,

generations. October, 1820.



X. L. D.


[blocks in formation]



Mollineuxs' (3) regiment, and (4) Sir Gil-| given or lost by (9) Blair, the Scotchman,
bert's out of Lancashire, Sir Thomas Salis- who there commanded in chief, whereof
buries (5) out of Wales,) with purpose to her Majesty, then at York, having intelli-
have attended his sacred Majesty in person, gence, sent express command to his Lord-
his army in
was at the request of the truly-noble (6) ship not to engage
Sir Gilbert Houghton and others, sent back till she had sent him aid, which his Lordship
for Lancashire, by his Majesties special a fortnight expected every day, but being
command; where with naked men, or thinly disappointed in his hopes, and the enemy
armed, he sustained the fury of the rebells, grown insolent by his stillness, he was moved
and kept the field against them for seven by the Lord Mollineux, Sir Thomas Tildes-
months together, storming several of their ley (10), and other gentlemen with him, to
towns, and defeating them in sundry battles, repair to the Queen in person, to hasten the
himself in every assault and skirmish, charg-promised supplies; whom, after a fortnights
ing in the front to encourage his soldiers with attendance, fell out the unfortunate surprize
exemplary resolution, whom the multitude of the Lord Goring, in Wakefield, which
of the enemy exceeded in number, by the
advantage of two or three to one, till his
Lordship, unhappily called to crush the
thriving sedition in Cheshire, withdrew his
horse into that country. The enemy, now
spying an opportunity for action in his ab-
sence, drew out their garrisons, and with
their whole strength assaulted the town of
Preston; which, not yet fortified, and sud-
denly surprised, notwithstanding the brave
endeavours and resolute resistance of Sir
Gilbert Houghton, the mayor, and other
gentlemen, was lost to the enemy. (7)

Upon his Lordship's return he found himself straitened to a narrow compass; yet, opposing loyall thoughts to dangers, and labouring to keep life in the business by speedy action, he drew into the field, (8) and marched about twenty miles into the enemy's country, taking Lancaster and regaining Preston by assault, when the rebells, with a numerous army, were within six hours march pursuing him. After this, his

utterly disenabled her Majesty to spare him any relief, which the Governour of Warrington, Colonell Norris (11), understanding, after five days siege gave up the town, the greatest key of the country, to the enemy; and all his Lordships forces, then with the Lord Mollineux and Colonell Tildesley, marched down to York. At the same time her Majesty received intimation of the Scottish design for the invasion of England, with signification of their intention to ship from the north of Ireland to the Isle of Mann, and so for England; wherefore it was the Queens pleasure expressly to command him to the island, to prevent their passage that way. (12) At his arrival there, he found the whole country there in sedition and insurrection; some turbulent spirits, tutored by their brethren the Scots, having taught the Commons the new trick of rebellion, under the mask of defensive arms for the preservation of their religion and liberties. And indeed this subtle poyson had so wrought

Siege against Lathom House. Lordship giving two or three days to refresh in the little body, that the whole country his soldiers, toiled out with ten days restless was swelled to one tumour, which had broke service, the enemy got fresh supplies from out within three dayes with the death of Yorkshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire, so that now again swelled into a numerous body, they attempt an assault of Wigan, which, with little service was either

The (1) Earl of Derby, in the rise of this rebellion, having, on his own charges, brought up near (2) 3000 of his best men and arms to the King's standard, (the Lord

the Bishop and Governour, and loss of the island. To prevent this rupture, his Lordship presently raised the horse of the country, apprehended the persons of those sedi


On Saturday the 24th of February (1643) it was resolved, in (19) a councill of the holy states at Manchester, after many for

