Imagens das páginas

National Association of Public Television Stations, Stephen Salyer, vice presi-
dent and director, educational division, WNET/Thirteen, on behalf of, pre-
pared statement.......

National Congress of Parents and Teachers, prepared statement
National Science Teachers Association, Robert E. Yager, president, and Bill
G. Aldridge, executive director, joint prepared statement...

Newman, Frank, president, University of Rhode Island, prepared statement....

Nichols, Roger, director, Museum of Science, Boston, Mass., prepared state-


Parent, M. Joan, first vice president, National School Boards Association,

prepared statement..

PEER, Project on Equal Education Rights, prepared statement..

Pontarelli, Arthur R., commissioner of elementary and secondary education,

State of Rhode Island, accompanied by Charles Shea, chairman of the

Rhode Island Board of Regents

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Stennis, Hon. John C., a U.S. Senator from the State of Mississippi, prepared
statement (with attachments)...



Articles, publications, etc.:

A Nickel-a-Book Tax? by William J. Byron, from the Washington Post,
Thursday, February 3, 1983......


Criteria for Assessing Math/Science Education Proposals......
Low-Tech Education Threatens the High-Tech Future, from Business
Week, March 28, 1983....



[merged small][ocr errors]

Art, es publications, etc -Continued

Gence. Museums and Science Education, by Bonnie VanDor, executive
director Association of Science Technology Centers, February 10, 1983

[ocr errors]

Guarn Hin Jake, a US Senator from the State of Utah, from Bill G
A frâce, executive director. National Science Teachers Association,
Washington, DC February 21, 193 (with attachments)
Kennedy Hin Edward M, a US Senator from the State of Massachu-
serts from W: am L Lucas, assistant superintendent, Los Angeles
United School District, Los Angeles, Calif, March 22, 19×3
Mcandy, Hồn Dave, a Representative in Congress from the State of
Oka ma from Charles B. Saunders, Jr, vice president for govern-
mentaire'ations. American Council on Education, Washington, DC,
Petuary in 193

Hon Robert T, chairman, Subcommittee on Education, Arts
and from

La as W nam L. assistant superintendent, Los Angeles Unified
School District Los Angeles Calif, March 22, 19×3
Rema, Hon Marge, John N Erlenborn, and William F Goodling,
Representatives in Congress, April 12, 1983








na and answers

Kompenses of BG Aldridge executive director, National Science Teach-
Assocat un to questions asked by

Senator Stafford with enclosures


nator Fell(with enclosures)


es of Stephen S Willoughby president, National Council of
ers of Mathematics to questions asked by

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

of Dr. David B. Leeson presedent, California Microwave, Inc jest ans asked by Senator Stafford in letters dated

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Festensen of Robert L. Smith executive director, Council for American vate Bata at n to quest. ns asked by Senator Stafford


nes of 6; bert D) Johnson, manager, training and education. Electronic Data Systems Corp to questions asked by Senators Pell and [1]


Kenner seg of Rbert Wolfenbarger, vice president, New Jersey State
band af þada ation to questions asked by Senator Stafford
xrises of Calvin M. Frazier, president, Council of Chief State School


ers to questions asked by Senator Stafford
tenses of M. Joan Parent Grst vice president National School Boards
ator to questions asked by Senator Stafford


en af Nasin B. Adier, director, Washington office Education Comon of the States to questions asked by Senator Stafford Responses of A bert Shanker president American Federation of Teach{onsters asked by Senator Stafford

ina by Senator Staff ej



ses of Ward M Gare president, National Education Association


es of Patricia Alberg Graham, dean. Harvard University to ques-
asked by Senator Safford


cars of E K Fretweli Jr chancellor University of North Carouna
hari the toĮjestioris asked by

Senator Did and Pell

Kestners of Howard Mehlinger, dean, Indian University to questions saved by Senator Stafford

am J. Byron, SJ, president, Catholic University of

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Ressurises of R hard I Brod director Forean Language Programs
VA to questi nas asked by Senator Stafford

[ocr errors]

of 3 mb la 1. Smith, president. Boroath of Manhattan Con mu
rge to questions asked by Senator Staff rd

[ocr errors][merged small]

Questions and answers-Continued

Responses of Gilbert D. Johnson, manager, training and education, Elec-
tronic Data Systems Corp. to questions asked by Senator Stafford
Responses of William L. Lucas, assistant superintendent, Los Angeles
Unified School District, to followup questions asked by Senator Stafford

in letters dated:



March 25, 1983.
April 13, 1983

April 14, 1983








of the Committee on Labor AND HUMAN RESOURCES,

Washington, DC.

subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:03 a.m., in room SD4, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator Robert T. Stafford man of the subcommittee) presiding.

