Imagens das páginas

conduct with the boldness of vengeance, nor the confidence of love. Wearied with life, sickened at its charms and disgusted with its ills, he resolved to lessen the torments which harassed him by the only means he had power to adopt-he resolved to untie the knot by which he was bound, to be no more fettered with terrible suspense, which hung damp and heavy on his heart. He prepared his pistol, bid alicu to the world, and left to his friends this melancholy reflection, That as there are few positive and known evils which the mind cannot be made to bear, so the terrors which it forms by its own power of creation destroy its resistance and enervate its strength.

Passion was given to man as some little antidote to pain." Railing (says Junius) is a relief to the mind." But in a state of suspense, the passions which should mollify, irritate and inflame. They are like barriers in a flood, which unable to confine the stream, cause it to foam and rage with additional violence. They should serve as conductors of grief, but are rendered useless by the impossibility of knowing how they should be turned. They are wings on which misfortune sometimes flies away, but suspense moults their feathers and destroys its flight. E.

For the Emerald.


AMUSEMENTS are necessary and universal. They restore the tone of the enfeebled body, and are the Sweetest cordials of soul. They rest it, when fatigued by long application; and invigorate it, when drooping under a load of sorrow

and oppression. The object of amusement and its universality sufficiently prove its importance. And is it not wonderful, that, while genius is exerted to improve and reduce every thing else to system, this alone should be left to chance and self-resignation? Nothing is more neglected, yet surely nothing more seriously demands our early atten tion.

Our benevolent Creator has made those pursuits, necessary for our welfare, not only tolerable, but grateful to the feelings; and given us reason to direct us in the use of those bounties. Yet we rush on amusements with tumultuous and inconsiderate joy, heedless in what manner, or how far they are necessary to resore the lassitude of the soul, or nerve the enfeebled body; till temperate use, so far from restoring, debilitates both..

Amusements have been rough or effeminate according to the progress of civilization; but all ages and nations have agreed in their abuse. The hardy Greek would hurl the ponderous discus, hurried by emu lation, till his strength and vigor forsook him, and death often followed the blow of the cæstus. The modern youth revels out the night in the assembly room, or at the gaming house, heedless of the demands of sleep, the fumes of wine, or the chill colds of night. The ancient would: engage in the mystic rites of the ceremonials in honor of his deities, and for a time annihilate his reason, if not entirely destroy his health ;and, like him, the modern savage returns fromthe festival of his warwhoop.

Neither the piercing colds of the north, nor the cloudy vapors of the south are regarded; but in the pursuit of amusements we seem to think ourselves immortal. No class

of people can be named in any cult and delicate. While expresselime, to whom excess does not ing the common feelings of humanseem familiar, and fall of course in-ity he might by some have been to their intervals of recreation.

While such is our abuse of privileges, we have little reason to complain of the frailty of our nature; nor need we wonder, that in the long period since the flood the days of man are shortened, and the strength of his nature has departed. It is our greatest misfortune, that we have not resolution enough to be reasonable. Our closet theories are generally correct; but we go abroad, and make our conduct precisely their opposite. We go in quest of pleasures, determined to taste them moderately, and return exhilarated, and prepared anew for the rational business of life. But, the pleasure found, we dwell on it, till it surfeits. The mind sickens, and the body languishes we draw ourselves away, and curse the propensity, that drew us thither.

considered as "an advocate," and
while lamenting the violence of
passion, he might by others have
been censured as "a Judge."-But
the discourse before us is liable to
no such objection; it comes with
propriety from a christian minister,
anxious and interested in the well-
fare of his flock. The text is se
lected with judgment. It unfold
at once the view of the speaker, ar
brings the subject directly to t!
bosom of his audience. Make th
mourning as for an only son-mo.
bitter lamentation, Jeremiah vi. 2 ›
The introductory remarks are
once striking and appropriate. In
clear and perspicuous language the
prospects of mankind are disclosed,
and life is forcibly stated to be
nothing but "a history of disap-
pointed expectations.”

The sermon is divided into two While we thus misuse the bless-parts illustrative of two truths sugings within our reach, let us cease gested by the text. madly to arraign the dispensations of Providence, or to lament the hard lot of humanity.

For the Emerald.



"The first is, The death of children affords just cause of mourning to parents. The second is, The sins of the age are equally a source of bitter lamentation to the people of God."

