Imagens das páginas


and placed his production, where read with some little diligence, he the poet, should he look for it, would will find the grammarian, under the be surprised to find "Home" in a head of Prosody, sanctions Pope's strange land, on the identical shelf prudence in this respect by exactwith the Pleasures of Memory ing that the Alexandrine should be and the Pleasures of Hope. Yet" used sparingly and with judg Rowland heads his remarks with a ment." hint from Boileau, that Rhodolphus is more inclined to blame, than commend, known merit. "Risum teneatis, amici!"

· “His brown cliffs towering to the sunny sky,"

"Relentless watch that knows not rest

or sleep."

Here it was said by the Reviewer in your paper, "or" should be nort, not being used for neither. However plain this be, it seems not to preclude dispute. Murray is tak is a line adduced by the Reviewer of en out of the satchel, and what "Home" as an instance where pro- was probably part of the boy's last sody is outraged. "Inuumerable lesson, and therefore fresh in his instances," says Rowland, "of the memory, turned to, as an authority "accent falling on the epithet into prove the contrary. “When "stead of the word which it quali- the conjunction either may be sup "fies, may be produced from alinost posed, though not expressed, after "any modern poem of any celebri- the first negative, we may with pro6 ty.” We advise a re-perusal" priety use either or or not for the of the review, as it might make correspondent conjunction: as, "He the commentator better apprehend was not (either) learned on wise:" the meaning of the reviewer" He never (either) ate or drank afThe fault of this line arises not terwards;" or, " He was not learned from the falling of the accent on the nor wise;" or, "not learned or wise," epithet or the word it would quali. Boston 2d edit. p. 170. What does fy; but from quite another cause; Bishop Lowth say on the subject? from the coming together of two He at least equals Murray for the long syllables so in the same line as unqualified commendation he has to destroy harmony. That Rodol-received from the literati both of phus is well founded in this censure, Great-Britain and America." Ilis I see no other reason to doubt, than words are, "some conjunctions have what arises from Rowland's coinci-" their correspondent conjunctions dence of opinion.

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"belonging to them, so that in the subsequent member of the sen"tence, the latter answers to the former," and instances "either, or," "neither, nor." New Grammars are made, it seems, as "new medicines, by pouring out of 'one phial into another." This sentence from Lowth, word for word, Murray has adopted, but then he labors to introduce an exception. Now this exception to schoolboy readers would seem fair enough. Or is correspondent to either. Whenever tither is understood, it must be the

As to the caveat entered by the poet in his notes against censure for the frequent use of Alexandrines," Rhodolphus was not bound to notice it. Nor was it proper he should. It is beneath the dignity of a critic to be kept at bay by the object of his criticism, nor should he deign to give him battle. Hie very properly took Pope's own construction, as given in las own practice, of what he meant by the "needless Alexandrine." And if the lad will turn to his Murray, which he seems to have

ification? No wonder he, whose style is a dead letter throughout, should object, were life to be given to any one word in the language.

“His form more dazzling bright." We know no poetic licence, says the Emerald Reviewer, that will make the participle an adverb.→→

same as if expressed Cr in any such case will do, and even nor, if a Beg tive should chance to be used, would be quite tolerated. We won der this reasoning should have misled Murray. There is not a case in which "neither" is used, that is not resolvable into not either. We know not but etymology would so"The participle" says the Reperresolve it. But it needs not Horne Tooke's ingenuity of research into the doctrine of conjunctions to ascertain that it is universally so resolvable. Unfortunately the very example introduced by Murray, as within the first rule, is also within the exception. Neither thou nor I am able to compass it." Not di-is so used other than his confidence, ther thou or I am able to compass it The exception proves too much; it therefore proves nothing. The role then stands without exception.

Analogy might have taught the bird that Goldsmith or Pope would have written it thus,"

Relentless watch, that knows nor rest

tory writer when used as an adjective, is subject to the same rules, and is consequently entitled to the same license as the adjective."Who ever doubted this? It follows of course from its being used as an adjective. But this commentator furnishes us with no evidence that it

When confidence is once taken for argument or arrogance for proof, there is no point we shall not readi, ly yield to the redoubtable Rowland,

the example from Milton will hard-
are used as adverbs. But unluckily
ly bear him out in the position, that
an adjective may be used as an ad-

But what is the substance of the reasoning on this point? The parti ciple, when used as an adjective, is entitled to the same license as the nor sleep." adjective: No instance is adduced Rowland can not understand what But an adjective is used as an adwhere the participle is tbus used. is here meant by " Analogy." This verb. Therefore a participle is is no fault of Rhodolphus. The father of spirits can alone give un-rather circumlocutory to express used as an adverb. This is being derstanding. Rowland saves us a naked assertion, that participles. the trouble of searching for similar instances in the pages of Goldsmith or Popc. He grants such instances can be found. In the language of a special pleader, he demurs for want of form, and admits the facts. Goldsmith and Pope did then use negative conjunctions in this way in other lines, and yet we cannot say they would have thus used them The construction we are boturd in this line. What is the very de- to give to a sentence from any corfinition of analogy, but reasoning rect writer is that which will most from past instances to present or completely reconcile it with the future? Or in the better language common rules of grammar. Beof Rodolphus, from, what does anal-cause the presumption is, such wriogy teach," but from past to pre-ter used the words of the sentence sent and future examples? Does with this construction. Agreeably Rowland find fault with the person to this rule, the fair and obvious con-

