Imagens das páginas
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to put his troops in motion so as to arrive at a concerted hour under the walls of Pampeluna, Xavier Mina entered the fortress: there he soon communicated with a few officers who were known to him, and whose sentiments were favourable to the Cortes. Popular in the whole Spanish army, and his name endeared to these soldiers of freedom, he selected a few of them to be his guests at a convivial banquet. After supper, as the time drew nigh, Mina rose up suddenly amidst thein; addressed them in a nervous and enthusiastic harangue; unfolded the ingratitude and injustice of the court, and finally exhorted them to give the blessings of freedom to the country they had saved. The effect was electric and complete. They arose, and crossed be their swords as they stood around the banqueting table, and swore to be faithful. The sentinels on the appointed bastion were already withdrawn. The ladders were fixed, and from the dead of night almost till the dawn of day, they waited with breathless anxiety the troops under Espoz y Mina. Had they then arrived, a new era, pregnant with important events, would have opened on Spain.

The causes which led to the failure of this bold enterprize are partly accidental, and implicate the policy but not the bravery of Espoz. It is understood that the troops, instead of being stimulated and excited for such an occasion, by his orders they were kept rigidly from liquor and refreshment. They were in total ignorance of the reason and nature of an expedition now so strange to them in time of peace, and after marching to a late hour of the night, they began to murmur. Some confusion arose in a corps whose commander was unpopular; the march was delayed; a nocturnal tumult arove, and the soldiers lay down in scattered parties in the fields, or wandered in search of refreshments. Espoz, who had rode on -head, found in the darkness of the night, a scene of confusion which baffled all his exertions; it was irremediable, and the opportunity lost. The confederates in Pampeluna speedily received the fatal intelligence, and immediately quitted the fortress. Xavier Mina traversed the whole pro


troduced, in the winter of 1815, to General it. Mark Anthony first gave to this month the
Scott, who was at that time on a visit to name of July, which was before called Quintilis, as
England. The object of that introduction being the fifth mouth in the year, in the old Roman
was to procure for Mina some introductory
calendar established by Romulus.
letters to gentlemen in the United States
from Gen. Scott, in order to show the high
standing Mina enjoyed in Europe, and that
his enterprize against Mexico was not only
countenanced by the nobleman above al-
luded to, but by several others known to
Gen. Scott, who ardently desire the libera-
tion of Spanish America.

Hail, genial Orb! whose rays prolific spread
O'er the wide bosom of creative earth;
Whose fervid influence gilds the mountain's head,
And warms the seeds of nature into birth.
To thee the Persian offers up his vows,

Efficient means which make his bosom glow,
Whose pow'r expands his leaves, and fills his boughs,
And makes the blossoms of his orchard grow.
Brightened by thee, his long espaliers shoot,
His melons swell beneath thy vertic ray;
His vineyards spread, and, prodigal of fruit,
Oppose their blushes to the rip'ning day,
Happy to trace of Heav'n th' unerring laws,
Confess th' effect, and glorify the cause.

Mina arrived at Baltimore in July, 1816, and delivered to John E. Howard, Esq. of that city, an introductory letter from Gen. Scott; and it is to the kindness of Mr. Howard that we are indebted for the preceding biographical information, as well as other highly interesting matter, which we have incorporated with our narrative: and Valdarno. we feel geat pleasure in thus acknowledging our obligations to Mr. Howard and from fine weather than from any other sensual Most persons, perhaps, receive a greater pleasure Gen. Scott, and more especially as it tends enjoyment of life. In spite of the auxiliary bottle, to demonstrate that our hero, as well from or any artificial heat, we are apt to droop under a his character and brilliant career in Spain, gloomy sky, and taste no luxury like a blue firmaas from his extraordinary exploits in Mex-ment, and sunshine. I have often, in a splenetic ico, has a claim on the esteem and sympa- dormouse during the winter; and I never see one of fit,' observes an amiable writer, wished myself a. thy of every friend of freedom throughout those snug animals wrapt up close in his fur, and the world. compactly happy in himself, but I contemplate bim with envy beneath the dignity of a philosopher. If the art of flying were brought to perfection, the round the world, and pursue the spring through every sign of the zodiac. The love of warmth makes my heart glad at the return of Summer. How delightful is the face of nature at this season, when the earth puts forth her plants and flowers, clothed with green, diversified with ten thousand various dies! how pleasant is it to exhale such fresh and charming odours, as fill every living creature with delight! At this season well may we exelaim with the poet,

He drew his sword in favour of the independence of Mexico; he considered it a cause consonant to those sacred principles for which he became an exile.

