Imagens das páginas

to pursue: variety is its relaxation, and amusement its repose."

[ocr errors]

6. "He that abuses his own profession will not bear patiently with any one else who does so. And this is one of the most subtle operations of self-love. For, when we abuse our own profession, we tacitly except ourselves; but when another abuses it, we are far from being sure that this is the case."



8. "Sensibility would be a good portress, if she had but one hand, with her right hand she opens the door to pleasure, but with her left to pain.' 9. There is this paradox in pride; it makes some men ridiculous, but prevents others from being so." 10. The hate which we all bear with the most Christian patience, is the hate of those who envy


11. "Imitation is the sincerest of flattery." 12. Of all the marvellous works of the Deity, perhaps there is nothing that angels behold with such supreme astonishment as a proud man?"

13. There is this difference between happiness and wisdom; he that thinks himself the happiest man, really is so; but he that thinks himself the wisest, is generally the greatest fool."

was surprised that the Chairman allowed the most virulent abuse of ministers, and the most passionate encomiums on the Queen. But, Sir, the names of ministers, collectively or individually, were neither uttered nor alluded to! The name of the Queen was introduced among the list of heroines who were selected, without regard to political opinions, but merely as examples of female fortitude.

He asserts that many of the females were of a description most to be dreaded by parents; but he dare not in propria persona traduce the wives, the daughters, and the female attendants. Many of them I know to be of the friends of the gentlemen present, who constituted the first respectability; and neither look, nor gesture, ner dress could warrant the slightest deviation from the same opinion of any one present, notwithstanding his unmanly insinuation.

them. The divinities are there stamped with their various attributes; there we see the temples of every description, gates, pillars, public ways, forums, aqueducts, and other necessary buildings. On Coins are recorded triumphs, victories, and various games; and how else should we discover the pomp attendant on the former but by Coins, on which we see the emperor whose triumph they celebrate, en7. "The sun should not set upon our anger, nei-tering the city in his quadrigated car, and frequently ther should he rise upon our confidence. We should attended by a Victory? Some will answer, "How much superior are statues and ancient buildings forgive freely, but forget rarely. I will not be re venged, and this I owe to my enemy; but I will to these trifles; there you have the figures as large as life, and all the features as compact as possible!" remember, this I owe to myself." It must indeed be acknowledged, were these monuments of antiquity to be procured at all, or even at a price suitable to all degrees, they would be He says, "the language of the speakers can be of no preferable; but those which now remain are either benefit but to those of little or no education." He, in a great measure imperfect or altogether unintel- then, ought to attend; for, judging from the meagreligible; and Time, as it were, jealous of the gloryness of his epistle, he may, by his own showing, deof the ancients, daily destroys what fire and sword rive some improvement there. Either his capacity is have spared. And this is not the only objection: idle, have taken his money for nothing. slender; or, his schoolmasters, having allowed him to time and money are wanting to procure them; and, He sweepingly accuses the speakers (who, I trust, indeed, Kings alone can ornament their palaces will treat him with contemptuous silence) of being of low with them, their price far exceeding the fortunes rank. Most of them, however, were genteely dressed; of private individuals. If Portraits are made to though not, perhaps, superfluously. They have no ocrepresent the heroes or Emperors of old, from casion to avail themselves of the good nature of freaky whence are they taken? Or how are they to be Fortune, who frequently allows a man who is top-heavy relied on as being faithful representations of those to ballast himself (like a crazy ship) with an extraor persons? Patin, in his comparison of Medals and dinary load of broad-cloth, boot-leather, and starched muslin. The birth of some of them (G. L. is, it would "Elles fournissent encore une Paintings, says, utilité considerable dans la societé des hommes,seem, a legitimate gentleman) I know to be as high as his own, whoever he be; for puisqu'elles preuvent ce qu'elles representent; que, sans elles, la Peinture n'a pas d'autorité." I will but mention one circumstance to show the utility of this study to those who would understand History, and refer my readers to Pinkerton and other writers on Medals, who have filled pages with the great advantages of it. Historians had long doubted as to which Emperor (Carus, or Carinus) the Empress Magnia Urbica was wedded, but contrary to the general opinion, a Coin assigns her to the latter, and which is certainly the most indubitable authority. I shall, for the present close these remarks, doubting not but all must be convinced of the general utility of this study, as well as the amusement to be derived from it, in the words of a celebrated writer on Roman Coins, who, after enumerating the beauties of them, says, who is not taken with these delicacies, with which History, Antiquity, and true Literature are so intimately connected, is lost to every genteel study, and all sensibility of taste." Liverpool, February 5th, 1821.

