Imagens das páginas



I'll swear to love thee, by those lips
As soft as summer roses;
'Tis there the bee ambrosia sips
And daintily reposes.

I'll swear, too, by that slender waist,
And by that neck of snow,

So sweet, so pure a spot of rest-
'Tis wrong to tempt me so !

These charms are yours, my love; in sooth,
You may as well believe me;
But if you don't, to say the truth,
It will not sorely grieve me.

I whisper hopes; I prate of bliss,

Charms, vows, and such like matter;

But then, my dear, the fact is this, I'm rather apt to flatter. Liverpool, 25th Jan. 1821.





Drear was the night, and loud the whistling wind
Swept o'er the sleeping earth, as lone I mus'd
On days gone by: sudden a fearful gleam
Flash'd o'er the sky's black pall, from whence
No solitary star smil'd on the world;
But soon the hallow'd stillness of the night
To other regions flew, as the loud cry

Of Fire," in clattering echoes rush'd upon
My ear. In anxious dread I hurried forth,
When, lo! the giant flames illum'd the skies
In wild portentous eddies! Approaching
Near the scene with mind by awe subdu'd,
I gaz'd in sorrow on the raging pow'r
Sweeping destruction o'er a noble pile,
In which the work of years had labour'd
To advance ingenious art.

In vain the silv'ry streams of water

Pour on the quenchless flames! Reckless the blast
Of night hurls the destroying element

Through the long line of building, searching
Each room in savage devastation!

And now the heavens present a golden

Canopy of lighted particles, whilst

The curling smoke whirls it's black folds

Ep to the embracing skies! Down fall
The crackling beams, and hissing flames burst forth
Through windows numberless!

Yet one short hour, and wreck and ruin
Only meet the eye. But now devouring
Flames assuage, and the bare skeleton
Of building hovers in trembling air;
Quickly the breathless pause of expectation
Portrays each gazing countenance. The firm
Supports slowly recede, and down

The lofty walls are hurl'd with hideous crash
In mingled cries of horror! 'Twas a piteous
Hour, to see this noble pile, extensively
Arrang'd for useful purposes, thus
Level'd with the dust!


Christmas Boxes,



(Continued from our former Numbers.)

Answer to Puzzle 23, in our last number but one, page 237,-Plague.

Answer to the Charade by the Right Hon. Charles James Fox, in our last, page 244.-Foot-man.

[blocks in formation]

Inscribed in many a learned page,
In mystic character and sage,

Long time my first has stood;
And though its golden age be past,
In wooden walls it still may last,

Till clothed in flesh and blood.
My second is a glorious prize,
For all, who love their wond'ring eyes
With curious sights to pamper :
But should you chance this sight to meet,
All improviso in the street,

Oh! how 'twould make you scamper.
My whole's a sort of wand'ring throne
To woman limited alone,

The Salic law reversing;
But when th' imaginary queen
Begins to act the novel scene,

Her royal part rehearsing,
Up starts the old usurper, man,
And she jogs after as she can.

[blocks in formation]

to quit the company. In the first impulse of his passion, Steno wrote upon the ducal throne, in an adjoining chamber, two lines, reflecting on the honour of the Doge and the fidelity of his wife.

"The jealous Falieri could not have received a more galling insult; he discovered Steno to be its author, and denounced him to the avogadors, before whom he preferred his accusation. He expected to see the injury which had been done him revenged by the Council of Ten, with an exemplary severity; but the cause, instead of being referred to this body, was sent by the avogadors before the criminal tribunal, of which Steno himself was president. Resentment, the elevation of the passions which occur on festive occasions, and the licence authorised by the mask which the accused wore, were considered as an extenuation of his fault; and Steno was sentenced to only a month's confinement. The Doge, more irritated by this lenity than by the original offence, extended his hatred, and desire of revenge, to every member of the tribunal which had imposed so slight a punishment on the culprit, and to the whole of the nobility which had not interested itself in the insult he had received.

"Among the people of Venice, however, there always existed a secret hatred of the nobility, which had taken exclusive possession of the sovereign power, and had deprived the nation at large of its rights. The insolence of some of the young patricians redoubled the animosity of the people. They were seen to profit by theimpunity afforded them by powerful friends; to introduce themselves into the families of the middle classes; to seduce their wives and daughters; and afterwards to maltreat the fathers or husbands of those whom they had dishonoured. Israel Bertuccio, a Plebeian, and head of the arsenal, had been treated in this manner. He came before the Doge to accuse a nobleman of the House of Barbaro. Falieri, expressing to him his compassion, which could be of no avail, assured him that he never would obtain justice. 'Have I not been insulted like you?' said he, have not I, nay, has not the ducal crown itself received a fresh insult in the pretended punishment of the guilty man? From this moment projects of vengeance took the place of juridical accusation. Bertuccio introduced to the Doge the leaders of the disaffected; the conspirators assembled in council many successive nights, in the palace, and in the presence of the chief of the republic. Fifteen Plebeians engaged themselves, with the Doge, to overturn the government.