The Naturalist's Diary,

For JULY, 1820..

[To be continued throughout the year.]

When we commenced our new series of the

Kaleidoscope, we had it in contemplation to give a
series of Monthly Diaries in the manner of those în
the first volume of our old series: Previously to
commencing this series, it was necessary to examine
and compare the various works in which such arti-
cles were to be expected, in order that we might
select such as would prove the most amusing to our
readers. After a little investigation, we give the
decided preference to the "Naturalist's Diary," in

use I should make of it would be to attend the sun

Thrice happy he! who on the sunless side
Of a romantic mountain, forest-crowned,
Beneath the whole collected shade reclines:
Or in the gelid caverns, woodbine-wrought,
And fresh bedewed with ever-spouting streams,
Sits coolly calm; while all the world without,
Unsatisfied, and sick, tosses in noon.
Emblem instructive of the virtuous Man,
Who keeps his temper'd mind serene and pure,
And every passion aptly harmonized,
Amid a jarring world with vice inflamed.

vince in safety, collected all those friends a work called "Time's Telescope;" from which we month, an evaporation takes place from the surface

who he thought might be compromised by his attempt, and entered France in full uniform, with thirty officers. He was arrested by the orders of the French government, and imprisoned near Bayonne; but was afterwards liberated, and passed over to England. From the British government he received a liberal pension, we believe £2,000 per annum.

During his sojourn in England, he was treated by several eminent characters there with flattering attention, but particularly an English nobleman, alike distinguished For his attachment to the cause of freedom hroughout the world, and his urbanity to trangers; by this nobleman Mina was in

In consequence of the excessive beat usual in this now commence our selection.-It only remains to of the earth and waters, and large clouds are formed, explain why we do not begin with the current, but which pour down their watery stores, and deluge with the preceding month. The first volume of our the country with floods, frequently laying the fullnew series, commenced in July; but not being in grown corn. Hay-making usually commences about this time, or rather earlier, in fine seasons. possession of a copy of Time's Telescope, until a few days ago, we could not insert the following article in its proper place, before the expiration of July. Anxious that we should give the series entire, we therefore commence with July, reserving the Diary for August for next week's Kaleidoscope, after which we shall proceed with the remainder in regular monthly succession.


This word is derived from the Latin Julius, the surname of C. Cæsar, the dictator, who was born in

The fruitful herbage now invites the scythe-
In eager contest strive the swains all blithe,
Who works the fastest, or who cuts most deep,-
The waving sward yields to the mower's sweep.
Roused by the early herald of the day,
Quickly arrayed, refreshed by sleep and gay,
The lads and lasses all prepare for work,
Some take refreshment, some the rake or fork.
In artless talk they gain the distant fields,
Where the ripe verdure of the meadows yields
A plenteous crop in even rows laid down;
Off goes the jacket, off the homespun gown:

Each one following in a single file, Some turn the herbage, some the hay-cocks pile; Till faint beneath the shade a timely rest, And healthy meal, renew for work the zest; Nor mem❜ry e'er can ́touch a livelier strain, Than that which rustics carol o'er the plain. The flowers which blossomed in the last month soon mature their seeds, and hasten to decay. A new race succeeds, which demands all the fervid rays of a solstitial sun to bring it to perfection. Summer may be said to commence with this month: the meadows begin to whiten, and the flowers that adorn them are mowed down. The corn gradually assumes a yellow hue, and the colours that decorate the rural scene are no longer so numerous.

of collecting his varied sweets to form the honey for his destroyer, man, who, in a month or two, will close the labours of this industrious insect by the suffocating fumes of brimstone.

generally esteemed. The usual mode of preserving | The 'busy bee' still pursues the ceaseless task
them is in dry bottles, these being corked so closely
as to exclude all access of the external air; some
persons, however, fill up the bottles with spring
water; others prepare this fruit with sugar. From
the juice of cranberries, mixed with a certain por-
tion of sugar, and properly fermented, a grateful
and wholesome wine may be made. A considerable
quantity of cranberries is annually imported into
this country from North America and Russia. These
however, are larger than our own, of a different
species, and by no means so pleasant a flavour.-
Bingley's Useful Knowledge, vol. ii. p. 126–7.