tious agents, doing execution upon some, restless in his malice, sought all occasions thence, by as many marks and signs as ever imprisoning others, and striking a general to disturb her quiet, senng out his troopsdi he had given of antichrist, proving the Lady terrour into all, which suddenly calmed the to plunder her next neighbours, and sur- whore of Babylon, and Lathom to be Babell Derby to be the scarlet whore, and the madness of the people, and drew a face of prise such of the king's good subjects as itself, whose walls he made as flat and thin quiet upon the country, Yet to remove had fled unto her for safety. In the begin- as his discourse. Indeed, before he des the ground of this disease, required both ning of February her garrison soldiers had patched his prophecy, he thumpt 'em down, skill and time, as well to prevent a relapse a skirmish with a party of horse, command-reserving the next verse to be a triumph to of the countrymen, as an invasion of the ed by Captain (17) Hindley, wherein they Tuesday the enemy took their quarters the victors. 27th February, 1643. On Scots, who still promise for conscience sake rescued some of her friends taking prison-round the house, at the distance of a mile. to abett them in their rebellion, it being the ers Lieutenant (17) Dandy, first wounded two, or three at the farthest. 28th. On good fortune of that ungratefull nation to his cornett, and some troopers. By his Wednesday Captain (17) Marland brough be esteemed angells for troubling and poy- unjust report of this action, and some other a letter from Sir Thomas Fairfax, and with it an ordinance of Parliament, the one re soning all waters. His Lordship, by the slight "skirmishes"* within musquet shot of quiring her Ladyship to yield up Lathon Queen's command, having spent much time her house, he wrought with (18) Sir Tho-house upon such honourable conditions as in this unhappy business, is at last called mas Fairfax and the parliament officers to he should propose, and the other declaring back by his Majesty, to attend his Parlia- his own purpose. the mercy of the Parliament to receive the ment at Oxford, and, at his return to EngEarl of Derby, would he submit himself: land, is welcomed with the news of a siege in which business Sir Thomas Fairfax proagainst his lady, which had been long in mises to be a faithfull inststrument. To mer debates and consultations to the same which her Ladyship gave answer, that she consultation, and is now matured for purpose, that (20) Mr. Ashton of Middle- much wondered that Sir Thomas Fairfax ton, (21) Mr. Moor of Bank Hall, and would require her to give up her Lord's Upon the surrendry of Warrington, May Mr. Rigby of Preston, (Parliament Colo- house, without any offence on her part done 27, 1643, a summons came from (13) Mr. nells) should with all speed come against to the Parliament, desiring, in a business Lathom, of which her Ladyship had some of such weight, that struck both at her re Holland, Governor of Manchester, to the broken intelligence on Sunday morning, and ligion and life, that so nearly concerned (14) Lady Derby, to subscribe to the pro- therefore dispatched a messenger to her se- her soveraign, her Lord, and her whole positions of Parliament, or yield up (15) cret friend, one acquainted with their de- posterity, she might have a week's consi Lathom-house: but her Ladyship denied terminations to receive fuller satisfaction. deration, both to resolve the doubts of conboth she would neither tamely give up care to furnish her house with provisions and honour; not that her Ladyship was unexed In the mean time using all diligence and science, and to advise in matters of law and her house, nor purchase her peace with the men, which was a hard work, considering she in her own thoughts, but endeavouring to loss of her honour, but being then in no had been debarred of her estate for the space gain time by demurres, and protractions of condition to provoke a potent and malicious of a whole yeare. Yet in those straits she the business, which haply the good knight enemy, and seeing no possibility of speedy used not the least violence to force relief from suspecting, denyed her the time desired, assistance, she desired a peaceable abode any of her neighbours, though some of mooving her Ladyship to come to New them were as bad tenants as subjects; but Park, a house of her Lord's, a quarter of a in her own house, referring all her Lord's with her own small stock, and the charity mile from Lathome: and to come thither estate to their disposing, with promise only of some few friends, by the industry of her in her coach, (no mean favour believe it where himself and his Colonells would meet to keep so many men and arms as might careful servant Mr. (22) Brome, provided her, for a full discourse and transaction ef defend her person and house from the out- herself to bear the worst of a cruel of their common souldiers, which was had assurance of their design, who were The messenger returneding on Monday she the business. This her Ladyship rese rages with scorne, and anger, that notwithstand hardly obtained. then on their march as far as Bolton, Wigan, ing her present condition, as an ignoble and Standish, with pretence to go for West- and uncivil motion, returning only th moreland, to carry on the multitude blind-answer, "That notwithstanding her presen siege, only with the openness of her gar-fold against a house that their fathers and condition, she remembered both her Lord's honour and her own birth; conceiving more knightly, that Sir Thomas Fairfax should wait upon her, than she up