In the first part the speaker gives an impressive and feeling illustraOf a Sermon, delivered to the First tion of those strong ties of affection Church in Boston, on the Lord's Day" which bind the heart of a parent after the calamitous death of Mr. to the life of a child." CHARLES AUSTIN, member of the senior class in the University of Cambridge, which happened August 4, 1806, in the nineteenth year of his age, by WILLIAM EMERSON, pastor of the


the world. They carry forward their "They calculate on his usefulness in views to the period, when he shall distinguish himself in the walks of science, or in commercial pursuits, when he shall take a part in the councils of his country, or assist in building up society by PERHAPS no cause ever more an industrious life and a fair example. deeply interested an audience than Full of such pleasing prospects, they the melancholy catastrophe which naturally say to their hearts, This our gave occasion to this discourse. and work of our hands. We must de. son shall comfort us concerning our toil The duty of the speaker was diffi-crease; but he will increase. To us

the evil days are coming, and the years drawing nigh, when we shall say, We have To pleasure in them. But he shall soothe our growing infirmities, and soften the pillow of our declining age. In his vigour we shall renew our youth, and he shall transmit our name and fortunes to a future generation. But in the death of their children, these fond expectations of parents are blasted, and hard is that heart, which will not join them in adopting the complaint of bereaved Job, Have pity upon us, have pity upon us, O, ye our friends, for the hand of God hath touched us."

and the urbanity of his manners; who, rich in academick honours, was about entering on the stage of life, and whose uncommon talents and acquisitions promised to be a support, a joy, and an ornament to their house.


"Under this awful calamity they have had indeed all the consolation, which the public regret and the sympathy of yield. Their most permanent supports numerous friends can possibly however, in this affliction, will be derived from religon. May the God of mercy grant them these supports! We commend them and their dear surviv

ing children to that God, whose judg

ments are unsearchable, whose ways are past finding out; and whose most gracious purposes are sometimes shrouded in thick and angry clouds!"

He then goes on to state the deeper cause of mourning when "departed children gave promise of strong intellects, and amiable minds," or parents are deprived the consolation of watching their dy-quent lamentation over the "sins of The subsequent part is an eloing bed, and "strengthening their the times." How far the theologi faith in the resurrection which Je- cal opinion respecting "an earthly sus preached," and then by a beau- mellennium" may be considered as tiful transition brings forward the orthodox, must be determined by distressing event in the following first ascertaining in what orthoimpressive appeal to the sympathy doxy consists. We apprehend it of his audience. will not meet universal assent from all classes of divines. Every one, however, will unite with the preacher in lamenting the "wicked state of society on account of its consequences."


Imagine to yourselves, my friends, an instance, in which this privilege is denied to affectionate parents, and can you blame them for the most bitter lamentation Imagine them one moment happy in the life, the talents, and pects of a son, blooming with youth, and health and enterprize. In the next they behold him felled by an instrument of death, and lost to them, to friendship, science, and the world. Merciful God! what a trial for the faith of christians! At least, they may be allowed the use of our prophet's mourning on another occasion, Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by ? behold and see if there be any sorrow, like unto our sorrow, which is done unto us, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted us in the day of his fierce anger ? "Imagine, did I say? Such a case has already existed. There are parents in this house of the Lord, who are mourning the loss of a child under all the aggravating circumstances of distress, which I have enumerated. They are lamenting the tragical death of a son, who was dear to them by the workings of natural affection, by a noble form,

"When the lusts and passions of men have trampled on the precepts of divine and human authority, there is little security for either property, reputation, or life. Suspicion and distrust will poison the intercourse of society. If defended against open violence, we shall yet be obnoxious to deceit and treachery. If shielded from oppression in its most glaring forms, yet want of private faith, without confidence in apparent friends, and with no knowledge of the number and power of our foes, our situation will be irksome and per


There are in this sermon no new theological opinions, for it was not an occasion to suggest them. There are perhaps no truths recently dis-covered and displayed, for it was no time for inquisitive research, but

the true spirit of christianity is admirably displayed; the consolations which it was the duty of a gospel minister to afford, are gratefully offered. The rage of party violence,and the consequent corruption of public morals are lamented and denounced with a boldness demonstrative of sincerity, and an energy, that while it commands attention will ensure respect.