14. If the devil ever laughs, it must be at hypocrites; they are the greatest dupes he has; they serve him better than any others, and receive no wages; day, what is still more extraordinary, they submit to greater mortifications to go to hell, than the sincerest Christian to go to heaven."

15. He that will often put eternity and the world before him, and will dare to look steadily at both, will find that the more he contemplates them, the former will grow greater, and the latter less. 16. "No metaphysician ever felt the want of langage so much as the grateful."

Fine Arts.



[Written for the Kaleidoscope.]




SIR,-1 am induced by several letters which have lately appeared in the Kaleidoscope on the subject of Prints, to offer you a few observations on another study, and which, I doubt not but I can convince even an AMATEUR, is as useful, if not more s), than that of Engravings; not that I would deny to the latter that praise which they so justly merit, or the amusement they afford to persons of every age; but, by the observations made in those letters, to shew the great utility of the latter.


[blocks in formation]

"What can ennoble fools, and slaves, and cowards? Alas! not all the blood of all the Howards!" Assuming a knowledge of the prospects of the speakers, he sees no advantage they can derive from the acquirement of elocution. He would monopolise the whole art of oratory for his son. Let him not despair! If the talents of the son be as just, original, and inventive as those of the father, he may probably stand alone and Yours, unrivalled at the bar of justice.



We have, we believe, in some of the articles already selected respecting the Arctic Expedition, informed our readers that our adventurous countrymeu, in order to beguile away those tedious nights in the dreary polar regions, had recourse to every species of amusement within the power of men so situated. Amongst other modes of beguiling their time, they issued a Newspaper, of one number of which we subjoin a copy.


"We cannot congratulate our readers on any material change in our prospects, since our last. The dark clouds which then hung over us remain undispersed, and the most profound gloom prevails. It is, however, consoling to know, though as yet "no pitying ray" bursts on us, that patience and fortitude have carried others triumphantly through similar difficulties, and a night of dreary anxiety has been succeeded by a day of cloudless splendour. with all the exertions we can use, it is no easy task That the times are hard cannot be denied, since to keep the wolf from the door. Under such circumstances, it cannot excite surprise that the stocks

SIR, Mr. G. L. of St. Anne's-street, has, through the Courier, made an attack upon the Literary Society. Although he has assumed the garb of public good, it fits him so scantily that the cloven foot is easily discovered: his purpose is to injure the worthy and unoffendYour correspondent, in recommending the study honest crust in his old age. G. L. tells us that he lodges ing President of the society; to deprive him of an of Prints, regrets" that the ancients did not possess in St. Anne's-street, and has a son whom he is bringing the advantages of Engraving; for, by the means of up for the bar; in virtue of which excellencies he claims Prints," he adds, "we should have been familiar the privilege of publishing downright falsehoods. He says (on board) should be depressed, and we will not diswith all their beautiful and curious possessions." he has read many accounts in the Kaleidoscope of the resNow, let me ask, where are these beauties to be pectability of the company, and the extraordinary elo-guise the fact, that they have been for some time found? Cast but one glance at a cabinet of Coins, quence displayed at the society. Only twolettes, (as far as I going down. Happily, however, we have still some and you will not only see their " possessions," but can discover) on the society, have appeared in that print; rum spirits among us, that disdain to recognise in it you will find portrayed the head of Caesar, the one spoke of the respectability of the company, the care; and though at present they can furnish but with all the feeling of real life; you will there be other praised eloquence generally, (whether displayed in cold comfort, yet cold comfort is better than none Liverpool or Tombuctoo.) But Mr. G. L. makes units at all. boid the surly looks of a Nero, the placid counte into tens with all the expertness of a Chinese juggler.nance of an Antoninus, and the gross head of Vitel- After, says he, reading the "bill of fure" (a most approAccidents and Offences.-Yesterday, Tom Tarwig lius: we see the mysterious functions of their reli-priate term for one whose digestive organs are probably taking an airing with Jack Junk, happened by chance gion, and the instruments which served to execute better adapted for beef-steaks, than for philosophy!) he to thrust his nose within two inches of his comrade's

link. Junk perceived that it was pale, and immediately called out, "Splice me, mate! but your bowsprit's going." Tarwig immediately raised his hand to his face, but searched it in vain for his nose. Snow was promptly applied to the part affected; the danger was soon at an end, and Tom could feel his nose again. But for the well-timed efforts of Junk, it is more than probable that Tarwig would have returned with his nose in his pocket, which might have proved a serious inconvenience to that accomplished snuff-taker.

"I don't like," cries Peter, "a bear skin to wear,
'Tis so aukward it makes people laugh."
"That is true," replies Tom, but the skin of a bear,
"Than a bare skin is better by half."