From this time she endured a continued




dens and walks, confined as a prisoner to themselves, whilst their were open, eyes her own walls, with the liberty of the castle-ever honoured, reputing Lathom, in most yard; suffering the sequestration of her innocent times, both for magnificence and whole estate, daily affronts and indignities hospitality, the only court of the northern parts of the kingdom, when the good men Thursday and Friday (Feb. 29th 13 from unworthy persons, besides the unjust would, in mere love, vent their harmless Masch 1st) were spent in letters and me and undeserved censure of some that wore invasion. "God save the Earl of Derby sages, his Generallship at last requiring tree the name and face of friends; all which she and the King!" But their factious minis-access for two of his Colonells, and at patiently endured, well knowing it no wis-ters, very dutiful sons of the Church of rance of safe return, unto which her Lady dom to quarrel with an evil which she could England, made the pulpit speak the design ship condescended. 2d March, on Satur aloud. ne whereof (23), Bradshaw, to day, Mr. Ashton and Mr. Rigby vouchsated not redress and therefore, to remove all the dishonour of that house that had given to venture their persons into Lathome-house pretences of violence and force against her, more sober and pious foundations, Bra- being authorised by the Generall to propo she restrained her garrison souldiers from all senose) took occasions before his patrons the following conditions:-1st, That all ar provocation and annoyance of the enemy, in Wigan to prophane the fourteenth verse and so by her wisdom kept them at a more of the fifteenth chapter of Jeremy: from favorable distance, for the space of almost

The original is a word like "relitations;" I have

a whole year (16). Rigby all this time, substituted skirmishes."

and ammunition of war, shall be forthw surrender'd into the hands of Sir Thomas Fairfax.-2ndly, That the Countess of Der by and all the persons in Lathome-house shall be suffered to depart with all the

goods to Chester, or any other of the enemies quarters, or upon submission to the orders of Parliament, to their own houses. -3rdly, That the Countess with her menial servants, shall be suffered to inhabit in Knowsley-house, and to have twenty mushaquets allowed for her defence, or to repair to the Earl her husband in the Isle of Man.4thly, That the Countess for the present, untill the Parliament be acquainted with it, shall have allowed her for her maintenance, all the lands and revenues of the Earl her ausband, within the hundred of Derby, and that the Parliament shall be moved to continue her this allowance.

