Imagens das páginas

a most able discourse on the pursuits of this gentleman. He noticed his researches and observations on the albur

It is not a little remarkable, that Corsica, an Island which seems to have been equally despised both by the ancients and moderns, should have pro-nous juices of plants, in its ascent elaboduced two men, one of whom engaged the attention of all Europe, towards the middle of the last century, while another seems, unhappily for the repose of mankind, destined to regulate its fate, at the beginning of the present.


The Stranger in Ireland, procured its author the honour of knighthood, conferred by the Lord Lieutenant in Dublin; this sufficiently attests the I consideration attached to the work in that place.

It is impossible however, to escape from the fangs of reviewers, and a res. pectable publication, in examining the character of Sir John Carr, has stated as the result of its labour the following positions.

rating the buds and leaves, and in its descent forming wood; and of his discovery of the natural decay of apple-trees and of the grafts, which decline and become unproductive at the same time with the parent stock. The learned President referred next to the experiments, which went to prove that all vegetables radiate by gravitatation only, and not by any instinctive energy; that new and superior species of apples may be produced from seed; and that impregnating the pollen was found to be an advantageous substitute of grafting. He then alluded to the new and very valuable species of pears produced by Mr. Knight, and to a new species of vines, which bear grapes not only superior in flavour to others hitherto known, but which are capable of arriving at perfection, even in the most adverse seasons, in our climate. For these and other discoveries ably enumerated

1. That Mr. Carr is a tolerable ig-by the learned President, the Copele


2. That he is a decent coxcomb.
3. That he is a perfect traveller.

It is

yan Medal was adjudged to Mr. Knight whose successful labours in this branch of natural history, have probably surpassed those of any other philosopher, in Mr. Belfour, the translator of the developing the economy of vegetation, Musical and Fabulas Literatas of Yri-and the laws of venerable life. arte, is about to publish a new and improved edition of Jarvis's version of Don Mr. Cumberland has lately given to Quixotte, embellished with superb en- the public a description of a very sim gravings, and illustrated by notes, his-ple and useful scale for dividing the torical, critical, and literary, from the vanishing lines, in perspective. pen of Mayans, Bowle, Vincente de los thus formed: take a sheet of paper. Rios, Pellicer, and other able commen. and having made a horizontal line, fix tators. Mr. Belfour proposes to add on a point, as a centre, called the point remarks on the life and writings of Cer. of sight; this point is crossed with divantes; anecdotes of his cotemporaries agonal lines in various directions; and and particulars of the manners, customs thus an instrument is prepared, that and state of literature of the time. in will be a sure guide to an inexperienced which he lived. eye, in taking the perspective lines of all objects placed at right angles, such as streets, buildings, churches, apart. leaf to be drawn on. To render the inments, by merely placing it under the strument more complete, a plate of glass should be added, of the same size as the leaf of the drawing-book, on which the dark lines should be drawn The Copleyan Medal has been ad- A new branch of science, entitled, judged to T. A. Knight, Esq. for his Mnemonica, is now much studied in numerous discoveries in vegetable phy-Germany. It was originally taught siology. Sir Joseph Banks, upon pre- and practised in Egypt and Greece, and senting Mr. Knight with the reward of was an invention attributed to Simon." his labours and high merit, pronounced, lides. The modern restorer of this art

Mr. Northmore has been for a con. siderable time engaged in writing an epic poem, to be completed in ten books entitled Washington, or Liberty Restored. The basis of the work, exclusive of the imagery, will rest solely upon historic truth.

[ocr errors]

Dress of fine muslin ; sleeres of white sattin; sash tied in front; cap of white sattin, with small feathers.

Train of pink silk; lace let in the back; full top sleeves of white crape; turban of pink and white crape, with ostrich feathers.

is M. Aretin, who exacts from his pupils a promise not to write his lectures. According to a book, said to have been written by a child of twelve years of age and mentioned in the catalogue for the last September fair at Leipsic, mnemonica is a true science, and may be so taught as to give a memory to individu- Robe of primrose crape, trimmed als of every age.- A gentleman known down the front and round the breas: to the writer of this article, can, by the with white lace; sleeves striped alterpower of association, repeat backwards nately with sarsnet and lace; white and forwards, or by any complex alter-sarsnet petticoat; kid gloves. nation, thirty abstract terms, on hearing them repeated but once.


[Omitted in our last.]