By fowl, fish, beast, was flown, was Air, water, earth, swum, was walk'd,


syllable of another" evidently denoting, if I may be allowed the autology, that it need not neces

struction of the sentence in question, is that which will make frequent an adjective to agree with fowl, as if the sentence read in prose, by fre-sarily be," to the last sound of anoquent fowl, fish, beast, air, water, earth, was flown, was swum, &c. This is really too plain to need further illustration.

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ther." But the poet in his Note, seems to say that he is not bound to subject himself to stricter fet"ters than those worn by the most As to four being marked in the distinguished of his predecessors, late edition of Johnson's Walker" Pope." As to Alexandrines, he precisely like power, we have to would have done well to have subsay only, that IT IS NOT TRUE.jected himself to fetters as strict: Pour is there made a monosylable But Pope wrote an abundance; and and power a dissyllable. if this illustrious versifier alone. be As to the observations on the sug-conclusive authority for rhyme, gestion of unwarrantable digres- scarcely a rhyme in the language, sion," to show how ridiculous such that is not correct.. remarks are, we have merely to We advise Rowland thoroughly to take the other side the dilemma, learn his lesson before he again at and return Rowland his own words. tempts to recite. In scribbling a "We can only observe that we "do" bout the accent falling on the ri "consider it as such. We have not thet," about "lofty and figurative " room to discuss this point, but re-language," and the marking of "commend a re-perusal of three or "power" and "pour," he has cer"four pages, in which this passage tainly blundered most strangely. We "is included. We presume this crit-do not mean thus publicly to admon. ic has misunderstood his author." ish him for negligence. At the same The censure of the line descrip-time, would he voluntarily retire intive of a storm at sea seems to be to the country, it might be for 1 is wholly misunderstood. It was not intellectual improvement. He must reprehended because the language have forgotten that to write, it was "lofty or figurative," but be-is first necessary to think; that it is cause it was too mean and diminu-essential to the correctness of a tive for a subject really lofty and commentary that the text be rightdignified. It was said to be bathos, ly understood; that the heat gainnot bombast. But was not this ed from haste of composition is not blunder purposely made to intro-the ardor of conviction; that the duce the happy quotation? sophomoric strut of juvenile arro

As to real being a monosyllable, gance can never be mistaken for we remember a professor of rheto- the meek triumph of truth. ric of some eminence, that pronounced and considered it in the same



way. As to the doctrine of rhymes, BIOGRABICAL AND LITERARY NOTI we believe it sanctioned by the first critics in the language. Were it otherwise, one half the rhymes of our best vernacular poets would be unauthorized. Doct. Johnson and Murray define "rhyme to be the "correspondence of the last sound "of one verse, to the last sound or

NEW ABERDEEN. (Continaed,) ·.

Mr. BEATTIE had now acquired known to be possessed of learning; his some poetical reputation. He was studious disposition continually urged

him to acquire more: he was entitled to Mr. Beattic published his "Essay on be raised above the drudgery of teach- the Nature and Immutability of Truth, ing children; and through the influence in Opposition to Sophistry and Sceptiof the Earl of Errol, he was elected acism," in the year 1770. Professor in that College where he him- It has sometimes been alleged, that self had been a student. the motive which induced Mr. B. to

The contrast betwixt the school mas-oppose the writings of Hume was not ter at Alloa and the Professor in the of the purest nature; that he was exe University of Aberdeen, was sufficiently cited by personal chagrin, and a desire striking. Mr. Beattie no doubt felt it to revenge some insult he had received in its full force; and he resolved to act from Hume. Whether or not this was in a manner worthy of his dignified sit- the case, it is not now our business to uation. Poetry had probably engrossed inquire. The motives which a writer a great number of his leisure hours may have for his publication are not of previous to this period, but studies so much concern to the public as the more immediately necessary now claim-merits of his work; whether it coned his whole attention. He determined not to be an inactive member of the honourable body to which he belonged, but to prove, by his diligent application, and his philosophical exertions, that he was worthy of the seat to which he had been elevated. Da


tains an able treatment of its subject, and accomplishes what was purposed..

The popularity which the Essay en Truth obtained for its author was very extensive. It was eagerly perused by all who were fond of pneumatological studies, and received the warmest approbation of those who shuddered at the view of the Ideal Philosophy, Its fame was equally extensive in England. The Common-Sense philosophers rejoiced at having this defence of their system; the most unbounded praises were lavished upon the Professor of the North; and it was even suggested by some eminent in power, to have him converted from the Church of Scotland, and to present him with a dignified benefice in the English Church.