Towards the end of the month, the flowers of the
laurustinus (viburnum tinus), and the burdock
(arctium lappa), begin to open; and the elecam-
Towards the middle of the month, the spiked pane (inula helenium), the amaranth (amaranthus
willow (spirea salicifolia), jessamine (jasminum caudatus), the great water plantain (alisma plan-
officinale), hyssop (hyssopus officinalis), the bell-tago), water mint (mentha aquaticu), and the com-
flower (campanula), and the white lily, have their mon nightshade, have their flowers full blown. The
flowers full blown. The wayfaring tree, or guelder mezereon (daphne mezereon), which in January
rose, begius to enrich the hedges with its bright red cheered the eye with its rods of purple flowers with-
berries, which in time turn black. The Virginian out leaves, and regaled the smell, now displays its
sumach (rhus typhinum), now exhibits its scarlet scarlet berries through its bright green leaves.
tufts of flowers upon its bright green circles of Towards the close of this month the flower-garden
leaves. The berries of the mountain ash turn red. exhibits symptoms of decay; and Time, who thins
The lavender (lavendula spica), is in flower, and the ranks of all animated beings, does not spare
affords its perfumes, whether in a fresh state, or those of the ornamented and highly fascinating Flora.
dried, or distilled with spirits of wine. The potato
The garlands fade that Spring so lately wove,
(Solanum tuberosum), is now in flower.

The different tribes of insects, which, for the most part, are hatched in the spring, are now in full vigour. The lithosia odorata, or dew moth, is seen in this month. This species is extremely local; but a considerable number of specimens were taken about twenty years ago on a grassy common in Kent, not far from Erith, near the high road, and opposite the 18th milestone. Since this time, however, it has not been observed. Endowed as they are with wings, there is something strikingly remarkable in the locality of such insects as the pre sent; aud it is wonderful they do not increase and migrate more than they do. Some of them, such as the pupilio cixing, the Granville butterfly, are so extremely attached to particular plants, and to peculiar situations and places, that a collector on one side of a hedge often finds plenty, while another, on the opposite side (the hedge alone intervening) cannot procure a single specimen. They appear to fly up and down, backwards and forwards, for a few score yards only; playing joyously at intervals with each other; or, gaily perched, sip nectar from their favourite flowers.-(Haworth's Lepidoptera Britannica.)

Pomona now offers her fruits to allay the parching thirst; currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, and cranberries, are all peculiarly refreshing at this season. The cranberry is a small red fruit, with purple dots, produced by a slender wing plant (vaccinium oxycoccos) which grows in the peaty bogs of several parts of the north of Eng. land, and also in Norfolk, Lincolnshire, and Cam. bridgeshire. The leaves are small, somewhat oval, and rolled back at the edges, and the stem is thread. shaped and trailing. The blossoms are small, but beautiful, each consisting of four distinct petals rolled back to the base, and of a deep flesh colour.

The collecting of cranberries is a tiresome and disagreeable employ, since each berry, which seldom exceeds the size of à pea, grows on a separate stalk, and the morasses in which they grow are frequently very deep. Cranberries are much used in the northern counties, and great quantities are bottled and sent to London. So considerable a traffic in them is carried on, that at Longtown in Cumberland alone the amount of a market day's sale, during the season for gathering them, is stated by Dr. Withering to be from £20 to £30, They begin to ripen about the month of August, and continue in perfection for some weeks.

Cranberries are much used in confectionary, but particularly in tarts, their rich flavour being very

Each simple flower which she had xurs'd in dew;
Anemonies, that spangled every grove,

The primrose wan, and hare-bell mildly blue.
No more shall violets linger in the dell,

Or purple orchis variegate the plain,
Till Spring again shall call forth every bell,
And dress with humid hands her wreaths again.
Ah! poor Humanity! so frail, so fair,
Are the fond visions of thy early day,
Till tyrant Passion, and corrosive Care,

Bid all thy airy colours fade away!
Another May, new buds and flow'rs shall bring;
Ah! why has happiness-no second Spring?

C. Smith.
The beautiful rose, however, the glory of the gar-
den, still continues to spread its "blushing honours'
thick before us.


As late each flow'r that sweetest blows,
I plucked the garden's pride!
Within the petals of a rose
A sleeping love I spied.
Around his brows a beaming wreath
Of many a lucid hue;

All purple glowed his cheek beneath,
Inebriate with dew.

I softly seized th' unguarded pow'r,
Nor scared his balmy rest;

And placed him, caged within the flow'r,
On spotless Sarah's breast.

But when, unweeting of the guile,
Awoke the pris'ner sweet,
He struggled to escape awhile,
And stamped his fairy feet.
Ah! soon the soul-entrancing sight
Subdued th' impatient boy!
He gaz'd, he thrilled, with deep delight,
Then clapped his wings for joy.