"It was agreed that each conspirator should make himself sure of forty friends, whom he was to hold in readiness, to act on the night of the 15th April, 1355. But, to prevent the discovery of the secret, it was resolved only to inform these associates that they were to be employed to surprise and punish, by the orders of the bighest authorities, the young noblemen, who, by their disorderly conduct, had excited the hatred of the people. The signal for rising was to be the alarmbell of the palace of St. Mark, which could not be rung without the order of the Doge. The conspirators were only to associate with them such plebeians as were distinguished by their hatred of the nobility, that they might faithfully preserve the secret, of which a part was confided to them. At the mement when the alarm-bell rung, the conspirators were to spread a report that the Genoese fleet was before the town; they were at the same time to repair from all quarters to the palace of St. Mark, to occupy the en

"We have stated that the Venetian republic had decided on accepting a dishonourable peace, because the discovery of a dangerous conspiracy had spread alarm through the city. Four days after the death of the Doge, Andrea Dandola, Sept. 11, 1354, the forty-one electors had proclaimed as his successor Marin Falieri, Count de Val de Marina, an old man of sixty-six, who owed to his great wealth, and to the offices he had filled, his rank among the first citizens of Venice. Falieri had a young and beautiful wife, of whom he was furiously jealous. He particularly suspected Michael Steno, one of the three heads of the criminal tribunal, although this man's attentions were directed, not to the wife of the Doge, but to one of the ladies of her house-trances to it, and to massacre the noblemen as they hold. At a public festival, on the last day of the carnival, Falieri, having remarked the familiar and indelicate manner of this woman towards Steno, caused him

arrived upon the place to succour the chief power.

"Every preparation had been made, and the secret of the conspiracy had been inviolably kept, until the eve

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"Anna Hathaway.
Sept. the Nynth, 1589."




of its execution, when a tanner, named Bertrand, who | dydde nearest approache untoe itte, was that which
had been chosen by one of the conspirators to conduct commethe nygheste unto God, meeke and gentle
his forty associates, received some information on the charytye; forre that virtue, O Anna, doe I love, doc
subject of what was to be performed the next day, I cherishe thee inne mye heart, forre thou arte as a
which did not seem to agree with the supposed orders talle cedarre stretchynge forthe its branches, and
succouringe the smallere plantes from nyppinge
of the Government which he had thought he was ex-winneterre, orr the boysterous wyndes. Farewelle!
ecuting. He went that very evening to reveal to Nicolo toe morrowe bye times I will see thee; till then,
Lioni, one of the Council of Ten, the plot in which adewe sweete love.
Thynne everre,
he found himself innocently implicated. Neither of
them suspected the Doge of being the leader of this en-
terprise, and they went together to denounce it to him.
Falieri was wanting either in the resolution or the ad-
dress necessary for suppressing this discovery; he by
turns called in question the circumstances pointed out
to him, or declared that he had been previously inform-to
ed of, and had made provisions against every thing that
might happen. This inconsistency excited the suspicions
of Lioni. He left the Doge to repair to the Council of
Ten, and to lay before it a list of the conspirators,
which Bertrand had furnished. They were all arrested
in their houses by the order of this Council. Guards
were posted in the city, on the towers, and particularly
on that of St. Mark, to prevent the alarm-bell from
being rung; several of the conspirators were put to
the torture, and by their confessions it was found that
the Doge himself was at the head of the conspiracy.

"The tranquillity of the city was now established, the guilty were arrested, and the Doge was strictly guarded in his palace; but the Council of Ten did not feel itself authorised by the constitution to sit in judgment on the head of the state. It invited twenty noblemen of the highest rank to share in its deliberations on this important occasion. Thus began a powerful and permanent body, denominated the Giunta or Tonta. The Doge was accused before the Council of Ten, united to the Giunta. He was confronted with the principal conspirators, who were afterwards sent to the scaffold; he avowed the part he had taken in the conspiracy; and on the second day of the proceedings he was condemned to die. His head was cut off on the 17th of April, 1355, on the grand staircase of the Ducal Palace, on the very spot where the Doges, on their entrance into office, take the oaths of fidelity to the Republic. During his execution, the gates remained shut; but immediately afterwards, a member of the Council of Ten appeared on the balcony, holding in his hand the bloody sword. "A traitor has received his just reward!” said he to the crowd, and at the same moment the gates of the palace were thrown open, and the populace which rushed towards them beheld the head of Marin Falieri rolling

in its own blood."

The Gleaner.

"I am but a gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff." WOTTON.