Advertisements.-To be sold, some excellent nosegloves, lined with woollen, and made to tie behind. Apply to Bobstay.

Superior Nostrils, made of quills and reeds, to be worn with Bubstay's noses, is now on sale. Ax for Sam Shroud's.

The Fine Arts.-Jem Capstern has just com. pleted a chalk representation of an Esquimaux engaged in taming a whale. The manner in which the savage uses the harpoon, as a driller of marines would use his cane, is very natural, and the whole picture may be considered as a master-piece. The Sam Topsail was brought yesterday morning be. chalk exhibition will remain open to-day and tofore Lieutenant Larkish, charged with having pur-morrow, when it must positively close, as the deck loiued some brandy, the property of Dick Drylips, must be washed on the following morning. under the following circumstances:-It appears that the brandy being frozen as hard as glass, a diamond was used by the proper officer to cut out the regular allowances of the crew. Dick Drylips, at the dance on Wednesday evening, being about to perform a minuet with a bear, thought it prudent to put two slices of his brandy out of his jacket pocket, from an apprehension that they might be broken by his movements, in which case the smaller particles would have been in danger of being thawed by the warm hug of his partner. He accordingly laid them on the head of a cask on which Sam Topsail was seated. The prisoner at first denied having seen the brandy, but being confronted with Bill Bull's-eye, who saw him drilling holes in one of the cakes, with a view of inserting therein the prongs of a fork, for the purpose of toasting it,—he was convicted of the fraud, and sentenced to pay the accuser two slices of his next allowance of brandy.

Roger Razorface was accused of cutting and maiming. The facts were these:-Bob Breeze going down to be shaved, was lathered in the usual way. At that moment the cabin door was unfortunately opened, and the soap-suds on his muzzle became tu one instant as hard as marble. Razorface tried to thaw the lather with a red-hot poker; but this being objected to by Bob, on account of its making the water boil, which had been laid with the soap, in the indenture of his chin, Razorface, at last, took a chisel and hammer to the other part of his face, and succeeded in getting off the lather and beard, and with it part of the upper lip. It was admitted by Breeze that he objected to the use of the poker, and the magistrate thereupon dismissed the charge, considering the application of the chisel to be an act of his own; and moreover being of opinion, that the chisel in question was not a sharp instrument within the meaning of the Act.

The Drama.-A new pantomime was last night brought out at the Arctic Theatre, entitled “The North West Passage; or Harlequin Esquimaux." Our limits will not admit of our entering into the plot of this piece at present. Of course there is a lack of scenery and machinery; but, in some instanees, the local situation of this theatre gives it an advantage over every other. Where, but in the Arctic Theatre could a palace be exhibited, supported by real icicles, forty feet high, bright as crystal, and thicker than the pillars of Covent Garden portico? Many of the tricks are very ingenious, and at the same time quite original. [We particularly admired that touch of the magic wand, which converted the Paphian Queen into a lump of "unsunned snow."]

Original Poetry.—Mr. HEADITOR-I hopes as how yowl assert the follering: TOM TACKLE.

Vhat, tho' the vind blows in my face,
Vhile here that ve is stopping,
I gaily splices the main brace,
And sighs for Poll of Vopping.
Avay vith care.-Vy, 'tis a sin
Our peepers to keep mopping,
Because ve here so long has bin,
Avay from Poll of Vopping.
For soon ye shall get home again,
And all their mouths be stopping,
Vith fine hale, or vith rum and gin,
As I vill Poll of Vopping.

Wanted-A child's Caul. Two slices of brandy for a right arnest one. Bring it to Jerry Jibb.”

Christmas Boxes,

(Concluded from our former Numbers.)


PIL-LION, which, although it is perfect to the ear, is not quite so to the eye, as it is deficient in one L.

To Correspondents.

HouSELESS POOR-We have once before drawn the
attention of the readers of the Kaleidoscope to the
poor inmates in the cellar in Blundell-street, who,
through the active benevolence of the inhabitants of
Liverpool, have been provided, during the winter,
with shelter against the inclemency of the night air, as
well as with fires and frugal meals. The number of
these poor fellows, chiefly seamen, amounts now to
upwards of fifty. They are required to be within
their quarters before nine o'clock every evening, and
have regular sentries appointed from amongst them-
selves, whose duty it is to see that so proper a regula-
tion is strictly attended to. Having already given
one specimen of some very humble poetry on this
subject in the Mercury, we think it only fair that the
the second specimen we have received, should be de-
voted to the readers of the Kaleidoscope. It is copied
verbatim et literatim, as we would not presume to use
the pruning-knife with a composition upon which,
we believe, the homely author sets no small store.
On the Cellar in Blundell-street, appointed by the Friends
of Humanity for the reception of poor, destitute, and
wearied Seamen, and others.
Fifty poor men this cellar doth hold,
Kept from starvation, and free from the cold;
By friends of humanity long time have been fed
With potatoes, salt herrings, and good household bread;
With good straw to lie on, and good coals for a fire,
Which makes them as happy as they can desire.
Mr. Ly, a brewer, as people doth say,
Has given table beer, to drink every day;
And when at their meals they a toast cheerly give,
Not forgetting Mr. S, another great friend,
"Here is God bless the brewer, and long may he live!"
Who is always relieving poor destitute men;
May he from misfortunes be always free,
And in happiness live to eternity.