⚫ And O,' he cried-of magic kind,
What charms this throne endear!
Some other love let Venus find-
I'll fix my empire here.'


Child of patient industry,
Little active busy bee,
Thou art out at early morn,

Just as the opening flowers are born,
Among the green and grassy meads
Where the cowslips hang their heads;
Or by hedge-rows, while the dew
Glitters on the harebell blue:
Then on eager wing art flown,
To thymy hillocks on the down;
Or to revel on the broom;
Or suck the clover's crimson bloom;
Murmuring still, thou busy bee,
Thy little ode to industry!

The maritime plants which flower in July, are the club rush (scirpus maritimus), bearded cat's tail grass (phleum crinitum), bulbous fox tail grass (alopecurus bulbosus), the reflexed and creeping meadow grass (poa distans & maritima), the field eryngo eryngium campestre), parsley water drop wort fananthe pimpinelloides), smooth sea-heath (frankenia lavis), and the golden dock (rumes maritimus); all of which are to be found in salt marsbes

On sandy shores may be seen the sea mat-weed (avundo arenaria), upright sea lime grass (elymuɛ arenarius), the sea lungwort (pulmonaria mari. tima), the sea bind-weed (convolvulus soldanella), saltwort (salsola ), sea-holly (eryngium maritimum); prickly samphire (echinophora spinosa), and the sea-lavender (statice limonium), are found on mari. time rocks; and the sea-pea (pisum maritimum) on rocky shores.

About the middle or latter end of July, pilchards (clupea pilchardus), appear in vast shoals, off the Cornish coast; and prawns and lobsters are takes in this month.

Grouse shooting usually commences towards the latter end of July. The angler is busily engaged in his favourite pursuit.

The storms of wind and rain in this month are frequently accompanied by thunder and lightning,


O th' immense, th' amazing height,
The boundless grandeur of our God!
Who treads the worlds beneath his feet,
And sways the nations with his nod!
He speaks; and, lo, all nature shakes:
Heav'n's everlasting pillars bow;
He rends the clouds with hideous cracks,
And shoots his fiery arrows through.
Well, let the nations start and fly

At the blue lightning's horrid glare!
Atheists and emp'rors shrink and die,

When flame and noise torment the air."
Let noise and flame confound the skies,

And drown the spacious realms below;
Yet will we sing the Thund'rer's praise,
And send our loud hosannas through.
Celestial King, thy blazing pow'r

Kindles our hearts to flaming joys;
We shout to hear thy thunders roar,
And echo to our Father's voice.
Thus shall the God our Saviour come,
And lightnings round our chariot play:
Ye lightnings, fly to make him room,

Ye glorious storm, prepares his way.


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Oft have I trod the awful scene of death, When midnight air replete with tainted breath; Rank, with the putrid stench and slow decay Of human bodies mixing with the clay; That long have gone to their immortal home, Whilst nought remains in memory but the tomb. A curious place to chuse a lovers seat, Where the fine form of beauty is but meat To the vile worm, that crawls along the ground; Whilst numerous maggots in her flesh abound. I meant not this should reach fair beauty's ears, It might disgust the sense, and rouse her fears, But it may teach the powerful mind of man, The future to amend-the past to scan: I'll say no more, he knows his awful doom, Or let reflection tell him of the tomb.

Ah! could I recall those moments so sweet,
When in innocence rambling, I cull'd the gay flow'r;
Where the butterfly's chase now guided my feet,

To the fragrance which breath'd through the jessamine

How chang'd now's my life, when to manhood attained; All infancy's joys into toils are become : That soul that was spotless, no longer's unstain'd, And the passions are rous'd by the world's busy hum. As the song of the nightingale dwells on my ear, As the lightning's bright flash to my eye does appear, So a transient glance on the days that are past, O'er the gloom of my soul a gay brightness does cast. KALEIDOSCOPOCLITE.


