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National Science Teachers Association Survey
of 600 Teacher Placement Offices Dec 1982




1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 YEAR IN WHICH STUDENT TEACHING WAS COMPLETED


The Teacher Crisis in Secondary
School Science and Mathematics

Science and mathematics instruction is deteriorating as fewer
teachers pursue careers in these fields.


ur nation faces unprecedented | reported an adequate supply of chemis- | problems in science and engi- try teachers. neering education, the most scvere of which is the critical shortage of qualified science and mathematics teachers at the secondary level. The problem is not new. Studies by the National Education Association (1981). Howe and Gerlovich (1982), and Akin (1980) have carried this message for several years. Yet school goes on. Is the problem not as severe as the data suggest, or worse than we realize?

We recently conducted surveys of secondary school science and math teachers, secondary school administrators, and placement directors at colleges and universities to get another reading on the science and math supply and demand. The results of our surveys and the highlights from some previous studies are reported here.

The Demand

In 1980 and again in 1981, Howe and Gerlovich (1982) surveyed the 50 state science supervisors to assess supply and demand for secondary school science and math teachers. Using a scale of 1 ta surplus) to 5 (a critical shortage), they found a shortage of physics (4. 15), math (3.71), and chemistry (3.96) teachers in 1980. Shortages in physics and math became more severe in 1981 (physics. 4.45; math, 4.28). Moreover, the shortages are nationwide. Only two state supervisors reported an adequate supply of math teachers; four reported an adequate supply of science teachers; six

James A. Shymansky is Professor of Science
Education. The University of Iowa, Iowa
City, and Bill C. Aldridge is Executive
Director of the National Science Teachers
Association, Washington, D.C.



Akin's (1980) findings are consistent with the Howe/Gerlovich report. In a survey of teacher placement directors in 1981. Akin reported math and physics as the highest and second highest arcas of teacher demand. Chemistry teacher demand was 7th and carth science 11th of the 38 arcas ranked. The NEA report (1981) also ranked mathematics and natural and physical sciences as areas where the supply of teachers is least adequate.

The data from these sources are convincing but not compelling because, after all, science and math continue to be taught. In order to provide further insight into the problem, we conducted three surveys in December 1981. Our results are quite revealing.

The Supply

We surveyed 450 teacher placement
offices nationwide to obtain ten-year

data on the number of teachers receiv ing certification in a science or math arca and the number accepting teaching positions. Figures 1 and 2 show the number of persons available for placement and the number accepting teaching positions in math and science from 1971 to 1980. Clearly these graphs show the serious decline in the numbers of persons pursuing teaching degrees (79 percent decline in math and a 64 percent decline in science) and an equally serious decline in rate at which those prepared accept teaching jobs. The 1981 NEA report indicates a compara ble decline in persons accepting teaching positions to persons prepared as teachers across all teaching fields be tween 1962 and 1979.

Who Is Teaching?

We also surveved 1,000 secondary school administrators to find out who teaches science and math at their

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year, 69 percent have never attended a
computer workshop Finally 40 percent
reported never attending an inservice
course of workshop unce they began
teaching—an average of 16 years!

When asked about their plans for the
next five years a startling 24 percent

dated the plan to sock emplos ment outside of education Assuming onh 4 percent actually leave the classrum for | nonteaching jobs as the admatratze data suggests; and among the graphło showing the new entries into soc

and math teaching level out, the hyre The cast for accondary school science and

centages of emergency

cachers hund for the

math a stil gloomy The mean age o
the science and math teaching popula
tion is 41. As that mean moves up w

will the number of retirees and the number of teaching vacancies. Demographic studies predict a leveling of of school-age populations and even a slight increase in the 80%. When these data are mixed together, it is clear that the num ber of emergency teachers will go up also-and that the quality of math and ience instruction will go down Summary

Recent independent surveys all show i severe shortage of qualified secondary school science and math teachers There has been a catastrophic decline in the number of persons preparing to teach science and math and of those perpared, less than half take teaching positions Secondary schools are forced to hire unqualifed persons in addition, as the mean age of the wincermath teaching force rises and more expens enced teachers seek employment in nonteaching jobs, the quality of instruc bon in our secondary school science and math classrooms will deteriorate further We cannot afford to wast for the normal laws of supply and demand to correct the problems. A generation of school aged children is far too precious commodity EL

National Education Association Teacher Supply and Demand in Public Scho 140-81 W S Grabcal Project Director W DC June 1981

Home TG and Gerboh JAC Kalimas Dealing with the Supphy and Demand of Succe and Mathematics Tractors Proced to the Natural So ence Trachen Aation Meeting Chuca Apr 19

Akon JN Teacher Supph and De mand A Recent Survey Auxsation for School Coll and cry Staffing

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An NSTA Position Statement

Science-Technology-Society: Science Education for the 1980s


Science and technology influence every aspect of our lives. They are central to our welfare as individuals and to the welfare of our society. All around us are examples of the importance of science and technology for production of food, shelter, clothing, medicines, transportation, and various sources of energy. There are an increasing number of science- and technology-related societal problems as well as increasing societal benefits. Science and technology are central to our personal and cultural welfare and to many societal problems. We must insure appropriate science education for all citizens.