But, alas! our provision is nigh done at last,
Which causes some tears from our eyes to be cast,
And makes us poor wretches crave charity once more
From the kind and benevolent, who may have it in store.
And when in a far country employment we've got,
Our kind benefactors will ne'er be forgot;
By hoping our prayers will reach up to heaven
For the friends of humanity, who so cheerfully have given.

We will thank EGo to fulfil his promise; and if the
remainder of the verses resemble the specimen, the
whole shall have an early place.

HORA OTIOSE, No. VI. in our next.

MATERIALISM.-On receiving the third part of the examination of the theory of Materialism, which we suppose to be the conclusion, we repeat our thanks to TRANSCRIBER, for the opportunity he has afforded us of becoming the medium for the dissemi tion of a treatise, which, for clearness of reasoning, powers of language, and taste in the arrangement of ideas, is not surpassed, if equaled, by any disserta. tion we ever met with, in the course of our reading. The writer is a very rare metaphysician, who, not only understands himself, but contrives to convey his meaning to the reader.

SHAUGHNASEY O'SHAUGHNASEY Esq.-We conti nue to receive the most solicitous enquiries respect. ing this gentleman, from those who have, we sup pose, adopted our hypothesis of his actual existence and probable re-appearance in propria persona. We can, for the present, say little more on the subject, than that we persist in our conviction; and that our opinion is, that Sir SHAUGHNASEY, who is a very PROTEUS, has, this day, embellished our poets' cer ner with some lines, addressed to -, under the cognomen of SINCLAIR.

ILLIBERAL AND LIBELOUS ATTACK ON THE LIVERPOOL DEBATING SOCIETY. We never recollect having witnessed a more mean, wanton, and cruel attempt to snatch the bread out of the mouth of an unfortunate individual, than that evinced in a letter of last Wednesday, signed G. L. It would be losing time to do much more than give the lie d rect to such a shameless calumniator. There is not an individual who was present on the occasion to which he alludes, who requires to be told that there is nothing but falsehood and gross exaggeration from one end to the other in the letter of G. L.; initials, which we suppose signify "GREAT LIAR." The political abuse of ministers, at which this critical dandy is so shocked, was merely a passing compliment paid to the conduct of the Queen, on her various perilous voyages by land and by sea, and in having braved difficulties, which would have appalled the hearts of many of the stouter" sex; and all this, be it observed, was introduced, not politically, but as a moral and practical proof that the intellectual faculties and energies of women we equal to those of men; which was the question for the evening's debate. As for the other foul and dastardly attempt to keep away respectable company, by representing that a great portion of the females present were of an improper description; it is such a unblushing, malignant, and groundless falsehood, that we should not notice it, were it not to express our conviction, that if such characters as those alluded to, have ever found their way into that debating root it has been on the introduction of this G. L. himself, for the very base purpose to which he has subsequently converted the circumstance. If ever a man merited the horsewhip, it is, in our opinion, the writer of this letter; and we entertain no doubt that it is actiona unless indeed its obvious motive shall defeat is lignant object, and thus render it impossible to prot damages. The letter of PHILO, on this subject, be seen in a preceding column.. THE MORALITY OF THE DRAMA.-We shall have pleasure in introducing to our readers, next week, the original essay of O. N-k, in vindication of the mo rality of the Drama; but we wish that the author, in the mean time, would consent to change a signature so inappropriate to an advocate for morality of this, however, he must, of course, be permitted to form his own opinion.

We regret the trouble C. has had in copying the extracts from Lacon, because, having the work in our own possession, we would have spared the drudgery of transcription to one who can fill up his literary leisure to so much more advantage. We have long had it in contemplation to make a regular selection from this extraordinary work; and for that purpose have stered at least one hundred passages; our principal object being to avoid those maxims which, from their political allusions, could not have a place in the Kaleidoscope, without a departure from the public pledge we have given on that point, and from which we never intend to deviate in the slightest degree.