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played on the stage.
Aug. 3, 1820. :



A round dress, composed of Urling's net, over a white satin slip: the dress is gored, and sufficiently SIR-To your query, Whether Tom Thumb was SIR,-I am an admirer, and occasionally a player of full to hang in easy folds round the figure; the bottom ever published in England, I answer, Yes. There the royal game of chess, and I feel a pleasure in acof the skirt is trimmed with flounces of Urling's lace, are at least two editions of it extant: one printed knowledging to you the gratification your columns headed by rouleaus of white zephyrine; these founces by D. S. Maurice, Fenchurch, London; and another afford me every week, in the exbibition you have are festooned in a singular but striking manner with by Roath, Russell-court, London. The former is knowledgements, I wish to suggest through the me given of that interesting game; and with these acbouquets of roses and blue bells. The corsage is tight No. 70, of the cabinet edition of the English The-dium of your publication, a desire I have often felt, to the shape; it is cut moderately low round the bust, eatre: the latter contains the original tragedy, as that some person of taste and genius in the arts, would which is ornamented in a very novel manner with lo-written by Fielding, together with the one as now design and execute a set of tasteful chess men, such as zcnges of net; each lozenge formed by a large pearl; would, amongst the productions of art, redound to the front of the corsage is also decorated with pearls. The sleeve is very short; it is composed of a fulness of the credit as well as to the profit of the artist. I have thought that the terra cotta and black basalt, would net over white satin, interspersed with pearls laid on be an excellent material for the purpose; or some comin waves; the bottom of the sleeve is finished by a twisted rouleau of satin and pearls. Hair dressed in position in imitation of ivory, that is capable of being impressed in a mold. I have seen some exquisitely the French style, in a profusion of full curls, which carved ones, made in India, but rather of a clumsy are brought very low at the sides of the face, and design, and fitted to Indian ideas: now I think someparted in the middle of the forehead, so as partially to display it: the hind hair is brought up in full bows thing might be done compatible with our English ideas. on the crown of the head; they are partly concealed Hoping these remarks may elicit a spark from some by a garland of roses placed very far back on the head. man of taste, I am, Sir, yours, Ear-rings and necklace, pearls. White satin slippers, and white kid gloves.



(Continued from page 32.)

TO THE EDITOR. SI8,-Amongst your various feats of swimming you have not yet stated that Mr. Thomas Ashcroft, now resident in this place, swam across the river Mersey seven successive summers. The only occasion on which he swam for a wager against time, was in Septrembe, 1791, as recorded in the Phanir and Herald, at the time, in consequence of a bet which was made with the late John Backhouse, Esq. Mr. Ashcroft set out from the pier head, and in 35 minutes, landed below Woodside, being nearly high water at the time, and spring tides. He was allowed 45 minutes for the task, by the terms of the wager. I am, Sir, YOUR CONSTANT READER.

Lydiate, 1st Aug. 1820.



SIR-In answer to your inquiry respecting the publication of Tom Thumb, I beg to inform you, that there are several copies in being, the best of which was published by Cawthorne, Catherine-street, Strand, in 1805, with annotations by H. Scriblerus Secundus. This is certainly the best copy extant; he has given us the original Tom Thumb of Fielding, and the alteration, as now acted, by Kane O'Hara.

Scriblerus Secundus does not seem to have any doubt of its being the production of Mr. Fielding; though there were many opinions as to its merits, as appears from his preface, in which he says "The town hath seldom been more divided in its opinion, than concerning the merit of the following scenes : whilst some publicly affirmed, that no author could produce so fine a piece, but Mr. Philips, others have, with as much vehemence, insisted, that no one could write any thing so bad, but Mr. Fielding.'


Yours,, &c. DOODLE.


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SIR,-Upon taking up the Kaleidoscope, marked "No. 4, New Series," the first subject which presented itself to my view was "Interesting facts concerning respiration." As there is a close connexion between this subject and asthma, it immediately occurred to me that it was the duty of every individual, in the posses sion of any simple means, by which the sufferings of his fellow-creatures could be alleviated, to give publi city to it. Under this conviction I determined to make known through the medium of your Kaleidoscope, the great beuefit I have received from the use of Tar Pills, in a case of severe asthma.

From infancy until about twelve months ago, I was subject to very severe fits of asthma, so much so, SIR,-You have ever appeared to me to be a gentle. that it was no uncommon thing for me to sit up from man possessing an inclination to rid your fellow-crea-six to twelve nights running, during which time I dare tures of their grievances, whether trifling or otherwise; not go bed, and I seldom passed a week without sirting and I am therefore encouraged to lay before you a case up two or three nights. of my own, which is particularly oppressive to me, and may, in all probability, be removed by a publication of it. Without the least vanity or presumption, Sir, I assure you that I am a decent young man, of very respectable parents, who, together with myself, have, by some caprice of fortune, been bandied about the

world like a tennis-ball.

try the Tar Pills: I began, with taking two or thre About twelve months back I was prevailed upon ta two months; I found myself so much better that I inevery night, and continued taking that quantity for about creased the number, and latterly have taken six or eight with increased success.