of whom, in her treaty, she showed an ho- to keep her House for the service of his nourable care. These propositions returned Majesty, against all his enemies; on Sunby Mr. Ashton, were interpreted to the day they employed six neighbours of the right sense, being apprehended too full of best rank, in a petition to her Ladyship, danger and policy to be allowed, as only having thrust a farm into their hands, and beating at more time and means that her prepared their heads with instructions, as Ladyship might use that opportunity to con- by confession now appears: That in duty firm herself in her fastness: and therefore to her Ladyship, and love to their country, in his answer, Sir Thomas thus qualified they most humbly beseech her to prevent them to a better understanding. 1st. That her own personall danger, and the impothe Countess of Derby shall have the time verishing the whole country, which she she desired, and then liberty to transport might do, if she pleased to slacken someher arms and goods to the Isle of Mann, thing of her severe resolutions, and in part excepting the cannon, which shall continue condescend to the offers of the Gentlemen. there for the defence of the house. 2dly, These her Ladyship received with all courThese conditions her Ladyship rejected, That her Ladyship by ten a clock to mor- tesie, discoursing unto them the nature of was in part dishonourable, in part uncertain: row disband all her souldiers, except her former treaties, and the order of her proadding withal, she knew not how to treat meniall servants, and receive an officer and ceedings, and this so smoothly and winwith them, who had not power to perform forty Parliament souldiers for her guard. ningly, that the good men were satisfied heir own offers, till they had first moved This, as the last resolve of all their coun- and had little more to say, but,-"God save he Parliament; telling them it were a more cells, with some terrible presages of the the King, and the Earl of Derby!' For aber course, first to acquaint themselves danger she stood in, was delivered to her answer to their paper, she told 'em, "It ith the pleasure of the Parliament, and Ladyship by one (17) Morgan, one of Sir was more fit that they petition the Gentlemen en to move accordingly; but for her part Thomas's colonells, a little man, short and who robbed and spoiled their country, than e would not trouble the good Gentlemen peremptory, who met with staidness and her, who desired only a quiet stay in her petition for her, she would esteem it a judgment to cool his heat, and had the ho- own house, for preservation, not spoil of reater favour to permit her to continue in nour to carry back this last answer, for her her neighbours. One of the six, of more er present humble condition. The two Ladyship could serve them to no more de-ability and integrity than the rest, reported olonells being blank in their treaty, spent lays. "That she refused all their articles, the whole business of their answer and eir stay in wise instructions to her Lady-and was truly happy they had refused hers, entertainment, as a true subject to his ip, and unjust accusations of her friends protesting that she would rather hazard her Majesty, and a faithfull friend to her Ladyad servants, which she not only cleared, life than offer the like again; that though a wo-ship, with which the noble Colonells were at nebly and sharply returned upon their man, and a stranger, divorced from her friends, moved to more propositions, in meer mercy, eligious agents; so that the grave men and robbed of her estate, she was ready to if you might believe 'em, to her Ladyship eing disappointed both of their wit and receive their utmost violence, trusting in God and her children. The next day, therealice, returned as empty as they came. both for protection and deliverance." Being fore, Captain (17) Ashurst, a Junday was their sabbath; on Monday Mr. now disappointed in their plott, who ex- deserves a fairer character than the rest, Ashton came again alone, with power to re-pected a quick dispatch with the afflicted for his own civil behaviour, brought a new ceive her Ladyship's propositions, and con- lady, by a tame surrendry of her house, message to her Ladyship in these termes: vey them to his Generall, (a notable and having scattered very fearful apprehensions 1st, That all former conditions be waived. trusty employment) in those terms:-1st, of their great guns, their mortar-piece, their 2ndly, That the Countess of Derby and Her Ladyship desired a months time for her fire-works, and engineers; after all their all persons in the House, with all arms, quiet continuance in Lathome, and then consults they prepare for action, when they ordnance, and goods shall have liberty to erself and children, her friends, souldiers, find her ladyship as fearless of their empty march to what part of the kingdom they nd servants, with all her goods, arms, and terrours, as carefull to prevent a reall dan- please, and yield up the House to Sir ordinance to have free transport to the Isle ger: ne minimo quidem casui locum relinqui Thomas Fairfax.-3rdly, That the arms of Mann, and in the mean time that she debuissi. She is willing to understand the should never be employed against the Parshould keep a garrison in her house for her power of her enemy, and studious to prevent liament.-4thly, That all within the House wn defence 2ndly, She promised that it leaving nothing within her eye, to be ex-excepting a hundred persons, should deneither during her stay in the country, nor cused afterwards by fortune or negligence, part presently, and the rest within ten after her coming to the Isle of Mann, any adding to her former patience a most reof the arms should be employed against the solved and Christian fortitude. Parliament.-3rdly. That during her stay n the country, no souldiers, should be quartered in the Lordship of Lathome, nor afterwards any garrison to be put into Lathome, or Knowsley-house.-4thly, That none of her tenants, neighbours, or friends, then in the house with her, should, for assisting her, suffer in their persons or estates, after her departure.

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man that

The message read, her ladyship perceived All the treaties broke off, Rigby being of they began to cool in their enterprize, and the same judgment with him in the histo- therefore to lend 'em some new heat, returnrian, [Otho (24) in Tacit. lib. 1.] That no ed this answer by the Captain-"That she delay in that enterprise is to be used, which scorned to yield herself a ten days prisoner now will commend before it be ended, fell to her own house, judging it more, noble. immediately into execution. The next whilst she could, to preserve her liberty by morning discovered some of the enemies armes, than to purchase a peace with slavery. works which were begun about musquet Pax servientibus gravior quam libris bellum.' shot from the House, in a stooping, declin-Liv. lib. 30.] And what assurance," In the first of these she struck at more ing ground, that their pioneers by the na- said she, "have I, either of liberty or the ime. In the second she understood the ture of the place, might be secured from performance of any conditions when my Parliament of the three states at Oxford our ordnance on the towers, and so in an strength is gone? I have received under with his Majesty, knowing no other. In orb or ringwork, cast up much earth every the hands of some eminent personages, that the third she laboured to remove impedi-day, by the multitudes of country people your Generall is not very conscientious in ments that might hinder the victualling of forced to the service. After three days the performance of his subscriptions; so er house. In the fourth she gave a colour (7th 8th and 9th March) finding a fixed- that from him I must expect an insincere of her deport and content to her souldiers, Iness and a resolution in her Ladyship still agreement. Pax Samnitica, pax infida, pax

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