Present Senators Stafford, Pell, and Quayle

As present Senators Domenici, Hart, and Chiles.


Senator STAFFORD The Subcommittee on Education, Arts and antes will come to order.

I am very pleased to convene this first day of hearings on legislaresponses to the problems of mathematics, science, and foreign ce education, problems which impede America's economic gth and undermine our national security.

Laton to deal with the critical shortage of teachers qualified onstruct students in mathematics, science, and foreign languages gently needed in the United States if this country is to compete adequately with other nations in an increasingly competitive


..tany of our deficiencies in these areas is appalling Nationcording to my most recent information, 22 percent of teachts in mathematics are unfilled In 19×1, half the newly hired sin mathematics and science in secondary schools were erted to teach those subjects

tud..y five times as many science and mathematics teachers the teaching profession for nonteaching jobs than left due to ret.rement Fewer than one half of the high school graduates have taken even 1 year of a foreign language as a part of their curricu

era.nly education is principally a State and local responsibiliand our State and local school boards and our colleges and unismes must play a major role in responding to these glaring defiCees So too, must industry and our educational system fashion ax berative approach to solving these problems

there is also the national problem of our ability to cope genA with rapidly changing technology and changing labor-force ements, and a pressing national need to improve our internaeci nomic competitiveness These national problems demand porse at the Federal level

Numerous bills to address these problems have been introduced in the House of Representatives on both sides of the aisle, and our colleagues in the House have moved quickly to pass legislation to deal with them.

I, too, believe that there is a most serious and urgent need for legislation, for any legislative response to improve teaching and learning in math, science, and foreign languages will have to have as its goal the development of a more technically competent and knowledgeable citizenry. This is indeed a long-range goal, but we must act deliberately and soon if it is to be achieved.

On February 17, Senator Pell and I introduced S. 530, the Education for Economic Security Act. I believe that this legislation represents a good start in the subcommittee's efforts to fashion a measured approach to a complex set of problems in mathematics, science, and foreign language education, problems which cut across our education system at all levels.

I recognize that our legislative approach falls within the jurisdiction of the Department of Education. Therefore, it should be seen as the foundation for a more comprehensive approach which includes a merit-based program under the aegis of the National Science Foundation.

I intend to work closely with the chairman and ranking member of the full Labor and Human Resources Committee, Senators Hatch and Kennedy, under whose jurisdiction the NSF falls, to develop such an initiative.

Through our hearings, we hope to accomplish three things: first, to determine the nature and magnitude of our problems of mathematics, science, and foreign language education; second, to assess current and prospective initiatives at all levels of government and within the private sector to address these problems; and third, to develop the most appropriate Federal legislative approach which will help us to strengthen America's economy and security.

I look forward to this challenge and to working closely, as always, with my subcommittee colleagues, and particularly our ranking member, Senator Pell, who I hope will be here later. A severe illness suddenly developed in his staff and that is why he is not here now. We will enter his statement into the record at this point.

[The following was received for the record:]


Senator PELL. At the outset, Mr. Chairman, I want to commend you for holding this, the first of several hearings on S. 530, the Education for Economic Security Act, and on related science and mathematics legislative proposals before this subcommittee.

These hearings could well be the most important education hearings we will hold this year. Their importance can be seen in the number of bills that have already been introduced in this area.

We are fortunate indeed this morning to hear from Senators Domenici, Hart, and Chiles. Each of these distinguished colleagues of mine has either introduced or will soon be introducing legislation in the math and science areas. I eagerly look forward to their testimony.

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