M. Leschevin, Chief Commissionary for Gunpowder and Saltpetre at Dijon, has suggested a method of averting In our last paper the writer of the showers of hail, and dissipating storms. Ordeal closed his useful and entertainThe Memoir in which he has related ing numbers. They constitute the first the discovery, as he conceives, is long regular series that have ever appeared but we shall be able to present the En- in this town, reviewing for an entire glish reader with the results in few season the conduct of the Drama. The words-(1.) He would excite in the ability and taste that have been discor air strong commotions capable of shak-ered in the prosecution of this duty, is ing the particles of water adhering amply witnessed by the great populari to it, so as to produce abundant rain; ty of the essays, and the avidity with this is to be done by the sound of great which they have uniformly been rebells, the noise of guns or drums, by ceived. The remarks on the plot, conthe detonation of the fulminating powder duct and language of the several plays and by the explosion, in the middle of that have passed under inspection, may the clouds, of rockets directed towards be considered as the best general rethe place where the clouds are thickest. view of them that has ever appeared in (2.) He would establish energetic con- print, and will be found replete wit ductors between the clouds and the sound judgment and correct discrimi earth, either by fires lighted from dis-nation, that will cause them a reputa tance to distance, and kept burning by supplies of dry substances, or by the disengagement of humid vapours, or the combustion of resinous matters. (3.) He would draw off the electric fluid, which is in superabundance in the clouds, by a multiplicity of thunder-rods: he would establish these conductors on those sides from which the winds chiefly come, and these are to be placed on elevated places, high trees &c. We are informed that the practice recommended in this Memoir, is made use of in many parts of France with the greatest success. (Month. Mag.)


From the Ladies' Museum. Mantle of fawn coloured Kersimere, trimmed with white velvet; bonnet of velvet, ornamented with black.

Pelisse of puce coloured silk, trimmed round the neck and down the front with white lace; bonnet same colour as pelisse.

tion beyond the mere occasion on which they were produced. The per formances have been considered with impartiality and candor, and although some of the remarks have occasionally been severe, and the scourge when assumed been used with effect, yet ment has in no instance been denied its reward, nor praise ever been withheld from those who deserved it.

The effects of these essays have been

apparent upon the public sentimen and have had no little influence in d recting the general taste. They bare compelled greater attention and assidi, ity on the part of the performers, and have roused them by the hope of praist or the dread of censure from the life less monotony, in which they would casionally fall.

We have communicated the epist of SCRIBULUS and are authorized t state that it will receive proper atter tion.

[blocks in formation]




No. 78.


THERE is an ingenuousness in the confession of error which takes away the necessity of reproof. Moralists have asserted that whoever subjects his pride to the humiliation of apology has already made some progress in the road of reformation, and some compensation for former impropriety.

A bad excuse however according to the proverb is worse than none. The action which cannot be defended upon principle had better be passed over in silence, and if originally wrong can never be mended by attempts to support it on untenable ground. He who seeks to palliate what needs an excuse, by mistaking the motive which led to it, who trusts to his ingenuity to extenuate his fault, and relies for apology on invention more than integrity adds the folly of equivocation to former inconsistency, and joins pertinacity in error to the meanness of decep


There are some duties involved upon us in consequence of our connexions in society, which, although,



the breach be attended with no moral wrong, never admit of excuse for neglect. Some forms of politeness require always to be adhered to, and some civilities must never be omitted. These however are often neglected amid the engagements of business or forgotten in the allurements of pleasure, and as often give rise to ludicrous situations in aukward attempts at apology. Some mistakes would never be noticed, and others would pass away with very little impression if it were not that an apology is continually thrust in the ear, to remind one of difficulties which had better be forgotten, and renew unpleasant sensations which were beginning to subside.

Yet although forgetfulness of propriety be a common failing, a remembrance of the requisitions of pride is cqually general, and most people therefore trust to the chance of a lucky thought or a successful expedient to relieve their cmbarrassment, rather than mortify their dignity by submission, and by consenting to be considered as failing where every body is liable to err. He who can say nothing in his own defence stands self convicted before his accuser, and he who is convicted by his own confession, has little to produce in mitigation of punishment; it is easier therefore to offer an apology than yield to conviction, and hence in spite of the proverb, a bad excuse is found to be "better than none."

is bis delight to mix with the gay world, to be known as the intimate of fashionable parties, the leader of taste, the director of etiquette, it short, the very arbiter elegantium.

good gentleman was mortified i the extreme, and has every tim: they meet the comfort of a renewa by her aukward apologies and grea regret that she was so unfortunate as to forget him; much to the a

But by some strange kind of inconsistency, those who would disdain to apologize for a real fault, make part of their politeness consist in excuses for such as are feigned; and could be no worse treated than by It so happened that one of a being taken in earnest when all their city ladies gave a superb party, an intention is only to be civil. among her cards of invitation acci Dean Swift it is said, had been in-dentally omitted Superbus. Th vited to a dinner, where the lady of the house,anxious to give so respectable a guest a most magnificent reception, had exerted all her skill in the arrangement and elegance of the table, but not contented with what she had been able to do, amusement of all those who deligh bounded in apologies for the things to see self sufficiency humbled and she omitted, and received the Dean confidence repressed. at dinner with a feigned regret that all her preparations were unworthy a visitor so distinguished and honourable. You knew I was coming, (said the crusty Doctor) why could you not get something that was fit for me to eat? And immediately took his hat and departed.