We have further to acknowledge E. F.—A COLLECTOR


Printed, published, and sold by E. SMITH and Co. 54, Lord-street, Liverpool.



Literary and Scientific Mirror.


The Philanthropist.



Twenty-eight years have now elapsed

[blocks in formation]

sooner does a report of peculiar suffering, | corresponded with this miserable lodging. arising either from poverty or misfortune, They had only one stool, and that had been reach the visitors, than some person im- borrowed from a neighbour. It was about mediately repairs to the abode of wretched-seven o'clock in the evening when he called: ness to make inquiries, and to administer he relieved the family, prayed with the such relief as circumstances require, and perishing woman, and about nine on the same evening she expired. These had known their funds enable them to afford. From the numerous instances of accumu- better days, but were probably preserved ent Institution, during which time it has lated misery that have presented themselves from actual starvation through this Insti een supported by voluntary contributions. during the last year, the two following are tution. Through this long period, the benefits re-selected as specimens of the distress which ulting from its active operations have been 10 perspicuous as to preclude the necessity, and even the possibility, of any superior

ince the commencement of this benevo



By relieving numerous families and individuals, whose cases were equally distressing, the funds of the Society are now exhausted; and the committee have no means of getting them replenished, but by again appealing to that sympathetic feeling and Christian charity through which the STRANGERS' FRIEND SOCIETY has been so long, and so liberally supported.

On the 4th of January, 1820, one of the visitors received a note, requesting him to inquire into the condition of a poor family It must be obvious to every reflecting in a particular part of the town, which was nind, that in a large commercial town like named. Repairing thither, he found, on Liverpool, visited by ships from every his arrival, the father out of employment, (uarter of the globe, and containing a popu- who, together with his wife and six children, ation of 100,000 souls, multitudes, through were nearly perishing through hunger and They beg leave to assure the friends of i variety of causes, must, at times, be re- cold. They had only one bed, which was humanity, that the sum of human wretchedluced to a state of misery. In this forlorn composed of dirty straw; and their only ness remains still undiminished. Many ondition it is to be feared, that surrounded covering was one filthy blanket, to shelter cases occur which demand more ample rey strangers, and cut off from all resources, the whole family from the rigour of the lief than their resources permit them to any unhappy sufferers sink into despon-season. Being destitute of money, of credit, supply; and it is only by an increase of ency, and, under the joint pressure of and of the necessaries of life, their starva- liberality that the utility of this Institution overty and disease, after languishing for tion appeared inevitable: and this would in can be extended. season, unpitied and unknown, find their all probability have taken place, but for the st refuge in the arms of death. It was om a conviction of these melancholy facts, nd with the hope of affording relief both >the bodies and the souls of such children f affliction, that this God-like charity was stituted.

timely aid which he was enabled to admi-
nister. He instantly furnished them with
money to purchase soup, sent them some
bread, and a stone of clean straw for a new
bed. This family still continues in Liverpool.

It is the cause of human nature in deep distress that now solicits public aid; and so far as the experience of twenty-eight years will furnish a criterion of judgment, to those who are gratuitously engaged in this charitable employment, they feel confident that they shall not appeal to the humanity of Liverpool in vain.

7037 Cases visited and relieved, and 16 000
Quarts of Soup distributed in 1820.
This cannot be the meaning of the author; becausé,

On the 16th of the same month, a poor Founded upon liberal principles, it knows widow was visited, whose son, living with othing of creeds, of complexions, or of her, could procure no work. When the ountries; but, imitating that benevolent visitor entered the room, he could not for Seing, who first implanted humanity in the some time discern any person, through the if the sum of human wretchedness remains still “undioul of man, it dispenses its blessings on smoke which issued from a few half extin-minished," it follows, that the efforts of the society have bjects of real distress, many thousands of guished embers, glimmering on some bricks, produced no good effect whatever.. What the writer intended to convey, is, that great misery still exists, nothom, since ́its establishment, have been which supplied the place of a grate. A withstanding the very extensive relief afforded by the funds of this society. Of the truth of this melancholy elieved by its bounty. light, however, being obtained, he discover-fact our readers will scarcely doubt, when they reflect ed the sister of the widow lying on the floor, that there are, at the moment we are writing this note, FIFTY-EIGHT of their fellow-creatures, in so destitute a upon a few dirty rags, for they had neither state, as to accept, with gratitude, the accommodations bed nor bedding. The other furniture of a straw bed, prepared for men in their forlorn condition, in Blundell-street.-Edit. Kal.

Among those, under whose notice cases of calamity are likely to fall, the existence of this Institution is well known; and no

The Gleaner.