Contested Elections:

THE first contested election was of the three Goddesses on mount Ida, whose names were JUNO, MINERVA and VENUS. Paris was returning Officer who decreed in favor of Venus by presenting her The following exhortation, pro- with a golden apple. Juno, on apduced by that animation which the proaching Paris, told him that subject inspired, is beautiful and im-though it was beneath her dignity pressive.

to converse with a mortal, yet if he would be her friend, she would make him a nabob. Minerva told him that learning was better than house and land, and if he would be her friend she would teach him

"What then, finally, my brethren, do I propose, as the means of averting the divine displeasure? I propose, and recommend that we bring hither the enemies of Christ, our habits of evil speaking, our inordinate ambition, our propria quæ maribus. But Venus, pride and malice, and slay them at his who thought it would be wasting feet. I ask that we bring hither our feuds and discord, our malevolence and time to make use of words, gave selfishness, and make a sacrifice of him such a look as put her in posthem on the altar of the gospel. I ex-session of the golden Apple. hort that the work of reformation begin Queen of beauty out of gratitude to in every bosom and in every mouth. I Paris, who had so well managed admonish that we universally impose the restraints of religion on our hearts and hands, our lips and pens. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath, for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the

Lord. Let us feel that we are fellow

men, and endeavour to become fellowchristians. Fellow travellers to the grave we certainly are, and soon shall be fellow candidates for God's compassion at his tremendous bar. In this frail, dying, guilty condition, cursed be our anger for it is fierce, and our wrath for it is cruel."


the election for her, made him a present of several slices of that golden pippin, and in commemoration of that event such slices have been made use of as presents at all other general elections. They have a sympathy like that which happens to electrical wires, let an hundred hold them in their hands their sensations will be the same, but they differ from electricity in one essen tial point, which is that though the tonch be ever so great, it never shocks people. Stevens.

Ale-House Politicians.
Here political tobacconists make

The style, as will appear by the extracts we have made, is easy, uniform and correct, it neither swells into bombast nor degenerates into frigidity; there are some few loose expressions, and one or two inele- the measures of government in cut gant periods, but it is generally pure and dry arguments; here opposiand classical and will not detracttion taylors prove the nation has from the literary reputation of the reverend author.


been cabbaged, here saddlers turned statesmen, find a curb for the ministry, here the minority veteran play

ers argue that the scene ought to be shifted, that the king's household wants a better manager; that his majesty's company are a set of very bad actors, that there is no necessity for a wardrobe keeper, and he humbly moves that the king should discharge his prompter. Ibid.

When Plutarch was asked why he resided in his native city so obscure and little, I stay, said he, lest it should grow less.



Luna rubit, pallet, crescit, nocte ambulat, errat Hæc quoque fœmineo propria sunt generi Cornua Luna facit, facit hæc quoque Fæmina, mutat Qualibet hæc autem mense, sed illa die.

[ocr errors]


M. Demaucroix, a person well known in France half a century since, being advised by his friends to marry and reproached for having delayed it so long, answered in the following verses.

Aimi, je vois beaucoup de bien,'
Dans le parti qu'on me propose,
Mais toutefois ne pressons rien,
Prendre femme et etrange chose,
Il faut y penser murement,
Sage gens en qui je me fie
M'ont dit que c'est fait prudemment,
Que d'y songer tout sa vie.


Perhaps, my friend, you counsel well,
And happy those who marry;
But where to fix I cannot tell
Still blameless tho' I tarry,
To ponder much when much depends,
Was always counted wise,
And he that well to wed intends
Should think on't till he dies.

The following anecdote from a work professedly giving the history of Women, is said to be true, although various Johnson's concluding observa-writers have recorded it with some variation of detail. tions in his life of Butler, are applicable at the present day to many of the occurrences with which we are concerned.

The Scythians, whose character is far from being the most abandoned of the antients, seem not to have Burlesque consists in a dispro-had much cause to boast of the *portion between the style and the chastity and fidelity of their women. sentiments. It therefore, like all The greatest part of their men haybodies composed of heterogeneousing on some occasion made an exparts, contains in it a principle of pedition into Asia, were detained corruption. All disproportion is there much beyond their expectaunnatural, and from what is unnatu- tion, when their wives either imral we only derive the pleasure patient of their long absence, or deswhich novelty produces. We ad-pairing of their return, took their mire it awhile as a strange thing, servants and slaves and invested but when it is no longer strange, we them in all the possessions and privperceive its deformity. It is a kind ileges of their masters. These, of artifice which by frequent repeti-sometime afterwards hearing that. tion detects itself, and the reader their masters were about to return, learning in time what he has to ex-fortified and entrenched themselves pect, lays down his book as the spectator turns away from a second exhibition of those tricks of which the only use is to show that they can be played..

in order to hinder them from entering into their own country, and claiming their wives and possessions.

The Scythians having advanced to their slaves several skirmishes.

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