This instance in an original and eccentric character is indeed in the extreme; but it shows in a forcible manner the operation of that politeness which consists in apology, and in striving to make folks happy by giving them frequent information of the incompetency of the means.

We need not seek for exemplifications of this matter in the distant adventures of the Dean of St. Patrick. We meet with them every day in common life--they are crouded upon us by every one of that numerous class, who in spite of nature and education strive to be fashionaable.

Careless called the other morning on Mrs. X. She received him with much civility, "but as she had bet must apologize for being quite expected the pleasure of seeing hir must apologize for being quite dishabille, particularly as no one t

at home but her husband.”


Octavian was the other evening invited to stay supper with an a quaintance. But the lady was se liberal in apologies for the vants, the provision and the cooke "y, that she spoilt his appetite by excess of kindness, and from a prefusion of dainties sent him sup perless to bed.

Thus it is that misplaced polite ness becomes more offensive and and a mistake or an accident of troublesome than open incivility consequence in itself, is increas by attempts to support it into a s rious inconvenience. That wou pass away well enough as a comm: accident which is brought into TM Superbus is known to almost ev- tice by excess of apology, and w ery one of our readers. He is gay, would never be noticed as any . elegant and fashionable; or if this wrong is made extremely distres may not be said of him, it can withing by this officious attempt to c truth be asserted that he is very detenuate its error. sirous of attaining the character. It






tion and march to Paris, he was pronounced guilty, and sentenced to three months imprisonment, and a fine of twenty pounds. Mr. M. A. Taylor presided on this occasion. The first verdict delivered by the jury, after one hour's deliberation, was "Guilty of publishing." This verdict, tantamount to an acquittal, they were directed to reconsider, add to deduce the malicious intention not from the circumstances attending the publication, but from the words of the song: another hour's deliberation produced a general verdict of " Guilty.”—This transaction requires no comment.

From Wath, where Montgomery had sought only a temporary residence, he removed in 1792, and engaged himself with Mr. Gales, of Sheffield, who then printed a newspaper, in which popular politics were advocated with great zeal and ability. To this paper he contributed essays and verses occasionally; but though politics sometimes engaged the service of his hand, the Muses had his whole heart, and he sedulously cultivated their favour, though no longer with those false, yet animating hopes, which formerBy stimulated his exertions. In 1794, when Mr. Gales left England, a gentleman to whom Montgomery military.

Scarcely had Montgomery returned to his home, when he was again called upon, to answer for another offence. A riot took place in the streets of Sheffield, in which, unfortunately, two men were shot by the In the warmth of his was almost an entire stranger, enafeelings he detailed the dreadful bled him to undertake the publica-occurrence in his paper; the detail was deemed a libel, and he was again tion of the newspaper on his own account; but it was a perilous situa- sentenced to six months imprisonzion on which he entered: the ven-ment, and a fine of thirty pounds. The magistrate, who prosecuted geance which was ready to burst him on this occasion, is now dead, upon his predecessor soon fell upon him. At the present day it would and Montgomery would be the last scarcely be believed, were it not to man in the world who could permit Se found in the records of a court of any thing to be said here, in justification of himself, which might seem justice, that in 1795 Montgomery was convicted of having libelled the to cast a reflection on the memory var, then carrying on between Great of one, who afterwards treated him Britain and France, by publishing, with the most friendly attention, and at the request of a stranger, whom promoted his interest by every he had never before seen, a song means in his power. written by a clergyman of Belfast, ine months before the war began. This fact was admitted in court; nd though the name of this counry did not occur in the libel, nor was there a single note or comment, f any kind whatever, affixed to the iginal words, which were compos

at the time, and in censure of ae Duke of Brunswick's proclama

The active imagination of Montgomery had induced him to suppose that the deprivation of liberty was the loss of every earthly good in confinement he learned another lesson, and he bore it with fortitude and cheerfulness.

In York castle

he bad opportunities of amusement, as well as leisure for study, and he found kindness, consolation, and

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