An active and penetrating mind will at all times, discover excellent subjects on which to exercise its powers; but this was a period fruitful in investigation, and especially of those objects which more peculiarly belonged to Mr. Beattie's phere of study in the University. The philosophy of mind was the fashionable pursuit, and had been treated by several eminent authors, and, in particular, by Mr. Hume. The opinions of this writer, and his conclusions on the subjects of his research, The impolicy of this proposition was, were characterised by a boldness which however, soon recognized. It was ob bad seldom been equalled in any coun- served, that the writings of a clergytry, and never in Scotland. But though man in defence of religion were more Hume's reasonings led to the most liable to be viewed as an interested deboundless scepticism, and were so op-fence of the opinions of his order, than posite to the sober spirit of thinking the unprejudiced productions of a laypreviously cherished in Scotland; yet man; and that Beattie could more essuch were the acuteness of his powers, sentially serve the cause of truth, and and the ingenuity of his logical induc- with better grace, as a Professor of tions, that he had become the leader of Moral Philosophy in Scotland, than as a new school, and formed the opinions a Bishop in the Church of England. As of many who had formerly belonged to a compensation for past, and an induceamore temperate philosophy. The abet- ment for future exertions,, he was, tors of the old systems were alarmed therefore, presented with an annuity of at his conclusions; they grieved to see 2001; and "it was understood, that such dangerous notions acquire so ex- thus pensioned, he should lie on the tensive an influence; they were anx-watch, and confute every sceptical and ious for what appeared to them to be profane opinion that should, after all the cause of truth and sound philoso- that he had written, dare to start up in ophy, and directed all their powers to the world"," confute the reasonings and to overturn the positions, of this mighty opponent. Dr. Reid had already begun the at tack, in 1761, in his excellent "Inquiry into the Human Mind and

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Perhaps the most pleasing advantage which Beattie derived from the publica-,

* Boswell's life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, Vol. II.


tion of his work was, its being the ocsion of his obtaining the acquaintance and friendship of many learned and eminent characters in England. The ac quisition of a circle of learned friends is the most valuable and soothing reWard of literary toil, because the correspondence and conversation which result from such connexions are equal, ly productive of further instruction and the most refined pleasure. The author of the Essay on Truth was now entitled to the attention of the literary world; he was to be considered as adding one more to the literati of his country, and as a distinguished member of the re-. public of letters. Among his brethren at home, he was highly respected; and whenever he went to London, his company was courted by persons of illustrious rank; by all who were celebrated for literature, or venerable in the Church.

Dr. Samuel Johnson, at this time, presided over the literature of England. The acquaintance of Beattig, with him took place in the year 1771, through the following introductory letter of Mr. Boswell, and continued with mutual, kindness till Dr. Johnson's death;



The bearer of this, Mr. Beattie, Professor of Moral Philosophy at Ab. erdeen, is desirous of being introduced to your acquaintance. His genius, and learning, and labours, in the service of virtue and religion, render him very worthy of it; and as he has a high esteem of your character, I hope you will give him a favourable reception. "I am, &c.

struck the fancy of the juvenile poet, it had been warmly cherished in secret, and gradually enlarged, as the poetical fancy dilated, and the intellectual resources of the author became more extensive. The elementary sentiments of the Minstrel had been conceived in the country, among rural delights, when the imagination was highly sus ceptible of those impressions which are never to be erased, and which modify all future associations. But the princi. pal finishing was executed in 1768, and it was polished from time to time until its publication.

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(To be continued. Js


Ir would be well if those who have the immediate direction of youth would realize the propriety of Juvenal's admonition,

Nil dictu foedum visuqne hæc limina

Intra que puer est→→
Maxima debetur puero reverentia.


THE Biographer of Boyd strenuously contends for him the praise of having been the author of Junius, and introduces the following anecdote.

Some months after the letters of Junius were published, Boyd met "JAMES BOSWELL" Sir Wm. Draper at the Tennis Though Mr. Beattie had obtained greater fame as a piilosopher than percourt, where their acquaintance was haps the merits of his work deserved, originally formed in 1769, and where in this year (1771) appeared another (being both great tennis-players,) production, of a very different kind, they used frequently to meet. The and on which his reputation will be conversation turning on Junius, Sir founded with a greater degree of sta-William observed that tho' Junius bility and permanence than upon all his other works. This was, "Book I. of the had treated him with extreme sethe Minstrel or, the Progress of Gen- verity; he now looked upon him ius." The second book followed in an honest fellow-that he freely The subject of this delightful poem forgave him for the bitterness of his had, it is probable, occurred to Beattie censures; that there was no man at a period of life comparatively early with whom he would more gladly It is altogether in unison with the romantic emotions of the youthful heart: drink a bottle of Burgundy. Boyd and from the moment when it first took no notice of the assertion, bu

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