Copy of a Letter to Anna Hathawaye (afterwards Shakespeare's Wife) with a lock of his hair plaited:

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« Deareste Anna,—As thou hast alwayes found mee to mye worde most trewe, soe thou shalt see have strictley kepte mye promyse. I praye you perfume thys mye poore locke with thy balmye kysses, forre thenne indeed shall kynges themmselves bowe and pay homage too itte. I doe assure thee no rude hand bath knottede itte, thy Willy's alone hath done the worke: neytherre the gyldedde baable thatte envyronnes the heede of Majestye, noenorre honourres most weyghtie wulde give mee halfe the joye as didde thyse mye lyttle worke forre thee. The feelinge that

The heron is one of those birds which may he trained
the chase with the falcon : we must not be astonished
at finding this bird eaten by our ancestors; even the
raven was not rejected by them. By reason of a very
extraordinary prejudice, these same men, who eat such
coarse meat, durst not taste game, if it was young; but
looked upon such flesh, which had not arrived at maturi-
ty, as very hard of digestion.

Under the reign of Louis XIII. we find cormorants
used to catch fish. This spectacle was afforded by a
Fleming, who came to court with two cormorants
trained for this purpose. When he wished to make them
fish, he bound their necks very tight, at the same time
leaving a free respiration, yet disabling them from swal-
lowing their prey. The cormorants then filled a kind of
bag under their beaks with fish ; and when this bag was
full they returned to their master, who caused them to
empty it. Since this experiment, the King desired to
have, amongst the birds of his mews, some cormorants for
his fish ponds and rivers. France did not possess those
beautiful gold fish now found in the basins of pleasure-
gardens till the eighteenth century. The first were sent
from China, as a present to the Marchioness de Pompa-
dour. These Chinese fish, placed in reservoirs of fresh
water, grew to the length of eight or nine inches; but
as they increased in size they lost their brilliant colour,
and became white.
Turtles, which are now a rarity, were then a very com-
mon food; and a soup made of snails, was a favourite
dish: the wealthy had them made into paste, and served
up on silver skewers; but they were most commonly
eaten fried or broiled. At this present time, Lorraine
and a few of the southern provinces are the only places
where snails are still eaten.

Under Charles VI. the yolk of eggs made a favourite
part of the provisions with which mariners furnished
their ships.

Under Charles VII. the cooks had a fancy of roasting butter, and also eggs. In order to roast butter it is rendered solid, by being covered with a coat of yolks of eggs and flour, sugar and crumbs of bread.

A whimsical dish has also fallen into oblivion; which was, cheese cut into slices, and put on the gridiron or frying-pan, after having been well powdered over with grated cinnamon. Sometimes, instead of broiling the cheese, it was heated over the fire in a hollow iron instrument made for the purpose; it was thereby melted, and then poured, boiling hot, on a slice of toasted bread, and seasoned with cinnamon and other aromatics.

What we now call verjuice, and which the French draw from the grape, was formerly the juice of sorrel, and its denomination was more just. This green juice was made use of as a sauce for meat, fish, and eggs. There was also a verjuice extracted from grain, and which was used as sauce for garlick.

Spices were known in France long before the Crusades; nevertheless, they did not begin to be generally used till the maritime expeditions occasioned by those religious wars had established commercial relations with the Levant. Among the French poets of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, we find, in almost every page, mention made of cinnamon, musk, cloves, and ginger. then supplied the place of liquors. And, as we said beDifferent sorts of wine, prepared very strong with spices, fore, the use of very heavy meat rendered strong seasoning requisite to make it digestible.

The oldest account wherein we find sugar mentioned in France, is dated in the year 1333; and sugar was then at so high a price, that only sick persons made use of it. It was only sold by the apothecaries, and was consecrated solely for the service of the sick; from whence came the French proverb, An apothecary without sugar," which is still used to point out a man who is destitute of what his situation requires.

Spiced gingerbread is a vestige of a very ancient date.

Honey was formerly used as an ingredient in confection ary, in pastry, and in a great number of ragouts. Eithe through long habit or prejudice, our forefathers, for many years, found the juice of the Indian caneless delicious than the honey of flowers distilled by their own bees. Some authors pretend that saffron was brought from the Levant; others that we are indebted for it to the Moors. Our ancestors made use of it in their soups, their ragouts, and their pastry. The receipt for making golden soup, will not, we are sure, be unacceptable our readers: several slices of bread were first toasted, and were then thrown into a stew-pan, with sugar, whi wine, yolks of eggs, and rose-water. When the slig of bread had thoroughly imbibed this liquid, they we thrown into rose-water, and strewed over with sugg and saffron.


There are, in Hindostan, seventy-five millions of the sex who can neither read nor write, and thirty mil of these are British subjects.

A female comes into the world amidst the frowns of her parents and friends, who are disappointed that the child is not a boy. Every mother, among the tribe of Rajpoots, puts her female child to death as soon as born. A Rajpoot had spared one of his daughters, wha lived till she attained the age when India girls are ma riageable: a girl in the house of a Rajpoot was, bo ever, so extraordinary, that no parent would permit a son to marry her. The father became alarmed for he chastity and the honour of his family, and he took t aside one day, and, with a hatchet, cut her to pieces. They are considered unworthy of any education a cultivation whatever.