"I am but a gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff." WOTTON.


Our readers, after perusing the following narrative,

will naturally conclude that we have not selected it on account of its literary beauties, as they will not fail to perceive that it is extremely defective in style; although they will probably agree with us, that it possesses other claims to their notice.


|him whither he was destined: in sullen in- and uncouth attire, having no shoes on her difference and inattention he informed them feet, and her hair hanging in luxuriance, no he was bound to Oneida Castle. His looks small length, on her back; her looks and excited the attention of the party, and ap- her manners bespoke the air and and mien peared those of a melancholy young man; of gentility. She seemed scarce twenty; his garments were faded though not in tat- her size was small, and her interesting ap ters, and had evidently belonged to one in pearance was heightened by a piercing eye, higher situation of life than what he seem- and the marks of intelligence and expression ed engaged in; his outward resemblance was it indicated. They told her of their intent the very Cardenio of Cervantes, and he pos- to remain on the island during the night, sessed a face and an expression that a Salva- and she politely requested them to make tor Rosa would have loved to portray, and use of her house, which they, with many [From the National Advocate, a New York Paper.] accent bespoke him of French descent. He thanks, refused, but pitched their tents near passed on as if wishing to hold no further it, whilst the bargemen slept at the shore, MR. EDITOR,-The following short nar-converse; and our travelers had scarce ceased near the batteau. The next morning they rative is an account of an actual adventure wondering at the incident, before his canoe made preparations for departure: they dis that occurred towards the close of the last was far behind them. The batteau slowly covered also in the interior of the hut a century: proceeded on. The sun had sunk below the choice collection of books, scattered about, Late in the autumn of 17—, some Gentle-horizon, and the twilight had added new among which they observed a volume of men were performing a tour in the western features to the tranquil landscape, when an- Buffon's Natural History. Before they had part of this state, a journey, at that time, other island of larger extent than what left this abode of apparent happiness and executed with difficulty and scarcely prac- they had already seen appeared before them; sweet retirement, she gave them a brief his ticable. The sites of those beautiful towns it had somewhat of an acclivity, and though tory of herself, which was simply this: She and villages that now line the road through the party had heard of its existence, and the had been sometime in the country, though which the traveler passes, were then but name by which it was known by the batteau- not always on the island she occupied; she the dark impenetrable forest, which few men men of the lake, yet none had ever before had resided for months in the Castle of One had seen, and fewer yet had thought of there visited it, or landed on its shores. The bat- ida, among the Indians, she described them fixing their habitations and their homes. teau-men called it "Hoger Bust," in Eng-as mild and unoffending; that she had forTedious was then the route which now af-lish, "High Breast," a Dutch appellation, med friendships there, which had even to fords such pleasure; men hurried from a which its appearance and situation rendered that day been of service to herself and hos spot where social intercourse scarce existed, apt and appropriate. The nearer they ap-band; and, as the Indians had not forget. and where none but the uncivilized Indian proached they were surprised at perceiving ten them, they occasionally left at their st beld a paramount authority. Towards the marks of cultivation, and as it was now dark cluded settlement, on a return from their close of a delightful autumnal day, as they they looked round for a landing place, ha- hunting excursions, a portion of their game. were gently entering in a batteau the beau-ving first made a considerable noise to rouse She told them, with much sprightliness and tiful lake of Oneida, they were forcibly the inhabitants of the island, whoever might naiveté, that she had become a heroine, fir struck with the islands that opened to their reside there. The party landed; and not- that she had often swam from one island to view after leaving Wood Creek, through withstanding the night had set in, they made another, and showed them a small gase which they had been passing, appearing an excursion into the interior, in order to used with great success in the destruction like emerald spots set in the silver expanse. discover the people, who, from the cultiva- of wild fowl. The innocence and artlessThe setting sun reflected on the falling tion they had observed, they felt convinced ness of the woman, together with those variegated foliage the richest tint. Our occupied the soil. With lights which they marks of superior acquirement, contrasted travelers were filled with pleasing emotions had struck in the boat they traced their with the solitude that surrounded her, drew at the charming spectacle and the romantic way through a short wood, and suddenly en- the particular attention of our travelers. scenery nature presented. The dash of the tered at the end of it upon an avenue of shrub- In the course of conversation, they related oar in the calm and tranquil water alone bery, and twigs of trees interwoven in the their meeting with the man on the Lake: disturbed the sublime harmony; and, from form of lettice work, lining each side of the she answered them it was her husband, who the stillness of all around, seemed the only walk; at the termination of this a rude hut had gone to the castle to procure provisions noise this secluded spot had ever heard from was visible-they knocked at the door, and They did not wish to ask any further man. They had scarce emerged from the it was opened by a female, who accosted tions as to the cause of their seclusion; embouchure of the creek, and entered on them in French: they informed her of the informing her of their intention to leave the the lake, before. the languid strokes of a cause of their visit, and then asked her if island immediately, she flew in a mome distant oar caught the ear of our travelers; she was not disturbed by the noise and with an eager avidity to oblige, to the g it sounded nearer and nearer, and they soon cry they made; she told them no, for she den; and, with her own hands, dug found it proceeded from a small canoe, ha- thought it occasioned by the Indians, who vegetables from the ground, and present ving in it one solitary being; and as it ap- were her friends, Our travelers beheld her them to her guests. Before they departe proached alongside the batteaux they asked with surprise; she was clothed in coarse they selected some wines out of their starch