I have not sat up one whole night with asthma these eight months, nor have I felt the least asthmatic symp tom for the last four months. The receipt that I first bad, directed that the tar should be first mixed with oatmeal or flour, but I have had them generally made with liquorice root powdered.

If you should have a spare corner in any of your Kaleidoscopes, and think these circumstances will be interesting or useful to your readers, by publishing them you will oblige Yours, &c. NOTRAL.


SIR-Should this meet your approbation, you will, by your insertion of it in your next, much oblige,


TO THE EDITOR. SIR,-The actual author of Bombastes Furioso, Sometimes I have had the pleasure of seeing myself wrapped up in a tolerable good jacket, which, after it is a gentleman of the name of RHODES, a native of has been pretty well beaten, has of course looked the Greenwich, in Kent, well known in that part of the worse for wear; and as my circumstances would not kingdom by many playful productions of light, permit me to renew it, without (as the common saying is) playing the devil with the taylor and my credit, I good humoured satire. His father was a tailor, of have experienced many petty slights and insults from considerable business in that town, where the the dandyistical part of my acquaintance-I will not call them friends. When I have happened to sport a half-brother of Mr. Rhodes, named Rainoe, suc- tolerable good covering for my nakedness, such as a ceeded to the business; Mr. Rhodes himself was nice broad cloth coat and pantaloons, cut out by an a clerk either in the Bank or in some other pub-fashionable hat, a pair of clean yellow gloves, and a eminent artizan, (for so I choose to term him) with a lic office. One of his earliest publications was a tight pair of Wellington boots, I have had innumerable sprightly poem of considerable length in the ballad civilities paid me, by a hearty squeeze of the handform, in which he sportfully exposed the foibles of how do you do my dear fellow, I hav'nt seen you for a long time I hope you've been very well, and such many members of a volunteer corps to which he like insolence, as if I was totally void of common sense, then belonged. I think it was in the year 1809, when at the same time they have been giving the lie to that he sent the manuscript of Bombastes Furioso a hundred times in my decayed apparel, but did not an honest conscience, well knowing they had seen me to the Haymarket Theatre, where it received some choose to notice me. Now, Sir, as I am just on the touches from the pen of George Colman; but the point of giving an order to my tailor for a new suit, and intend to cut a great swell in the course of a week Vapid values himself on the cleanness and neatauthor derived no other emolument from the sucor a fortnight, I shall thank you to publish this declara-ness of his dress: a speck of dirt on his white pancess of the piece than the freedom of the theatre, tion of mine "That if any of these impertinent fellows taloons, would throw him into an agony of unutterand a dangerous introduction to the society of the trouble me with their hypocritical compliments in the able distress; his boots must shine with jet and street, should they even fatigue themselves by crossing glossy blacking, and his coat must be brushed with first wits of the day. This lively little Burletta hasa huudred yards out of the way, I shall hold up my the utmost care before he will venture out of the received many alterations since its first appearance, perhaps I may condescend to say 'I dont know you." head like a man, or treat them with silent contempt, or house: he spends an hour in adjusting his cravat, and the songs are frequently changed for others If this does not answer the purpose, probably I may be and two more in giving the hair on his silly insignimore suitable to the talents or taste of the indivi-induced to play off a scheme to their disadvantage, ficant head the proper direction. One-half his time which has been working a considerable time in the is spent in scrubbing his teeth and arching his eyeduals who perform the characters. Yours, &c. brows. And when he grasps his little cane, and Yours, &c. A DECENT FELLOW. hops into the street, with every plait in proper order,

T. N.

head of


Little Vapid is one of the vainest men in exist. ence, although his features are diminutive, and his person mean and insignificant.

and the indescribable grimace on his countenance, one would suppose he had broken loose from the imprisonment of a bandbox.

Fan him gently, ye Zephyrs! ye Northern Blasts, discompose not the folds of his garments! ye Sylphs, watch over his white pantaloons when he skips over the channel! but may his Guardian Angel protect him, should he encounter a dray!



The Drama.


several times during the past week, with great suc
The new play of Henri Quatre has been repeated
It has attracted more numerous audiences
than any other piece this season, and bids fair to
rival the brilliant success of Brutus in the last.


Mr. Porteus has considerably improved since his first appearance in O'Donnel. So has Mr. Davis in D'Aumont; he is still, however, too farcical in in this character. The good sense he exhibits în many things he does, should teach him to mingle a little more gentlemanliness and dignity with the humour of the General. His manner of asking the ladies if dinner be ready, is excessively coarse.