A wife never sits to eat with her husband, but p pares his food, waits upon him, and partakes of he leaves. If a friend of the other sex calls upon bet husband, she retires. She is veiled, or goes in a co vered palanquin, if she leaves the house. She never mixes in public companies. She is, in fact, a mere ani mal kept for burden or for slaughter, in the house of h husband. A case lately occurred in Calcutta, of al being burned alive on a funeral pile, with the dead bar of the youth whom she was that day to have mared What must be the state of the female mind, when lions are found throwing the children of their vows in the sea; when a guard of Hindoo soldiers is neces to prevent mothers throwing their living children inta the jaws of the alligators, these mothers watching the animal while it crushes the bones, and drinks the blood of their own offspring?

A friend of mine at the junction of the Jumma and the Ganges at Allahabad, in one morning saw, from own window, sixteen females, with pans of water is tened to their sides, sink themselves into the ri few bubbles of air arising only to the surface water after they were gone down. The drowning many kittens in England, would excite more horret that of sixteen females in India.

in their annual official returns to the Calcutta Gere
The English magistrates, in the presidency of Beng
ment, state, that in 1817, 706 women, widows, w
either burned alive or buried alive with the dead bodas
of their husbands in that part of British India
noon-day, and in the presence of numerous spectator
the poor widow, ensnared and drawn to the funeral
pile, is tied to the dead body, pressed down on the ag
gots by strong levers, and burned alive; her screams be
ing drowned by shouts and music. Amidst the specs-
tors is her own son, her first-born, who sets fire to th
pile, and watches the progress of the flames which
to consume the living mother who fed him from Le
breast, dandled him on her knees, and looked up to
as the support of the declining days of herself and

Other widows are buried alive: here the female takes
of a deep grave, and her children and relations be
the dead body upon her knees, as she sits in the c
have prepared the grave, throw in the earth around be
Two of these descend into the grave and trample the
earth with their feet round the body of the widow.
sits an unremonstrating spectator of the process;
earth rises higher and higher around her; at leng
reaches the head, when the remaining earth is thro
with haste upon her, and these children and relativis
mount the grave, and trample upon the head of in
expiring victim!

All these horrors may be suppressed by the diese nation of Christian knowledge.



Theatrical Dinner at New York, given in honour of the English actor.


motion of General Literature.'

A great literary establishment is about to be formed, under the patronage of the King; a plan has been published, which is headed, "Royal Society of Literature, for the Encouragement of Indigent Merit, and the ProTo consist of honorary After a variety of toasts, the health of Mr. Kean be. members, subscribing members, and associates. His Majesty has intrusted the formation of the institution ing given, that gentleman spoke as follows: Gentlemen, To pass over in silence such unequivo-to the learned and eminent Dr. Burgess, the Bishop of St. David's. Other branches of the Royal Family, &c. al testimonials of your approbation, would, I fear, saor more of insensibility than diffidence; and while I have become subscribers. The funds are already conpologize for my want of eloquence, I must add, that I A copy of the first questions to be proposed: m proud of this flattering opportunity to offer in the imple language of my heart my grateful acknowledgments to the citizens of New York. When the profesional man is fortunate enough to blend private esteem with public approbation, he must have achieved the very extent of his ambition. The union of these feelings has been so manifestly conspicuous during my short residence in this city, that it has placed the records of your kindnesses memoria in eterna. I have

too high an opinion of the sound judgment and iberality of feeling of those gentlemen whom I have ow the honour of addressing, not to suppose they ould encourage me in those sentiments of attachment, ever must entertain for that country which gave me irth; for that country in which I have left every thing at is dear to me; for that country, which, by its laudits, fanned the humble spark of talent, till it lightd up a reputation, which is the passport to your protecon the introduction to your hospitality; nor does the fluence of your favour extend only to the stranger hom you have so generously welcomed. There are earts dear to me conjoined with mine by ties of affecion and alliance, who are, perhaps, at this moment ancipating with joy my professional success in this county, and will blend your names with their thanks to the irand Dispenser of events. It is there, gentlemen, in ay domestic circle, I shall dwell on the retrospection of hese hours; it is there I shall instruct the being inrusted to my care, to respect and love the patrons of is father; and while the pages of your history record chievements that give lustre to the political and warike character of your country, be assured that the Engish actor will, to the last hour, extol the merits of your rivate worth, and gratefully transmit his Columbian laurels to the charge of his posterity."