and other articles which would be luxurious for her in this comparative wilderness, and left them where she was sure to find them,

as they considered it an indelicacy directly to offer them to her, for they did not hesitate in believing she had seen better days, and had been the ornament of some society, the loss to which might not, perhaps, have easily been supplied. They left the island, highly interested at the incident that had occurred, and uttering an inward prayer for her welfare. They jumped into the batteau and proceeded onwards, and made a stop at a settlement some miles down the lake; and having related their adventure to some of the settlers, and inquired concerning them, they related the following infornation that the Lady (for such our travelers were already convinced she was) had yeen once a nun in France; that she had >een taken from a convent in Lisle, by the person they saw, and carried to America; hat the cause of his occupying the island vas his extreme jealousy; that he rigorously estrained her from going any where from it, and had refused to let her visit the wife of one of the settlers, who had requested him for that purpose, and they also mentioned his name. How strange that uch feelings should pervade a man among he wilds of the forest; that he should not hink the being on whom he has placed his arthly affection secure in a solitary isle, which holds but her and himself for its inabitants!-From an old memorandum book f one of the party.

Fine Arts.



[Written for the Kaleidoscope.]



SIR, The Romans having established Magisrates for the superiutendance of the fabrication of heir money, by degrees introduced the use of it, f three metals, gold, silver, and the various modi cations of copper, as well as its various sizes; be gold denarius, called the aureus, and the silver lenarius, are the most common size, though we ave quinarii of both metals, and the first, second, nt third brass, the minimi being ranked by col. ectors frequently with the latter.

According to the best authorities, the first Ro. aao Coins were struck in the reign of Servius Tullus, eing large pieces of brass, rudely impressed with he figure of an ox, ram, or of other cattle, from bence the name pecunia. There is, in the PemDrokian collection, one bearing the ox, of the

Evening Dress.-A round dress, composed of net, over a white satin slip: the dress is finished at the botthe ruche: there is something very novel in the artom of the skirt with a full ruche of net, edged with blue zephyreene; a broad bouillonne of net surmounts rangement of this bouillonne: it is interspersed with blue and white zephyreene ornaments called crabs, a name which is very appropriate to their form. The corsage is cut moderately low round the bust, and rather long in the waist: it is composed of blue and white zephyreene intermixed; it is ornamented in front, on each side of the bust, with lace, which is so disposed as to form a fan stomacher: the back is plain : the bust. Short full sleeve, made of net, over white a single fall of lace, set on moderately full, goes round satin: the net is disposed in folds, which are edged with blue zephyreene; the last fold is also finished with lace at the edges: they are looped up with bows of blue zephyreene. The front hair is a good deal parted on the forehead; it is dressed in very light curls, and falls low at each side of the face. The hind hair is disposed in braids, which do not come higher than rather forward on the forehead, encircles the head, the crown of the head. A pearl bandeau, brought and a full plume of white ostrich feathers droops to one side; the middle of each feather is covered with a thick down, which gives it a peculiar beauty and richness. Necklace and ear-rings pearl. White satin shoes, and white kid gloves.

weight of two pounds, and termed the dupondius | row, and far back; and it fastens with a full bow of Afterwards they impressed on them the head of pale pink ribbon under the chin. Black kid shoes. Janus on one side, and on the other the ship of Saturn, Castor and Pollux, &c. But as great men induced them to strike Coins, which we term increased, so the desire of perpetuating their actions Consular, or Coins of Families, not improperly so called, though they do not always bear the name of a Consul, being struck in the consular age of Rome. But it was not until the time of Julius Casar, when commences the Imperial series, that the head of any living personage appeared on them, who impressed his on one side, and not unfrequently on the other that of Anthony or other great men of the time: and this custom was continued by each succeeding Emperor till the destruction of Rome by the Goths, and even to a much later period: but they are so barbarous as to destroy the beauty of the series whilst they enhance its value. The next coinage was that of silver, which took place, according to Pliny, in the year of the city, 484, when Q. Oguloius Gallus, and C. Fulvius Pictor were Consuls, being five years before the first Punic War, or 266 B. C. They at first bore a double female head on one side, and the quadrigated car with Jupiter on the other, having the word ROMA indented beneath: Dr. Hunter had no less than fifteen of them of various weights, from 9 grains to 58 grains. Afterwards we have the silver Consular, the most interesting, certainly, of the three metals; but of them more particularly in a subsequent letter.