However, the quantity and quality of science education for all people are not commensurate with the status of science and technology in society. When one would expect budgets, time spent on science-related subjects, and support for science education to be increasing, they are decreasing. At the same time these factors are declining, societal problems continue to require an understanding of science and technology. The burden of response rests heavily upon the shoulders of all persons associated with science endeavors scientists, engineers, classroom teachers, other educators, and school administrators. Many of the problems we face today can be solved only by persons educated in the ideas and processes of science and technology. A scientific literacy is basic for living, working, and decision making in the 1980s and beyond.

There is a crisis in science education. The following sciencetechnology-society problems demand immediate attention:

• understanding of science and technology are central to our personal and national welfare, yet public appreciation of science education has declined;

• increasing number of individual and societal problems which have an impact on the quality of life are related to sciencegenerated technology,

• as the impact of science and technology on society has increased, the support for science education has decreased;

⚫ compared to its recent past the United States has fallen behind in the production of scientific and technological goods and services; and

⚫ women, minorities, and handicapped persons are underrepresented in nearly all professional and technical roles in science and technology.


The goal of science education during the 1980s is to develop scientifically literate individuals who understand how science, technology, and society influence one another and who are able to use this knowledge in their everyday decision-making. The scientifically literate person has a substantial knowledge base of facts, concepts, conceptual networks, and process skills which enable the individual to continue to learn and think logically. This individual both appreciates the value of science and technology in society and understands their limitations.

The attributes listed below help to describe a scientifically literate person. Each attribute should be thought of as describing a continuum along which the individual may progress. The progress

of the individual's science education should be equated with progress along this continuum.

The scientifically and technologically literate person:

• uses science concepts, process skills, and vahies in making responsible everyday decisions;

• understands how society influences science and technology as well as how science and technology influence society,

• understands that society controls science and technology through the allocation of resources;

• recognizes the limitations as well as the usefulness of science and technology in advancing human welfare;

⚫ knows the major concepts, hypotheses, and theories of science and is able to use them;

• appreciates science and technology for the intellectual stimulus they provide;

⚫ understands that the generation of scientific knowledge depends upon the inquiry process and upon conceptual theories; • distinguishes between scientific evidence and personal opinion;

recognizes the origin of science and understands that scientific knowledge is tentative, and subject to change as evidence accumulates;

• understands the applications of technology and the decisions entailed in the use of technology,

⚫ has sufficient knowledge and experience to appreciate the worthiness of research and technological development,

⚫ has a richer and more exciting view of the world as the result of science education; and

⚫ knows reliable sources of scientific and technological information and uses these sources in the process of decision making.

Recommendations for K-12 Grade Levels
Elementary School Science

Science should be an integral part of the elementary school program. It should be used to integrate, reinforce, and enhance the other basic curricular areas so as to make learning more meaningful for children.

A carefully planned and articulated elementary science curriculum should provide daily opportunities for the sequential devel opment of basic physical and life science concepts, along with the development of science process and inquiry skills.

Elementary science should provide opportunities for nurturing children's natural curiosity. This helps them to develop confidence to question and seek answers based upon evidence and independent thinking. Children should be given an opportunity to explore and investigate their world using a hands-on approach, with instructional materials readily available.

The focus of the elementary science program should be on fostering in children an understanding of, an interest in, and an appreciation of the world in which they live.

Middle/Junior High School Science

The middle/junior high school science curriculum should be designed to accommodate the needs and learning styles of the early adolescent. Students should be provided with daily opportunities to

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Mida sumur high school science should contribute to the

•Schools should provide educational opportunities in science for all the whult population in their community

i od wmneducally inerate persona and not simply pre⚫ Colleges, universities, and monni organations should

est science course National have shown tumuor high school science as designed to prepare school bology with no emphasis on physical kistan, analies show that fewer than one half of the mee high materns going on to high school cake chemistry and hows. Therefore, a a imperative that an important thrust of

increase emphasis on science education for adults through public lectures and seminars.

•The important contributions of out-of-school education programs such as museums, TV planetariums, and soos, should be recogned and unised by all those involved

Emphans on the professional development of science teachers

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• Colleges, universities, and other agencies should develop teacher education and inservice education programs that are con want with this policy statement.

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• School darrices should provide opportunities, encouragement, and recognition for teachers who maintain a high level of protes

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Elementary level laboratory and field activities should the development of beak inquiry skill

• Makli paruor high school level laboratory and field activities should stress the application and extension of inquiry skills as a mess of obtaining knowledge and resolving problema

• High school level laboratory and field activities should emphasise not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also problem solving and decision making

Scence matraction matches audonas cognawe, physical, social, and emotional developmen

• Schools should provide objectives, content, and instructional strategies that are appropriate to the students stage of mental, moral, and physical development

• Varying strategies and materials should be provided at all grades to accomunicalate students with various levels of learning kula and mentși development

Emphasis on science related societal usmer

• Elementary level a minimum of 5 percent of science instruc txon should be directed toward science related societal issues. • Muhlie panace high school level a munumum of 15 percent of

vegan at grades K 31 a minumum of 116 science (macraction should be directed toward were related wo

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