The multitude of barbers, carrying about with them all the apparatus of their craft, arrests a stranger's attention in the city of China. Their number is increased from the circumstances of their being employed not only to shave the head and beard, and to eradicate every straggling hair from the ears, eyes, and nostrils of their customers, but also to sham-poo them. This operation is peculiar to the Chinese: and consists chiefly in being beaten all over the body with the hands of the operator; in having all the joints stretched and twitched by sudden jerks; in having the ears and eyes cleaned, and the nails of the fingers and toes pared; and in getting the lock of hair which grows from the crown of the head, platted in the form of a whip-lash, all of which, and more, is done for the value of a penny.

Laku, King of Siam, being awakened from sleep and saved from assassination by the braying of an ass, commanded, in the ardour of his gratitude, that all mankind should be called asses. The story tells us, that, whenever an ambassador from China came to the Siamese court, the Okya Vang, or Master of the Ceremonies, exclaimed, "Most potent Laku, absolute Lord of the Universe, King of the White Elephants, and Keeper of the Sacred Tooth! a great jackass from China has come to speak with your Majesty!"

Bishops.-All Bishops are not flatterers. In the first division of Poland, in 1775, the bishopric of Ermland fell to Prussia. Bishop Kraisky, a man of great learning and wit, and a severe sufferer on this occasion, had frequently the honour of dining with his Majesty. The king one day said pleasantly to the Bishop, Be pleased. when you go to heaven, to take me under your mantle." Upon which the Bishop replied, "Your majesty has been pleased to curtail so much of my revenue, and, in consequence, so much of the length of my cloak, that I fear I shall not be able to cover your Majesty's feet, and shall be detected in the act of smuggling contraband



1st. For the King's Premium of 100gs.
On the age, writings, and genius of Homer; and on
the state of religion, society, learning, and the arts,
during that period, collected from the writings of Homer.
2d. For the Society's Premium of 50gs.
Dartmoor, a poem,

3d. For the Society's Premium of 25gs.
On the history of the Greek language, on the present
language of Greece, and on the difference between an-
cient and modern Greek.

Academical Degrees.-The use of academical degrees,
as old as the thirteenth century, was originally borrowed
from the mechanic corporations; in which, an appren-
tice, after serving his time, obtains a testimonial of his
skill, and a license to practise his trade and mystery.
Were the ranks of Doctor, Bachelor, and Master, exclu-
sively reserved for, and invariably bestowed upon, the
manly, industrious, and successful students, who have
earned and obtained the public esteem, all thinking
men would applaud their institutions; but, as it is,
none will deny that university honours, like those of
church and state, are too frequently employed to dis-
tinguish those who are already distinguished by their
dulness, indolence, and ignorance.

Anecdote of Annibal Caracci.-Augustino Caracci, the brother of Annibal, haying delivered a long discourse in praise of the group of the Laocoon, his children felt considerable surprise that Annibal should say nothing upon this chef d'œuvre, the admiration of so many centuries. Annibal immediately took out his pencil, and drew the subject against the wall of the picture-room with as much precision as if the statue had been before him; then turning towards his brethren, he said, "Poets paint by words, and painters speak by the pencil.'




About the end of last October, a pair of martins were seen busily employed carrying ants (the formica hirunadinacea of Linnæus) to their young; so plentiful was the supply, that numerous ants remained unconsumed, and took possession of the nest, which on the departure of the birds, they converted into a complete formicatory. The ants have increased greatly, and their assiduous labours may now be witnessed under the side of the Abbey of Vale Crucis, North Wales. Thus, we see how wonderfully nature, in her exquisite dispensation, renders the econo my of her creatures subservient to each other.

Birds in Westminster Abbey.-The Dean of Westminster has recently given directions to have the interior of the Abbey cleansed, as from the number of birds which had congregated at the top of the gothic pillars, where they had built their nests, much inconvenience had been experienced in the choir. In effecting this labour, upwards of seventy nests of different birds were discovered, together with the remains of a number of the feathered tribe that appeared to have died of old age. Among other birds found in this situation was one with a very brilliant plumage, somewhat similar to a kingfisher. The plumage was in excellent preservation, but It was conveyed to the flesh was completely dried up. the Dean, by whom it has been preserved.


We copy the following paragraph from a Curaçoa paper of November 25; "Within these few days past, a most extraordinary instance of the productions of noture occurred on the plantation Malpays, belonging to G. Duycknick, Esq. An ass having been discovered in the act of foaling, it was found necessary, in order to re lieve the poor animal of her burden, to cut her open, and, strange to tell, a young one was found, dead, having two distinct necks and heads, but in every other respect perfect. It was the intention to preserve this natural curiosity; but on its arrival in town the carcase proved so offensive, that it became necessary, to throw it into the sea."