And lastly, we come to gold, much less amusing than the other, and of less extent, there being but 600 of them known, whilst we have about 2,000 silver, and 200 brass; and from the devices they bear being, without one exception, repeated on the silver coins, of them nothing more need be said. There are also Coins of lead, of ancient date, though evidently used by the Romans; Patin mentions one in his "Familiæ Romanæ," page 200, inscribed C. PADANI. Also, another of Nero, with the legend, NERO CAESAR. They are frequently mentioned by authors, especially Plautus, who says,

"Tace tu, Faber, qui cudere soles
Plumbeos Nummos."

We find in the cabinets of the curious, a few specimens of iron-money; one was shown me by a friend, a short time ago, of Julia Domua, and of undoubted antiquity; but, being seldom met with, the remark alone shall suffice.

An ancient writer mentions tin money of Diony sius, but none has yet been discovered. They are frequently found of what the French call "potin;" and for a further description of the other mixtures, I will refer my readers to Pinkerton, or Dr. Rees's Encyclopædia, under the head "Medals," where they will find a fuller account than the limits of this letter will allow me to give.


Liverpool, February 12th, 1821.

Fashions for February.

Morning Dress-A wrapping dress, composed of cachemire: the waist is the usual length; the body comes up to the throat, in the back of the neck, but is a little sloped in front, and turns over all round, so as to form a pelerine: it wraps across before, and displays a little of the fichu worn underneath. The back has a little fulness: it is of moderate breadth, and a good deal sloped at the sides. The sleeve is easy: but not wide: it is finished at the wrist by folds of gros de Naples, to correspond in colour with the dress. The girdle is also of gros de Naples: it is rather broad, moderately wide: it wraps across to the left side, and and fastens with a gold clasp at the side. The skirt is is fastened up the front with bows to correspond. Head-dress: a cornette, composed of full bands of net inserted between plain ones of letting-in lace; the crown is remarkably low; the ears are cut very nar




When Major P. Ferguson was serving in America, he and some of his riflemen were stationed in a wood, in front of Gen. Knyphausen's division: "We had not Ferguson, lain there long," says the Major, in a letter to Dr. "when a rebel officer, remarkable by a hussar dress, passed towards our army, within a bundred yards of my right flang, not perceiving us. was followed by another, dressed in dark green and blue, mounted on a good bay horse, with a remarkably high cocked hat. I ordered three good shots to steal near and fire at them; but the idea disgusted me; I recalled the order. The hussar, in returning, made a circuit; but the other passed within a hundred yards of us upon which, I advanced from the wood, rowards him. Upon my calling, he stopped; but, after looking at me, proceeded. I again drew his attention, and made a sign to him to stop, leveling my piece at him; but he slowly continued his way. As I was within that distance, at which, in the quickest firing, I could have lodged half a dozen balls in or about him, mine; but it was not pleasant to fire at the back of an before he was out of my reach, I had only to deterunoffending individual who was acquitting himself very coolly of his duty, so I let him alone. The day after, I had been telling the story to some wounded officers, who lay in the same room with me, when one of our surgeons, who had been dressing the wounded rebel officers, came in, and told us, that they had informed him that Gen. Washington was all the morning with the light troops, and only attended by a French officer in a hussar dress, he himself dressed and mounted in every point as above described. I am not sorry that I did not know at the time who he was."

FAIR Bon Mot.-At an elegant private ball lately, a rather doubtful apology was received from a gentleman, stating a reason for his non-attendance, that he had unfortunately sprained his ancle. A lady in the company immediately observed that, it was a LAME excuse.

CRANIOLOGICAL PUN.-A small party the other evening, when amusing themselves with experiments in craniology, and exploring with great eagerness each other's skull for the various characteristic BUMPS described in that science, found that a musical gentleman present had not the least appearance of the harmonious devoted to Bacchus than to Apollo) exultingly exclaimorgan, whilst another gentlemen (a bon vivant, more ed, on feeling his caput, that he possessed, in a very pro minent degree, the "Organ of Music." Ah! said a friend, the Organ of Music? It must be the BARBEL organ then.

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