Sis, I have been amused as well as disgusted at the recent establishment of two eye-institutions in this town, and at first felt some difficulty in accounting for 80 extraordinary and unnecessary a procedure, until my mind was illuminated by the long advertisements The playful gaiety which ought to adorn this cha. Miss Hammersley, it would only be to express the


The following remarks on the performance of it
may perhaps be acceptable to some of your numerous
readers, who feel an interest in Liverpool Theatricals.
sure to be a favourite with the audience, is not pe-
Henri, although a good part, and one which is
culiarly adapted to the powers of Mr. Vandenhoff.
racter in the earlier scenes, is quite at variance with
his general style of acting. It is in the wildness of
Octaviun, the pride of Coriolanus, the malice of
Shylock, or the lofty patriotism of Lucius Junius,
that the great powers of his mind, and the command
ing energy of his voice and action, enable him tri-
umphantly to put in his claim to the character of a
great and original tragedian. His Henri is, however,
a good and an unaffected piece of acting, and the
tent scene at the close of the second act is gone
through in a style of great taste and spirit.

Mr. Tayleur, on the first and second nights, had too much of his own inimitable Artaxominous mixed up with his new character, particularly in his first scene. He has greatly improved in his subsequent attempts, and now gives a pleasing and faithful portrait of the simple and jealous Jocrisse. If I were to mention Mr. Rees, Mr. Larkin, or gratification they each afford in their respective better than on the first night of this new piece. I I should just add that Mrs. Hall dresses much' should be glad to see her attempt something higher than the class of characters with which she has


hitherto been entrusted.

Miss Tree is certainly the most delightful little pouting coquette on the stage. Miss Grant will that is no little, to make head against the impression have occasion for all the talent she possesses, and made by her predecessor, as Louison.


G. N.

SIR-I have several times witnessed the representation of the new play, Henry the Fourth of France. I was delighted with the delicious warbling. of Misses Tree and Hammersley, as well as with the very judicious acting of the company collectively,