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Roman Eagle discovered.-It is well known to the studious in classical history and antiquities, that, at the defeat of the Roman legions in Fraconia, in the days of Augustus, (one of their ensign bearers, Aquilifer, buried the eagle that was confided to his charge in a ditch, lest it should fall into the enemy's hands; and that afterwards, when the victors were compelled to resign their trophies, one of the captured eagles could not be procured. Time and chance has at length brought it to light. William Barret, the proprietor of a stage waggon Count Francis of Erbach, who has a country seat at from Partrington to Hull, has attended his business Eulhach, and who has formed a magnificent collection regularly there twice a week for upwards of thirty-seven of Roman antiquities, has found, in the vicinity of his years, except about two weeks, one of them from sick-residence, a Roman eagle in a good state of preservation. ness, and the other from an accidental misfortune. It was discovered in a ditch, not far from some remains The distance from his house at Patrington to his inn at of a Roman entrenchment. It is of bronze, 13 inches Hull, is about 19 miles, consequently his walking about in height, and weighs seven pounds. It is not very his business will make each journey 40 miles, or up- easy to say that this is the very eagle formerly missing, wards; amounting in the whole to 153,760 miles, being but the presumption is strong in its favour; and theredistance greater than six times round the earth. Ex-fore it may now be appropriated to the 22d legion, or cept from snow or other unavoidable necessity, he never the Britannic legion, which was stationed in the lines of varied much from his usual time of setting out and the forest of Odenwald. arriving. He is now in his 73d year, and has lately given up his journeys, from age and the imperfection which he begins to feel in his eyesight.


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A Cheap Fuel. One bushel of small coal or sawdust, or both mixed together, two bushels of sand, one bushel and a half of clay. Let these be mixed together with common water, like common mortar; the more they are stirred and mixed together, the better; then make them into balls, or, with a small mould, make them into the shape of bricks; pile them in a dry place; and, when they are hard and sufficiently dry, they may be used. A fire cannot be lighted with them; but when the fire is quite lighted, put them on behind, with a coal or two in front, and they will be found to keep up a stronger fire than any fuel of the common kind. Cottager's Monthly Visitor, No. I.

Turkish Ideas of Honesty.-An officer, belonging to the Court of the son of the Pacha of Egypt, died lately at Medina. When he died, no property belonging to him could be found, except a few piastres in his pocket. Soon after, a woman came to the palace with a bag of 800 piastres in sequins, saying, that the officer had left it with her, and had never called to take it back. The Pacha took the bag and put the woman in prison, accusing her of having concealed more than she had given up. A Turk cannot conceive that a person can be honest.



[See notice to correspondent.]


SIR,-In your Kaleidoscope of the 22d August, (8th Number, New Series) you gave your readers a specimen of a Game of Chess, which in playing over I found, according to my opinion, might have been prolonged, if not won, by the black. But as some players object to the move on account of its doubtful legality, which has led to considerable discussion, I shall feel obliged if you will give this letter insertion in your next; as by doing so, it may lead some of your readers, who know the game scientifically, to point out the rule, or refer us to some author who treats upon that particular point.

The point upon which I want information is this: After the queen has moved to 6-3, and the black bishop to 5-4, the white knight attacks the black king, and gives him check; instead of which, I would have the pawn 7-6 to take the attacking knight. The argument urged against this, is that it exposes the king to check from the white queen. To refute this, I say, that the white queen is already covering a check from the black bishop, and consequently loses its power to give check to her adversary's king in that situation.

I shall be glad to be informed by yourself, or en-
lightened readers, whether I am right or wrong.
St. Ann's, 24th Jan. 1821.
J. B. P.


SIR,-I beg leave to call the attention of the proper authorities, through the medium of your paper, to the very dangerous state of a house, situate in Paradise-street, south corner of Atherton-street; which has of late greatly altered for the worse: there is a large open crack working from the corner across the front, and the wall in Atherton-street is giving way in several places. As the house is occupied, and stands in such a public situation, the most alarming consequences are likely to be the result, if it be not soon attended to. CAUTION.

[blocks in formation]

SIR,-I am much pleased with the great improve


(Written for the Kaleidoscope.)

[Continued from page 237.]

L'amour, then, creates in our hero an insatiable
desire to render himself too agreeable to the other sex:
he has no abstract idea of the pure sublimity of the
female character: his system of erotics is laid in a
business-like manner, and has reference to only one
individual, himself. If the heart to which he lays
siege were not fully as well aware of the method of
conducting these things as himself, there would be
some room for pity; but there is no delusion on either
part: the besieger, in flattering the vanity of his an-
tagonist, is only meditating an acceptable offering to his
own: the lady, on the other hand, sees that the atten-
dance of a handsome cavalier is a thing indispensible
in the fashionable circles, and, finding that she cannot
secure it at any other price, ends, by making the de-
votee all the return in her power; and is then a little
surprised to see him make his bow and take leave, not
again to return. But, after a day or two given up to
pique and mortification, she begins internally to ac-
knowledge that the desertion was quite according to
the ordinary course of such affairs, and her black
sparkling eyes begin to wander once more over the
figures of the half dozen aimables who start forward to
fill the vacant station, till she makes her election, again
to be flattered and deserted. The occurrence of such an
event mortifies, but it takes no hold of her feelings;
and she is therefore undeserving of our pity. 'The sober
man of sense is strangely mistaken if he thinks the
heart of a Frenchwoman is to be won by reasoning:
let him gain notoriety in the eyes of the world by mere
physical courage (which he has in common with the
brute creation, or by a distinguished dress, which he can
enjoy in common with fools) and, if he can succeed
so far as to rise into the notice and favour of her rivals,
his mistress will grant him every thing, in order to ob-
tain a triumph over them. The notorious success of
one of our first commanders among the Parisian wo-
men of rank depended upon this principle; his name
was in every body's mouth: so was that of

the celebrated singer; and he was equally fortunate.
The attentions of the soldier and the singer were
equally desirable, for there was a certain eclat attached
to them; and they had their reward. But, to return
yet another road to female favour for him who is too
from individual examples to general positions: there is
timid or too ungainly to acquire distinction in the two
modes already pointed out. Frenchwomen of all
classes are mercenary. I have not in my eye that un-
fortunate race of beings who subsist on the wages of
shame: I speak of women of the higher order, whose
reputation is untouched; but who make no difficulties
in condescending to accept presents from the merest
every-day acquaintance. Where is that feeling of
honest pride which burns on the cheek of the virtuous
Englishwoman, when an admirer, not too rigid in

her boudoir, and hears, as he is descending the stairs the loud insulting laugh of one who has no longer any measures to keep with him she has "fooled to the top of his bent." C. 25th Jan. 1821.

To Correspondents.

The humorous lines on a Voyage to India have so preoccupied our poetical department, that we are u avoidably compelled to postpone C.'s translation Ode 13, Book IV. of Horace.

Although the lines of Peter Pindar to My Candle and to a Fly may be familiar to the reader, they possess such intrinsic humour, that we shall, in compliance with the request of A CONSTANT READER, AS them a place in the Kaleidoscope, at our first conve nience.

CHESS.-A correspondent who has submitted to our arbitration a knotty point in this interesting game, is informed that we have not been inattentive to s investigation. The result of our enquiries is coprised in the following paragraph, drawn up by a person moderately versed in the game.

"It is," says he, "by a reference to the regulations of the London Chess Club, that disputed p are in general settled. On consulting the law the Club, I do not find any thing bearing in the remotest manner on your corespondent's quest my opinion, relative to this case, is decidedly in f vour of the mode of play adopted by Lolly, as give in the Kaleidoscope. The queen, or 6-3, certainly has her powers in abeyance, but she is not, J. B. P. imagines, entirely hors de combat. Such of my chess friends as I have consulted, agree is this opinion. The case, however, is curious, and I trust will be the subject of future discussion."

We have to acknowledge the continuation of the exce lent article on Materialism, with the commence ment of which we present our readers this day. We recommend it to their perusal, as being, in or opinion, one of the best specimens extant, of the happy combination of exalted powers of reasoning, and facility of language.

HORE OTIOSÆ No. V. in our next.

BAGATELLES.-Although we had intended to close this department of our journal for the season, have given a place to the Charade communicat by BOTICUS, because it is of a superior or Like our correspondent, we have also arrival solution, which, although perfect to the ear, cient in a letter.

A SUBSCRIBER need not be uneasy as to the regularity of

AMICUS has been just received.

his Series, owing to his occasional absence from to we are determined to reprint every number of o work which may be sold out, as we have already done in the case of Nos. 7 and 10. But we must contin to charge a small premium on all numbers purchased after a week's delay.

Printed, published, and sold

Liverpool Mercury Office.

ment going on in Bold-street, relative to the flagging principle or practice, ventures, upon a slight acquain-/ Sold also by John Bywater and Co. Pool-lane; Mess

of the foot-paths; but there remains a still further
improvement to that street, which I hope, at no distance, to offer some trifle for her acceptance? If re-
tant day, to see effected. I mean the mending of ceived, it would be construed by him into an earnest
sundry broken panes in the window of the Lecture of future kindnesses. Not so the Frenchwoman: she
Room of the Lyceum. At the same time a consider- sometimes extorts from her foolish foreign lover the
able addition to the appearance of the building
would be insured, were the committee of the same
to recommend their servants to spend a vacant hour
or two in the occupation of cleaning the said win-
dow, which is at present a disgrace to the neighbour-


[blocks in formation]

most expensive presents; and, when she finds his purse
tolerably well sacked, she politely informs him that
propriety will not permit her to encourage his atten-
dance any longer; that the world is malicious; that it
breaks her heart to bid him adieu; but that destiny
has willed it so. Stung with mortification he leaves

Evans, Chegwin and Hall, Castle-street; Mr. Thos
Smith, Paradise-street; Mr. Warbrick, Public
Library, Lime-street; Mr. G. P. Day, Newsma,
Dale-street; Mr. Lamb, Hanover-street; and Mr.
John Smith, St. James's-road, for ready money only.
Dublin, J. K. Johnston & Co. Preston, Mr. White,
Warrington, Mr. Harrison.
Manchester, Mrs. Richardson. Stoke, Mr. Tomkinson.
Stockport, Mr. Dawson.
Leeds, Mr Dewhirst.