of a certain occulist, stating, that he had established a secret (or private) eye institution several years since, and hundreds of the poor were annually relieved by his aid, &c. This being the case I certainly think the learned and benevolent gentleman is entitled to the thanks and gratitude of the public, for his past meritorious services; but, is it right or proper, that he and others should now be soliciting benefactions for the establishment of an opthalmic Dispensary at a time when one is already established, and in full operation? Now, Sir, let me ask the gentleman who established and conducted the secret eye institution (and who acknowledged he had been anticipated in recommending a public one) his motive for not rendering it public I have a very favourable opinion of our Liverpool some years ago, which would have for ever prevented company. I think them competent to perform most tion to the delights of our theatrical amusement. On the whole, this charming play is a great addithe intrusion of another? Surely it could not arise of our plays in a way which would not be greatly to It reflects great honour on the varied talents of our from the selfish principle of monopolizing an exclusive their disparagement if compared with the acting of regular company of performers. And has secured same, and the great emoluments and fees invariably at- most companies in the country; and particular into the managers a support to which they are richly tending such a practice? I trust not. With the mo- dividuals might be singled out equal in genius and entitled by their taste and liberality, tive, however, I have nothing to do; my animadversions are directed against the act; and I appeal to you, Power to others, who, making more noise in the Sir, and the public, if it is not pitiable to witness, in all world, are brought from London to gratify the the public rooms of our town, the long lists of bene laudable curiosity which their celebrity has excited. factions and subscriptions attached to both institutions. If, then, 4 occasionally point out errors with any One is assuredly necessary, and will be found highly mixture of asperity, it is occasioned by the vexation useful, and amply sufficient to meet the demands upon I feel that their merits should be thrown into the it. My principal object then is, to protest against the shade by defects which a little attention, and the establishment of two similar institutions, and to warn exercise of an enlightened judgment would remove; the public against being misled by party feelings and and it is this feeling which forces me, whilst I state motives, whereby their charity is rendered worse than with great satisfaction, that, as a whole, Mr. Bass's Permit me now, Sir, to recommend, what has long Eugene de Brion is worthy of praise, and does him Credit is also due to the Manager, for the attenbeen wanting in this town, the establishment of one or great credit; that there are particular instances of tion shown to the getting up of the piece. I should two branch, or district, Dispensaries. You will, no bad taste and an incorrect judgment, which prevent have been better pleased, however, had the performdoubt, recollect the efforts that were made, a short the expression of that admiration which I should beers adhered to plain English, as the dialogue is in tine since, to accomplish this desirable and humane highly gratified to feel, and which certain indications object; and it may not be irrelevant here, to state that lead me to hope he may at no distant day inspire. its failure was principally owing to the jealousy of cer- What could induce Mr. Bass to give a gross imitain *************, whose education and profes-tation of Macbeth's air-drawn dagger scene, in act sional pursuits should have given them more liberal 2d, scene 3d of this play? The words views and enlightened sentiments. That the present Dispensary is inadequate to perform all the duties demanded of it, requires but little illustration; for, is it possible to believe that our institution is capable of giving relief to all the sick poor of a population of nearly 100,000 souls? What are its means for accomplishing such important_Juties? Are three physicians, three kargeons, and three assistant surgeon-apothecaries capable of giving regular and necessary attendance to upwards of 20,000 sick annually. I deny their capabuty of attending, with becoming and conscientious atention to the interests of so many. Why, then, should there be a doubt as to the propriety of forming branch Dispensaries? The common interests of humanity have long demanded it; for, should another contagious fever break out amongst us, which is not improbable, we shall then have occasion to mourn our neglect and languid indifference in witnessing its rava ing and fatal effects; whereas, by the establishment of two branch Dispensaries, the immediate and prompt assistance they could afford to the poor, in their respective districts, would enable them to discover the apThere are several other things which it might be proaches of any formidable and dangerous disease, well to point out to Mr. Bass, such as the violent And by timely aid and assistance check it in its growth, slap he gives the paper which he presents to the or prevent its general spread and diffusion. Permit King; his misplaced wonder, when Sully orders ne, Sir, in conclusion, to recommend to the subscribers him to give up his sword, the text plainly showing nd benefactors of the useless eye-institution, to trans-he expected this must be the case; and his placing er their names and benefactions to the promotion of one haud under his vest whilst Miss Hammersley is his necessary and desirable object: then indeed will regaling him with one of her delightfully-executed hey enjoy the rewards of genuine benevolence, when bey witness the benefits bestowed, the miseries pre-songs; but I forbear: I have, I hope, suggested 3. " Romeo and Juliet." Alexander the Great." ented, and the interests of bumanity advanced, by matter enough to Mr. Bass worthy cogitation. 5. "Every man in his humour."-6. "Laugh when heir generous and philanthropic exertions. As the other characters are of minor importance you can."-7, “ Coriolanus."—8. "Love's Labour lost." ALIQUIS. a few words may suffice. Yours respectfully,

"Blest vision! let me grasp thee,"
were accompanied by Macbeth's "clutch" at the
dagger, which his distempered imagination had pic-
tured to his bewildered senses.
to clutch the dugger in his hand might be correct
Macbeth's attempt
enough, but the same action in Eugine, when the
subject of his meditation is horror, must appear at
the very first glance absurdly out of character.

"Tis fled, and leaves me desolate and abandoned,"
were given exactly as

"Tis no such thing,"

in the celebrated soliloquy to which I have already
alluded. The silent rebuke which Mr. Bass nightly
receives for his exertions to produce applause, in
this particular instance, I had hoped would have
suggested to him that all could not be right; but
have hitherto been disappointed.


that language. An affectation of the French pro-
nunciation of many words, such as Henri, Puris,
Sully, Chevalier, &c. is not only conceit, but displays
bad taste; I therefore hope the actors will them-
selves see the impropriety, and "reform it allo-
I am yours,



Mr. EDITOR,-As trifles, (if they do not encroach upon more valuable contributions) form no disagreeable feature in such an amusing and instructive production as the Kaleidoscope, I conceive the following, if you have. a corner for it, may amuse some of your readers. I call it a Game of Coincidences. It may be applied to Coincidences. I propose, as a query, what forces or any subject, but I shall commence with Dramatic. after-pieces will correspond, essentially or apparently, with such and such plays? The plays to be expressed as questions, and the farces as to be sent by your correspondents. Suppose I ask what farce will coineide with the play of "Rule a Wife and have a Wife?"-The answer might be, "Catharine and Petruchio." What farce would coincide with "Jane Shore ?" answer, "Turn out. brief explanation will, I trust, elucidate my scheme. This If you deem my scheme worthy of notice, the following queries, I subjoin, requesting answers: What Farce or After-piece will agree with the follow

ing Plays?


1. "The Iron Chest."-2. "The Wonder."



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