London, Sherwood and Co.

Hull, Mr. Perkins.
Bolton, Mr. Kell.
Lancaster, Mr. Bentham.

Hanley, Mr. Allbut. Wigan, Messrs. Lyon, Ormskirk, Mr. Garside. Blackburn, Mr. Rogerson. Northwich, Mr. Kent


Literary and Scientific Mirror.


The Philanthropist.

In the first volume of the old series of the Kaloscope, we inserted several of the annual reports of Liverpool Charitable Institutions, under the imssion that no subject could better assimilate with

: department of our journal, which, under the head hilanthropist," was devoted to any subject connected

1 the welfare of our fellow-men. The reports we seStrangers' Friend Society, the Liverpool Peniten

[blocks in formation]

diet and accommodations. And all this is which was a becoming and grateful tribute
done with the order, regularity, and care-to their liberal efforts to improve the town
fulness of a well-conducted private house- and increase the comfort of its inhabitants,
with strict attention to the interests of the

"These are the results derived from the "But increased buildings and increased system established and directed by the Committee of Economy, whose great pow-accommodation will require increased reers to serve this establishment are only ex-venues, and it is to be lamented that the ed at the time to which we have alluded, were, ceeded by the zeal and diligence with which subscriptions to this charity have not grown 7, and the Dispensary, to which we have now great their services are constantly given to it; in proportion to the growth of the wealth and sure in adding the address of B. A. Heywood, Esq. and the supporters of this house of charity population by which we are now surrounded. pecting that noble Institution the Infirmary, if cannot with propriety lament, like the so- Upon this subject we have to expect, and it te to promote the views of the benevolent writer vereign of old, that, having performed no act may be done with confidence, placed on the he following appeal, our object will be accomplished. of benevolence, they have lost a day; for known liberality of the community of LiVe intend in our next to give a place to the last re-every day and every hour their bounty is verpool, that the revenues will become not of the Strangers' Friend Society, recently pub-administering comfort and relief to the only equal, but superior, as they were in greatest of all bodily sufferings. former times, to the annual wants of this great charity.

selection of this article should, in any degree, con




"Such are your good works, and they have been accomplished, whilst the house "It has occurred to me, and I beg to has been constantly filled to its utmost ex-suggest for your consideration, that it might tent, without any diminution of the stock be advisable to form a new fund for the or capital of the Trustees, for which we purpose of fitting up and finishing this inmay consider ourselves indebted to the tended new Infirmary. By this measure, great exertions and diligence of the officers those funds which are now in possession, of the different departments, to the decline and which were in fact appropriated to the of prices of some necessary articles, to an purpose, will be preserved for the use of the unusual receipt of benefactions, legacies, patients of the Infirmary. The plan has and accidental payments, and to the great been attended with success in other charitacare and attention of the Treasurer, whose ble buildings, and we may recollect that services for another year have been solicited, the original building of the present Inand will, I hope, be granted. firmary by our ancestors, in the then insignificant state of the wealth and population of this place, was a greater effort than any which can be now required; and it will be gratifying to preserve the surplus funds of former times for the particular uses they were intended, and to institute, now, similar efforts to procure adequate buildings for our future objects. Nor can we be wholly inattentive to the occasions which may incidentally arise to make these surplus funds necessary for the most immediate wants; for it is only two years ago that you were compelled to expend part of them, to prevent the necessity of closing some of the

Gentlemen,--When you did me the our to appoint me the President of this e charity, I was so little informed of management and economy of such untakings, that it is more than probable any remarks which I may venture to e will be to you trite and familiar; but Il not deny myself the pleasure of exsing my great admiration of the excel"We are, however, now assured that e which I have witnessed. It is difficult further income must become necessary, in xplain sufficiently what is excited by consequence of agreements made with the view of a regular, correct, and efficient Corporation of Liverpool, to whom, in the em, by which the important and nume- magnificent progress of their improvements, duties of this great family are con- the site of the Infirmary became desirable; ted; and the diseased, disabled, house- and it was favourable to your interests that , and homeless poor are received, accom-this circumstance has taken place, for your lated, and relieved by every means, and present buildings are become too small for very manner, which skill, medicine, and the accommodation of the patients, and are : can dispense; and it appears to me decayed and out of repair. We hope that a many advantages, which are not en-it will be found that the committee have had ed by the rich in their heated chambers, the power of showing that ready acquii with their luxurious and unwholesome escence to the wishes of the Corporation,

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